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Found 11 results

  1. DAS_Rex

    Coracoid or Not?

    I got this little broken specimen some time back. I just liked the color and look of it and set it to the side. It was said to be from Lance Creek in Weston County, Wyoming. The seller thought it might be a Thescelosaurus coracoid, and I never questioned it. I was looking at it lately though and noticed it really didn’t look quite right compared to others I have seen. Looking through the 1972 champsosaurus paper by Bruce R. Erickson and I noticed two of the illustrations looked very familiar. Could this be a Champsosaurus pubis? (left side I believe). I think there even seems to be a possible anterior tubercle with scaring as in the figures. (Red arrow pointing that out in one photo, and I included the Erickson,1972 images as well for quick reference)
  2. Fullux


    Howdy all, Just purchased this avian coracoid. The seller claimed it was of Ardea herodias, and after comparing it to actual heron coracoids (using images on the web) I find this to he the case. However, I would like a second opinion. Size: 3 inches North Florida
  3. Alex S.

    Hell creek turtle coracoid

    Hello everyone, I just finished preparing what I think is a turtle coracoid but I'm having trouble narrowing down the species of it. It has lovely coloring that makes up for being a partial bone and was not a bad prep except for the very then bone at the edge. It measures 14.3cm long 5.4cm wide and 1.9cm thick at the articular surface.
  4. Shellseeker

    A small bone

    Yesterday, I tried to return to the Peace River at the location I hunted Wednesday with my son. As I reached the river, I noted it was 18-20 inches deeper than last time. I would say neck deep, fast currents. http://www.thefossilforum.com/index.php?/topic/134026-a-day-in-the-sun-with-my-son/ It takes me 2 hours to reach the river, so going home was not an option. We decided to check out a creek, which would have lower water depths. Found marine fauna (shark, ray, urchin, barracuda, fragments of dolphin bone) and one odd bone. I do not find very many G. aduncus. The blade is not curved and lays flat ... Recently, I had found and identified with the help of TFF, an alligator coracoid. It is a shoulder bone. and because I thought there was resemblance to this bone, searched for coracoids on the net. Many of the images that came up were avian, but they had very different proximal ends.. Then I saw this picture that @Harry Pristis added to a TFF thread, This seems more like my find... so a very goof possibility that it is turtle. @digit has turtle knowledge. Let's see what he thinks... The location seems dominated by Miopliocene marine fauna but there are lots of turtles that could drop a bone in the intervening eons....I always try to learn something new.. with each new find... The knowledge builds up over time.
  5. old bones

    Avian Coracoid

    Here is an avian coracoid that I found on the beach in South Carolina. It is from an unidentified off-shore formation that regularly deposits Pleistocene fossils on the shore. I am hoping that someone @Auspex can ID it to genus perhaps. Thanks for looking.
  6. Welsh Wizard

    Ichthyosaur Coracoid

    Hi I found this over Christmas. It’s an ichthyosaur coracoid in shelly limestone from the lower Jurassic of Penarth.
  7. JohnBrewer

    Ichythosaur isolated bones

    Ichythosaur isolated bones basioccipital, coracoid and phalanx, ribs. Lit: De La Beche & Conybeare (1821), Conybeare (1822), Owen (1840, 1851, 1881, 1849-84).
  8. Dear Guys, I have collected several interesting bird long bones in the sand dune layers of Varena town, South Lithuania. Judging by the local stratigraphy and history, the sand in varena town is formed in the last glaciation (25- 10 thousand years ago), so there in my bone finds can be some bird genera that do not live in the Baltic Region today. If someone is familiar with ornithology, please take a look and help me to identify bird taxa. Any help will be appreciated! Best Regards Domas At first, I show tibiotarsus fragment of possible big vulture (the largest width in articular part is 2 cm)
  9. The Speeding Carno

    Diplodocus Coracoid?

    Heyo, I was about to purchase this but figured I should just check in here to be sure. Seller lists this as a partial Diplodocus Coracoid Found in Morrison Formation If better pics are needed the seller can provide them... Thanks, TheSpeedingCarno
  10. wondering if this is a procoracoid from a turtle.
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