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Found 15 results


    Upper Cretaceous Blister Pearl?

    I recently recovered this Cameleolopha bellaplicata valve from the Upper Cretaceous (Middle Turonian) Prionocyclus hyatti ammonite zone of the Carlile Shale here in New Mexico. I was initially delighted with its preservation and upon further inspection, noticed a feature on the inside of the valve... ...I thought it may be a blister pearl. I reached out to Dr. Spencer Lucas (New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science) to get his thoughts. His response was: "years ago, we found a Texigryphaea near Tucumcari with a similar pearl in it." Pleased with that response I turned to the interwebs for more information. V. Friedman and A. Hunt (2004) wrote and abstract on Fossil Pearls from the Upper Cretaceous of Texas in which they are reporting Cenomanian and Turonian occurrences...I plan to reach out to Adrian Hunt to get his thoughts on this specimen as well. I also found a paywalled paper on Fossil Pearl-growths written by R. Bullen Newton (1908) in the Journal of Molluscan Studies and have requested access to that literature. Then I turned to our Forum. @LanceH found a pearl in the Kamp Ranch Limestone... ...as did @Mikrogeophagus ... ... @Bobby Rico has a blister pearl specimen from the Norfolk Coast (UK)... ...and @rocket is working on some Campanian Ostrea semiplana pearls from Hannover, Germany. There are numerous threads here on the forum where fossil pearls are discussed. These conversations, along with some modern representation from interweb imagery... ...have led me down an unfamiliar path. My understanding is that these fossils are uncommon. And with all that said, I pose this question... ...is this a fossil blister pearl? I would love to hear your thoughts. Thank you for your time.
  2. HynerpetonHunter


    From the album: South Dakota

    A top view of No.1. Found July 10, 2023
  3. HynerpetonHunter

    Heteromorphic shell showing- Scaphites

    From the album: South Dakota

    My favorite Scaphites from July 10 2023.
  4. HynerpetonHunter

    Carlile Shale Scaphites

    From the album: South Dakota

    No. 1 for future reference. One of the largest and most intact Scaphites I found.
  5. The Rio Puerco Valley was my introduction to fossils. For many years now, I have scoured its Late Cretaceous shales and sandstones in search of ammonites. Somewhere along the way, my fascination with the ornament grew into an investigation of its environment. Last week at the New Mexico Geologic Society's Spring meeting, I made my first venture into the world of paleontological science. With the help of Dr. Spencer Lucas of the New Mexico Museum of Natural History, I presented a poster/abstract (Foley & Lucas 2017.pdf) exhibiting my ideas. I received some criticism for incorporating ammonite ornament and caught some grief for including a labeled map...otherwise, this was an amazing learning experience and I am ready to move forward. Back to the rocks!...I have a paper to write. Blue Hill Shale: Spathites puercoensis: Prionocyclys hyatti: Coilopoceras springeri:

    Spathites puercoensis

    Spathites puercoensis was originally described as Buchiceras swallovi in: The Geology of the Albuquerque Sheet (Herrick and Johnson, 1900) Later, the species Spathites puercoensis was formally illustrated in: The Late Cretaceous ammonite Spathites Kummel & Decker in New Mexico and Trans-Pecos Texas (W.A. Cobban, 1988)
  7. fossilsonwheels

    Cretoxyrhina ???

    .7” tooth, Blue Hill Member, Carlile Shale, Jewell Co Kansas. I am not super familiar with the Carlile Shale fauna and I think this is a Cretoxyrhina but I’m not 100% sure I’m correct so I thought I seek other opinions.
  8. In the Blue Hill Shale Member of the Carlile Shale formation, you can sometimes find concretions that have very colorfully preserved ammonites. The concretions are usually about the size of a golf ball to baseball. They are smacked with a hammer to see if there is something inside, as many are empty. The concretions are extremely hard, but there is usually a weak spot between the ammonite and the super hard limestone. I recently picked up a CP air scribe, so I thought I'd try it out on a "mud ball" that had a little of a Scaphites carlilensis exposed. The outside of the concretion that is light gray is fairly soft. The dark gray interior is too hard to do much with. I found that if I worked on a part for a while with the scribe, a crack finally developed somewhere on the concretion. After working on the one in the lower part of the first photo, I found that it had another ammonite right next to it. This one was a Prionotropis hyatti. After a lot of work removing matrix, finding a couple tiny "extra ammonites" in the same ball, and gluing parts back together I finally arrived at the finished product. The camera does not do the color justice. The purpleish, pinkish, reddish, rainbows just don't show up well, but as you probably gathered from this long post, I'm kind of happy with the results!! Ramo
  9. bthemoose


    I recently acquired this nice little tooth from the Carlile Shale of north central Kansas, which I believe is Turonian in age. It looks like Cardabiodon ?venator to me, but I don't have much experience with the genus. What do others think? The tooth measures 27.17 mm along the slant and is 21.66 mm wide.
  10. bthemoose

    Montana Cretaceous shark tooth ID

    The tooth below is listed for sale as Cretodus crassidens from the Carlisle Shale in Montana. While there might be some very slight wrinkles on the labial side of this tooth, this doesn't look like the typical lingual or labial enamel folds that I would expect from Cretodus, so I'm wondering if it might be from Cretalamna or something else instead. @siteseer, @ThePhysicist, @Anomotodon, any thoughts on this one? The slant length of the tooth is 22 mm. Photos are from the seller, slightly cleaned up by me.

    Upper Cretaceous oddity

    While out in the Puerco, I smacked open a concretion to find an unfamiliar pattern. Any thoughts or ideas are greatly appreciated. The specimen is from the Upper Cretaceous (Turonian) Carlile Shale. It is layered and each layer has this pattern. I currently do not have a measurement but will do so. Thanks for taking a look.
  12. From the album: Cephalopods Worldwide

    3cm. A gift from PFooley Carlile Shale Member Mancos Shale Formation Turonian Late Cretaceous From Sandoval County, New Mexico, USA
  13. I have being going thru some of the matrix I received from tj102569 and am posting some of the smaller finds. This matrix has a lot of shark teeth and fish bones in it. I am still waiting for the vinegar soak to do it's work on a lot of the larger chunks. Any help that I can get with IDs is appreciated. This first one has a tiny vert and a pointy thing I can't id, and a crusher tooth (both sides are shown) what are these striated teeth? some more teeth
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