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  1. paradiseflorida

    Help with ID could it be cow shark tooth

    Found near Jacksonville FL. Please help identify.
  2. Haven't posted in a while (a few months, scanner issues). Although my spots have been over-run, I usually avoid weekends, and have had a few incredible days chasing cow shark teeth (even found some on the beach!) Also more colorful than usual (better for the kids!) Still run into a lot of broken cow shark teeth, right at the most important point; fragile teeth. Added the mako (nothing real big), tiger (mostly beach, nothing real big), gray (requiem), and some sand tiger teeth (partial to colorful ones-- scanner makes orange more red and misses other colors?-- and those with cusps). Lately the heat has been horrible, so may take a break for awhile.
  3. More of the same. Mostly sand tiger (our most common), a few cow sharks (my favorite; one missing serrations, but possibly a weird chip specific to that area. I'm starting to think the ones I am chasing are more fragile), gray shark, lemon, thresher, mako. The beach is attractive but tooth hunting uneven: a few teeth one day, a dozen the next, a few more the next (two or three hours around low tide each day). Coastal flooding (must be lots of rain upriver). Wind from the north (I hunt the south shores) brings in teeth but a lot of sand; south and west lowers water and uncovers teeth (although unpredictable). I cannot see well and stay near the water edge; most seem to look in the sand. Some days lots of small fossil bone chips and old glass. Minnows schooling and the beach is active (yet most fishing is a month away). Lots of people on the beach who come over to me to ID finds ("the blind leading the blind"). I find more teeth than most on the beach, but overall they seem to find nicer beach teeth. Have seen a beautiful glossy jet-black big sand tiger with cusps, many makos including one perfect one near 2" (5 cm), mostly sand tiger and "gray" shark teeth, and of course a few beautiful cow shark teeth (a big upper tooth and a nice lower lateral with six points and root). The weather has been usually warm (~80 F several days) and local beaches over-run with adults and toddlers (no teenagers who were the big teeth hunters 35 years ago; school closed this week).
  4. Some winter! Lots of rain, then wind, followed by highs near 80 F, lows in the mid 40s. Beaches were over run (but I saw no cow sharks when (crudely) IDing teeth. Spring fed creek is icy cold water, but trees are coming alive and soon will be sucking up that water. Lots of fossil bone bits (and beach glass) and three cow shark teeth (two standard bottom laterals, with a top tooth between them). The usual sand tiger, smaller ones dug up, and a few tiger shark, and some small gray shark and a mako or two. Nothing special but a storm coming tonight, may help with beach teeth.
  5. Not many teeth but found a few cow shark (two only pieces), a few pretty small makos and a tiger shark tooth. Two pieces similar to others IDed as sturgeon plate pieces. Of the cow shark teeth, one is typical a few serrations; a second looks slightly different, stained but no serrations nor extra points (no apparent break); an upper tooth, a root with two points and two points with no roots. The little makos (less than an inch=2.5 cm each) are perfect (nice for jewelry?). Decent sized tiger. Only a few sand tiger and a bunch of triangular, gray shark teeth, Several drum teeth (but no angel teeth?) and a few skate teeth. An interesting coral(?) rock, not the typical Miocene star corral. Have to figure out how to post; copy paste didn't work.
  6. Me and my girlfriend got back out to the Calvert Cliffs to do some hunting again yesterday, a resident with beach access has started to allow me to park and walk down to a good stretch of beach, saving us from needed to kayak there for access.(Although I love kayaking the bay it’s nice to get a break sometimes) we got to the beach a little after sunrise to begin to search. The water was a little high but it was calm and relatively clear, and there was a really thick shell line on the beach, so I was hopeful for some good finds. First find of the day my girlfriend found a really nice lower cow shark tooth that had settled on top of the shell line. As we continued on, I was searching the water and shell line while dragging my scoop behind me. I lifted my scoop and looked in to see a lower symphyseal cow shark tooth! As I went to look a little closer it fell through the mesh on my scoop, I shouted and dove on top of it. It’s .53” wide and is missing most of the root but the blade is complete. A little further down the beach I found a nice epiphysis disk with a .7” diameter, strangely most of my complete epiphysis disks I’ve found have been within 20yrds of that spot. Things slowed down for a little but we were still finding a lot of nice sized Physogaleus teeth. We passed and chatted with a couple other groups of fossil hunters, thinking now our finds would thin out even more, I was proven wrong when a large 1.5” hemipristis and a micro megalodon wash out in front of me. As we neared some fresh cliff falls the water clarity got worse, but a wave at the right time gave me the water clarity I needed to spot a beautiful 1.83” megalodon/chubutensis out in the water. The walk back fossil finds were few and far between but we did spot a Belted Kingfisher and a Bald Eagle which can be just as nice sometimes. It was another great day out along the Calvert Cliffs. I’m thank for anytime I get to spend at the beach but, finds like today, bird sightings and chatting with other people passionate about the same thing really make me appreciate being able to do this. Until next time y’all, thanks for reading!
  7. From the album: Fossils

