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  1. Hello Fossil Folks, This is likely a typical request. What I think is a fossil was found and I would like to know what it might be, It appears to have too much of a biological shape to be a rock. The pictures show the top bottom and sides, There are some pictures of the fracture face. There are no visible serrations so it is not likely a tooth. It might be a claw or a spike. I would think a spike to be more round. For a claw there does not appear to be noticeable wear. This was found between San Antonio and Austin. It was near the surface on a slight hill. As my nickname shows I am an amateur. Would love to hear what you have to say. I apologize if my pics got downloaded twice. Pls just go by the numbers. Amateur
  2. Ssmith1100

    Can you identify

    Found in central Texas. Husband thinks it's a dinosaur skull
  3. River4life

    What kind of bone?

    Found this in a river. Bell county, Texas Any ideas? Bison? IMG_9863 2.MOV
  4. Can anyone help me identify this fossil or artifact? I found it in central Texas Hill Country in hays county last year. I haven't been able to determine exactly what it is yet.
  5. I found this piece last year in central Texas Hill country. I did a little bit of research to find out what it is and I think it looks most like a hoof of a prehistoric equine but I am not completely sure. Does anyone have any insight as to what it most likely actually is?
  6. Spent some time yesterday driving around Fort Hood military base area. I didn't go inside the main base, but there were plenty of public roads and lands next to the base that were not fenced in or restricted. I managed to find few spots that were exposed to the erosion. Most fossils were bivalves, gastropod and lots of broken oxytropidoceras ammos. Due to nature of the preservation most Oxy's were broken. West Fort Hood in the background. Road leading to Fort Hood gate. Exposed Walnut Formation surface. Gryphaeas were everywhere! Collection. This is the biggest Oxy ammo I've ever found in Texas. It measures almost 13 inches.
  7. Brandy Cole

    Texas Coral? Favosites?

    Ocean related fossils are something I'm relatively unfamiliar with, but I noticed this landscaping rock from Central Texas over the holidays that caught my eye. It didn't look to be the right material or texture for petrified wood. It reminded me of some of the coral pictures I've seen here. The rock was pulled from an area around the Hooper Formation I believe. The Wilcox Group. The rock is about two feet long by one foot wide. Could it be favosites?
  8. Creek - Don

    Central Texas Gastropods

    Spent Saturday looking for fossils in the Central Texas area. Came across huge chunks of rocks near the road. I decided to take a closer look. To my surprise saw loads of fist size gastropods embedded in huge stones. Interesting to see large size gastropods concentrated in a single spot like that. I usually see one or two at the most. I was also in the Walnut Formation, but these rocks may come from the Edwards formation or Austin Chalk formation. I'm leaning more toward the Edwards Formation.
  9. This weekend, Saturday and Sunday, come join me for PSA's annual show. Totally family friendly. https://www.austinpaleo.org/fest.html
  10. Hello! I was hoping someone could help with identifying this fossil. It was found at an abandoned rental property in Copperas Cove, Texas about 15 years ago. I do not know where it was originally found. I hope these pictures are adequate. Thanks for any help!
  11. Hi all - I stumbled upon this while hiking along an outcrop of the Eagle Ford (I think) in Central Texas. I believe this area is often under water but is exposed due to the drought. At first glance, this looked like a flattened skull to me. I splashed a little water on it and was able to see it a little better, and I have no idea what it is - haven’t seen anything like it in my area. Does this look like fish or reptile bones? Or just a pile of bits and pieces of shells, etc? Thanks for the help!
  12. I found this the other day in Austin, TX. It looks like some kind of vertebrae or other bone, but I don't know what animal it's from. Judging by the age of the other fossils in that area, I would say it's late Cretaceous (it's clearly very fossilized), unless it was somehow moved there from somewhere else.
  13. Brandy Cole


