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  1. I was hitting my old faithful “woodbine” conlinoceras ammonite spots (actually the bottom of the eagle ford) in western Dallas County and came across an interesting discovery, a full petrified tree. It is broken in places with small distance between segments, but I was able to remove about 10 feet of limbs (mostly in a straight line) and another 4 feet of the larger middle trunk with the help of my 72-year old dad. The base remains at the location along with some other sections that are more embedded, for now. I believe the total length to be 30-40 feet long. I sometimes find large pieces of petrified wood in the same area, but the consistency sometimes varies, with some being less solid than others. But these pieces are solid. I have never seen such a dense concentration of teredo (shipworms) and I find it very fascinating. There are also some larger clams visible. I am looking forward to extracting more and potentially cutting/polishing some pieces. I particularly like the side of the branch showing a hole that was filled by shipworms. What a place this used to be when it was submerged! One photo shows the end of a branch under UV light. Seemingly filled with calcite. If anyone can help with identifying the species of tree, I’d love to hear it, though this isn’t primarily an ID request.
  2. Shellseeker

    Short trip to Connecticut

    Went traveling toward the eclipse, for a sister's birthday, and I am addicted to searching for treasures, especially beaches. This is Charles Island off of Trumbull Beach. The locals have introduced new clam beds just off shore Some of the clams leave the safety of the beds and end up on beach waiting for the sun and birds to intervene with a host of native seashells (razor clams, venus clams, moon snails, whelks) and evena few crab and jelly fish.. As far back as I can remember, I have tossed the live ones back into the temporary safety of the tidepools. Maybe I think of it as a little penitence for all those clams casino and oyster Rockefeller I have consumed. On my 1st walk, I tossed back in 117 clams and 3 oysters. When I was young, there used to be oyster bonanzas here, Occasionally, I would pick up a moon snail, or different type of shell There is always something new to find... a small spider crab and this whelk... I do not know the specific species along the Connecticut beaches and hope some TFF friends from the area might recognize it. I was interested because it was pretty and because the operculum had been "sliced" but still mostly there. I thought the likely culprit was a seagull but a little confused why the bird would not have eaten some or more of the exposed gastropod. On Monday I watched the Eclipse with the Birthday girl and tried to figure out how to snap a photo with my cellphone, having prepared no other equipment. I tried many times and I have a number of these shots, which I do not quite understand... basically focus at infinity and long exposure... I thought the blue arc is the actual eclipse and the ball of fire is some sort of reflection.. but I have not figured it out. When I looked thru the special glasses, the eclipse was always a dark (almost black) moon moving across a very bright sun. Fortunately , a niece and her significant other managed to get close to the Vermont_Canadian border and managed this shot in the line of totality. On the last morning, while tossing more of the live back into the tide pools, I saw this fantastically ornate clam.. Stepped back and thought what is that ??? It is 45 x 38 mm, and seems to be a little stand for a figurine of some other material. The figurine might be a doll or a leprechaun , The boots look look like ones leprechauns might wear and do not seem to be broken at the connection... I wish the flowers were 4 leaf clovers, but they are not... It seems like a resin or plastic poured into a mold, and is completely flat on the bottom. It seems more intricate and detailed than I would expect from a modern toy but who knows...? All comments and suggestions on what it might be greatly appreciated. I also saw lots of interesting overly worn rocks , but decided not to ask for identifications.... Jack
  3. Only two weeks ago, when i was out rock hunting on the south western coast of Norway, I found two rocks with fossils inside them. In Norway, fossils are only found in Oslo, Trondheim and on the northern part of Norway. The only fossils found in the west are in Ritlandskratere, an ancient meteor crater, four hours away from where i found mine. The fossils are some brachiopods and clams, a trilobite tail, a belemnite fragment and a belemnite phragmocone. There could maybe be some new species or sub species. I am waiting for the response of the Natural History Museum in Oslo. I will update on the response I get.
  4. thought I would share and show any other rock hounds on here there are pearls in fresh water clams in rivers rivers. Prob flipped over thousands of clams and this is what I’ve found up to this point. seems to be pretty rare to even find the blister varieties of pearls in freshwater clams of the Texas rivers. never seen one like you see from aqua culture one like old ladies clutching there pearls when they see me with my rock hammer, machete, revolver on hip and usually dirty and wet from exploring the river bottoms etc. just kidding only had the cops called on me once while exploring river not breaking the law in any way when out of state come to find out new Californian refugee called em. Cops found the “Karen” laughable etc sorry for rant. Going to incorporate these into a necklace for wife’s and mine 20 year anniversary found one clam button that’s prob old and a big part of why certain species of clams are almost extinct. So far best one is in the pic with button. keeps y’all’s eyes peeled.
  5. mmaldonado81