    Two Notorynchus symphyseal teeth from the Miocene Calvert Formation in central Virginia. Both have a funky center tooth and are about .65 inches wide.
  8. shark57

    Yorktown Formation Hexanchus griseus Tooth

    From the album: Fossils

    This is a 1.6 inch blue-enameled Hexanchus griseus (aka gigas) from the famous Lee Creek mine. It is from the Pliocene Yorktown Formation sediments.
  9. One beach hunt and two digs yielded four cow shark and a bunch of small teeth, some of which may have been in my last photo. The cow shark, my focus, are all new but frustrating; cannot say for sure if two really have non-serrated first points. Possibly broken? Too much cold water in the creek to hunt for a few more days.
  10. Several trips. Will be digging more soon, deer hunting season's over. I miss global warming lately. Usual cow sharks, eight. Some times I think the "vein" has run out. Some little sand tiger. At the beach after the recent storm, a bunch of makos (up to just over an inch, 2.6 cm), a weathered small hemi, and a few bigger sand tiger. A broken skate denticle/ scute. The reddish makos tend to fade with time (maybe oxidation?) Another big wind storm tomorrow, hope to hit several beach spots next week.
  11. Continuing the quest to find more weird cow shark teeth that started a few years ago, unlike any I had found in the past. A few cow shark teeth were from the beach along with skate teeth, a huge skate scute/ dermal piece, and a partial stinger (some fossil bone and beach glass as well). The usual sand tiger and one or two smallish mako bottom teeth(?) My quest for cow shark bottom laterals which do not have the "typical" serrations on the first point is taking forever. I found a lot of cow shark teeth in the last few weeks, but the vast majority have the "typical" serrations. The most interesting one seems to be an upper tooth with three small extra points (possibly a broken bottom lateral, but heavy root and twisted point suggest top tooth). There are always a few that are not definitive, that may support an unserrated first point with separate small points, but weathering and breaks frustrate my efforts. While I was looking to the extant sharp-nosed cow shark as evolving from my weird teeth (which I have only found at one spot), I have been looking at extinct Notidanodon teeth on-line and wonder if that might be a better fit? Most specimens seem to be from the Cretaceous pre-dating my stuff, mostly from the Miocene.
  12. hemipristis

    6 gills or 7 gills? Cow shark upper

    Cow shark upper tooth. Hexanchus or Notorhynchus? Cow shark upper teeth baffle me Pliocene Yorktown Fm, Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, NC, USA. The foam square is 1 inch/2.54 cm Any thoughts or wisdom appreciated
  13. hemipristis

    Belgian shark tooth, Cow Shark upper?

    In with a grouping of Miocene teeth from Antwerp, Belgium that I received a while ago. Notorhynchus upper parasympheseal? Or something else? The foam square is 1 inch/2.54 cm square. Photos of the labial and lingual sides plus an end shot of the root. Any help would be appreciated!
  14. Today my dad went out hunting without me, an unusual occurrence but I was busy. So when I arrived back home he showed me his finds, and in the center of the spread I see the first cow shark tooth that either of us had ever found. We're going on a trip together to Summerville in two weeks so, hopefully we can still beat this, but otherwise I think this has made the summer, possibly even the year. And this might be an unprovable question, but what's rarer, a Benedini, or a cow shark? At least in north Florida. Thanks!I might retake some pictures tomorrow, it was late so the lighting isn't great.
  15. SawTooth

    The luck continues...