    My mom and dad gave me a box of shells they found years ago in a central Texas creek. I believe it was around Williamson County, but not sure. This is the largest specimen. Measurements are in inches. Shells are an area I'm not very familiar with, but this one appears similar to examples of exogyra I found online. I'm hoping someone else can tell me more.
  14. Last weekend, I made the trip down to San Antonio to tour and interview at a school. Though the drive wasn't all that long, it was enough for me to decide to take advantage of the opportunity and make a visit to one of the most famous Lower Glen Rose roadcuts in the Northern San Antonio area. In recent weeks, I have finally hopped onto the echinoid train and begun rapidly expanding my urchin collection. To keep the ball rolling, my goal was to find at least one decent specimen of Leptosalenia texana. Luckily for me, the layer I was heading to has been dubbed the "Salenia texana zone" for a reason. Local echi hunters will probably recognize this spot pretty quickly. The day was hot, but I'd grown used to the heat after the Texas summer we've had (or are still having?) since May. I first poked around the more accessible parts of the exposure. I wasn't surprised to see dozens of urchin shaped holes dug into the wall; it is a popular spot after all. I steadily made my way across the exposure, prying out the stray irregular echies as I could find them. Half an hour passed and I was still at a loss for completing my initial goal. I decided switch things up and worked my way through some bushes to less friendly spots that others may have not wanted to bother with. As soon as I set my water bottle down, I spotted my first piece of salenia sitting right there next to it. The ornamentation on these things are so alien, they really jump out of the background unlike anything else. Pretty quickly I spotted a whole mess of leptosalenia just erupting from the hardened clay. Thankfully, I brought some tools and got straight to work popping each of them out one at a time. Most of them weren't all that pretty, but the thicker shells on Leptosalenia texana help with keeping them better preserved in a higher ratio than most other urchins (none of my irregular echinoids looked all that great at least). The day continued more of the same and before I knew it, it was time to continue my way down the road with a baggie full of goodies. It's not every day you get to add a genus and three new species to your collection! Pics: Better specimens of Leptosalenia texana Irregular echinoids. Top is Heteraster obliquatus and bottom two are Pliotoxaster comanchei Misc. Fossils. Left to right: Bivalve, Porocystis globularis, and echinoid spine. If anyone knows which urchin that spine goes to, let me know! For those who are wondering, the interview went great! I'm gonna be on the road again to another big city in Texas where I will get to check out a familiar spot (assuming the water level stays low) so look forward to a future report! Thanks for reading
  15. Took a trip today to one of my new Ozan spots that is rapidly becoming a favorite, despite the headache it is to reach. Although the finds are few and far between, I've always come out with something I haven't seen before. It's definitely been testing my ID skills. I didn't come out with too many things, but I've got a couple I would like to get some informed opinions on. First up is a regular urchin. I've found a few fragments of regular echinoids washed out within a small stretch of creek. Though this is the third I've seen, its the first of this appearance and first to safely make it undamaged (it's a bumpy ride to get in and out). I'm pretty bad with echinoid IDs, but from comparison with the ones I'm familiar with, I think it's a kind of salenia. It also looks like it could be a goniophorus. I don't know the terminology, but the lines of mini tubercles in between the primary tubercles look closer to salenia. They seem to form paired lines. This guy is about 7.5 mm across. If it is salenia, I'm guessing it isn't the typical texana, mexicana, etc. that are found in older cretaceous fms of TX, so I wonder what species it could be if not a new one ! The second specimen I want to share looks like a fish jaw to me. Initially, I was very confused on what it could be. I thought it was tooth shaped, but had enamel unlike any I was familiar with. After some prepping, I think I've found a single tooth socket. Unfortunately, most of the "jaw" had been eroded away. Do you guys think it's a fish jaw? If so, any guesses on genus/species? Thanks for reading and feel free to ask for additional pics!
  16. So this trip report is a little late in coming, but it's because the week before last was a lot to process! Just saying it was amazing would be an understatement. The Sunday before last I found the Xiphactinus with @Jared C that I've already posted about (and plan to provide an update on as soon as I'm done writing this). On Tuesday I had a job interview at the Waco Mammoth Site, and on Wednesday I got the job! Then I spent the weekend in Glen Rose, joining other volunteers from the Dallas Paleontological Society in helping Glen Kuban clean and map the dinosaur trackways recently uncovered by the horrible drought Texas has been experiencing this summer. Each of these three by themselves would be a huge highlight on my path to (hopefully) becoming a professional paleontologist, but to have all three happen in the same week? The stars must have aligned! I got more experience doing real paleo work in one week than I've had at any other point in my life, and with the new job and the fish excavation seeming like it'll be soon it looks like there's a lot more to come and I couldn't be happier about it. On to the trip report! As I said, last weekend I made the trip up to Dinosaur Valley State Park to help with the dinosaur footprints before the rain finally decided to make its way back to Texas and covered them up again. I left before sunrise on Saturday morning so I could arrive before noon while also leaving some extra time to make some stops