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  1. hey folks, happy 4th to those of us here in the states. i had recently gone back to the ernst quarries in bakersfield, ca, and found a good haul of shark teeth. but there is one of them that's sort of throwing me out for a loop, but hopefully a heavyweight here on the forum can knock this id out of the park. this tooth looks to me like a lower tooth, but what's preventing me from saying hastalis is how broad, vertically-proportional and short the blade is. the tooth is also quite flat. could this be an isurus retroflexus? it's like a pretty balanced triangle of a tooth. the size of the tooth along the longest side(s) is 0.75 inches, or 3/4". do correct me if im wrong and it is indeed a hastalis, though would appreciate a tooth location id for reference if possible! thanks guys, hope to hear some thoughts.
  2. hey everyone, i was able to visit sharktooth hill at bakersfield and with two trips so far, found over 200 teeth (~140 complete ones) and some cool looking isolated bones. i will post here as more finds come in. i found and dig at a spot where there is a tendency to find shark teeth fossils where the teeth are preserved with sunset multicolors - primarily purple / violet / blue in the broader regions of the crown, and red / orange / yellow closer to sharp tips on the crown. although occurrence of purple shark teeth are common in this spot, you can also find other colors preserved in teeth, including warmer color teeth like red, orange, pink, yellow teeth and also occasionally white and black teeth. i noticed there are some STH teeth that resemble this purple/blue-orange/yellow combo already out there, so this 'zone' is not only found at the spot i dig at, but appears elsewhere around bakersfield. as there are 'firezone' shark teeth currently floating around, i'd like to add to a new and fun distinction to shark teeth that embody multiple colors you would see on a sunset - 'twilight zone' teeth. i'll start off with a few photos i compiled - they take a lot of time to shoot and edit so i'll try to add more to this topic in new replies as i make time. please play along in case the specimen names come off a bit odd i might have had too much fun naming them (i prefer unique names over serialized codes) - please don't let me be the only one who names their favorite fossil finds hemipristis serra from day one, i love how the yellow serrations contrast against the blue under good lighting probably tie for favorite find so far, this cosmopolitodus planus was crazy colorful and vibrant coming out of the ground, and thankfully retained much of its coloring cosmopolitodus hastalis "cardinal" is the biggest tooth i've found so far. now this was a headscratcher - it is basically an equilateral triangle of a tooth, crown is very broad, proportional and short. the root of this tooth was a bit weathered as when found, but a shelf could still be identifiable from certain lighting angles. had asked for id and deemed isurus retroflexus. a nice crisp carcharhinus egertoni requiem shark tooth. id deemed egertoni. and this physogaleus contortus was a curious one to find, with a band of manganese slung around it like a wrestler's champion belt. and more to come!
  3. ScottM

    whale tooth?

    Found this in the Bakersfield/Sharktooth Hill area. It does not look like the Allodesmus teeth I've found before so I'm guessing whale. Aulophyseter morricei perhaps? Thanks for helping! Bottom scale on tape measure is cm.
  4. Bobby Rico

