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  1. Next week is NAPC and a formal introduction to this topic, so I thought I would give the fossil forum a heads up and tell you the story. This story started a few years back with the discovery of a cyclocystoid in the St. Louis area and the subsequent publication on that specimen and other specimens from the midwest. (note: I had nothing to do with that discovery or publication.) Kolata, D.R., Frank, T., Kaplan, A., and Guensburg, T.E., 2023, New specimens of Cyclocystoides scammaphoris (Echinodermata) from the Upper Ordovician rocks of the American midcontinent with implications for cyclocystoid functional morphology: Journal of Paleontology, v. 97, no. 3, p. 639–651 . As is typical these publications go through a review process and one of the reviewers asked why they did not include this specimen in their publication. http://www.crinus.info/echinoderm/data/cyclo3.htm This specimen is from my web page. Sometime in late 2022 I got a call from T. Guensburg regarding that specimen and whether I would be willing to have IT studied and possibly published. We set up a meeting at the Field Museum with D. Kolata and T. Guensburg and me. They were stunned at the number of specimens I brought with me from the Brechin quarries. The total number of individuals was probably around 75. Dennis (lead author) just couldn’t get over the number and quality of individuals. I left all the specimens with Dennis who took them back to the University of Illinois. And thus began a project to describe the cyclocystoids from the Brechin area but in addition they were going to define the morphology of a cyclocystoid. Dennis was convinced that with the quality of these specimens that a definitive description of the morphology could be accomplished. Four different genera were described from the Brechin area. Three are established genera and one new. The new genus was the one that was the most exciting. Unfortunately, all the specimens of the new genus were showing only one side. Dennis wanted to take one of the specimens apart. I had a hard time with this decision but eventually I did give him permission to take one of them apart and show the other side. This specimen would become the holotype. While this is going on, I am in the process of moving the fossil collection of my friend Stan Hyne to my home. Stan is a hoarder of fossils and has a very extensive collection of unprepared fossils including specimens from the Brechin area. During this process, I discovered a specimen of the new cyclocystoid in his junk. It was so bad that is all probability I would not have picked it up. But Stan picked up everything. Turns out to be a good thing. I sent the specimen to Dennis who asked for permission to cut the specimen up to see the cross section. So much new information came from this piece of junk. You just don’t know what will become important. Thank you, Stan. And thus, I take pleasure in introducing you to Brechincycloides stanhynei. This publication has been submitted to the Journal of Paleontology but will not be part of the regular publication because of its length. It will be published as one of the Journal’s Memoir series. As submitted, the manuscript is over 80 pages. Much too long for its regular series. During this process, Dennis invited Richard Mooi to join the authors. Dr. Mooi is an expert on living echinoderms. He has made significant contributions to the publication. The title of the manuscript: Cyclocystoids (Echinodermata) from the Upper Ordovician (early Katian) Brechin Lagerstätte of Ontario, Canada: implications for cyclocystoid skeletal homologies, anatomy, functional morphology, life mode, and systematics. Dennis R. Kolata, Rich Mooi, Thomas E. Guensburg, and Joseph M. Koniecki There is a poster session at the 2024 North American Paleontological Convention to introduce this project. The manuscript is currently in the review process, and we don’t expect the publication till late 2024 or even 2025. All the specimens have been donated to the University of Michigan, Museum of Paleontology and will not be coming home. Examples of all the genera can be found on my webpage: http://www.crinus.info/echinoderm.html or directly with these links. http://www.crinus.info/echinoderm/data/cyclo.htm http://www.crinus.info/echinoderm/data/cyclo2.htm http://www.crinus.info/echinoderm/data/cyclo5.htm http://www.crinus.info/echinoderm/data/cyclo7.htm http://www.crinus.info/echinoderm/data/cyclo4.htm http://www.crinus.info/echinoderm/data/cyclo3.htm Dennis considers this publication to be the pinnacle of his career and I am so grateful to be a part of this project.
  2. Returned last evening from a road trip up in the near north. We covered about 1,750 km of road, and although the finds were not plentiful, good times were still had. The missus had some holiday time to spare, so we headed off for adventure. Our main goal was to visit the islands north of Manitoulin, but we had to take the long way around as the ferry was booked solid, and any nearby accommodations were booked many months in advance. So we decided to pay a visit to a fossil friend who is situated in a nice part of the province. Day 1 was taken up driving for most of it, so a 4 hour drive became a bit over 5 hours due to construction and the usual traffic foofaraw through Toronto. When we arrived, time to take out the canoe and swim in the lovely lake. And, of course, spend some time with my friend's friendly pooch. After a night of merriment, it was back on the road again up through the Muskokas. It is all Canadian shield with impressive walls of rock. No pictures, unfortunately, as there are no safe places to pull off. It's about a five hour drive from my friend's place to Sudbury. Our motel was situated just 28 km west of there, so not as close as we would have liked. We bedded down and prepared for our first day of collecting at what I will call "Location 1." The drive down is quite lovely. Winding roads with deep valleys, lakes, and massive precambrian roadcuts.
  3. Not positive about this one. Found today north of Manitoulin, low to middle Bobcaygeon Fm. Despite very common ostracods, this is not a conspicuous cluster of them, methinks. Echinoderm? About 6 cm top to bottom.
  4. Alternative combinations: Palaeaster obtusus, Uraster obtusus Lit.: E. Forbes. 1848. On the Asteriadae found fossil in British strata. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, and of the Museum of Practical Geology in London 2(2):457-482 E. Billings. 1858. On the Asteridae of the Lower Silurian rocks of Canada. Figures and descriptions of Canadian organic remains. Geological Survey of Canada 3:75-85
  5. oilshale

