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  1. Josesaurus rex

    Chile returns fossils to Morocco

    Hello, this news has come out today in Chile, it is not about a new discovery, but it involves fossils as well. It caught my attention and I wanted to share it so that you are aware of this. The link is below, The page is in Spanish, I couldn't find the news in English : https://www.monumentos.gob.cl/prensa/noticias/secretaria-tecnica-cmn-concreta-restitucion-piezas-paleontologicas-originarias
  2. Today, with my father we went to a beach in the Central coast of Chile, in a famous Chilean Paleontology cretaceous site (Los tubos beach) some people know that fossil collecting here in Chile is baned, so I only take pictures of the fossils. The bad part is that the water is so cold so i can't dive to search more in-deep water fossils (I hate cold water ) Enjoy the pictures!
  3. Alvaro


    I was walking in a beach in Algarrobo, Chile (Cretaceous formation) and I found this big fossil. I can't pick it because its too big and its illegal here so i can only take a picture. (my hand to comparation)
  4. SandraZet

    Stone with lines from Chile

    Hi, my 5year old son found this in Chile, near Cochamo in a riverbed and the more I look at it I wonder how a stone got this texture. Maybe you can help us understand how this happened. It is about 13inches long and very heavy. Thanks!!
  5. Josh_irving

    Shark teeth from Chile, C. Hubbelli

    Hi everyone, Are these two teeth C. Hubbelli or C. carcharias? thanks, in advance. 1. 2.
  6. Alvaro

    Nautilus or Bivalve?

    I found this fossil in lo valdes, Chile.
  7. Never-before-seen 'missing link' dinosaur walks, drinks and socializes in stunning new animation By Harry Baker Live Science , June 27, 2023 Descubren nueva especie ancestral de dinosaurio pico de pato que vivió hace 72 millones de años en la Patagonia Universidad de Chile, Press Release. Chile y la U. de Chile presentan al mundo una nueva especie de dinosaurio. Universidad de Chile, Youtube The open access paper is: Alarcón-Muñoz, J., Vargas, A.O., Püschel, H.P., Soto-Acuña, S., Manríquez, L., Leppe, M., Kaluza, J., Milla, V., Gutstein, C.S., Palma-Liberona, J. and Stinnesbeck, W., 2023. Relict duck-billed dinosaurs survived into the last age of the dinosaurs in subantarctic Chile. Science Advances, 9(24), p.eadg2456. Yours, Paul H.
  8. ThePhysicist

    Great white shark tooth

    From the album: Sharks

    One of the most coveted teeth due to the great white's popularity. Being one of my favorite animals, I knew I had to get a nice one eventually. This one in particular is special. Besides being in superb condition, this tooth has a bite mark on the root: three parallel grooves on the labial side of the root gouged by serrations. Bite marks on teeth are uncommon, and a neat feature on this already sweet tooth. This tooth is from the desert of northern Chile. Fossils from Chile are now illegal to export, so as an ethical collector you need to make sure that any Chilean fossils you are interested in were exported prior to the ban.
  9. ThePhysicist

    Carcharodon hubbelli tooth

    From the album: Sharks

    White sharks used to have smooth-edged teeth. They eventually evolved serrations as their diets transitioned to marine mammals from fish. This shark was a transitional form between the smooth-edged predecessors and the modern fully-serrated great white. The serrations on this tooth are not worn-down. C. hubbelli serrations are naturally finer, typically decrease in size towards the tip, and are oriented towards the tip. This tooth is from the desert of northern Chile. Fossils from Chile are now illegal to export, so as an ethical collector you need to make sure that any Chilean fossils you are interested in were exported prior to the ban.
  10. ThePhysicist

    Hubbell's White Shark Tooth

    Identification Teeth of C. hubbelli are morphological intermediates between C. hastalis and the extant species C. carcharias. They all possess erect triangular cusps, no nutrient groove, and a thin to no lingual dental band ("bourlette"). C. hubbelli exhibits transitional serrations which are finer/weaker than those of the extant species, and diminish in size apically.1 This feature may be confounded with the same pattern in nascent C. carcharias.2 C. hubbelli may be confused with C. subserratus (escheri), however they can be easily distinguished by their geographic distributions. C. hubbelli is exclusively found in the Pacific, while C. subserratus (escheri) is only found in the Northern Atlantic and Mediterranean.1 References 1. Ehret, D.J., Macfadden, B.J., Jones, D.S., DeVries, T.J., Foster, D.A. and Salas-Gismondi, R. (2012), Origin of the white shark Carcharodon (Lamniformes: Lamnidae) based on recalibration of the Upper Neogene Pisco Formation of Peru. Palaeontology, 55: 1139-1153. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-4983.2012.01201.x 2. Hubbell G. (1996), Using tooth structure to determine the evolutionary history of the white shark. In: Klimley AP, Ainley DG, editors. Great White Sharks: The Biology of Carcharodon carcharias. San Diego: Academic Press. pp 9–18.
  11. ThePhysicist

