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  1. Tidgy's Dad


    Hoooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here we are at last, into Adam's Silurian. Thanks for looking. First up is the Lower Silurian or Llandovery and I begin with a problem. I posted this one incorrectly in Adam's Ordovician as it had got it's label muddled up with an Ordovician Favosites I had that has vanished in the move here, but is being replaced by kind forum member @Herb Anyway, this, I remember now I've found the correct label, is from the greenish Browgill Formation, part of the Stockdale Group from a cutting near Skelgill (Skelghyll) in Cumbria, Northern England. It seems to be a tabulate coral, but I can't find any listed for this location, only mentions of small, rare, rugose corals. It has the star shaped corallites of a Heliolitidid, but seems to be tightly packed together like a Favositidid. A couple of species of Palaeofavosites seem to be close and are a bit star-shaped,, but anyone know any better? @TqB@piranha hmm who else? The coral bit, an external mold, is a maximum of 3.5 cm across and each corallite up to 2 mm.
  2. trilobites_are_awesome

    Calymene celebra

    From the album: My trilobites

    A Calymene celebra from Grafton IL (Silurian)
  3. Sauropod19

    Calymene preparation

    I volunteer at a museum prepping some Waldron Shale material and was particularly proud of this Calymene. Thanks for looking! —————————————————————
  4. Calymene blumenbachii (enrolled) “Dudley bug” Wrens Nest, Dudley, England. Much Wenlock Limestone Fmn., Wenlock, Homerian, Silurian. c. 422.5 – 427.5 Ma age. Species exclusive to the Wenlock Series of England. A unusually nicely preserved old Victorian piece exhibiting the dark honey coloured patina often found in such historical specimens from being handled over the many years since it was collected by a Wrens Nest quarryman. This specimen makes a nice accompaniment to my outstretched (unrolled) specimen.
  5. Sorry about the nail clippers it was the only thing I could find to hold it on its side besides my hand. Sorry if I messed something up I just joined
  6. Savvas

    Calymene or Flexycalimene

    Greetings everyone. I was thinking of buying this one because I liked the preservation, the way it is placed on the rock and the general way it looks that is not the common one that we are used to see on these from Morocco. I was wondering is it a Flexycalimene or Calymene, and could it be anything special regarding the species? Thank you all!
  7. Happy birthday to me! Recently acquired this nice C. blumenbachii excavated in 19th C - early 20th C. by a Wren’s Nest quarryman when Wren’s Nest was active. Nice patina from 100+ years of being handled. Photos taken in sunlight & artificial light. The trilobite measures 50mm. Also attached - a nice paper “Legacy of the Locust - Dudley and its famous trilobite Calymene blumenbachii” detailing the history of this species. the trilobite was unique in that it was also featured on the town’s coat of arms. The specimen is ex John Page who was an avid collector of trilobites in the U.K .Legacy of the Locust Dudley & its famous trilobite Calymene blumenbachii.pdf
  8. GTS

    Calymene blumenbachii

    I’m interested in this C. blumenbachii “Dudley Bug” which is ex John Page Collection, collected from the Wenlock Limestone Formation, Wrens Nest, Dudley. Most fossils from Wrens Nest tend to have a dark grey appearance rather than the honey coloured patina seen here. Has anyone seen specimens with this honey patina from Wrens Nest before? I’m told that this patina has arisen from years of exposure to air and handling. Re John Page - I’m told that Page was a trilobite collector who specialised in trilobites from Wrens Nest. Can anyone provide any more info about Page or point me in the direction of any further sources of info (a Google search didn’t seem to provide much info). Thankyou
  9. Georgemckenzie

    Help with ID of this calymene trilobite

    Hiya everyone. I recently purchased this trilo. I’m in the UK. Any help would be great. My best guess at the moment for locality is maybe Malvern worcs.
  10. Lordhonkhonk

    Flea Market Trilobite

    Was doing some cleaning yesterday and rediscovered this lil guy, totally forgot I even had em! I think I got him about 5 years at a local antique fair, so no clue where it came from or if it's even real... Always eager to learn more!
  11. LordWampa

    Is this a Flexicalymene?

    Hi, this is a trilobite from Morocco. Is it a Flexicalymene? I thought it may be, but now I see that there are similar species in the Calymenina suborder. So I was wondering is someone with more knowledge can identify the species. Thanks!
  12. A.C.

