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  1. J.D.

    Coprolite and Maybe Scute

    Hey folks! What we have here - subject to your thoughts - seems to be a piece of coprolite and maybe a scute from a gator or croc. The latter is the one I am most unsure about… any thoughts? Found in the waters of the Potomac near Fossil Beach, Westmoreland State Park (Virginia).
  2. Elmo

    Dermal Dentical?

    Another one of my finds from Flag Ponds Nature Park. Is this a dermal denticle? This is the first time I’ve found one of these and the only thing I can find online that is close to matching is a dermal denticle. I say it’s the first one I’ve found, but I’m pretty sure if I would’ve been checking the shell beds a bit better I would’ve found more by now. If it is one, is there a way to tell what it came from? Thank you in advance.
  3. I found this at Flag Ponds yesterday and I’m trying to figure out if it’s just a weird bone frag, or if it’s an identifiable fossil. It has some holes that seem to have been bored through it before it fossilized. It kinda resembles ear bones that I’ve seen in pics online. I’m not saying it is an ear bone, just saying that I can’t find anything else that resembles it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  4. I spent the day yesterday along Calvert Cliffs. It was a beautiful sunshine day and the water was crystal clear. I was pretty shocked at how many people were out on a Monday, normally there aren’t many people to talk to and it was a nice change. Even with so many people out and letting some kids pick some from my stash, I still managed to walk away with a decent take for the day. Bone fragsCoralShark teeth, ray plates, and miscWell worn dolphin tooth?shark vertebrae
  5. Elmo

    Need some opinions on this

    I found this at Flag Ponds and it has me a bit confused. I’ve never found a rock like this at any of the Calvert areas. I’ve stumbled across where clay had been binding gravel/pebbles together and it was soft and squishy. This is rock solid and also has some bone fragments in it. Has anyone else ever stumbled across anything like it from Calvert?
  6. cck

    Miocene fish?

    A conundrum bone that keeps turning up from the Miocene in Virginia and Maryland.. anyone have an idea ?
  7. Sleeper

    Is this a thresher?

    Found at Calvert formation, Md. Possibly thresher? On a metric ruler. Thanks for your time.
  8. Sleeper

    Help with Bone identification

    This was found near the Calvert formation in Maryland. It does seem to be fossilized. Thanks for helping out a newbie and I will take proper photos for future posts.
  9. shark57