    Great White Shark Tooth

    Identification Teeth of Carcharodon carcharias may be identified by erect, triangular crowns with no nutrient groove in the root, no lingual dental band ("bourlette"), and irregular triangular serrations on the edges. Comments This tooth has a self-inflicted bite mark in the form of three parallel linear gouges in the labial face of the root made by serrations of another tooth.
  12. terminatordiego

    Microfossils? from Chile in thin section

    Hello again my good friends. I did a petrographic thin section in a marine consolidated sediment, and i found some elements that seems to be microfossils. It is worth noting that these sediments are in a mandatory-way marine since in all of them are marine bivalves fragments. I also was unsure if put this here or either in the microfossil zone of the forum, leaving it here because it is an ID question. For each I'll leave a views in PPL and XPL. Hopefully someone may be able to recognize them at least broadly, and tell apart them from being forams, big diatoms or even algae. Greetings from Chile !!!!! PD: Sediment age may range from middle Eocene into the Miocene Fossil 1: Fossil 2: Fossil 3:
  13. Scientists find evidence of largest earthquake in human history 3,800 years ago By Sommer Brokaw, UPI, April 19, 2022 Live Science, July 19, 2022, article Salazar, D., Easton, G., Goff, J., Guendon, J.L., González-Alfaro, J., Andrade, P., Villagrán, X., Fuentes, M., León, T., Abad, M. and Izquierdo, T., 2022. Did a 3800-year-old M w~ 9.5 earthquake trigger major social disruption in the Atacama Desert?. Science advances, 8(14), no. eabm2996. Open access paper Yours, Paul H.
  14. Bobby Morgenfeld

    Possible amonite part.

    I found this rock while hiking in a mountainous range around Central chile, 2 hours out from santiago. The area around where I came across was very elevated and dry, with features similar to the atacama(which was once underwater). It has ridges on the side of it, as well as having the size and shape of the outer part of an amonite shell. I used a rock identification app which told me it was made of limestone. Now I'm wondering if I found a fossil or just a weirdly shaped rock.
  15. ThePhysicist

    South American great whites

    From the album: Sharks

    These white sharks come from the deserts of Chile (left) and Peru (right).
  16. Melting Glacier Reveals Nearly Two Dozen Huge Ancient Sea Creature Fossils Motherboard, Audrey Carleton, May 11, 2021 Chile’s first complete ichthyosaur recovered from a glacier in Patagonia University of Manchester, May 10, 2022 Melting glacier uncovers 'exceptional' prehistoric discovery for researchers By Marianne Mizera, Yahoo News, May 16, 2022 Yours, Paul H.
  17. JorisVV

    Whale tooth from Chile

    Just got this 10,5 centimeter whale tooth (with Matrix) from Chile. What could the specimen ID be?
  18. Hello to all guys!!!, I would like to ask again for help in the ID of some teeth. I´ve been searching in a local university's museum for teeth of the original strata (Upper Paleocene), and I have found a very interesting set of boxes containing a bunch of different teeth, all labeled as "Scapanorhynchus sp.", maybe existing a missidentification. The question would be if any of you guys can ID the pieces and how to differentiate the Scapanorhynchus sp. from Striatolamia striata or Sylvestrilamia teretidens, the options I´m leaning for the ID of the teeth. I would also like to check if you guys @will stevenson , @MarcoSr or @bthemoose have any info about it. You guys are awesome!! The ruler is a 1mm step grid, and I'll try to order them from anterior to posterior (I am aware that each one can be of different taxa), all of them have a stronger or weaker folded surface in lingual side. Any help or info is welcome, thanks guys!!! and greetings from Chile. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Finally, this one has the weakest folding:
  19. Jonathan Raymond