    Unknown Calymene Trilobite

    Hey all, I just purchased this fossil over the weekend. The person I purchased form had this documentation: Calymene celebra Sil-Waldron Sh. Hartsville, In. Let's assume locality and age are correct, can anyone confirm if this is a Calymene celebra? My gut is telling me a Calymene breviceps but I am new to Calymene trilobites. Specimen is roughly 2.75 cm wide and estimated 6.25 cm if prone Also while we are talking about Calymene trilobites is there any good resources anyone knows of for IDing them? I have some more that I would like an ID on. Any input is welcome!
  13. Mainefossils

    Calymene trilobite ID

    These are more trilobite segments, and one cephalon, from the Leighton Formation, Maine, silurian. I believe them to be the new species of Calymene trilobite that I found earlier, but am unsure. The first pictures are of the first specimen, numbers 1 and 2 being of the cephalon, and the third of a thorax segment that was underneath the cephalon (you can see the edges of it in picture 2): The next pictures are of new specimens. Number one and two are of a cephalon. Unfortunately, I was unaware of its existence until after it came out in multiple pieces. It is about 1 cm by 1cm. Here are the pictures: Second are two different specimens. Number one is 11 mm by 5 mm, and number 2 is 6 mm by 3 mm. Here are the pictures: Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  14. Back in Oct. the Dayton Gem and Mineral Society had a field trip to the St Paul Stone Quarry in IN. Waldron shale. I've been slowly prepping my finds (along with other stuff) and finally completed my task. By far the most different piece I've found in a long time....a Rafinesquina-type brach covered in a bryozoan, with a Calymene face sitting on top, surrounded by pyrite. Size = 1.5" W x 1" D x 1" T. A complete, 3/4 prone Calymene. About 1.25" long. Some complete gastropods, all whose brown "shell" is pyrite. Some gastropods that aren't pyrite. A few brachiopods. Some crinoid calyxes. #7 Some some small pyrite brachiopods. And some tabulate corals.
  15. Kane

    Calymene breviceps

    From the album: Trilobites

    C. breviceps, self-prepared. Waldron shale.
  16. I received some Waldron Shale trilos for prep today. As always I made a brief examination of the matrix in search of any other fossils. I came across these, that I think may be cross sections of bugs? I should clarify that I have 0 experience with such cross sections. If they were, I'd assume the smaller one is the standard C. breviceps but the larger is curious. It's about 1.75 in/4.5 cm across and appears to have tubercles. What do you guys think, am I way off base or have I found something interesting?
  17. Greetings everybody! While I was on my fishing trip last weekend I took some time to look for fossils. I collected at a couple of creeks exposing the Middle Ordovician Trenton Group in North-Central NY. I found lots of trilo-bits and other goodies! Enjoy
  18. I found these 2 specimens (molds unprepped) of the trilobite Calymene celebra, the official Wisconsin state fossil, in the Silurian of Wisconsin.
  19. Nautiloid

    Flexicalymene free cheek

    From the album: Fossils of the Upper Ordovician Lorraine Group in New York

    Flexicalymene granulosa? Upper Ordovician Lorraine Group Whetstone Gulf Formation Jefferson County, New York Collected 11/11/19
  20. Praefectus

    Help with some trilobite IDs

    Hi. I was wondering if anyone could help me identify these trilobites. Thanks for your help. The first two are Moroccan trilobites. I think they belong to the genus Calymene, but I am not sure. I have an ID card that says they are from the Ktaoua Group, Anti-Atlas Region, Morocco, Upper Ordovician. Can anyone confirm this? Thanks. This is another trilobite from Morocco. I think it is Proteus sp., but would like confirmation. My ID card says its from Ofaten, Morocco and is Middle Devonian in age. Is it correct? Last, I have some trilobites that I think are from the Wheeler Shale. I think they are Elrathia. Unfortunately, I don't have more information on them. I received them as a gift from my dad when I was around 5. I didn't think to take down notes on location, formation, and age at the time.
  21. Sinosauropteryx prima

    What Calymene Species Are These?

    Hello again everyone. These are two of my favorite fossils, both Calymene spp. The first one was owned by my teacher for his biology classroom until he agreed to sell it to me because I had grown to love it. Unfortunately, as you can see, its cephalon is very damaged so that makes it more difficult to tell what it is. I know that it's definitely a Calymene, but I'm wondering which species, if possible to tell. In my own personal research, I found that I believed he most closely resembled a Calymene tristani? but I am very much an amateur and am not sure on that. If anyone could give me some more input despite his relatively poor condition, I'd appreciate it. This second one I purchased online, and was sold as a Calymene sp. from Morocco. It is quite a bit smaller than the first one and its body appears more compressed, for lack of a better word?, which leads me to believe it's a different species. It is also significantly better preserved. Is this Moroccan species simply unnamed, or is there a more specific name out there that I'm unable to find? Thanks in advance, everyone :-)
  22. Nautiloid

    Calymenid free cheek

    From the album: Fossils of the Upper Ordovician Lorraine Group in New York

    Calymene senaria? Upper Ordovician Lorraine Gr. Whetstone Gulf Fm. Jefferson County, New York Collected 11/11/19
  23. Enafter

    Wrens nest dudley

    Was out to Birmingham to drop off friend at the airport. Flights were cancelled so decided to go fossil hunting at wrens nest in dudley.
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