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  1. Another fossil from the Chengjiang-biota I cannot identify is the shown trilobite. Total size of the body (without spines) is 3 mm, including spines 5 mm. Looks like that is has two antenna, hard to prep... Looks a bit like an Eoredlichia-type, but everything I checked does not fit. So, before I go to buy some books about the trilobites or arthropods from there (I will do, too...), TFF is hopefully faster. What do you think?
  2. How many Myllokunmingia specimens are known to science? I keep on seeing wildly varying numbers, ranging from 1 to close to 100, and I really want to get a straight answer.
  3. Well it has finally opened to the public on December 4rth. "The new Dawn of Life Gallery" at The ROM is perhaps the best gallery on the planet covering the earliest life to the emergence of land dwelling creatures. I was fortunate to have a tiny part in the new gallery having prepared a number of the museums specimens and also having donated and sold them some pieces . Here is a tiny taste of what you can see in the new gallery. It will not disappoint.
  4. A mineral signature that increases potential for soft-tissue fossils https://news.yale.edu/2018/02/16/mineral-blueprint-finding-burgess-shale-type-fossils
  5. http://www.calgarysun.com/2017/01/30/beautiful-second-fossil-found-at-burgess-shale-helped-identify-new-wormlike-species Great story about a hiker on a guided tour finding a very rare Burgess fossil Ovatiovermis.
  6. This arthropod is a Marrellomorph, a clade of strange looking stem-group arthropods known from the Cambrian Burgess Shale and the slightly older Kaili Fauna in China (Marrella), the Silurian Herefordshire Lagerstätte in England (Xylokorys), the Ordovician Basal Upper Fezouata Formation (lower Arenig, or lower Floian), north of Zagora in southeastern Morocco and the Caradoc (Upper Ordovician) in Bohemia (Furca) and the Devonian Bundenbach Shale in Germany (Mimetaster and Vachonisia). Marrellomorphs lacked mineralized hard parts, so are only known from areas of exceptional preservation, limiting their fossil distribution. The head shield has two pairs of long rearward directed spikes. Marrellomorphs possessed two pairs of antennae, one long and sweeping, the second shorter and stouter. The two dozen segments each have a pair of six segmented leg / feathery gill structures. There is a tiny, button like telson at the end of the thorax. The best modern guest is that Marrellomorphs are moderately evolved primitive arthropods descended from a common ancestor of the major later arthropod groups. Reconstruction of another Marrellomorph - Mimetaster hexagonalis - from Bundenbach, Germany. Reconstruction of Marrella splendens from the Cambrian Burgess Shale in Canada. A thorough re-investigation of based on over 1000 specimens was recently published by D. García-Bellido and Marrella splendensD. Collins: “A new study of Marrella splendens (Arthropoda, Marrellomorpha) from the Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale, British Columbia, Canada” in Can. J. Earth Sci. 43(6): 721–742 (2006). The overall form of Marrella and other Marrellomorphs suggests that it was a soft-bottom dweller. The wide carapace border would have prevented sinking into unconsolidated sediment. Marrella splendens is the most abundant non-trilobite arthropod from this Lagerstätte. They are considered to live in groups of several individuals; two, three or even more species on one slab are not uncommon.
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