    Bakersfield shark tooth IDs

    Hi all Please and thank, help needed,!i struggling to sort out my shark teeth collection. Can any ID this Bakersfield teeth that Doren gave to me. 1.2.3
  5. Hello everybody. I went through one of my fossil sheds the other day, something I have not done for quite awhile now, but I dug through some old boxes and totes and along with a lot of other fossils I ran into this box of echinoids. I remember it was a trade and I remember they come from someplace in southern Cal. The darker ones I want to say come from the Bakersfield area? By any chance does anyone recognize these and cann help with any info would be great. Thank you RB
  6. I had the privilege of digging for seven hours on a parcel that was once part of Ernst Quarry, but had long been sold. Here are the best items that were found. There was more of either the same or broken, not shown. The matrix was extremely hard and difficult to extract, but the hard work was worth it. One of the Hooked Mako's has tiny 2d manganese dendrites that grew on it. One of my other favorites is a pathological Cow Shark. The 3 sections of the Ray Plate are rare for Sharktooth Hill. There are some interesting micro teeth as well.
  7. A number of years back Tammy and I had a great day in the field digging for shark teeth at the Ernst Quarry in Bakersfield, CA. We were joined by longtime forum member Tony @ynot who drove down from northern CA to meet us. Those interested can read about that trip here: http://www.thefossilforum.com/index.php?/topic/60863-shark-tooth-hill-ernst-quarry-hunt-on-2016-01-22/ A number of the nicer loose teeth were wire-wrapped into necklace pendants and given away as presents and a few teeth still in the sandy matrix were prepped out for display (some of which are presently on display in an exhibit at the FLMNH display museum). The bulk of the rest of the interesting teeth are being donated to the FLMNH collection as the museum's collection was a bit deficient in STH material (a few larger teeth donated over 50 years ago). As these are going into the museum's collection I want to have good IDs on the specimens. The hooked Cosmopolitodus (Isurus) planus teeth are reasonably distinctive and I think I have a handle on at least the obvious curved uppers. The rest of them I am not certain of the proper ID and I'm hoping for some help from folks who are very familiar with this locality. I'm starting out with the larger white/mako teeth and then I'll be sorting through the smaller ones. If I have questionable teeth in some of the smaller ones I'll add additional photos. I've labeled all of the teeth with numbers and letters so that there will be no confusion in identifying which tooth we are discussing. Looking forward to getting these teeth sorted out and also learning a bit more about the shark fauna of a site that I've had the fun of collecting (if only once). Cheers. -Ken All of the teeth in image 1 look to be the Hooked-tooth White/Mako (Cosmopolitodus planus) and seem to be all from the upper right quadrant of the jaw. More help on these would be greatly appreciated: Thanks for looking. Cheers. -Ken
  8. Greetings all. It looks like I'm finally getting my hands on a decent desmostylian molar from STH. While I'd prefer to have found it in the ground myself, I can make no such claim. It was a purchase. While easier on my back, the rewards are certainly less. But I'll take it. The images of the rootless tooth look like it has never even had the matrix rinsed from it, as sand grains are in evidence falling from the tooth. Does anyone have any dos and don'ts for preserving the tooth? I have dealt with shark teeth from the same formation and usually have no problem just rinsing them with a little scrub from my roommate's toothbrush. Should such treatment be avoided or duplicated? Thanks ahead of time. Cheers.
  9. Desrosiers1718

    Cetacean? Shark Hill bone vertabrae?

    Found this several years ago at Sharktooth Hill in Bakersfield. Starting to go through some of the larger pieces I found. I’m thinking this might be a worn vertabra? Whale, dolphin? Maybe to worn for a definite ID
  10. Rock36

    Private STH dig

    My daughter and I did a paid private property dig outside of Bakersfield, CA in the Shark Tooth Hills last Saturday. We very much enjoyed it! Found 8 species of shark teeth (hastalis, planus, angel, dog, hammerhead, cow, and long toothed and normal tiger) and some extinct sea lion and porpoise teeth as well as some seal lion and whale bones and vertebrae. We loved it, but both felt it was a “one and done” and preferred diving for teeth over digging. It was also hot…well over 90 by the time we stopped after 7 hours. Lots of teeth and the owner dug with us and identified teeth/fossils as well as gave us the bulk of his and his son’s finds.
  11. Desrosiers1718

    Shark Tooth Hill finds

    These are some of my Sharktooth Hill finds from 2019. Was wondering if the first pics are a vertabra? The other pics are a fish vert. Sharks vert. And a random cetacean vert. I suppose, sorry I’m posting so much , but I like that I can get some second opinions on my fossils.
  12. Greetings all, As we approach the third anniversary of the loss of Doren "caldigger" Strane (RIP, my friend.), I am looking over some fossil pieces he gave me while standing in the Denny's parking lot at Merle Haggard Blvd in Bakersfield. For some reason this one struck me as looking more land mammal, like an equus of some sort. Or perhaps it is from a marine mammal and I just don't recognize the shape of the bone, which wouldn't be a big surprise. I do think that it's got a good shot at an ID other than "chunkosaurus", which was the ultimate ID of the fossil I asked about in my first post here 4-5 years ago. I'm pretty sure that it came from Bakersfield's Temblor formation, as that's where Doren got most of what he had. But I have not seen much, if any, land mammal fossils from there. I do know that Doren once found a little rodent skull that he donated to a university or museum for study. But I'm pretty sure that this bone isn't from a rodent of any type. At least of any type I'd want to run into in the flesh. Any ID ideas are greatly appreciated.
  13. I went to Sharktooth Hill this past weekend. Most were found in the flat lands next to the parking lot. The bottom row were found on the hill, near the port-a-potty. The hill finds have shiny enamel and better color, but the roots are more brittle. All were found in one day.
  14. hokietech96