    BIG BROOK Fossil Finds

    My first trip to big brook with the boys yielded lots of cool stuff. I’m a fossil noob but read all the forum posts, facebook, big brook website, fossil guy sit, etc before posting. I have some other pictures to post but these i feel are the strongest change of “being something” What is everyone’s thoughts? coolest stuff i think we have, crab arms/claw, a shrimp?, jaw bone, enamel from dinosaur teeth, shark teeth, fossil clams, impressions of clams, sea turtle bone. I am least sure of 9d though i’m hoping it is a tooth of some kind, could very well be a rock!
  6. Soonerthanlater

    Maybe fossilized clam super hard

    Ive had this what looks to be a fossilized clam in my yard 30+years , my grandfather brought it home one day, he said he found it while they were dredging in some part of Tampa bay, it's really hard my wet saw cut through granite like butter but this not so much, basically I was wondering if anyone knew what it was and if it might have turned into something cool because I want to cut it in half and put of display, I'd appreciate any shared knowledge thanks.
  7. Tales From the Shale

    Preserving Invertebrate Fossils

    Hey guys I have some fossils I collected from the Coon Creek of Tennessee. The resident paleontologist, and other trip goers told me to use floor wax to seal these delicate fossils. They aren't permineralized and therefore crumble and crack very easily. Is there a better alternative to floorwax? I read both yes and nos on its usage. I don't like modifying fossils if I don't have to, but I've had multiple fall apart already.
  8. Rare fossil clam discovered alive by Harrison Tasoff, University of California - Santa Barbara The open access paper is: Valentich-Scott P, Goddard JHR (2022) A fossil species found living off southern California, with notes on the genus Cymatioa (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Galeommatoidea). ZooKeys 1128: 53-62. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1128.95139 Yours, Paul H.
  9. Tales From the Shale

    Browning Cretaceous Fossil Park 2022

    Dug into this park on Tuesday for a few hours. I really have no experience with Mesozoic strata, aside from Coon Creek of Tennesse. The water was inconsistent in it's depth due to a local beaver dam causing higher than normal water levels. Material here consists of unconsolidated clays, gravel and sand. Here are two large bivalves I recovered from the upper beds containing clams. I believe these are Exogyra costata which are common at this location. This tooth belongs to Scapanorhynchus texanus in which the teeth are referred to as belonging to goblin sharks. This is untrue, as this taxa is distantly related to modern goblins but I believe they are within the same family? This is a pair of small bivalves, species possibly being miniscule Gryphaeostrea vomer? A single Agerostrea mesenterica. Finally pictured below, an unknown, based on corrected advice it is a worn Pycnodonte. This trip was long, but the report ended up being brief due to the difficulty I had getting into the productive zones at this site. In which happened to be straight down, through the toughest clay I have ever seen. I did however end up meeting one of the park volunteers named Doug, who was more than helpful, he frequents the area and is very friendly.
  10. LJWJR

