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  1. Had some help with the ID on these. Apparently they are fossilized Ghost Shrimp burrows. Probably Eocene period based on the Matilija Formation Sandston but possibly Miocene. Also some Turritella shells too. Specifically in the Rattlesnake Canyon tributary of Matilija Canyon in the Los Padres Mountains of Southern California. TTT
  2. diggumdave

    burrow impressions?

    every now and then i run across a deposit of these cylindrical guys on the neches river. i’m guessing they are some kind of filled in critter burrow but interested to hear what you think. also, when my wife wants to know why I keep them around I’d love to be able to throw a scientific term at her to justify the shelf space 😂
  3. JDW

    Indiana Hike

    I've had some great hikes this month with such a variety of finds. I walked several miles rock hounding and my legs were tired. I sat down to hydrate and debate if I should continue when I looked down and right in front of me was the cutest little fern. I was lucky enough to find the matching halves in the same spot! Just the energy I needed to keep going!
  4. Lone Hunter

    Many trace fossils - what made them?

    Collected in Woodbine, so many different traces on both sides of rocks really curious what made them, esp the 'plowing', there's a single and double plow. There's an odd tube like thing with ' inards' coming out, and lastly a really random one, single trail with piece of something stuck in it. Hopefully someone recognizes some of them.
  5. Fullux

    Worm burrow?

    Howdy all, I've been wondering about this piece for a while. I picked it up thinking it was just a strange rock but someone said it was a worm burrow. What do y'all think? (Found in the Drakes Formation of Louisville, Kentucky).
  6. Jones1rocks


    This specimen is from an old collection that contained a box of similar looking and similar-sized pieces of petrified wood, but without a locale or identification label. However, hundreds of other specimens in the overall collection were all identified from various locations within the continental USA. I know that it would be virtually impossible for a wood-burrowing larva to become petrified along with the wood it is within, and this could just be a small limb or something that I'm not thinking of, but this piece is so interesting that I thought I would see if someone could explain the processes that might have led to its creation?
  7. Mosasaurhunter

    Is this a crab or shrimp burrow?

    Hello, I found these in a dirt road cut and I need help identifying them. Thanks in advance.
  8. svcgoat

    Burrow from Judith River

    Was told this was a burrow of some sort collected it myself in north eastern Montana at a Judith River site. Is there anymore info that could be described from this?
  9. Hello people of ichnology. I'm studying a Rift basin in Brazil Northeast, related to African-American break-up of Gondwana. This unit is mostly composed of braided river deposits (coarse sandstone and conglomerate) interbedded with paleosols. Due to high deforestation of the region, this area is in being eroded and losing considerable mass, and oftenly new outcrops are formed. Considering this, I bring to you a concern for the identification of some trace fossils that appeared, in order to manage strategies to prevend it's destruction. In the left corner of this image, the person serves as scale. The scale person is standing on the studied bedding surface. This is the general view of the bedding surface. The bed is composed of fine to medium sandstone, never coarse, which indicates very low water flow. Ripple marks are seen, and the scale card indicates paleoflow direction. Also, mudcracks are abundant, which indicate seasonal climate. The dark oxidized rims and the rambling trails and tracks are interpreted to be trace fossils. The dark rims are penetrative structures with 7 to 14 cm deep, previously seen in the unit and interpreted as small scale lungfish aestivation burrows, which is in accordance with the hot and seasonally dry Jurassic climatic context for West Gondwana. The novelty of this outcrop is the appearance of a surficial multitude of tubular tracks and trails, 0.5 to 1.0 cm wide, 10 to 50 cm long, that randomly cross each other. I wonder if you guys could help me with the following questions: -> Is there an ID for the presented ichnogenera? -> Any thoughts on the possible burrow architect groups? -> Could this bedding be marked as an ichnofacies, or is this concept outdated? Thanks in advance! Att
  10. Geojonser

    Horn coral?

    Hello A friend gave this to me...It was found in a garden on a property on the southern North Sea coast of The Netherlands... After reading a lot about coprolites, spiral fish coprolite mainly...led me to burrows...which in turn, led me to corals...I now suspect that it may be some sort of Horn coraI... It is 2" (5.5cm) long...the opening has a diameter of approx. 1" (2.5cm)...it is rounded on one side...flat on the other...from the texture and weight of 56 grams I am certain that it is completely stone... I am hoping that someone could confirm my thoughts and help with the age of it and the material that it is now made of... Thanks
  11. artur

    Brachiopod Burrows?

    Found in Southern Ontario, late Ordovician. Would these be the fossilized burrows of the Brachiopods? Or just odd erosion? Note the trace fossils around the "Burrows".
  12. Lone Hunter

    A couple of tubular things

    Both of these were collected in Grayson marl, is the small one a calamite? Hadn't occurred to me they could be found there. The larger one was 2 straight pieces side by side but the host rock is so fragile and part of top layer crumbled and broke them. Have not seen any burrows in Grayson so not sure if that's what they are.
  13. Denis Arcand

    What is this 3d puzzle ?

    I found this yesterday, it was very fragile and broken in many pieces when I handled it.
  14. SilurianSalamander

    Devonian worm burrows or organ pipe coral?

    Found two of these fossils now. Both on beaches that are probably Devonian in age. One is from SW Wisconsin on Lake Michigan and the other is in the Lower peninsula of Michigan from the shores of Lake Huron. Organ pipe coral or some sort of burrow trace fossil? Thanks!
  15. SilurianSalamander

    Worm burrow trace fossil?

