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  1. Can somebody help identify this fossil? Are these vertebrae from a marine mammal? If so, which one? This was found in a quarry in Miocene deposits in southern France. Thanks!
  2. Barrelcactusaddict

    Dominican Amber (La Toca Fm., 20.43-13.65 Ma)

    From the album: Fossil Amber and Copal: Worldwide Localities

    4.7g piece of amber from the La Cumbre Mine, measuring (mm) 25x22x15. It has a couple marcasite inclusions: seen here is a protruding portion (one half remains inside the piece) that was perhaps a gas bubble, but later infiltrated with iron and sulfur in solution during burial, migrating via a fracture/microfracture; or it may be a permineralized organic/inorganic inclusion (shell, quartz pebble, etc.), which are documented in amber from the La Cumbre deposit, and is called "double fossilization": while this occurs in tiny grains of younger La Cumbre amber which were deposited after the older amber seen here, it is possible it is seen in this older La Cumbre material. Another example of double fossilization is known from fully pyritized insects with marcasite interiors, recorded from cretaceous amber in NW France. There are dozens of visible dual-phase, countless single-phase, and at least two triple-phase bubbles. "Pyrite disease" is a major concern with this specimen; even with preservation in an airtight container, oxidation is still possible, given the presence of gas/liquid inclusions, and the fact that water and gases do penetrate and migrate within amber over time. Portions of the piece may be doomed, but it is interesting while it lasts.

    © Kaegen Lau

  3. Barrelcactusaddict

    Dominican Amber (La Toca Fm., 20.43-13.65 Ma)

    From the album: Fossil Amber and Copal: Worldwide Localities

    5.4g piece of amber from the La Cumbre Mine, measuring (mm) 28x24x18. It has a couple marcasite inclusions: visible here, is a protruding portion (one half remains inside the piece) that was perhaps a gas bubble, but later infiltrated with iron and sulfur in solution, via a natural fracture/microfracture; the other is a natural fracture viewable on the opposite side, infiltrated and completely coated by marcasite: the thin film that begins at the rough, unbroken exterior (underside of specimen in picture). There are dozens of visible dual-phase, countless single-phase, and at least two triple-phase bubbles. These are easily seen in the other four related photos of the finished specimen. "Pyrite disease" is a major concern with this specimen; even with preservation in an airtight container, oxidation is still possible, given the presence of gas/liquid inclusions, and the fact that water and gases do penetrate and migrate within amber over time. Portions of the piece may be doomed, but it is interesting while it lasts.

    © Kaegen Lau

  4. Barrelcactusaddict

    Dominican Amber (La Toca Fm., 20.43-13.65 Ma)

    From the album: Fossil Amber and Copal: Worldwide Localities

    Triple-phase inclusion and a few in-focus single and dual-phase inclusions nearby. The triple-phase bubble is a narrow chamber, possibly part of a methane termite (incomplete, heavily oxidized); there are two organic solids, the larger preventing the migration of the gas bubble. These inclusions are contained within the 5.4-4.7g specimen depicted in the four related photos. This image was captured using a Samsung WB35F while holding a BelOMO 10x loupe between the lens and specimen.

    © Kaegen Lau

  5. Barrelcactusaddict

    Dominican Amber (La Toca Fm., 20.43-13.65 Ma)

    From the album: Fossil Amber and Copal: Worldwide Localities

    Triple-phase inclusion (center right) and over twelve, viewable dual-phase inclusions nearby. The triple-phase bubble contains movable particulates, which are slightly visible here in the lower-half portion of the bubble. These inclusions are contained within the 5.4-4.7g specimen depicted in the four related photos. This crude image was captured using a Samsung WB35F while holding a BelOMO 10x loupe between the lens and specimen.

    © Kaegen Lau

  6. Barrelcactusaddict

    Dominican Amber (La Toca Fm., 20.43-13.65 Ma)

    From the album: Fossil Amber and Copal: Worldwide Localities

    4.7g piece of amber from the La Cumbre Mine, measuring (mm) 25x22x15. Seen at the base of the specimen is a natural fracture that was infiltrated and completely coated by marcasite during the resin's diagenesis, in a thin film that began at the previously rough, unbroken exterior (underside of specimen in picture). There are dozens of visible dual-phase, countless single-phase, and at least two triple-phase bubbles. These are easily seen in the other four related photos of the finished specimen. "Pyrite disease" is a major concern with this specimen; even with preservation in an airtight container, oxidation is still possible, given the presence of gas/liquid inclusions, and the fact that water and gases do penetrate and migrate within amber over time. Portions of the piece may be doomed, but it is interesting while it lasts.