    Found this at work

  11. acetabular

    Whiskey Bridge oysters? Bryan TX

    I went collecting at the Eocene Whiskey Bridge Locality and found a number of oysters (I presume) that I cannot find good IDs for online. I was wondering if anyone here had a better idea. I additionally found some bone fragments that I am curious about, though I don't know how well they can be ID'd.
  12. On a recent trip in Perú, near the coastal town San Juan de Marcona, I saw several middle to late Pleistocene marine terraces. In this one, fossil fragile clams and stout scallops are well-preserved, separately packed in thin strata. I think they are Anomia peruviana and Argopecten purpuratus. clamsscallops Also found one unidentified gastropod Photo shows clam stratum just below scallop stratum.
  13. Hi everybody, Boy, it's been a while since I made a post, but then it's been a while since I did any kind of fossil hunting. A friend of mine who I met while volunteering for a nature center invited me out on a camping trip to the Olympic Peninsula. He claimed to know a couple beaches where the concretion game is really good, and he sure wasn't wrong! The weather was mostly terrible; bitter cold and heavy rain punctuated by occasional blue sky, but when you love beachcombing as much as we do, you forget about it! This is the Pysht Formation at Twin Beach. Lots of concretions were eroded out of it, especially because of the recent storms. Before long we had filled multiple bags up with them. Callianassa ghost shrimp claws are what we were after, and we found one already naturally split open on the beach. My portion of the haul. The ones on the bottom side of the box have that oblong shape that is a good indicator of having claws inside. I did split a round one open with a chisel and hammer only to break a perfectly good claw into a million tiny pieces. My friend is a wiz with the air scribe, so at some point in the near future we're going to spend an afternoon in his garage exposing some of them that way. Those 3 on the bottom I will definitely be saving for his air scribe. I've never used one before, so I'm excited to give it a try. There were some nice fossilized clams littered around the beach. I think these are Lucina. Petrified wood with some Teredo bores. There were some awesome non-fossil finds to be had as well. Lots of small, shiny quartz pieces that I find good for fidgeting with during some of my more boring classes. I was stoked to find this absolutely massive giant acorn barnacle (Balanus nubilus). Apparently it's the biggest species in the entire world. Who knew!
  14. Clam fossils help scientists find errors in evolutionary tree calculations by Louise Lerner, University of Chicago, PhysOrg, Decemebr 2, 2021 Tha paywalled paper is: Nicholas M. A. Crouch et al, Calibrating phylogenies assuming bifurcation or budding alters inferred macroevolutionary dynamics in a densely sampled phylogeny of bivalve families, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (2021). DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2021.2178 Yours, Paul H.
  15. Finally got to visit Mineral Wells Fossil Park. Got there right at 8am, and were the only ones there ! Gonna have to go again
  16. Hi everyone this is Matt again. Today in the creek I found this rock I broke apart and it was loaded with all kinds of brachiopods. Photos:
  17. Hi everyone this is Matt again. Today in the creek I found a fossil slab with a lot of different brachiopods fossils in it. Here is a photo:
  18. Nebfossil

    Seven stars PA Hamilton group

    Anyone know if this is the head of a trilobite? I know some big ones are found there. Also what is the third pic. Been there many times and never found these two.
  19. Hey all, Apologies for my hand in the photos, they're the only pics of the fossils I will be able to take for a while. Here are two fossils found at the Topanga Formation, or The Ampitheater, a roadside sandstone and siltstone bed in Topanga Canyon, Southern California housing middle Miocene fossils. The clam was my best find, but I'm not sure of its exact categorization. It measures about 4 inches long and 2.5 inches wide and thick. (10.16 cm x 6.35 cm x 6.35 cm) I had some thoughts based on this list that it may be Chionopsis temblorensis (Anderson, 1905), or Saxidomus nuttalli (Conrad, 1837). Also found were these segments which I inadvertently snapped apart, but which revealed some kind of crystallization of the interior. It would be really nice to know what kid of process made that, I tried to start the ID process myself and was unable to find a resolution. Your help is much appreciated, o wise ones. (;
  20. Some my daughter and I found hunting lake texhoma . Still got to do a little cleaning.
  21. FossilHunterNYC

    Clam shells ? Species ?

    Are these clam shells and from what species ? Big Brook Preserve NJ
  22. PaleoRyder

    North Cascades Mollusk ID

    I recently found clam fossils in a river bed in the North Cascades (NW side of Kittitas County) that I'd love to identify. See attached image. Each fossil is approximately 3.5" long and 3" wide.
  23. hi everyone this is matt again today in the creek I found some neat brachiopods and bivalves fossils here are some photos
  24. We finished our trip to California just over a week ago. We stop at Jalama Beach but found no fish. I only found these 2 fossils but do not know what they are.
  25. Hi all! What a great forum!- so many experts!. This is my collection of "clam shells", and on a previous forum I saw discussion on similar shells between Wilkingia and Allorisma. Only took the two views initially to save MB. Thoughts, feedback and ideas as to species and age? All found on one gravel bar hiking KC, though not on the same dates. Thanks! Bone
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