    Tooth ID Help

    Hope everyone is doing well. I miss being in a creek or on the beach, but all in due time. Every night I have been relaxing going through different types of matrix. Last week I started seperating ray teeth from Bakersfield matrix that I went through last week. I believe the these are three shark teeth that are not ray teeth. All measurements are in MM. Any feedback (as always) is much appreciated!! 1. This tooth has a little white nub sticking out. I was thinking something pathological like a smoothhound? 2. I am pretty confident this is a smoothound, mustelus lateral tooth. If it is, pretty excited because it will be a first of this type for me. Also it fell off my tweezers when I was putting it back in the gem jar. I am absolutely shocked that I found the little 1mm piece of.... happiness! 2. 3. For the last tooth I am stumped. It has a crazy perfect circle on top of the tooth. I was thinking something like a basking or whale shark. But what I have learned over the past year and half on the forum is, when in doubt... it pathological something something. Any feedback on this would be great. I hope this post helps future people looking at similar teeth! Everyone on this forum is amazing!
  15. Hi, everyone! Got back to New Jersey on Tuesday, after a weekend at Ernst Quarries. This was my second trip to the site, the first was back in 2018. The weather was perfect- not too hot and cool towards the late afternoon. All three days were pretty well booked, as far as I could tell, but most everyone seems to leave by 1 or 2:00. Met a bunch of great people, and I think I had a really good dig. In the first photo, the top section shows everything I found on Friday and Saturday- all but 2 or 3 from the same hole in the "main" area, including a section of leatherback turtle shell (left side, halfway down) and a sea lion tooth (top row, just right of center). The grid is my cutting board with 1" squares. At the end of the Sunday dig, I was checking out a previously started hole out away from the main site, across the road just before it makes a right turn to wind around to the parking lot, and pretty quickly found a nice Hooked White that, at the time, had a nice blue-grey tint to it. Rob told me that it's probably going to be a pretty good spot and let me park right next to it on the following morning. It was pretty darn good. The bottom section of the photo shows what I found on Monday, all from the same spot and without using a sifter. I stopped using the sifter halfway into Sunday- I just used the fan method with the shovel. I stand above the hole and cut away a section so it falls into the pit and then, one shovel at a time, scoop that up and fan it in my discard pile so I can see what's in it. Not as thorough, but you get through a lot more material, and anything big enough you WILL see. Also, my back was killing me from using the hand held sifters on the previous days. I made a previous post showing that teeth from Ernst don't just glow under long wave uv light (365 nm), but they phosphoresce (glow for a bit after removing the light). None of the teeth from the second site glow at all, except for a couple of the more orange-colored smaller ones in the lower right. Some of the teeth have a nice satiny, slightly pearlescent finish. Can't wait to go back!
  16. Greetings all, I found this fossil near the flat parking area at what's left of the Ernst quarries. When I came across an image I took of it, I realized that based on the shape of the left end, that it might be an ulna from a small mammal, or? It has a shape that is somewhat similar (heel-looking section) to a mysticete, Tiphyocetus Temblorensis ulna, that I found at STH a couple of years ago. Or maybe it's just the remnant of of somebody's lunch from a couple of hundred years, the time it takes for something to fossilize (Joke)? I remember it was a fossil, so please take my word for it, at least until I find it, at a later time, and discredit myself. Any ideas based on formation, Bakersfield, CA Temblor, size, and shape? If more images are required for good ID, I'll track the fossil down and add them. Many thanks. Cheers.
  17. Sharktooth Hill Trip Report Part 1 – building the sifting table Hi everyone, After my first trip to Sharktooth Hill in June, I was hooked. I immediately started making plans to return and, this time I’d come better prepared. This forum has provided an amazing source of ideas and helpful people and inspired me to build a sifting table for my next trip to STH. A huge thanks to those who have helped me by answering questions, providing pictures and ideas, and helping me troubleshoot. I gathered as much info as I could and then tried to combine all the best ideas into one contraption to fit my needs. I’m excited to try this beast out next week! It’s big! The screen is 37.5” x 21” and the table stands about 4 feet tall but I will lower it if the height proves too high to load easily. I don’t want to sacrifice “wobbly-ness” though, because I’m hoping that’s going to do a lot of the sifting work for me. Plus, my son and I are 6’5” and 6’4” so a tall table should be ok. I used SCH 40 PVC and the 2 rectangular bases are glued while the 4 legs are removable to allow for compact storage/transport. In limited testing everything stayed together but I’ll bring some PVC glue with me in case I need to solidify it in the field. I'll also bring my PVC cutter for “disassembly” for the way home if need be. The bottom tier is ¼” mesh and has 6 “T” brackets to make sure it stays on top of the PVC frame. I bolted on a handle to allow it to be shaken one- or two-handed. There are no pointy parts on the inside (trying to avoid bleeding as much as I did on my last visit to STH). The top tier is ½” mesh and sits inside the bottom tier. Corner braces in the bottom tier (see above) allow the upper tier to sit low enough that it won’t dislodge but high enough that the contents can move freely across the bottom mesh. Initially I was disappointed that the large size and my inability to “tighten” that mesh caused it to sag noticeably once it was loaded up with soil. I remedied this with the addition of an adjustable bracket along the midpoint. But then when I put the top tier inside the bottom tier I realized I’d created a teeter-totter (doh!) and had to chisel out a groove on each side to allow it to fit in there. I’m very excited to go give it a try and I hope you all find this pre-trip report interesting. I’m happy to answer any questions and/or accept suggestions for improvement. And thanks again to all the helpful people on this forum whose previous pictures, design notes, and conversations encouraged me to attempt this (and make this post). I’ll send a follow up trip report after I get home. Cheers!
  18. ThePhysicist

