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  1. It’s long overdue, but I’m finally starting this micro thread. Been meaning to do this for a while. I only recently started paying attention to micros, and they are annoyingly very interesting- and fun . So please don’t hesitate to correct my amateur identifications. Enjoy! To start things off, 2 different Streptognathodus sp. from the Stark Shale. Both ~ 1.8 mm long #C1STARK : <==(don’t mind that, it’s just my reference number ) #C2STARK : A closer look:
  2. Hi everyone I think I just found a new hobby With my latest fossil delivery I recieved quite a lot of microfossils & matrix vials as the world of microfossils was something that I have been long interested in. So a 2 weeks ago I finally ordered my first microfossils for which I reserved a special drawer in my archive cabinet. So here is a recapp of what I all got: 3 vials of permian material from Waurika, Oklahoma 1 vial of permian material from The red beds of Archer County, Texas 1 small vial of Conodont rich Mississippian material from the Chappel Limestone formation, Texas 1 small vial of Cretaceous Lower Gault Clay, East Wear bay, Folkestone, Kent, UK A micropalaeontology slide with Jurassic Blue Lias matrix rich in holothurian material. A thin section of an Ostracods filled Elimia snail from the Green River Formation in Wyoming A thin section from the Rhynie chert of Scotland which should contain preserved parts of the plant Aglaophyton major and perhaps even other species. I also got a lot of Bull Canyon micro fossil teeth and 2 cretaceous mammal teeth from Hell Creek In this topic you will be able to follow my path through this newly discovered hobby as I will post my finds and progress Currently I am only working with a clip-on cellphone microscope, but I do plan on getting a professional microscope in the next few months! (Tips are always welcome) So let's put on our Ant-Man suit and explore the microfossil realm So here are some of the first pictures I made of some of the microfossils Starting with the thin slices! Thin slice with Ostracon filled Elimia tenara snail from the Green River Formation, Wyoming Thin slice with Aglaophyton major from Rhynie Chert in Scotland
  3. From the album: Invertebrates

    Typhloesus wellsi Melton & Scott, 1973 Early Carboniferous Serpukhovian Heath Formation Bear Gulch Montana USA In the beginning, it used to be believed that Typhloesus were conodont animals, a group of extinct agnathan vertebrates. The conodont teeth however were actually located in the gut contents of the Typhloesus, meaning that while it wasn't a conodont, they were a part of its diet. A new paper published revealed several potential mollusk-like features of the animal.
  4. Yoda

    Conodont elements

    I was looking at some of my micro fossils with my microscope today I have a small collection of Conodont elements Palmatolepis glabra Chappel Limestone, Lower Mississippian, Blanco Co, Texas
  5. Location: Warrensburg, Missouri Period: Pennsylvanian Formation: Unknown Hello! I happened to have had an opportunity to visit land owned by one of my friends and decided to split some of the black shales. I happened to come across something that seems familiar but I just can't seem to place a name on it as of yet. So far I have found 2 specimens, and I'm not sure if one is just infilling of the original mold or something other. Unfortunately they were in already weathered sections of shale and I could not retrieve the other halves of the shales. In case it helps with identifications, I have found listracanthus denticles, conodont elements, very faint orbiculoidia? shells/fragments, and some nodules that were not compacted enough for me to take thin sections of. Specimen #1: What appears to be a mold of the specimen. Very faint shell fragments are visible to the right and upper portion form the specimen Specimen #2: And lastly for anyone who is interested, here are images of the conodonts! Another conodont tooth fragment seen on the left side: I didn't do any size measurements on the conodonts or use the CAI to determine anything as I'm not experienced in the later but would love any input! Thanks for taking time out of your day to read all this!
  6. Bringing Fossils to Life


    Fro a while now I've found these strange, conodont-like structures on the exteriors of rocks found in Seven Stars, Pa (Mahantango formation, Late Middle Devonian). They appear similar to Prioniodininid elements, but I have not been able to identify them precisely. The second picture even looks like an Ozarkodinid and preserves at least 3 elements. In the 3rd, another element can be seen below the one highlighted. Any ideas? Scale in first picture roughly 1 mm, all magnified circa. 60x.
  7. Bonehunter

    Idiognathodus P1 element?

    I'm hazarding a guess as a P1 element of Idiognathodus?, or is it something else? seems a little wide for a conodont? Pennsylvania stark shale. Yeah or neigh? Thanks! Bone
  8. BobWill

    Too big for a conodont?

    This came from the Deese Group of central Oklahoma. It seems a little long for a conodont at 7 mm but it doesn't look familiar to me. Any ideas?
  9. Alexthefossilfinder

    Curious little tooth shape

    Here's something I've been trying to ID for a while. At first I thought it was a conodont, but all my research has so far indicated that it's too big to be one, and I don't really know what else it could be, or if it's even a fossil at all. Any input is highly appreciated
  10. ThePhysicist

    Polygnathus conodont elements

    From the album: Devonian

    From the Genundewa Limestone. These conodont elements seem to compare well with Polygnathus linguiformis. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12542-018-0408-6
  11. sunnybunnyfeelin

    Giant Conodont Fossil?

