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  1. Balance

    Bull Shark

    From the album: Peace River Common Shark Teeth Species

    Carcharhinus leucas - Bull shark
  2. M3gal0don_M4n

    Part 1 of my fossil collection.

    Hi, everyone. this is part 1 of my growing fossil collection. I will show more of my collection later. Images: 1. Carcharodon Hastalis ( found by me) 2. Scylirhinoid vertebrae (found by me) 3. Unknown Theropod tooth (bought) 4. 13.5 cm (5.34 inch) megalodon tooth (bought) 5. Tiger shark tooth (bought) 6. Bull shark tooth (bought)
  3. Frightmares

    Small Gainesville shark tooth

    Found this tiny tooth in a Gainesville creek. Looks like it has a cusp on one side. Could it possibly be a juvenile Great White tooth? I looked on elasmo but I don't see anything that quite fits the profile of it. It's about 12mm in length.
  4. The Mississippi River has (in one form or another since the shrinking of the Western Interior Seaway) been flowing for 70 Million Years. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/geological-history-mississippi-river-180975509/ This may be more of a current biological rather than paleontological question, but I'm curious about the origin of the current chondricthyan diversity in the Mississippi River? Now a fair amount of you might be confused when I say "Chondricthyan diversity in the Mississippi River", but this is truly a cool case of truth stranger than fiction. The most famous species in this case is the Bull Shark (Carcharhinus leucas), a requiem shark able to tolerate both fresh and saltwater that had been confirmed to be recorded as far up the Mississippi River as Alton Illinois in 1935. Image credit: https://www.thetelegraph.com/insider/article/Researchers-affirm-two-bull-shark-sightings-16308838.php Shell, R., & Gardner, N. (2021, July 1). Movement of the Bull Shark (carcharhinus leucas) in the upper Mississippi River Basin, North America. Marine and Fishery Sciences (MAFIS). Retrieved February 12, 2023, from https://ojs.inidep.edu.ar/index.php/mafis/article/view/181 Shell, Ryan & Gardner, Nicholas & Hrabik, Robert. (2022). Updates on putative bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas) occurrences in the upper Mississippi River Basin of North America. 36. 10.47193/mafis.3612023010101. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/362847015_Updates_on_putative_bull_shark_Carcharhinus_leucas_occurrences_in_the_upper_Mississippi_River_Basin_of_North_America But these are not the only cases of Chondricthyans found in the Mississippi River as shown by the reports and articles here: http://chnep.wateratlas.usf.edu/upload/documents/Essential_habitat_of.pdf (Specifically pg. 10) Rafinesque, C.S. (1820) Ichthyologia ohiensis, or Natural history of the fishes inhabiting the river Ohio and its tributary streams, preceded by a physical description of the Ohio and its branches. W.G. Hunt, Lexington, Kentucky, 90 pp. https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.6892 Jordan, D.S. and Evermann, B.W. (1896). The fishes of North and Middle America. Bulletin of the US National Museum 47:1-1240. https://www.actionnews5.com/story/12943330/memphis-woman-photographs-stingray-in-mississippi-river/ Today, the Mississippi River is one of the most industrialized rivers in the world, with many locks and dams in places that previously allowed Chondricthyans to enter as upstream as Alton Illinois. This is a phenomena that unfortunately is still occurring both in the US and across the world today from places as far away and China and Brazil, Pakistan to Russia, and Cambodia and Australia, disrupting natural river flows that make regions more prone to sever flooding effects and causing a terrifying decline in large bodied freshwater fish that migrant frequently across a whole rivers lengths (and also contributing to the Human induced climate crisis as all the dead animals that pile up at the bottom of these dams produce high amounts of methane). This phenomenon is also something I must add we as a species needs to address urgently and decisively by switching more to more renewable power sources like solar, install fish ladders and workable passages for fish to go around the dams, or legally breach the dams safely whenever possible. But not to get off track here, I'm still curious about the paleontological date of chondricthyans from the Mississippi River. How many fossils of brackish water sharks and rays have been found in the areas of the Mississippi River, was there a historically larger or smaller amount of chondricthyans in the Mississippi during the Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene, and why isn't (at least that I know of) the chondricthyans diversity in the Mississippi River even historically been as high as places as the Amazon river in Brazil? What do you guys think?
  5. TheCreekendWarrior