along the way. I was hoping that I'd have some luck in the Glen Rose formation as my only experience with it before was in exposures of the lower half of the formation in Austin. Unfortunately, I didn't quite do enough research beforehand and ended up skunked - apparently the Upper Glen Rose is notoriously lacking in fossils aside from the famous dinosaur footprints. For once I was glad that I couldn't help myself when it came to making stops at every good-looking roadcut I saw. The slightly older and much more fossiliferous Comanche Peak formation is exposed almost everywhere you look closer to Waco and I had much better luck there. Here's a decent-sized Oxytropodiceras I found at one spot but ended up leaving behind since none of the fragments were very large on their own. I still want to find a complete one! By the time I got to Glen Rose I had a nice assortment of irregular echinoids (all Heteraster texanus I believe), gastropods (Tylostoma tumidum and Turritella seriatim-granulata, the latter represented by both external and internal casts), and one bivalve that could be Protocardia that I decided to keep because one side preserved both upper and lower valves and retained the original shell material which isn't very common. Of course, even though I told myself I wouldn't be tempted I did wind up taking home a different Oxytropidoceras fragment. What can I say? I'm a sucker for ammonites! I was hit with a flood of memories when I arrived in Glen Rose. I used to spend a week with my grandparents every summer at their house near Tyler when I was growing up, and they knew how much I liked all things dinosaur-related. When I was seven they took me to Glen Rose for the first time and it completely blew my mind. I liked it so much, in fact, that we went back every summer for the next five years. I hadn't been back to Dinosaur Valley State Park or the town it calls home in a while before last weekend. A lot was just as I remembered it: the Dairy Queen with its dinosaur mural, the Stone Hut Fossil Shop, and Dinosaur World with its array of concrete (and charmingly inaccurate) dinosaur statues. Even the woefully fossil-barren roadcut that I had begged my grandparents to let me explore once upon a time was right where I had last seen it. What I definitely didn't remember was the over half a mile long line of cars bumper-to-bumper trying to get into the park! It seemed like the national news coverage of the newly-exposed dinosaur tracks had been bringing people from all over - I saw more than a few license plates that were from out-of-state. As soon as I realized just how long of a wait I was in for I understood why the DPS had asked for people to begin arriving at 9 - both to beat the heat and the lines to get into the park. One fifty minute wait later and I was finally rolling up to the visitor's center. A sign out front that looked like it had just been set there said that the park was at capacity for the day, and unless visitors had prior reservations they would have to be turned away. I'm sure there were more than a few exhausted parents that were not at all looking forward to the difficult explanation they were going to have to give their dinosaur-obsessed children. After explaining to a ranger that I was there to help Glen Kuban and the DPS with the track clean-up a very friendly park ranger directed me where to go. On the way to the track site I passed the famous T. rex and Brontosaurus statues that the park was given after their debut at the 1964 New York World's Fair as part of an exhibition put on by the Sinclair Oil Corporation (their logo has been a sauropod for over 100 years!). While many of the tracks at the park are from theropods and sauropods, the park staff are keen to remind visitors that T. rex and Brontosaurus were not the trackmakers. Since their discovery the long-running theory has been that the theropod tracks were made by Acrocanthosaurus and the sauropod tracks by Sauroposeidon. The most famous tracksite is that first studied by American Museum of Natural History paleontologist R. T. Bird, showing a lone Acrocanthosaurus pursuing a herd of Sauroposeidon across the Early Cretaceous coastline. There are also other tracks made by an ornithopod similar to Iguanodon. Following the ranger's direction took me through a bumpy stretch of dirt road winding through a pasture on the western side of the park. The track site where I was headed, the Taylor Site, is easily accessible by hiking along the riverbed from the center of the park, but driving there was a lot more difficult. When I finally arrived I could already see crowds of people down in the river. I had never visited this spot before in my previous trips to the park since there were so many other track sites that were more well-advertised, but it seemed like the news coverage was drawing people out to the less-visited areas. As soon as I made my way down to the riverbed I was blown away. The DPS volunteers had clearly been busy the previous weekend. A huge pile of mud and sediment was stacked to one side, revealing a neat line of giant theropod tracks so pristine it looked like it could have been made only hours before. Thankfully there wasn't an Acrocanthosaurus lurking nearby! Ripple marks were also preserved alongside many of the tracks. I made my way over to the EZ-Up tent some DPS members had set up and introduced myself. It was surreal to meet Glen Kuban, as I remembered reading an article of his when I was only 12 and curious about the "human footprint" controversy. The Taylor Site is actually the exact spot where the misidentifed human trackway is located and so Mr. Kuban generously offered to give me a short guided tour. He was quite the character, full of obvious passion for the tracks he's spent over four decades studying and willing to answer any question asked of him by interested passerby. I asked him to set me to work and he directed me to the spot where you can see a bunch of people standing in the picture above. It turns out that there is a separate set of tracks preserved very differently from the rest at this location. The