    I found this rock while searching for fossils in my backyard in signal Mountain Tennessee which is right outside of Chattanooga. I have no idea what it is but started doing some research and one of the first things I came across was that this area is known to have a lot of Chattanooga shale. Then I learned that Chattanooga Shell is supposed to have lots of Conodont fossils which are known for their teeth like structures. The pictures I found of those structures look a whole lot like this fossil. But I’ve come to believe that that’s impossible because my fossil is about 2 inches big and I believe the Conodont fossils are very small. found this rock in a creek but it very possibly could have been brought to my lot as landscape stone decades ago. Just dont know. any help is greatly appreciated!
  12. ThePhysicist

    Chirognathus sp.

    From the album: Harding Sandstone

    Chirognathus (Conodont) Harding Sandstone, Canyon City, CO, USA The "golden conodonts" from the Harding Sandstone. Conodont elements may have functioned as teeth similar to ours (though evolving independently of what would later become teeth in other vertebrates), or may have functioned as a filter apparatus.
  13. cngodles

    Home Conodont Extraction

    So, in trying to identify my local limestone for sure, I've gotten the need to try to extract conodonts, and I'd for sure like to see other microfossils. I know this has been discussed here before, but I was wondering what might be the correct or tried and tested method for home, using obtainable chemicals. The last thread I found was talking about lab processes and clouds of white smoke. I've heard different things from using acids (Vinegar), Hydrogen Peroxide (3% limit at Walmart), to Kerosene. Also a need for sieves, filters, etc. Curious for a guide or advice for effective home methods. - Clint
  14. Mainefossils

    Leighton Formation Conodont?

    So, I have just found this highly-suspect fossil - my guess is a conodont. I saw it as I was examining pieces of shale, and thought it was worth looking at under the microscope. It seems to have the diagnostic features, even the transition of colors between the blue base and white tips. I was hoping for some of your options on it. If this is a conodont, it would be the first from this formation. My guess would be a Ozarkadina sp - it is a very common Silurian conodont here, and some of the elements look remarkably similar to my specimen. This specimen came from the very fossiliferous layers of this formation, and was found in association with multiple ostracod species (Kloedinia, Londinia, Hemsiella, etc.), T. elongatus tentaculites, and Nuculites corrugatus. This formation is Pridoli, Silurian. Thanks in advance for your help!
  15. Good evening again!. Amazing what you can find jut scanning shale after shale! I find multiple clusters of conodont segments and denticles but tonight's find is potentially very exciting!. Surrounding the elements is a finely granular, uniform, brown matrix which is not shale (arrow) and not sediment (at least my thought . I see this on occasion in shale but this is the first time I've found it uniformly surrounding conodonts. to me it appears organic. Thoughts? thanks so much again!!! Bone
  16. Bonehunter

    Pennsylvania microurchin?

    I put this on the general forum as well, but this is probably more appropriate!! In my search for conodonts in Pennsylvanian stark shale (between Winterset and Bethany falls limestone) I routinely find concretions/nodules-most are powdery but sometimes i find teeth and other microfossils. Well much to my surprise, upon splitting my thousanth shale, I found a 1cm nodule, and within it, this apparent micro sea urchin-one of two in the nodule. From spine to spine (7:00-1:00) it measures just under 2mm in diameter I am refining my photog techniques with a newly purchased leica M420, phototubes, and a sony A660 camera, which produced this nice photo of one of the conodonts. I am intrigues by these tiny urchins (if that is truly what they are! ). thoughts, comments and any hope of specific i.d. on this or the conodont appreciated!!!!! (and how this wound up in the anoxic shall layer)-wasn't a surface find contaminant, but found upon splitting shale.....so ~300million years? thanks again all!...... Bone
  17. I finally got some microfossil slides and I got some additional Devonian matrix from New York. I decided to go back to the Genundewa Limestone matrix primarily because I failed to find shark related matrix from other locations that are of the same age. Each of the three searches in this matrix has produced different results which make it fun to search. This search was a lot of Phoebodus teeth and some were close to 75% complete. Easily the best Phoebodus teeth I’ve found in this formation yet. I found a fair amount of Omalodus teeth and some nice ones. I also found two incomplete mystery teeth again. Fewer denticles but a piece of fin spine. The shark remains are in the bottom slide in the picture. The top slide are awesome little fish remains including various Conodont elements, fish teeth, fish scales and what I think might be bits of Placoderm. These are not going in a display. They are just going to be study specimens for me. I think I can find or make microfossil slides that will hold the fossils in place better but these work now.
  18. Mainefossils

    Conodont element?