    My shark teeth collection

    Here is my shark teeth collection. photo 1 Species: Carcharocles megalodon Age: 2,6-15 million years (Miocene-Pliocene) Size: 9,5 centimeters Localisation: Georgia River (Georgia) Formation: Hawthorn photo 2 Species : Isurus hastalis Age: 9 million years (Miocene) Size: 4,8 centimeters Localisation: Copiapo, Chile Formation: Bahia Inglesa photo 3 Species: Squalicorax pristodontus Age: 70 million years (Upper Cretaceous) Size: 2,9 centimeters Localisation: Morocco Formation: Kem Kem Beds photo 4 Species: Carcharodon carcharias Age: 3 million years (Plocene) Size: 4,6 centimeters Localisation: Ica region, Peru Formation: Pisco
  20. Soto-Acuña, Sergio; Vargas, Alexander O.; Kaluza, Jonatan; Leppe, Marcelo A.; Botelho, Joao F.; Palma-Liberona, José; Simon-Gutstein, Carolina; Fernández, Roy A.; Ortiz, Héctor; Milla, Verónica; Aravena, Bárbara, 2021. Bizarre tail weaponry in a transitional ankylosaur from subantarctic Chile. Nature: 1–5. doi:10.1038/s41586-021-04147-1. ISSN 1476-4687. Links: This bizarre armored dinosaur had a uniquely bladed tail weapon (nationalgeographic.com) This Dinosaur Found in Chile Had a Battle Ax for a Tail - The New York Times (nytimes.com) Stegouros is quite unusual for ankylosaurs in that it had a tail whose armor is reminiscent of war clubs used by the Aztecs and Hawaiians, in sharp contrast to ankylosaurids having tail clubs similar to maces used by medieval knights. Moreover, the authors of the Stegouros paper recover this taxon along with Antarctopelta and Kunbarrasaurus in a distinct ankylosaur clade basal to Nodosauridae and Ankylosauridae, which they named Ankylosauria.
  21. This is Wild, Just imagine what took place. The explosion and shock wave and then Molten glass landing on the forest floor. Quote from paper.... "Paleograss imprints and H2O diffusion fronts on the bottom of some in situ samples indicate emplacement on wet sediments before being completely quenched, consistent with local late Pleistocene environmental conditions at that time. Finally, all glasses occur in sediments of late Pleistocene age" Widespread glasses generated by cometary fireballs during the late Pleistocene in the Atacama Desert, Chilehttps://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geology/article/doi/10.1130/G49426.1/609354/Widespread-glasses-generated-by-cometary-fireballs click on pdf
  22. I found these for sale. Some Dolphin teeth from Caldera, Chile, Miocene. Are they real? And if so are they from the Bahia Inglesa Formation? Adriano
  23. Hello to all of you guys, a couple of weeks before i asked for help in relation with some shark teeth, and the help indeed was very nice! A couple days before i was back in field trip and found some more teeth from the same strata, and would need your help for the correct ID (hopefully at species or genus level), you guys are awesome!!! Here´s the list of the fossils (each step of the ruler is 2mm): 1) A tiny tooth with very small roots and 3 denticles, the central and main one is triangular and very oblicuous 2) A tooth with very triangular cusplets and with small and shorts ridges in the base of the main denticle (wich is slightly curved), the roots are slightly asymmetrical 3) A half of tooth with triangular cusplets and with a slight triangular depression in the base of the main denticle (wich is slightly curved) 4) A (i think so) stingray tail fossill 5) A tooth that i dont know what could be (the tip is very smooth and the roots have a wood-like texture) 6) A tooth that i think is from Premontreia subulidens, but im not 100% sure 7) Something that i dont know what it is, looks like some kind of skin or membrane 8) A tooth similar in color and root texture that number 5, but with only 1 denticle 9) A tooth with very triangular cusplets and low developed roots 10) A tooth with maybe similar look about Carcharias teretidens? but with slightly longer lateral denticles 11) A tooth with aparently only one denticle, and asymmetrical roots (the rightest part of the right root is easly confused with the sandstone matrix) 12) A tooth with two denticles, striae in the lingual face, triangular depression in the base of the main denticle and the base of the crown is much more prominent that the diameter of the main denticle, might be reworked because is from a level stratigraphically higher. Finally, as a bonus track, here it is a vert. that i found in the same field trip:
  24. terminatordiego

    Hello from Chile

    Hello guys, some of you already knew me from a topic about paleocene sharks from Chile, almost forgot to introduce myself properly!!!! My name is Diego, and I´m currently living in Chile, in the coastal south central zone. Probably gonna post about any interesting fossils that I´ve seen in my field work on my local university. Paleontologicly I´m more familiar with Maastrichtian - Upper Eocene (ammonites and sharks), and some Mollusca Maastrichtian - Upper Eocene, Miocene and Pliocene taxons. Currently I´m working on my graduate thesis on geology, so if anyone want some geologic or paleontologic data about Chile or southern South America, I may be able to provide some help. Greetings from Chile!!!!
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