tracks were also made by a theropod, but instead of appearing as indentations in the limestone they are instead raised "casts" - the result of infilling with a sturdier sediment than the other tracks close by. When the river eroded away the layers of rock covering up the tracks it also eroded out the weak sediment that had filled many of them; however, the opposite happened to this particular set. The sediment that filled them in after they were first made over 113 million years ago is actually stronger than the limestone that makes up the river bed and is thus much more resistant to the Paluxy River's currents. As Mr. Kuban explained to me, the orange-ish coloring you can just barely see in the picture below is the result of iron present in the sediment that's slowly been oxidizing as it's exposed to the air. I joined several other DPS members who were diligently scrubbing the tracks so that Mr. Kuban could get better photos of them for the grid map he was planning on making of the site. I was told that that was the real reason the effect of the drought had been so significant: all of these footprints had been visible at some point or another, but it had been many decades since they had all been visible at the same time. No "new" tracks were discovered recently despite what the news had been saying. After several cycles of dumping buckets of river water on the tracks, then sponging them, then scrubbing them, the tracks were finally ready for their headshots, which was then followed by an hour's worth of measurement-taking and documentation. Below is a picture of the dream team at work! From left to right: Joe (a graduate student from Columbus who knew Mr. Kuban and who flew down just to work on the tracks), me, Murray (a DPS member and volunteer fossil preparer at the Perot Museum in Dallas), and Mr. Kuban, with grid paper and trusty clipboard in hand. I felt guilty not doing much more than scrubbing limestone and holding a tape measure for the rest of the day (not that I wasn't having the time of my life doing it!), as I could imagine just how much work had gone into shoveling and sweeping away all the mud that had been covering the main trackways. Major props to the hard-working members of the DPS that spent the weekend prior doing all that labor in the Texas heat! The tracksite looked amazing, and many of the visitors to the park passing through where we were working agreed. I had to deflect more than a couple of thank yous - what I was doing didn't hold a candle to the mini-excavation that had been done before I ever showed up. I ended up spending the night in town at the Comfort Inn (behind which forum member @LanceH actually did discover new dinosaur tracks). Although I tried to see them the next morning before I drove back to the park, it seems like the elements haven't been kind to Lance's discovery. The footprints are in a drainage ditch and were preserved in marl that is far weaker than the limestone in the river and so were probably only visible for a couple of years at most. Sunday was spent sweeping away some of the sediment that had already been moved just in case one of the dinosaur trackways extended to the area underneath it. As it turned out, it did! After that was done I went to another spot in the park with some other volunteers to see if the tracks there needed cleaning as well. This was the tracksite I remembered visiting with my grandparents. It's called the Ballroom because unlike the Taylor Site the tracks here are a mix of overlapping trails that don't form clear pathways. Maybe the Early Cretaceous was characterized by frequent dinosaur dance-offs. The scientific community may never know. Here's one of the largest Acrocanthosaurus tracks with my size 12 shoe for comparison. The clawmarks at the end of each toe where the theropod dug into the silty earth to keep its balance are still visible after all this time. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of the sauropod tracks, but there were several nice ones at the Ballroom made by a juvenile that showed each of the strange curved toes very clearly. Speaking of sauropods, the last thing I did in town before I headed back to Waco was try some of the best good old Texas barbecue Glen Rose had to offer at a local joint named Hammond's (not a Jurassic Park reference, but I like to think it was ). Out front was a statue of a sauropod complete with horns, cowprint, and a brandmark that made me ask myself what they would have tasted like if they were still around. And that was it for my weekend! It was incredibly fun to visit one of my favorite places in the world again after so long away, and even more rewarding of an experience to get to do some real paleontology work with people that I was able to learn a lot from. Hopefully it won't be the last time- I think I'd like to make a habit of this sort of thing. Now to get to work on that fish update! - Graham
  17. Hi, I’ve recently been searching through some sifted gravel from a creek. I’ve been looking for microfossils, which I’ve had plenty of luck finding. All sorts of marine Cretaceous invertebrate micros are abundant in the creek gravel, as well as the occasional micro shark/fish tooth, scale, and bone fragment. I encountered a tooth that stood out from anything I’ve found so far. It has a conical shape, and is recurved. Something about this tooth seems very reptile-like. Almost looks like a tiny version of a crocodile or mosasaur tooth. The tooth measures 1 millimeter in length. I tried searching the internet for something similar, and have been unable to find something like this. The closest thing that I found was teeth from a jaw of a Coniasaurus that was found in North Texas. Here is the tooth that I found. It’s 1 millimeter from base to tip. The creek is located in Central Texas close to Austin, and passes through sediments spanning the whole Cretaceous geological column of Texas. From the Glen Rose Limestone to the Navarro Group. (~110-66 myrs). What do y’all think of this little tooth. Could it be from a small reptile like Coniasaurus and other dolichosaurs?
  18. JohnJ


