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  1. I’ve been air scribing this piece out and I figured it was a Mooreoceras. However, the ridge going up the front is something I haven’t seen on this species. Is it just squashed a bit? It’s a pointed oval in shape. The length is nearly 3 inches.
  2. I’ve been trying to ID this huge cephalopod I found from the Glenshaw Formation in Brooke County, West Virginia. So far, I’ve considered the following: Millkoninckioceras Kummel, 1963 Mahoningoceras Murphy, 1974 I was all in on the latter name until I noticed the sutures were fairly straight compared to the deep convex flank sutures. Whitney (1882) called the sutures deeply concave on the holotype of Mahoningoceras (original description in photos below). The umbilicus is open. The specimen appears to be flattened. I believe the ventrolateral shoulder is about the middle of the bottom whorl in the second photo with a scale. The largest coiled nautaloid I've found in this formation could fit within the center whorl of this specimen. It seems that the body chamber would add another 1/4 whorl length. With metric scale: Coated with paraloid:
  3. Found this small oddity while breaking apart limestone. The pitted appearance was interesting. The pits also seem to extend the whole way through. They also appear to wrap at a 90 degree angle on the side that isn't broken. The broken side reveals how they go through. I chipped away a little at the matrix, but didn't go too tough to keep from breaking it. Whole specimen with scale: (stacked photo) Showing outside 90 degree wrapped edge with same appearance: (stacked photo) Broken edge showing channels going through the width. Additional view of the top (unstacked photo)
  4. Lucid_Bot

    I Have No Idea What This Is

    I have no idea what this thing is. I found it in Allegheny County today in the Pennsylvanian Glenshaw Formation in what I think is Brush Creek Limestone. Unfortunately it is only part of the fossil, but I thought the pattern might tip someone off as to what it is. Scale is in metric. Thanks for the help.
  5. I found this piece on Friday. I thought it was wood, hammered it out, collected it in a tiny bin, and took it home. Saturday evening I put it under the scope and was surprised to see the texture. I've collected wood before and the grains are typically tighter. It also looks very similar to recovered Petalodus or fish root material I've seen. This deposit has a lot of different shark teeth, at least four unique genera are present. The limestone has the characteristics of a dynamic wash, where a lot of material was gathered and deposited quickly. Not that it helps a lot. I've never found shark bone or cartilage, so I don't know exactly what to look for. Scale bar = 5 mm.
  6. Lucid_Bot

    Petrified Wood, Rock?

    I found this in a local stream several months back. The bedrock is Pennsylvanian and in the Glenshaw Formation. It feels strangely heavy for just a rock. Sorry, the scale is in inches. It's about 10.8 cm long. All help is greatly appreciated, thanks!
  7. Lucid_Bot

    Carboniferous Worm?

    This fossil comes from east Pittsburgh. I believe the formation is the Casselman, Conemaugh Group, Pennsylvanian. It looks like a worm to me, but what do you think? Thanks.
  8. I found this rock while fossil hunting in Beaver County, Pennsylvania. The surface rocks there are Conemaugh Group. I don't know much about rocks and have no idea what this is. Please help ID. Thanks.
  9. Lucid_Bot

    Carboniferous Bark, Roots, Stems?