    Carcharodon planus

    From the album: Sharks

    "Hooked white shark/mako" Round Mountain Silt Fm., Sharktooth Hill, Kern Co., Bakersfield, CA, USA
  19. Hey everyone! Going to STH somewhat soon, I plan on going to Ernst quarries(or if anyone has any other sites they’d recommend), and was wondering if there were any tips anyone could give me, since This will be my first time. Also, are there safety instructions they give you when you get there?
  20. Recently back from my trip to the San Francisco Bay Area (San Carlos, CA) to visit with my wife's sister's family. The purpose for heading over from South Florida at this time of year was the opportunity to photograph Elephant Seals at their breeding colony at Año Nuevo State Park--which we did and I'll post photos in elsewhere on TFF. I had been reading a lot about Shark Tooth Hill on the forum and considered a side trip to go check this locality out while in California. After a little research online I found that Bakersfield, CA (where the Ernst Quarry is located) is only a 4 hour drive down I-5 through the San Joaquin Valley in central California. We planned on renting a car and charging up the iPod for a road trip listening to an accumulated cache of podcasts during the 8-hour round trip. Instead, we chose a more interesting alternative. My wife's sister and her husband both worked for one of the dot-com startups in the 1990's that actually worked out. As a result they were able to retire early, build their dream home in San Carlos, and buy a few toys to amuse themselves. My brother-in-law Bob had been interested in aviation and had his pilot's license for some time. Eight years ago was able to upgrade his ride to an Eclipse 500 personal jet. Money can't buy you happiness but it can get you some fun toys. Bob is always looking for a good excuse to take the plane out and so he offered to fly us to Bakersfield. This condensed the 4-hour road trip into a 40 minute transit at 17,500 feet. We arranged for a rental car to be available at the JetCenter when we arrived and, for the day at least, we were living the jet-set rock-star lifestyle. I guess true rock stars would have been picked up in a chauffeur-driven limo instead of driving off in an SUV and probably wouldn't have stayed at the Holiday Inn and had dinner at an inexpensive Mexican restaurant. But that's okay since I'm more of a rock hound than a rock star anyway. We took out some of the seats in the back of the plane and secured three 5-gallon buckets to the floor with straps to verify that we'd be able to carry back some matrix from Shark Tooth Hill. Tammy sat in the remaining seat in the back and I got to ride shotgun (co-pilot).
  21. HunterMeg