    Summerville/Greens Mill Run side trip

    Better late than never right?! I'm finally getting around to sharing my finds from a recent trip up the east coast for work, with a few pitstops along the way! The first two images were from an all day hunt in a creek in Summerville, with Folly Beach Fossils! The third image are my spoils from a solo half a day in GMR... Right by elm street park, because the water was way too high to go further down stream from there, and I didn't have much time! What a great time finding a couple of new species and making a few more friends along the way! I cannot wait to get back up there and hunt again!!!
  6. Jonathan Raymond

    My bull shark tooth

    Here are two pics of my bull shark tooth. Species: Carcharhinus leucas Age: 11 700 years to 5 millions years ( Pleistocene-Pliocene) Size: 0,98 inches Localisation: Florida (Sarasota)
  7. SawTooth

    Shark tooth Id

    I have two teeth I have had for a while questioning their identities. My first tooth is from south Carolina,found earlier this year, I am not sure if it is a meg or a chub on the remaining corner it appears to have a slight cusp.The second tooth I have had for as long as I can remember, it appears to be either a large near posterior great white or a huge bull shark tooth.Any help is appreciated, thank you!
  8. Aurora28

    Dusky or Bull Shark Teeth?

    Any help is so greatly appreciated! Thank you so much.
  9. Untitled

    Monster Carcharhinus leucas Java

    From the album: Cenozoic Sharks

    Massive (approx. 1 1/4”) Bull Shark tooth from North Central Java. Late Pliocene- Early Pleistocene in age. Really intricate coloration on this tooth.
  10. Untitled

    Monster Carcharhinus leucas Java

    From the album: Cenozoic Sharks

    Massive (approx. 1 1/4”) Bull Shark tooth from North Central Java. Late Pliocene- Early Pleistocene in age. Really intricate coloration on this tooth.
  11. calypso

    What kind of tooth is this?

    Hello! What kind of tooth is this? We can't decide whether it may be a baby megalodon or a bull shark tooth. I found it in Fernandina Beach, Florida. Thanks!
  12. Fossil-Hound

    Hello shark teeth

    Thank you so much @sixgill pete This Auorora matrix bag turned out some really nice teeth and shells.
  13. Brett Breakin' Rocks

    Carcharhinus sp. 03

    From the album: Sharks and their prey ....

    Carcharhinus sp. Savannah, Georgia

    © © Matthew Brett Rutland

  14. rjay85

    Shark jaw identification

    Hi not sure if I'm in the right area but I'm in need of help to identify a shark jaw. Is this where I would post a picture?
  15. Brett Breakin' Rocks

    Carcharhinus sp. 03

    From the album: Sharks and their prey ....

    Carcharhinus and Galeocerdo sp. Savannah River Savannah, Georgia

    © Matthew Brett Rutland

  16. Brett Breakin' Rocks

    Carcharhinus sp. 01

    From the album: Sharks and their prey ....

    Matthew Brett Rutland
  17. Brett Breakin' Rocks

    Carcharhinus sp. 02

    From the album: Sharks and their prey ....

    Carcharhinus sp. Savannah, Georgia

    © Matthew Brett Rutland

  18. verydeadthings

    Carcharhinus leucas

    From the album: Carcharhinus dentitions

    C. leucas. Bull shark. Scale bar= 5mm.
  19. Wondering what the shark teeth experts think of these. Found on man-made dredge island in Savannah River. I'm thinking A is great white and. B might be a bull shark, but am not positive and don't have guesses about the others. Thanks!
  20. Hey everyone! I know they technically aren't fossils, I have a drawer of modern shark teeth, of which many are starting to exhibit hairline cracks along the center of the teeth, which weren't there when I purchased them previously. Does anyone know why this is happening, and if so, how do I prevent this from happening further?
  21. I found this tooth yesterday and I’m a unsure of what it is. Maybe I’m overthinking what kind of tooth it is, so I figured I would ask for another opinion. It I’m thinking it may be a Tiger Shark Tooth that Maybe slightly deformed. Thanks
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