    Virginia Miocene Megalodon

    From the album: Fossils

    This 4.5 inch meg was found at a land site in central Virginia along the contact of the Eastover and Calvert Formations. The colors make me think it is likely an Eastover tooth.
  10. The child in me doesn’t like working on my birthday, so I like to take the day off to try to get out on the beach for a hunt. We had some crazy weather the days before with wind gusts up to 60mph! It had my hopes high to find myself a large tooth for my birthday. So yesterday me and my girlfriend got up early to kayak out on the bay to watch the sunrise before going to the cliff to start our hunt. It was a beautiful morning and the water was nice and calm, it’s hard to believe there was 6 foot waves not but a day and a half before. Once we land, after only about 15 minutes on the beach and I find an amazing 1.79” megalodon! And before I could catch up with my girlfriend to show her, I spot a really nice 1.72” hastalis tumbling in the water! We continue on with the finds slowing down after passing some fellow fossil hunters on the beach, but still finding some nice smaller teeth in the wash. I found another decent hastalis right as we turned around and a really nice shark vertebra before we got back to the kayaks. It was a great morning and I can’t think of a better way to spend my birthday. I may not have got that big tooth I’ve been hunting for, but I definitely can’t complain the the great haul I ended up with! Thanks for reading, see y’all next time!
  11. Yesterday I found a Y-shaped bone fragment on the beach along the Calvert Cliffs in Maryland, USA (Miocene epoch, Calvert fm.). It is approximately 6.7 centimeters long, 3.1 centimeters wide at the forked end, and 1 centimeter wide at the narrow end. I have an inclination that it could be a fragment of a dolphin jaw where the lower mandibles fuse together but would like some other opinions for confirmation or a better ID. Ventral view (presumably) Dorsal view (presumably) - this side is fractured, exposing the concave interior of the bone Right lateral view (presumably) I found some photos of a living species, Pontoporia blainvillei, that is endemic to Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina and bears a strong resemblance to my fossil. For reference, here is a high quality photo of Pontoporia blainvillei skull Holding my fossil in front of the photo suggests a good match: So does pontoporiid dolphin jaw seem like the correct ID? Is there any way to identify it further? Thanks in advance and my apologies if I left anything out - this is my first ID post. I'll be happy to provide more info/pictures if needed.
  12. For my last hunt of 2023 I got back out to the Calvert cliffs, launching my kayak a little after sunrise I made right to the beach. The water was still a little high when I arrived (I feel like it’s been higher on average this year) but I found a nice shark vertebrae and a 1.62” hastalis before low tide. Finding a few smaller teeth for most of the walk, I then at the end of the beach where I normally turn around found a nice epiphysis disk, sitting out in the water. Now for my walk back the water was nice and low, and freshly washed out, sitting on the water line was a gorgeous 1.78” Megalodon! The root is starting to wear, but the blade is perfect, great serrations, tip and all! Continuing back I find a nice tympanic bulla (whale ear bone) my first on this beach. Last but not least as I return to my kayak, sitting about two feet away is an amazing upper cow shark tooth! A lot of variety for the day in addition to the normal shark teeth finds, another great trip and a great way to end the year! Thanks for reading, see y’all next year!
  13. I had been itching hard to be on the beach, so I slipped away to the bay Saturday and Sunday after Thanksgiving to find some fossils along the Calvert cliffs. I really want to beat my personal best megalodon tooth from Calvert which measures at 4” on the dot; I know that will be difficult so I’m really trying to go more often. (Spoiler: I don’t find my record breaker) Day 1: I really didn’t have time to go out on Saturday but I figured I could delay my responsibilities for a little and fight the wind to spend at max two hours on the beach. I arrived on the beach about 20min before sunrise and started searching with my flashlight and quickly found a nice little megalodon, a little beat up but hey, a meg is a meg. I continued on and found a heart breaker cetacean tooth, the crown much larger than most cetacean teeth I find here, but alas the crown was missing a chunk and the root spit in half and hollow. Before starting my walk back I found a handful of usual teeth from this beach, a few hemipristis and physogaleus and a thumb nail size posterior meg. As I get back to the beginning stretch of beach that I first searched with my flashlight, I found a beautiful epiphysis disk with a 1.8” diameter sitting right next to a 1.9” megalodon . Leaving the beach just over two hours of walking I got a surprising haul, definitely worth the trip. Day 2: I had more time to hit the beach on Sunday, so accompanied with my girlfriend we launched our kayaks for sunrise then landed to begin our search. Same as the day prior the waves were hitting the beach rapidly and the water was murky making it pretty impossible to search beneath the water, so most of our finds were right at the edge of the shell line or high up on the beach. We started by each finding a few large hemipristis teeth all measuring around 1.4” and a couple nice hastalis. My girlfriend found her second megalodon tooth measuring 1.5”, it was a bit beat up but for her second meg she was thrilled. I don’t often go out back to back and I remember why, I’m exhausted. None the less I’d do it again in a heartbeat if I got the time and the weather and tides want to cooperate. It was a great two trips even though I didn’t break my record, but that day will come! Thanks for reading y’all!
  14. Had another early morning today, first time out since the time change so getting in the water for sunrise was a little difficult. None the less I launched the kayak around 6am and watched a beautiful sunrise on the water, then got to the beach to begin searching. Not to long after getting to the beach I found a great hastalis measuring 2.02” (my second biggest) and a few steps away found a nice little cow shark tooth! It slowed down from there finding a large fish vert (my largest) with the rest of my finds being a little further apart. Talked to a fellow fossil hunter on the beach who found a beautiful megalodon around 2.5” with great color, I was a bit jealous but it’s always nice to see other peoples finds. On the walk back to the kayak I found a nice little micro meg and some dolphin teeth to wrap the trip up. Another great day on the bay, I’ll be back soon!
  15. Elmo

    Found at Calvert Cliffs

    I found this one at Calvert Cliffs. It seems to be fossil, but it’s not as weighty as other bones I’ve found. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  16. I had a couple hours to kill so I took a trip to Calvert Cliffs today. It is really picked over by this time of year. I found 7 ray plates, 3 small shark teeth(2 are broken), 3 crab claw tips, and some misc bone frags. I also brought back some matrix to go through and grabbed a little clay too. Does anyone one of breaking down the clay ever produces anything?
  17. For my first trip out to Calvert Cliffs for the “Season”, I took my girlfriend out to kayak along the cliffs for her first ever fossil hunting trip in the area. She had gone with me to Douglas Point once before and had good luck, so she was excited to go and see the Calvert Cliffs. We launched around sunrise and did a little leisure kayaking before making our way to the beach, water was a little rough but it was a nice morning. Hunting started slow with only a few small teeth being found, but things started to pick up after I had found two really nice size Hemis the largest being 1.47” and a nice little dolphin tooth. Then while I was searching the waterline I hear her shriek behind me and turn to see her holding her first Megalodon (or chub)! It was sitting right on top of the sand not but a few inches from the base of the cliffs. It measured 2.03” and is in great condition and I couldn’t be more happy for (jealous of) her! Needless to say she is hooked. Being my first trip out since March this gets my hopes up for a great season and I’m looking forward to going out some more over the next few months!
  18. I thought a quick update on the scene along the west shore of the Chesapeake Bay might be informative. We've been going down there using Airbnb for the past few years; this allowed us to stay in Chesapeake Beach in 2021 and access Brownie's Beach a.k.a. Bayfront Park, where the Shark teeth are abundant and even the kids could find them in the surf. Chesapeake Beach has closed all short term rentals post-Covid and getting to Brownies is now very difficult without a boat and taking advantage of the high tide laws in Maryland. (They can block access to the beach, but cannot prevent you walking or boating to the beach as long as you stay below the high tide line.) North Beach just north of town has a beach practically devoid of fossils and too many docks between the two beaches to wade it; you could possible rent a place in NB and canoe or boat to Brownies. Calvert Cliffs State Park is almost 2 miles walk from the road and picked clean to death in summer. This leaves one to get creative if hunting the west shore is your goal. The two aforementioned locations are imho the best in terms of fossil quantities if not quality, public access in the case of the Calvert Cliffs, and generally an easy outing sans the walk to get to the beaches. However... Two options we had great success with recently were the always-faithful Matoaka Lodges and Airbnb rentals in southern Calvert County that get you into some of the other beaches. Shark teeth are not as plentiful in either case. Driftwood Beach is loaded with turitella and various snails but not much else. The cliffs on either side however are loaded with Chesapectans and some other species of clam-like fossil. They continually wash out and are well preserved. Matoaka Lodges on the other hand can be picked to death in the summer as well but normally a small walk north along the surf with reveal both cliff and beach areas with fossils. Loads of Chesapectans here too. Occasionally small shark teeth in the surf. NOTE : I found some weird white fossils in the cliff at Matoaka which are pictured below. Still have not identified it. Some of the chunks were as large as your hand and would flake off identical layers. Anyone with any thoughts please weigh in, much appreciated.
  19. These were found in the cliff face just north of Matoaka Lodges along the west shore of the Chesapeake Bay. Not sure which of the three formations is exposed here I believe St. Mary's? Some of these were as large as your hand and flaked off identical layers below.
  20. Rexofspades