    I was rooting around in Ambridge, Pennsylvania, Beaver County yesterday and found some interesting plant fossils. They are Pennsylvanian and out of the Glenshaw Formation. Not sure if they're identifiable or if I would need a microscope to ID. Any help is appreciated.
  10. Hello all. I am posting a link to a calendar I created for 2023. It showcases twelve different late Paleozoic gastropods I have recovered over the past three years in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. Eleven of them are from the Pine Creek limestone, and one other comes from the Brush Creek limestone. Each month features a different gastropod, photographed after coating it using ammonium chloride vapor, using an iPhone to capture photos through a microscope lens. The cover photo showcases all twelve, and the images for each month typically showcase an additional view at a much larger size. While this is a color print calendar, all the content throughout is black & white. If you enjoy natural color photos of fossils, you might skip this. I am selling this calendar without profit to me. I am still waiting to receive my copy, and I can follow up on print quality when I get mine. Lulu says this is 100 lb paper, but I'm still determining what to expect. Please PM me for purchase information.
  11. Hopefully I'm not breaking any rules here posting a link. I spent my weekend finally putting my catalog into a proper database, and creating a user interface for it. I used to use Google Sheets, which is pretty great. If I wanted to, I could use them as the source of data, but I decided to create a proper MYSQL database so I can keep relationships across tables, such as the stratigraphy of particular find locations. I have many more improvements coming for it, but it is at least functional right now. Everything from CG-0001 to CG-0161 is from the Glenshaw Formation, Conemaugh Group. https://fossil.15656.com/catalog/ I also maintain a thread with individual photos here, just not everything: https://www.thefossilforum.com/index.php?/topic/94495-pennsylvanian-fossils-from-the-glenshaw-formation/
  12. Lucid_Bot

    I Don't See This In My Field Guide

    I just have so many questions, thanks for your patience. Found these two pieces in what, I think, is Brush Creek Limestone; they're definitely Pennsylvanian Period and from Allegheny County, PA. The first one is 3 cm x 1 cm, the second is about 2.5 cm long.
  13. cngodles

    Late Pennsylvanian Fish Tooth

    Whatever this fish tooth is, I've never found one before. I had a small sliver showing in a rock and spent over an hour slowly air scribing over it and getting it to this point. I'm hesitant to go much further, as I may break it. I considered Polyacrodus for the shape, but I see none with the pitted pattern that this has. Tired of trying to ID Pennsylvanian fish teeth yet, @connorp? Maybe this is another paver type teeth from a ray, etc. For scale, the length of the tooth in the first photo is 13 mm.
  14. Lucid_Bot

    Pennsylvanian Marine Fossil?

    Howdy! Chiseled this out of a rock today. I thought it was a coral at first, but not quite sure now. The final picture is a cross section of the inside. Thanks in advance.
  15. cngodles

    Late Carboniferous Gastropod

    Possible ID of Trepospira sphaerulata from a local gastropod expert, but he isn’t sure. Similar ones in a group with original specimen at the right. Left is suspect of being related, but it might be.
  16. Here is an odd-ball I found yesterday. Recently I found a new marine / brackish layer of dark gray shale. My first discovery was two root pieces, which I'll showcase at another time. I also found a tiny Glabrocingulum grayvillense (gastropod) there. This particular rock had a brachiopod on it, and I was getting a closer look. The matrix was soft enough to stab with my tweezers, so I was digging around the margins. This very tiny piece appeared that looked very interesting, and even more complex under the microscope. It's very small. The further out photo shows it with a 1 cm scale. I feel like this is a known marine animal shape, but It's not apparent to me. You can see the opposite part of it on the top right of the following photo as well.
  17. I've spent some time gathering at the plant layer locally. I was able to pry behind the layered shale and pull out some larger pieces unbroken, and also split them. The layer is a delight, just about any piece I recover has some sort of plant impression on it. Immediately below the layered shale there is a more nodular type of rock that no longer breaks apart in neat and tidy planes. So whatever environmental change happened, it happened right at this layer. The first one was a really long and well defined fern frond. The carbon is all still in place. I want to create a parallel cut to remove this part of the specimen, then catalog and store it. I am hoping I can do so in a way that won't dust over the carbon and degrade it. The rock that covered this was a physical impression of these leaves in the rock. It appears more could be exposed at the bottom, but it's not easy to do. The second specimen is a preserved fern frond with very tiny leaves. The larger leaves stick out, but a more complete arrangement like this is very pleasing to look at. The iron staining at the bottom creates almost a work of art. This specimen has a small root or similar structure at the bottom right of the photo. There are repeating points towards the bottom with larger circular structures at the top. These huge fern leaves showed up right before I was done searching during this particular session. Both sides are shown. It would be interesting to know if it continues on in the other direction.
  18. Hi. The geological info for this find is: Pennsylvanian (Carboniferous), Conemaugh Group, Glenshaw Formation. I've been digging at an outcrop near a local stream and finding a lot of pecopteroids, neuropteroids, calamites, some sphenopteroids and possibly lepidodendron/stigmaria, sigillaria and cordaites. Recently the rain washed away the dirt at the base of this outcrop. Cutting away the rock at the base I found at least a dozen instances of these somewhat cylindrical and flat-topped and flat-bottomed rocks sitting one on top of the other. The first picture shows a cavity from which I removed some of these rocks. I don't know if it helps, but there's a lot of iron in this area. Any ideas would be appreciated.
  19. Petalodus12

