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  1. EroHed

    Bone ID

    This bone was found in a bayou here in Adams County, MS along with an identified Bovid Metacarpal. Someone outside of the forum said it was the mandible of a huge mammal. Can someone help identifying it? Thanks in advance.
  2. Krlang3925

    What type of tooth is this?

    This tooth was found on a beach on the eastern side of the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State (Puget Lowlands area). There are active eroding bluffs along the beach.
  3. ed lithuania

    Found on river Nemunas

    Greetings to all. Found broken pottery and numerous bones. In the past few years river bottom was esu avsted to increase the depth. On the shores I found numerous bones and pottery. Please help to identify.
  4. kirkjeremiah23

    Kansas Bones

    Good afternoon all, I have been collecting quite a few bones out of the Kansas river and was wondering if you guys could provide some documentation to help me sort out what I got. Hoping to determine what is older and what is modern? What is bison and what is cow? I appreciate any help Kirk
  5. dakotakaiser

    Bison in pa?

    Hello everyone! I am looking for help with a possible id on these bones I have found recently in the Pittsburgh area of Pa. They were all found in a creek bed with a lot of exposed rock after the amount of rain we got in the spring. All bones were found in a 20 foot square radius. Thank you for any help! I did a hot pin test, and it did not burn through at all..
  6. Cool rocks

    Bison or Bovine

    Can anyone advise as to whether this skull belonged to a bison or a bovine?
  7. xxxtina

    Possible cow tooth?

    Found this in a local river today. Looks like it’s probably a cows tooth, river is near farm land. How old and is it actually from a cow? IMG_9539.mov
  8. Sausagechamp

    Found Fossil

    Found this south of Bismarck, North Dakota. A few miles from the hell creek formation but not in it. Found near creek. Possibly Bison?
  9. Jaybot

    Bison sp. Deciduous p3 Molar

    From the album: Neutache Shoreline

    4/5/24 Nice partially rooted deciduous p3. Bright orange color on tips of enamel. #VL5

    © CC BY-NC

  10. From the album: Neutache Shoreline

    Found in E Kansas. #VL20 5/3/24

    © CC BY-NC

  11. C2fossils

    Bison Sp. DP4 Molar

    From the album: Vertebrates

    Deciduous (Baby) DP4 Unerupted Molar found on kaw river. Thank you @Harry Pristis for the Id!
  12. C2fossils

    Bison Sp. DP4 Molar

    From the album: Vertebrates

    Deciduous (Baby) Unerupted DP4 molar found on kaw river
  13. C2fossils

    Bison Sp. M2 Molar

    From the album: Vertebrates

    M2 Molar found on kaw river
  14. C2fossils

    Bison Horn core fragment

    From the album: Vertebrates

    Bison Horn core fragment found on kaw river
  15. C2fossils

    Bison premolar

    From the album: Vertebrates

    Bison premolar found on the kaw river
  16. I'm curious if anyone has any good papers or resources for identifying bones such as vertebrae or teeth between the various Bison species. Here on TFF, I have seen the paper that @Harry Pristis has linked in other threads, which helps in identifying the skulls... but how can I identify other bones? How do online merchants, and other papers know that the specimen they are displaying is Bison priscus for example? I'm sure there is a paper somewhere, but I can't find anything. I'm hoping some of the experts here can refer me to some handy reference material Thanks in advance.
  17. kirkjeremiah23

    Unknown tooth

    Found this partial tooth and wanted to know your opinions. I have found many bison/bovine and horse fossils from this site in Kansas. I appreciate the help
  18. Shellseeker

    Two teeth 100% Enamel

    Went Hunting today , 3rd time in 5 days. I am aching but heading North and my next opportunity will be April 11th. Clear water, lots of gravel, some fossils... Got a couple of more Turtle "Peace Signs", but 2 of these finds are excellent: No roots, no dentin, no cementum... just enamel... @Balance Well Jp, you know something about horses. What can you tell me about the horse that owned this tooth? and here is a 2nd tooth, same thing No roots, No dentin, No Cementum.... just enamel. and found in my 2nd last sieve.. I love late finds... keeping me digging. and this is a Big tooth.... Note that the chewing surface is barely touched and look at the detail that remains... You never see this kind of detail except when the animal died shortly after the tooth emerged.. I am not sure this one is deciduous but it is clearly unusual and close to perfect... Enjoy.
  19. From glacial deposits in E Kansas. I need some help on this one. When I found it, I assumed it was bison... however to my eyes it doesn't seem close to bison or cow after studying some papers. Could this be hippus, or possibly something else? As always, I really appreciate y'alls help. I'm stumped with this bone, I do my best to id stuff on my own- Still learning. Thanks! Proximal: Distal:
  20. My son found this at a beach after a big storm in Santa Cruz, California. It was mixed in with a bunch of wood and hard to spot. I think this is a possible bone hoe artifact because of the even rounded edges at the end of the scapula??? Also..one side is "polished" (not the side shown in the pics). Seems too small for a bison but too big for an elk based on what I researched but I know nothing about animal bones. It's about 12 inches long and 6 inches across. Seems like this is a common fossil/artifact in the Midwest USA, but I did not see this as a common tool used by indigenous people on the US West Coast. Any assistance would be much appreciated. If this is something of a rarity for the Central West Coast, or it is a significant artifact due to how complete or undamaged it is, we plan on handing it over to the museum of natural history in Santa Cruz. THANK YOU!!!!
  21. Peaces


    Could this be a bison bone, or is it a cow? Which features determine the difference? Any help is appreciated. Thank you!
  22. Stef

    Mammal molar

    San Marcos Tx River. Any ideas based off pic of type of animal? Seems to definitely be fossilized. Dark brown with some black areas. I side of molars is black stone material.
  23. Honeywild621

    New or old??? Buffalo skull

    I’m helping a man clear out one of the most amazing antique collections iv ever seen and came across a Buffalo skull. I was looking up the value and researching it and when I first seen it I thought it was damaged or something because of the way the bone looked, it was different then any other iv seen and a different color. I came across the fossil skulls of them and I think it could be one! I’m hoping someone in here can point me in the right direction because I honestly even though growing up where everyone hunts have never put much thought into mounted skulls lol . Located in central Oklahoma .
  24. JenniferWMH

    Mystery atlas vertebra

    A friend of mine in New Mexico has this vertebra in her studio, and asked if I could identify it. My phone charger is 5.5 inches across, for scale. It certainly looks like an atlas vertebra, but I am stumped regarding the species. The foramenae and occipital facets look pretty diagnostic, but my comparative skeletal anatomy is really rusty and I need some help with this identification! It doesn't look like horse, cow, moose, or elk, or mammoth, or mastodon, or ground sloth, for that matter. It is most like Bison bison, but not quite typical, I don't think, but I don't have access to a research collection to compare. It doesn't look quite like the Bison antiquus or latifrons specimens for which I could find pix - looks most like Bison priscus, but that seems unlikely. I don't have the provenance on this. It looks like there was some carnivore scoring perhaps, some weathering, but I'm not seeing butcher marks in my pix. I took quick pix on the fly, not realizing it would stump me! I'd appreciate any thoughts you might have!
  25. I am going fossil hunting on some property I have in South Dakota this weekend. The Firesteel creek runs through it and I have found quite a few bison bones on quick 30 minute trips. This time I am spending 2 days along 1.5 miles of creek to look deeper If anyone has pro tips feel free to share
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