    Fossil forum, I just uncovered this possible fossil. It is from the Leighton Fm. To be honest, I am not sure it is actually a fossil, but I wanted to check. I was thinking that it could be a conodont element, but am unsure. Any help on its id would be helpful. Here are some pictures of it:
  19. IsaacTheFossilMan

    The dreaded chordate: Conodonta

    If you haven't read my 'about' on my profile, then... What are you doing? I'm the best person on this forum, duh, you should've memorised it by now(!) Jokes aside, I love conodonts. The gorgeous little extinct wigglers that resemble eels... They're so common, that they're used as index fossils. What does that mean? People identify the age of fossils, based on conodont elements found with them... That's crazy! How does this work? Well, evolution changes animals over time, as you'll know, which means, due to the abundance, and date range of the specimen, you can work out age of sediments based on the morphology of the fossils... Pretty cool, huh!? And not even just that, as they're made out of apatite (not appetite :BigSmile:), the colour of the fossils can indicate the temperature of the fossils... Wow... Here's the Conodont Alteration Index (CAI), taken from CAI - Wikipedia: Little fact here - conodonts first appeared in the Cambrian, about 540 mya (million years ago), and only went extinct yesterday. Uhm, sorry, let me check my notes on that - ah, in the early Jurassic / late Triassic, about 200 mya... Time flies, feels like it was last week the Mesozoic began! Here's a nice reconstruction of one. You can see the similarities between them and eels, but, although my friend Daniel likes to annoy me by saying "Isaac likes extinct eels", they are not eels. Notice the rather colourful array of teeth? Here's a full set: Looks like something out of a horror movie, huh? That's why I love 'em! Oh, also, here's some nice papers that I'd recommend: Overview of the conodont's history Conodont skeletal morphology Right, what was the point of this? Oh, yeah. Unfortunately (well, I say unfortunately, but it's a blessing), I get my material from the Cotswolds, in the south of England. If you've never heard of that, it's an incredibly famous area, famous for its Middle Jurassic oolitic limestone, abundant in microfossils. Have a link to everyone's favourite site's page on it Wikipedia - Cotswolds. Now, unfortunately, Middle Jurassic means that I can't get any of the little chordates... Ugh! Anyone care to share photos of their specimen, so I have a reason to cry?
  20. Time Period: Pennsylvanian Location: Missouri Formation: Most likely Winterset limestone Hello! I am currently puzzled on weather or not this is a Conodont or some fragments from Brachiopod. I am thinking it could be broken parts of a shell or broken pieces of a Brachiopods fossilized lophophore supports from a very small specimen! I have not found any conodont specimens from this location yet as I usually do not hunt for them Images in natural file size: https://imgur.com/a/KNeqtZn
  21. https://phys.org/news/2020-11-paleontologists-identical-evolution-isolated.html Paleontologists at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) and the University of Calgary in Canada have provided new proof of parallel evolution: conodonts, early vertebrates from the Permian period, adapted to new habitats in almost identical ways despite living in different geographical regions. The researchers were able to prove that this was the case using fossil teeth found in different geographical locations. A scanning electron microscope image of a dental platform element from the Conodont genus Sweetognathus, collected in Wyoming, USA. This specimen is between 293.7 and 294.9 years old. Credit: David Terrill, Charles Henderson Not going to lie...I misread the genus as "sweathog"
  22. Misha

    Harding sandstone question

    Hi guys, I recently purchased some processed Harding sandstone, I was looking for unprocessed stuff but I could not find any for sale so I had to just go with this. The fossils arrived today and I have been examining them with my microscope, I find this stuff very fascinating. My question is regarding these fossils here: the ID guide that came with them claims they are sharks but I find this strange, I believe chondrichthyes only appeared in the Late Silurian so how could this be? Are they something else, and if so do we know what that something would be? Also if they are sharks would we not also expect to find their teeth, yet they seem absent in this matrix. Thank you, Misha
  23. pachy-pleuro-whatnot-odon

    Oddly shaped bone in pebble from Cap Gris Nez

    Hi all, Found this pebble on the beach close to Audresselles (Cap Gris Nez area, Boulonnais) amidst the heavy rain and wind yesterday. Initially, I thought it was just a piece of odd-looking fossilised plant-material, with a faint thought in the back of my mind that may be it could be a fish skull. When I checked it this morning, I was able to confirm the piece is smooth on the outside, and seems to have what appears to be bone fibres on the inside. In other words, I'm convinced now that it actually is bone, though still have no idea what kind...
  24. ThePhysicist

    Conodont elements scale

    From the album: Harding Sandstone

    Field of view at 40x magnification in red circle.
  25. ThePhysicist

    Conodont elements

    From the album: Harding Sandstone

    Magnification 40x.
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