    From the album: Mosasaurs

    © JJackson

  19. Found this today in a dry creek bed where I have found previous cretaceous pieces (sharks teeth). Was just laying there in some small gravel. Roughly 3 CM and some (small) change.
  20. Today was a memorable outing, and our net results were the best I've ever had for a single day without driving 2 hours. This morning started quickly. My step brother, Christian, was already knocking on my door at 9:30 - yes, that may be late in the morning for everyone else, but it's a full hour before I'm usually fully awake. I guess that's the trade off for late nights! Yesterday we made plans to spend our day today hunting a spot that I was used to scouring but had not visited in a while. That was not the only motivation for choosing this particular spot though. When I originally discovered this area, there were lots of associated large bones in the creek. After finding one of those water stained vertebrae, I decided "wow, that's huge! Not fossilized though.Looks bovid. Must be cow...eh " *toss* Looking back at it, I was (and am) kicking myself hard enough to break a toe. I never even thought to look for a skull, to just be sure, and the more I think about it, the more the odds fall in favor that the bones were bison, and I completely disregarded a very interesting Pleistocene skeleton. So, this was going to be an attempt at redemption - I had observed many bones downstream during successive returns (still met with more, "eh, must be cow"), but this time we were going to do something about it. The locality is cretaceous, so we'd hunt cretaceous material on the way up, keeping a look out for those "cow bones", until arriving to the site where the bulk of the skeleton used to be. At least, that was the plan... After parking by a small business (which hasn't towed me a single time- shout out to them), we made our way on foot over to a bridge, which we then started descending. The creek is on public land, but there's no parking or easily accessible points down to it. Once down at the creek, we wasted no time and took a turn left - the direction I've always gone. Christian was immediately impressed by the enormous size of the Exogyra oysters, which are abundant here. He's not an ardent fossil hunter, meaning he's never had the intent to go do it on his own, for example, but he is impressed by fossils and has a wickedly perceptive eye. We worked our way up the usual spots - it was his first time here, but probably my sixth or seventh. I pointed out to him where I made my best finds - the mosasaur tooth, the plesiosaur caudal rib, a bison tooth, etc, but in the end we didn't find much there. The "bison" skeleton was nowhere to be seen anymore, and while we found other cool fragments of definitive Pleistocene bone, none were identifiable further. One find of note however, was an echinoid that Christian spotted. I don't know how the dude does it, but he finds echinoids everywhere, it's like a superpower of his. No matter where we go or what we're doing, if it's outside, he'll spot an echinoid somehow. (Below - an interesting mushroom, which I believe to be Ganoderma sessile ) The real party started once we made it back to the bridge where we began. Our plan was to scout the left side of the creek, the part I've never hunted before. We rounded the corner, and upon seeing the steep banks, it was clear that we had to walk across some deep creek crossings. I took point, and seeing that the water came almost to my stomach, Christian decided to settle for what he had found and instead poke around under the bridge again while he waits for me to finish scouting. Immediately after finishing my first deep crossing, and as Christian was starting to walk away, I found my first proper arrow head, ever. Previously, this creek had produced some rudimentary stone tools, one of which we even found earlier on this excursion. But they were nothing like what I had stumbled across here, sitting proud and jet black under a centimetre of water. I yelled back for Christian to come check it out - if there was any motivation for him to cross the creek and continue to scout with me, it would be this. Apparently, he was probably a cat in his past life, because even this, found 5 minutes into this scouting run, was not convincing enough. Besides, it had started raining, so he still decided to poke around under the bridge. From this point on, I decided to make haste. I wasn't a fan of being in the rain either, but it certainly wasn't enough to stop me. I made my way down, crossing through water a few more times to avoid climbing the steep banks, and eventually came to some great looking exposures with many small, tight bends in the creek that accumulated lots of gravel.By this time, the little cloud burst had cleared, and things were nice and cooled off. I took a video to show him for when I got back, but before that video I accidentally took a picture of the beginning of the exposures: On the walk back, I found a palm sized piece of chunkasaurus, and the mother of all Exogyra, with both parts of the shell still present, I imagine it's Exogyra ponderosa, but I know that there are some other big local Exogyra species as well, so I could be off. Scouting was successful, so I continued walking back in earnest. When I got back to the bridge, I quickly showed Christian the tid-bits I was returning with, and asked if he had any success. "Oh, you have no idea..." he replied. He then held out his hand, and we both just crumpled into another dimension. The hype was unreal. In his hand, and as the product of just thirty minutes, were two Ptychodus mortoni teeth, another echinoid, a piece of Enchodus(?) tooth, and what looks to be a Cretoxyrhina mantelli tooth - a first for both of us.They were small, but none of us cared - this was LOCAL! Three shark teeth in 30 minutes is absolutely bonkers! Furthermore, Neither of us had ever found a fish tooth. This was an exciting hall for so short of a time. He was as stunned as I was. This was the same bridge gravel I gave minimal attention to all 6 times I've been here, and we both walked past it or spent time there already, before he really started looking as he sat around waiting for me in sheer boredom. Apparently, all he had done was assign himself to small (as in a few square feet) patch of gravel at a time, giving the smallest rocks the most undivided attention, picking up anything darkly colored. Needless to say, we both had new drive to stick around longer, now using this technique to hunt, but funnily enough (I guess I'm bad luck, lol) we both couldn't find anything else for about 40 minutes. That was until Christian then decided to uncover the next crazy trip maker of the day, a small Ptychodus sp. still in matrix!! At this point I was reduced to a blubbering fool, and had to explain to Christian the gravity of his find. Now more than ever I had a fire under me to at least pull one shark tooth from this spot today. After another 10 minutes, my hard work was rewarded! ......with one of the tiniest shark teeth I've ever seen Some seconds after taking this picture, I noticed an echinoid just to my right, and plop! There went the tooth. I couldn't find the tiny tooth again, but it was alright, because it's sacrifice made for a sweet consolation prize Some minutes later, while I was standing up, I saw yet another echinoid, but this one was different to the others... and what a great little sea urchin it ended up being. It still had some texture on it, and despite probably being too water rolled to suite the taste of an echinoid aficionado, it was more than enough for me, as this was the first echinoid I've ever found with it's little bumps preserved. (spot the echinoid) My last find here I almost missed - it was an ammonite chunk of a species I didn't recognize. The chunk is incredibly water rolled, but still note worthy because of those distinct suture lines and a color that I'm not used to seeing. So, while we walked away with no bison material, we at least had new perspective on on old spots, and I'm sure this place will produce many more fossils and memories in the future.
  21. Jared C