    My Best Carboniferous Finds

    Hi all, I’ve posted a few topics on the forum but have yet to show my entire collection, or my best finds. So here goes. A little background on me. I’ve been fossil hunting since I was very young, probably since I was 4 when I found a plant fossil in my backyard. Over the past few years as I have ventured into adulthood I have gotten very interested in the fossils of the Pittsburgh area. I will display my best finds here and periodically update the thread with new finds. As a note, many of the vertebrate fossils I have found are rare and may be important to science. I have been in contact with @jdp about this and will most likely be donating the most important ones to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. If any of my IDs seem strange or wrong please let me know, I am always learning and value new info. I guess I’ll start with the marine invertebrates. To start out we can start small, with brachiopods, cephalopods and horn corals. The first is a Linoproductus from the Ames Limestone, a classic Pittsburgh marine zone.
  20. cngodles

    Pennsylvanian Ammonoid

    I found this a while back, but finally saw it as an Ammonoid. But which one I wonder. It is pretty thin. Unseen is the inner umbilical groove, but it’s likely not important for ID. Opposite side is unremarkable.
  21. I found this oddity today while examining some fine grained finds. This is basically soft limestone, where the rock is pretty soft and most of the calcite has been dissolved. I forgot to include a scale, but if I were to guess, it's about 1/2" across the structure (12.7mm). I plan on measuring again. There were several of these throughout the piece, but this was the most prominent. My guess is some sort of Bryozoan.
  22. Petalodus12

    Carboniferous Plant Hunt!

    With the semester having ended yesterday, I figured I would go hunting today at one of my favorite Carboniferous plant localities. It is located in Southwestern PA, and is in the Connellsville Sandstone member of the Casselman Formation, which is in turn part of the Conemaugh Group. It is late Stephanian in age. The Connellsville Sandstone itself represents a fluvial deposit made up of sediment from the then young Appalachian mountains. It is a very thick and massive layer; because of this it has been quarried for building stone for hundreds of years. The locality that I collect at is in a valley that was once heavily industrialized with a railroad, coal mines, oil wells, and sandstone quarries. These quarries were located in the Connellsville and their cliffs can still be seen today. The specific deposit I collect at in this valley most likely represents a slow moving area of the river, where deposition was rapid in times of high water. It preserves a classic post-Rainforest Collapse flora, with seed ferns, tree ferns, and Calamites being the most common fossils. Lepidodendron and other lycopods are rare to nonexistent. In the 1960s, W.C. Darrah, a paleobotanist, collected here and found one of the earliest examples of the conifer Walchia. Vertebrate remains can be found here, as shown in my most recent post. I assumed that today would be a mediocre trip, as rain was in the forecast and the ground is covered in leaves. However, the rain let up before I arrived at the site. Due to the lack of foliage, though, I was able to explore some areas that were once quarried for sandstone. I noticed an area made up of finer-grained sandstone, and thought that it might have fossils. Upon further inspection, though, it lacked fossils but was full of massive rip up clasts of soft shale. These showed that the river was eroding through a deposit of unconsolidated clay and then subsequently depositing these chunks down stream. I had never seen rip-up clasts in such large numbers and in such a large size, so it was great to get to see it. I then carried on to the plant locality. The plant locality was not at all covered in leaves, and due to the weather I had it all to myself. I concentrated my efforts on specific lenses of plant material that represented areas of quiet deposition, perfect for well preserved plants. I found some good stuff, as is shown below, but my favorite find was that of Cyclopteris fimbriata. It is a strange form genus of leaves that grew at the base of seed fern fronds. I had found Cyclopteris fossils before; however, this was the first time I had found one of the fimbriata species. The name says it all: their edges are marked by fimbriated projections of leaf tissue. It was certainly interesting to see some new material today. I also found my largest Neuropteris ovata frond thus far, and, although it wasn't perfect, it was a welcome discovery. All in all, it was a great hunt and it was nice to be out in nature!! Hope you guys all have a happy and safe Thanksgiving! View of the old quarry: The rip-up clasts: The plant locality itself, as I said before it is a shaly layer of the Connellsville Sandstone, most probably representing a backwater of a river: Pith cast of a Calamites: Annularia stellata whorls Cordaites sp. A new species for me and the strangest looking find, Cyclopteris fimbriata: My largest find, as well as my largest plant fossil to date: Either Neuropteris or Laeveinopteris:
  23. Petalodus12