    Edriophus levis BATHER, 1914

    From the album: Invertebrates

    Edriophus levis BATHER, 1914 Ordovician Bobcaygeon Formation Brechin Ontario Canada
  6. Northern Sharks

    Cupulocrinus jewetti.JPG

    From the album: Northern's inverts

  7. Wrangellian

    Ontario Edrioastreroids

    I didn't take part in the Secret Santa this year but it almost feels like I did, as I received a package from @Nimravis the other day (not a surprise, I knew it was coming, but the timing was right for Christmas) - Edrio's from the Bobcaygen formation. Thanks again Ralph! I could us a bit of help with IDs. I guess they could use a bit of prepping to make them easier to see, but maybe someone can recognize them the way they are. I figure #3 is Belochthus orthokalus, and #4 is Cryptogoleus chapmani, but not sure of the other two. Is #1 a smaller Belochthus? It looks like there are two there but the 2nd one is even more buried so it may not be identifiable. And is #2 a larger Cryptogoleus, or something else? Also, what is the small discoidal bryozoan?
  8. I recently acquired a Daedalocrinus bellevillensis crinoid fossil plate from the Bobcaygeon formation of Brechin, Ontario. At the bottom of the plate is what appears to be an annelid worm fossil. It is segmented but the segmentation is nothing like the segmentation of any crinoid stems I have seen and is more similar in appearance to a modern earthworm; it also terminates with a point. It also has occurred to me that this might be a frond from a crinoid but I don't know what the terminations look like. Would anyone have any suggestions as to how I might identify this fossil? The picture doesn't do justice to it but the item of interest is the item crossing the crinoid stem. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  9. Northern Sharks

    Mystery Ontario crinoid

    I've posted this on FB, but a certain expert is rarely on there. This was the crinoid I found a few weeks ago that had everyone stumped at the time. Now, after my preliminary prep and then an hour or so of Malcolm's magic, none of us are any the wiser as to what it is. It's from Ontario's Ordovician Bobcaygeon formation and doesn't match anything in the local reference book. It seems as though the plates at the bottom are fairly distinctive so does anyone have any clue as to a possible identification????
  10. From the album: Invertebrates