    Texas Tylosaur tooth

    From the album: Proudest finds

    Species: likely Tylosaurus proriger Date of discovery: May 5, 2021 Locale: Central Texas
  22. Jared C

    Insitu Parapuzosia

    From the album: Proudest finds

    Parapuzosia bosei July 24, 2021 Austin Chalk, Central Texas
  23. Jared C

    Texas Tylosaur tooth

    From the album: Proudest finds

    Species: likely Tylosaurus proriger Date of discovery: May 5, 2021 Locale: Central Texas
  24. Jared C

    Insitu of Texas Tylosaur tooth

    From the album: Proudest finds

    Species: likely Tylosaurus proriger Date of discovery: May 5, 2021 Locale: Central Texas
  25. Hello, this is my first post here on The Fossil Forum. I recently went fossil hunting in the Glen Rose formation near Canyon Lake, looking for echinoids and other invertebrates. I did end up finding a few and tried to identify them myself, but I would appreciate confirmation from somebody more experienced than me. Is the fossil in the images above Heteraster obliquatus? I also found an echinoid that looks to me like Paracidaris texanus. This specimen has foraminifera tests and other bits of limestone still attached to its underside, but I don’t know enough about preparing fossils to work on it right now. Finding these was super fun, and eventually I’d like to learn how to clean them up properly. Any help in identification would be much appreciated!
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