    © Kaegen Lau

  7. Barrelcactusaddict

    Dominican Amber (La Toca Fm., 20.43-13.65 Ma)

    From the album: Fossil Amber and Copal: Worldwide Localities

    5.4g piece of amber from the La Cumbre Mine, measuring (mm) 28x24x18. Visible here, is a natural fracture that was infiltrated and completely coated by marcasite during the resin's diagenesis, in a thin film that begins at the rough, unbroken exterior (underside of specimen in picture). There are dozens of visible dual-phase, countless single-phase, and at least two triple-phase bubbles. These are easily seen in the other four related photos of the finished specimen. "Pyrite disease" is a major concern with this specimen; even with preservation in an airtight container, oxidation is still possible, given the presence of gas/liquid inclusions, and the fact that water and gases do penetrate and migrate within amber over time. Portions of the piece may be doomed, but it is interesting while it lasts.

    © Kaegen Lau

  8. Ludwigia

    Notorynchus tooth?

    I found this tooth at my favorite shark tooth site in Southern Germany today. Miocene Burdigalian, Oberemeeresmolasse Formation. I'm pretty sure that this is a Notorynchus sp. parasymphesal upper frontal, but I'd just like to ask the shark specialists if they would agree. Slant length including root is 19mm.
  9. Ludwigia

    What on earth could this be???

    I visited my favorite shark tooth site today and came up with a couple of nice ones. But that's not the reason why I'm posting this time. This item here came out of exactly the same layer where I find most of my good shark teeth, but I have absolutely no idea what it is . It's from the Miocene Burdigalian exposure in the Lake of Constance area which I've been visiting for a few years, but I've never found anything like it here or anywhere else for that matter. I've not only found shark and ray teeth, bivalves and bryozoans here, but also the occasional rare land mammal tooth, so the layer was built right at the shoreline as far as I can tell, or at least in the tidal zone. I'm stumped! Any ideas? The object measures 4x2cm. A few pieces broke off which I managed to glue back into place, so I think that it's more or less complete.
  10. Ludwigia

    Galeocerdo aduncus (Agassiz 1843)

    From the album: Pisces

    13mm. wide Burdigalian Miocene Obere Meeresmolasse Formation Found in the Bodenseekreis
  11. Ludwigia

    Carcharhinus priscus (Agassiz 1843)

    From the album: Pisces

    Slant length 9mm. Upper lateral Burdigalian, Miocene Obere Meeresmolasse Formation From the NW Lake of Constance area.
  12. Ludwigia

    Carcharhinus priscus (Agassiz 1843)

    From the album: Pisces

    Root length 1cm. Lower lateral Burdigalian, Miocene Obere Meeresmolasse Formation From the NW Lake of Constance area.
  13. I visited my favorite shark tooth site in the Miocene Burdigalian again today and along with the usual teeth I dug out the following objects. The first is obviously a vertebra, and I don't think it's fishy, but rather mammalish in my humble opinion. But I'm not at all sure about that. I've found teeth from Cervidae here before, so I'm thinking that maybe that's the case with the vertebra? Measurements: Ø13-15mm x15mm. long. I haven't got a clue on the next 2 items. The first is 10x4mm. and the second 15x5mm. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  14. Ludwigia

    Cetacean Tooth from the Miocene?

    I found this today at the Early Miocene Burdigalian site and was wondering if this might be a Cetacean tooth. It's missing most of the tip, but I think it's still possible to judge. It's 2cm. long.
  15. I visited my favorite shark tooth site in the Miocene Burdigalian again today and made a few nice finds along with something that has me scratching my head. I'm pretty sure it's a partial mammal tooth, but have no idea what it might be. It seems to be from quite a small ruminant anyway, judging by the chewing surface, measuring in at 7mm. wide x 6mm. high. I checked out @Harry Pristis albums, but couldn't find a match. I've posted views from first the chewing surface, then 2 sideviews, the root and the last one is the side which appears to be broken. Any ideas anyone?
  16. Ludwigia

    Rodentia indet. (Bowdich 1821)

    From the album: Vertebrates (other than fish)