    My Birthday Calvert trip

    Hi Everybody, Last week, I decided to go to the cliffs for my birthday, and I resolved to get up earlier in the morning to get something I had not found before. My equipment was the standard loadout, sifter, shovel, waders, sunshirt and hat. Along with a one strap bag that I would wear for the 1st and last time. (The strap would slide in front of my chest and neck everytime I leaned over and ducked down. it also broke halfway through my hike) When I arrived I didn't find much to write home about save for a whole shark vert. But when I waded out into the decently clear water I managed to find a vert and a couple ribs. After a couple hours and a ton of smalls, the tide came up. I noticed how high it got and realized it would be a slog to wade back, so I elected to wait an hour before the long haul back. I noticed a bunch of wildlife while I was out, I saw frogs, a weaver spider, herons and a Bald eagle with some osprey. On my way back, I felt discouraged by how choppy the water was and the lack of stuff I was finding ( Pro tip: the choppy water will help you find more stuff after it passes). That and the strap falling off of my bag was annoying. But midway through my Slog, I saw it: out of the corner of my eye I saw something bluish Grey and bigger than a shell. "There's no way" I said as I leaned over and saw the fragment of a tooth bigger than any other I found so far. I was tired, exhausted, and shaking. But here it was, my White whale, the tooth I was looking for after 3 years in the palm of my hand. It just turned dark as I arrived to my car. I think I pushed past being tired. My gear was soaked, I was soaked, but I did it. I Finally got my Meg. Breakdown of the finds below: 297 specimens in total. Starting with teeth, I think this is Hammerhead. Next up is the Meg. Measures 1.74 on the diagonal. Which I estimate would be a 2 inch tooth if whole. I'm excited bc this tooth is unmistakably a megatooth, there's nothing else it could be! Rib bones, this one looks interesting to me bc there looks to be a possible blood vessel groove, and a dissension on the middle right. Could that be a muscle attachment scar? Longer rib Whale vert
  21. PetrifiedDoubleGulp

    Another one from Calvert Formation sediments

    I encounter this one a lot in sediments from the Calvert Formation. This test batch is from a mudstone, broken up and reduced through no. 20 and no.120 testing sieves. The close up is using a 40/0.65 lens
  22. PetrifiedDoubleGulp

    Microscopic image from Calvert Formation sediments

    Trying to get input on this form I found in sediments from the Calvert Formation. This test batch is from a mudstone, broken up and reduced through no. 20 and no.120 testing sieves. The close up is using a 40/0.65 lens
  23. Hi all, I am currently in Maryland and Virginia on a hunting trip through Saturday and Sunday. My friend and I have been collecting the Potomac River at Purse State Park and another locale, but have been rather disappointed with the poor amount of shark teeth. They’re also all tiny, can’t really recommend those sites personally. Just too over picked. We have a decision to make regarding where we go next. To go to the James river and York river, or to the Chesapeake and Calvert Cliffs/ the Cabins. I personally would like to find more variety in shark teeth and at least one croc tooth and crab claw, so I’d like to do the Miocene of the Calvert Cliffs. I also would really like to find a dolphin, porpoise, and or whale tooth. Is it worth going? I should mention I lack boat/kayak access and can only really beach comb or sift the waves. Is Calvert too over picked?
  24. Thomas1982


    From the album: Miocene of Maryland

    Chesapecten Calvert Cliffs, Maryland
  25. Thomas1982


    From the album: Miocene of Maryland

    Ecphora Calvert Cliffs, Maryland
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