    Late Pennsylvanian Seed Fern

    Hi all, Here’s an interesting plant find. I discovered it in a locality in Western PA known for producing good plant fossils. I’m thinking seed fern, maybe related to Alethopteris somehow but to be honest I’m not sure what the species is. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance Stratigraphy: Connelsville Sandstone of the Casselman Formation of the Conemaugh Group. Age-Late Pennsylvanian, ~305 MYA
  24. Hi all, Recently I was collecting at a locality that exposes the Duquesne Limestone and shale, which if you’ve seen any of my previous posts you’ll know that I’ve collected extensively. But for those of you that have not, the Duquesne shale is a layer of black, carbonaceous shale found in areas where the Conemaugh group is exposed. This layer is chalk full of disarticulated vertebrate remains, but some of the most recognizable are the teeth of Orthacanthus and Xenacanthus. These were eel-like sharks that existed from the Devonian-Triassic and had bicuspid or tricuspid teeth. They grew to be about 10-12 feet at the largest and thrived in the swampy lakes of the late Pennsylvanian. It’s somewhat uncommon for me to find a large Orthacanthus tooth (which are tiny compared to Otodus sp. )and it is even rarer for me to find a tooth with feeding damage. It seems to me that, understandably, many collectors of Cenozoic shark teeth are disappointed when they find shark teeth with feeding damage, but for me at least when I find Paleozoic shark teeth with feeding damage it makes it even more special. Last time I was collecting I did just that. Interestingly enough this Orthacanthus compressus tooth is my largest yet and has a very unusual break. The cusp that is missing is not broken cleanly at the enamel, rather, when it broke off it took a good chunk of the rooth with it. To me at least this would indicate that the shark was using quite a bit of force when it bit down, and whatever it bit in to must have been very hard and made for a painful meal for the shark. It’s important to note that the other cusp was damaged recently and isn’t feeding damage. I’m not one to heavily speculate but I’d imagine that it had to have bit in to one of the heavily armored Paleoniscoids for damage of this nature to take place. Or, who knows, the tooth might have just been old. Whatever happened to break the cusp is lost to time, I guess. Regardless, I think it’s a wonderful find and reminds me that these animals were truly alive and had imperfections. Hopefully you all find this as interesting as I do .
  25. cngodles

    Leaf Stem in shale perhaps

    Went looking for ferns and plants today. Spent my lunch hour splitting shale nearby. This one caught my eye. The ghosted pattern around the stem is interesting. I feel like it’s part of it seeing how symmetrical it is. And ideas? Length of the stem part is 2 1/8” (Don’t have a metric ruler handy) To me, the bottom portion is the base, so the shape is confusing.
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