    7x6mm. This partial tooth was found in the Miocene Burdigalian at Billafingen, B.-W., Germany. It may be a member of the Eomyidae family. Thanks to Harry Pristis and the others in helping with id. There also seems to be the possibility that it comes from a small cervid.
  17. Ludwigia

    A Bone (?) from the Miocene

    I found this today at my local shark tooth site in the Miocene Burdigalian. It's a rather unique find for this site if I'm correct in thinking that this is really a bone fragment. It's not all that well preserved, so if it is one, it's probably not easy to identify, but I thought I'd give it a try here anyway. It's 3cm. long. Anybody have an idea?
  18. I'm really stumped with this one. Also found at the local shark tooth site in southern Germany near the Lake of Constance. It is hollow, filled with sediment and the "shell", or whatever it is, is just 2mm. thick. The patterns with the recurring isosceles triangles are intrigueing, but I really have no idea what this could be. It looks like it would have had a conical shape if it was complete. 4cm. wide at the base and 3cm. in height. I'd be very interested to hear your opinions on this.
  19. I found this little guy amongst the usual Carcharias and Mitsukurina teeth at my often frequented spot in the Miocene Burdigalian (Obere Meeresmolasse Formation) in southwestern Germany and am a bit stumped, so I'm hoping that someone here can help me out with the id. The longest edge is 6mm.
  20. Hi everyone, saturday I went on my 2nd fossil hunting trip with my fossil club to the Wienerberger quarry in Rumst in the Rupel area near Antwerp (Belgium). We hunted mainly in a thin Miocene layer dating back to the Burdigalian around 20.43 - 15.97 million years ago. We found many shark teeth, most of which are C. hastalis, but there are a few I can't quite identify as shark teeth are not really my area of expertise and I was not acquainted with the location until my visit. So I was hoping some experts could me out or someone who is familiar with the species from the location. I did send an email to one of the excursion leaders from the trip, but he admitted not being a sharkteeth expert himself either and couldn't help me much further with ID's. So any help would be welcome. So the first batch of teeth are what I all believe to be C. hastalis. I am pretty confident with my ID on them but the other teeth are a mystery for me. These two teeth are pretty beaten up. The tooth on the right has no enamel layer anymore and I doubt an ID is impossible. But the tooth on the right could be beat-up C. hastalis but I am not sure, it also kinda looks like a pretty beat-up Carcharocles angustidens. The latter can be found at the location and are usually found in the bad condition due to the fact that they were present in a now lost layer a little bit older than the one were most shark teeth were. But as said before I am not an expert and I am just purely speculating with the little info on the location I have. I don't really know how to ID these teeth. Are they C. hastalis but located on different locations in the jaws than the previous C. hastalis teeth or do these belong to a different species? Then there are these 3 teeth that I don't know how to ID We also found a few small shark teeth of which I believe they might belong to a different species than C. hastalis And then the last tooth is this one, on first sight it kinda looks like a C. hastalis tooth but when you take a closer look you can see that the edges are serrated. So I wonder whether anyone know what species this could be? Well that were all, I would really appreciate some help for their ID's Thank you in advance!
  21. Ludwigia

    Symphyseal tooth?

    I found this tooth today and was very happy with it, since it's the first of its type that I've ever found at the southern German site in the Miocene Burdigalian which I visit regularly. I'm just wondering if this might be a Hexanchus sympheseal and if so, which species might it be? The tooth, which appears to be missing one barb at the one end, is 14mm. long.
  22. From the album: Pisces

    1.5cm long. I'm going with this species since it appears to be the only one in the literature on the German Molasse Formation. My very first self-found symphyseal! Yay!! Burdigalian Miocene Found at Billafingen, B.-W.
  23. Ludwigia

    Galeocerdo aduncus (Agassiz 1843)

    From the album: Pisces

    14mm. OMM Formation Burdigalian Miocene Site: Billafingen, B.-W., Germany
  24. Ludwigia

    Carcharias acutissima (Agassiz 1844)

    From the album: Pisces

    28mm. OMM Burdigalian Miocene Site: Billafingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
  25. Ludwigia

    Sparus aurata (Linnaeus 1758)

    From the album: Pisces

    5mm. Sea bream tooth. Burdigalian, Miocene. Obere Meeresmolasse Formation. Found at Owingen, B.-W., Germany.
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