    Shark tooth embedded in bone?

    Hi everyone, A friend found this bone with what looks like a shark tooth embedded into it while he was hunting in Bakersfield near Shark Tooth Hill. Does it look like an embedded shark tooth? and what type of shark do you think it could be from? He found several Hastalis and Planus teeth in the same layer. I really appreciate all the help the community has provided me. I learn something new every time. Thanks!
  22. JBMugu

    Unknown STH teeth

    Hi everyone, I have a few teeth that I have always wondered about. I found another one the other day looking through washed matrix. Let me know what you think. Largest tooth is 18mm smallest is 9mm. I have only these three from all the years of collecting.
  23. I have found several smaller fragments before, but never an intact one. This one turned up at the end of a very long day and I fortunately spotted it as my son was shoveling matrix into the sifting table. I startled him mid-shovel by shouting "STOP!" when I saw a row of white points sticking out of some matrix. Son was just about to throw another shovelful on top of it. Nice reflexes by him to change course mid-air to avoid me (now shielding the tooth with my body - LOL). Worth it. :-) Definitely had potential but I didn't know how much root was going to remain. After some careful cleaning I was thrilled. I can see from those cracks why I've had such a hard time finding a complete one.
  24. I recently had a chance to try my hand at a few matrix pieces from Sharktooth Hill. I'm happy with how they came out, although I know I could do a better job next time. Huge shout out to @digit and @ynot for their advice and encouragement. I think the thing I appreciate about matrix pieces like these are that prepping them this way can turn a rather unremarkable tooth into something unique. Anyway, I had fun doing it and I was encouraged to post a "trip report" so here goes... Here's how they looked when I got home. Nice to find out the tooth was intact. WooHoo! I used dental tools (nice set online for <$20) and small paintbrushes to scratch away the matrix. A super soft fluffy brush I found in my wife's makeup kit (shhhh!) was great for removing loosened silt. The matrix looks wet because I was dipping a finger in water and barely touching the matrix to soften it. Not too much though because that Sharktooth Hill matrix can be really soft. When I got more experienced I started using a small paintbrush to apply the water more carefully. Oh nooooooooooo! The tooth fell out. Does that happen to anyone else? I decided that meant the tooth just wanted to be cleaned so I took the opportunity. A quick clean up and a little CA glue and we are back in business. QUESTION: How do the rest of you actually get the tooth clean? There was no way I was going to be able to wash it or use a toothbrush or anything like that. I can tell myself "I like them a little dirty" but can't help but notice that some people get them really nice and clean. Any tips? Esp. with that STH matrix.
  25. After posting ID questions on a couple of STH whale bones that were mostly unidentifiable, I decided I'd post images of the one whale fossil I have that seems like a slam dunk ulna (Aside from an easily ID'd ear bone.). It may be debatable as to which specific family category, but at least its location on the whale is pretty certain, right? Too bad it's a partial, but it's all I have. It looks a lot like one that is called Tiphyocetus temblorensis in an image from the California Academy of Sciences. Tiphyocetus Temblorensis Even the mottled coloring is similar. As I mentioned, this specimen is from Bakersfield, Shark Tooth Hill area specifically. While people may have seen a fair number of these, I thought it was cool enough to post an image or two of. And, people will be happy to know, I don't entertain any thoughts of its being part of a whale jaw. In fact, I'm over-jawed about having this one. Cheers.
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