    Found on my way down to my usual fossil hunting beach (Devonian) I’m pretty sure these rocks were brought in to prevent erosion though. Late pre-Cambrian - Devonian rock for sure
  16. Denis Arcand

    Cephalopod ?

    I found these Ordovician fossils in the Nicolet River formation, could it be cephalopod related?
  17. Denis Arcand

    Is it fossils or geological formations

    Can anyone tell me if these are actual fossils or just geological formations, although they look like fossilize plants to me, it would be very surprising to find fossilized plants from the late Ordovician period. both rocks were found in the Nicolet River Formation on the banks of the Richelieu river
  18. Hi! I found this very large and irregularly shaped flint nodule on the Thames foreshore, London. To me, it kind of looks like the branching arms of a sea sponge, but I have heard that flint nodules also sometimes filled the shape of animal burrows and other things. It has a number of holes/handles in it. What do you think it is?
  19. Following a refreshing swim at the lake with a few friends over the weekend, I decided to take a spur-of-the-moment stop at a construction site I happened to be driving by. The sun was setting, cooling the area and finally making it hospitable despite the recent heat wave. I was not familiar with the exact geology of where I was, but with only an hour and a half of daylight left I decided to not waste too much time and immediately began scouring the dirt. I quickly noticed that the ground was composed of two distinct formations. The higher layer was a grey limestone while the layer underneath was bright red and filled with a wide range of greens and yellows among other colors. It was only until I got home that I realized these were the Grayson Marl (/Mainstreet limestone?) and Pawpaw formation respectively. My first find was an unexpected, but welcome one. Coming from the grey rock, I noticed a rounded form that stood out against the jagged terrain surrounding it. After prying it out, I was surprised to find that it was indeed a large nautilus (A). Not too long after, I found a couple more that were in slightly worse condition. Continuing my search in the greyish area led me to later find a chunk of Mariella heteromorph ammonite (B) as well. I particularly like this specimen as it is interesting to compare it with my Mariella micromorphs from the Waco Pit and other locations. I also managed to snag a few pretty little brachiopods (C). I have a really difficult time differentiating between brachiopods so my ID for them is a bit iffy, but for now I'll go with Kingena wacoensis. The cool thing about this site is the fact that it sits on the border of two very distinct formations. As a result, one can find a wide variety of fossil life. The rest of the things I brought home from this trip were found in the red Pawpaw formation. For whatever reason, Texas loves to produce pyritized micromorphs. I was surprised to come across a multitude of ammonite genera with that classic bronze coloration I've come to be all too familiar with. I found a few un-pictured fragments of Mariella and other ammonite pieces. I was also able to pocket a few chunks of my favorite ammonite, Engonoceras (D). I didn't really capture its beauty well on camera, but something about the way light bounces off of the broad reflective shell is mesmerizing. I hope to one day come across a complete one. To round off the hunt, I found one last slightly enigmatic specimen (E) that came out of the Pawpaw. Its a big rock with lots of holes running in and out of it. The holes are covered with countless tiny divots. My guess is they are what's left of some crustacean burrows as they bear some resemblance to the poopy burrows I have seen elsewhere online. Some of the burrows have crystallization. Here are the finds: A). A large nautiloid and a smaller one coming from the Grayson Marl. I believe them both to be Cymatoceras. There is some extra matrix on the outside that I am debating on chiseling off. B). A fragment of Mariella heteromorph ammonite from the Grayson Marl. C). Kingena wacoensis? from the Grayson Marl. They have some nice detail! D). Pyritized Engonoceras fragments from the Pawpaw Formation. E). Crab burrows from the Pawpaw? All in all, I'm glad I made a quick stop at this particular site. It's a pretty interesting place with a wide variety of things to be found in a couple of formations I have only just begun to explore. I will likely make another trip there in the future! Thanks for reading!
  20. SilurianSalamander

    Paleozoic fossil from a gravel pit

    Burrow? Coral? Bryozoan?
  21. HynerpetonHunter

    Lungfish burrows

    From the album: Catskill Formation PA fossils

    Lungfish (Holoptychius sp.?) burrows from Red Hill, Apr. 15 2022
  22. I found it in an area where traces of worms and crustaceans abound, but there are no other remains (shells or corals). I asked on national forum (Spain) and they tell me that it is too big to be a polychaete. They suggested a burrow. Any other ideas or votes for burrow? Thanks, The coin has a diameter of 1.62cm
  23. I found it in an area where traces of worms and crustaceans abound, but there are no other remains (shells or corals). I asked on national forum (Spain) and they tell me that it is too big to be a polychaete. They suggested a burrow. Any other ideas or votes for burrow? Thanks, The coin has a diameter of 1.62cm
  24. Lone Hunter

    Strange structure

    I don't even know which direction to go, geological or biological, and given the weird concretions and burrows in Eagle Ford don't know where this fits in so looking forward to answer
  25. Lone Hunter

    Need ID help with today's creek finds

    A few curious things from Cretaceous Eagle Ford/QAL mix I can't quite put my finger on, first one looks like burrow but up close it's very different from other burrows I've found. Next I'm wondering if it's coprolite, then possibly rugose? Last one i have no clue just didn't think it looked geological. Forgot the end shot of burrow so added it at end.
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