    Pleurocystites squamosus Billings, 1874 Ordovician Bobcaygeon Formation Brechin Carden Ontario Canada
  11. Northern Sharks

    Eoleperditia fabulites.jpg

    From the album: Northern's inverts

  12. Northern Sharks


    From the album: Northern's inverts

  13. Northern Sharks


    From the album: Northern's inverts

  14. Northern Sharks

    Periglyptocrinus billingsi.jpg

    From the album: Northern's inverts

  15. Northern Sharks

    Edriophus levis.jpg

    From the album: Northern's inverts

  16. Northern Sharks


    From the album: Northern's Trilobites


    First Ebay Acquisition

    I was very happy to have my first ebay bid won and this plate was what I got. I've always wanted some fossils from the Lake Simcoe area but I never had the capacity to travel outside that far out of Toronto. Apparently there are two types of cystoids on this plate. This plate comes from the Upper Bobcaygeon formation, Ordovician period from Simcoe County, Ontario. It's a very different fauna from what can be found here in the bedrock of Toronto. Cystoids don't occur in the Georgian Bay formation. Paying for this plate took a bit of a hit on my wallet but I think I think it's worth it considering that I don't have anything like this in my collection.
  18. Malcolmt

    A Little extra Baggage

    Sometimes you get a very pleasant surprise when you get your finds home and start prepping. I was very fortunate to find two relatively complete Amecystis laevis this Saturday October 31, 2015 up at the JD Quarry near Lake Simcoe, Ontario , Canada. They most likely came out of the very top part of the BobCaygeon formation as they were both found in a recently created pile and not in situ. If not it was from the very bottom of the Verulam This picture because of the lighting used came out a bit blue. I am not the best photographer around. The specimen is on an 85mm * 66mm matrix and is 79 mm long from tip of arm to tip of tail (about 3.1 inches) . The theca on the amecystis is 17mm wide by 22 mm long. The Amecystis is a dorsal orientation. The edrio is approximately 6 mm in diameter. I believe this to be a Amecytis laevis (Raymond) by the way Thanks for the correction Kevin (Northern Sharks) there are definitely no pore rhombohedrons on this specimen. It is a shame that the Amecystis and the edrio both have some slight damage to them from the quarry blasting. But they are still very good specimens. The amecystis is fairly well inflated and nicely colored. Here is a better picture showing the true coloring. But to my surprise it has a very nice attached travelling companion in a edrioasteroid which I believe to be an Isorophusella incondita. What makes this super interesting and probably quite rare is the fact that the edrio is attached to the amecystis and may well have been there when the amecystis was alive. I wonder if anyone else has ever come across this particular association. Edrios are often found attached to brachiopods in this locality. This was prepped using 40 micron dolomite under a zoom scope at 22 PSI using a Comco .018 high precision nozzle on a Comco air abrasion unit.
  19. Just a quick post because this is somewhat of a rarity. About three weeks ago I was hunting fossils in my favorite Ordovician location up here in Ontario Canada with a few friends including Northern Sharks and I found my first ever cyclocystoid. I cannot tell you how many 1000s of crinoid stems I have thought for a split second might be a cyclocystoid or edrioastroid. Finally picked up the real thing...... not an imposter. The segmentation in the ring is the giveaway. This one is in quite a good state of preservation and has had an initial prep under the scope with air abrasion. (40 micron dolomite 22 PSI and .018 nozzle). I may still clean up the center a bit more at a lower PSI and use finer abrasive (22 micron and a smaller nozzle .010) . The fossil is 14mm across. I have not seen one of these found at that locality in person but am aware of two other specimens. One of the other specimens was slightly smaller than this one. A very experienced collector at that site indicated that this was one of the rarest fossils to come out of that location. I am quite pleased with it and it will become part of my personal collection as this is a new species for me at that location.
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