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Found 9 results

  1. Northernfellsfossils

    Megalichthys Linocut Print

    On finding a Megalichthys scale fossil from the Late Carboniferous in my local stream I designed, carved and printed a lino-block of the carnivorous freshwater fish. In the same slab of rock that the scale was found were Lepidodendron and Calamites fossils that would have been deposited at the bottom of the coal swamp. I would like to have thought of this fish hiding in the murky waters alongside these plants and I based my reconstruction on this. I plan to do a series of three including Rhizodopsis and Rhabdoderma, alongside their respective surrounding vegetation. Credit where credit is due the general proportions and pose of the fish are based on a reconstruction by ДиБгд as seen on Megalichthys' Wikipedia page.
  2. Strepsodus

    Carboniferous amphibian jaw?

    I found this in the Pennine Middle Coal Measures formation (upper Carboniferous) of West Yorkshire, UK, a while ago. At the same site, shark teeth were common, as well as Rhizodonts and other fish fossils. At first, I thought it was a fish jaw, but now I am unsure if it is indeed a fish jaw or an amphibian jaw. Does anyone know what this is? Thanks, Daniel
  3. I found this today in the Durham coal field, UK (upper Carboniferous). I usually collect in the Yorkshire coal field, and although this one site is obviously not representative of the whole of the Durham coal field, the Durham coal field seems notably different to the Yorkshire coal field, with some rocks similar to ones at a site where I have collected in the Fife coal field, and some of the nodules similar to the nodules found at some sites in the Lancashire coal field. Interestingly, there were some fish fossils in the same blocks as plants, and there were some large fish fragments in the same layers as foraminifera. In the Yorkshire coal field, layers containing foraminifera usually only contain very small fish fossils. My best finds today were a Rhizodont scale in a block containing plant fossils, a small fish tooth, an Elonichthys scale, a Megalichthys scale and some well preserved plant fossils. Does anyone know what this is? I’m 99% sure it’s a plant fossil. I think I have seen a similar example before, but I don’t recall where I saw it. My first thought was that it’s an arthropod fragment, though I think this is very unlikely. Thanks, Daniel
  4. Strepsodus

    Carboniferous arachnid?

    I found this in West Yorkshire, UK recently in coal mining waste from the Pennine Lower Coal Measures formation (Westphalian A, upper Carboniferous). On the rock, there are several plant fossils such as Neuropteris leaves, but also this fossil. I am unsure whether this is the abdomen of an arachnid or insect, or just a plant fossil. On one part of the fossil, there is what seems to be a faint imprint of a Neuropteris leaf. However, this imprint seems to be from a different fossil which formed on top of the possible arachnid/insect. Do you think this is indeed an arachnid/insect fossil or just a plant fragment? Thanks, Daniel
  5. Hey everyone, a few weeks ago I came across this strange object in an Upper Carboniferous, Westphalian bone bed in the Midland Valley of Scotland. This bed is full of bones, teeth, scales, coprolites etc. and is especially rich in Holocephalian tooth plates and Rhizodont bones but this object has me totally stumped, the material its made from has more of the appearance of a tooth plate than bone from this formation but I cant find anything like it. Its 14mm long. Any ideas greatly appreciated! Regards, Sam
  6. Northernfellsfossils

    Rhabdoderma Scale ID

    I have a fish scale from the Pennine Middle Coal Measures Formation from North Cumbria (Cumberland Coalfield), UK. Found in the local stream, where there have only ever been 4 fish found, I have found all of them- Rhabdoderma, Rhizodopsis, Megalichthys & Platysomus. Attached is a photo of a scale; that I think is from Rhabdoderma. (The width of the scale is around 5mm [width as in from across from bottom left to top right of scale] Does anyone have any idea about taking this identification further- perhaps down to a species level? Thanks, Tom
  7. References: Paleobiology Database: Coseley near Dudley Anderson, L. (1997): The xiphosuran Liomesaspis from the Montceau-les-Mines Konservat-Lagerstatte, Massif Central, France. N.Jb. Geol. Palaont. Abh. 204, 3, pp 415-436, 1997.
  8. JohnBrewer

    Hello from Manchester UK

    Hi everyone. I'm from Manchester UK, not the USA one . I've been picking up bits and pieces from beaches on holidays for I guess 40 years (since I was ten) but only a little more seriously in the last two. About 50% of my collection is found, the rest bought. I'm slowly cataloging my collection and it is really slow going but a lot of fun. I'm very fortunate in that I live and work less than ten mills from Offerton http://www.ukfossils.co.uk/introductions/offerton.html which is a coal measure with plenty of Carboniferous plants. I'll slowly upload pics to my gallery when I get the time. Cheers John
  9. JohnBrewer


    From the album: Plants

    Silligaria? Carboniferous, coal measures, Offerton, UK
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