    Yesterday I posted the topic where I announced that my father found our first cow shark tooth, well today I couldn't resist temptation, so we went back to the exact spot and sure enough, there it was.along with a decent sized complete great white tooth, one of the signature finds of this creek. I cannot believe my luck, two days, two cow shark teeth.
  16. Went out after a big rain to an old favorite spot The creek was full of sand. First two stops, first two to three hours only yielded 20 or so teeth. Went to a spot I thought I had cleaned out a month or so ago and was pleasantly surprised to get into a bunch of teeth (mostly small, many broken). Worked hard screening for almost another hour. FOUR cow shark teeth, however three broken; the best one was "classical" serrations on the first point, not sure about the broken ones (two COULD have serrations separate from the first major points? But not definitive.) Don't find many hemis ("snaggletooth") this one was nice, about an inch long. Three tiger shark teeth, the biggest one not real big, but in great shape. A few small makos. An angel shark tooth and five drum teeth. The "usual" sand tiger spikes and gray shark triangles. An interesting one (middle of the second scan) has a big root and a small blade. I thought a weird lemon shark tooth, but the root is too big and the blade seems short and squat but intact. Any ideas?
  17. Still chasing cow shark teeth, five from the "new spot" plus a seven point cow shark (possibly missing an 8th point? Rare for seven points, usually the last one is minimal) from a beach. ( The one to the right may show some separation of serrations from the big point, but not obvious.) The weather has been nice and the tooth hunting areas busy. Someone asked if I ever get skate "crusher" teeth; they are very common (30 years ago we didn't even keep them). So I scanned some from recent hunts. Numbers on tape are cm. No makos lately? The cow shark teeth spot doesn't seem to have many makos.
  18. Worked hard at the "new spot" chasing cow shark laterals. Found several, sadly mostly damaged, no definitive "answers". Need to keep looking! Mostly sand tiger teeth (our most common), one heavier, no boss, possibly mako. Some drum "teeth", some little (no clue), and some gray shark teeth (not all shown). The cow shark lower lateral teeth at this spot often show no serrations on the first spike (unlike what I am used to) but rather either discreet minor points, or a serrated edge separate (or almost separate) from the first, main point/ spike. There is a broken first spike (4th from left) that seems to have separate serrations, three teeth that have screwed up(?) first point serrations, a normal serrated tooth (on left) and a colorful broken cow shark piece.
  19. Recent finds. February may be a bit warmer than March? I have two twisted teeth with large bases, which I think could be upper cowshark (but only one point?) and several small makos, plus "the usual" sand tiger, angel shark, drum "teeth", and gray shark. Always good to get out!
  20. I found this interesting little fossil while searching through micro matrix from Aurora NC (Pungo River and Yorktown Formations). My first thought was that this could be a commissural tooth from a cow shark (I believe both sixgill and sevengill sharks are known from this location). I haven't had great luck finding pictures of fossilized cow shark commissural teeth to compare to, as these tiny teeth are understandably scarce in the fossil record. I did read through a discussion about commissural teeth in the "Extreme posterior shark teeth!" thread here on the forum, which was very helpful. I hope to get some opinions on this fossil and potential ID. Has anyone found a cow shark commissural tooth from Lee Creek/Aurora and have any pictures they'd be willing to share? Here are pictures of the front and back of the fossil, it measures just over 3mm. Here's a picture of some modern broadnose sevengill shark (Notorynchus cepedianus) commissural teeth that I used for comparison. I think these could be a good match to my fossil, and I'm curious to hear others' thoughts.
  21. Kayaked out of Plum Point/Breezy Point this morning to do so searching. Almost right away I found a nice little cow shark tooth and a big hemi, then just a little later saw a small Meg sitting right on top of the sand. Love the complete Atlas vert as well, my first in that position!
  22. I arrived at the boat ramp early yesterday morning to find half the parking lot underwater from an abnormally high tide, plus heavy rains 2 days prior. I thought this might make collecting tough but I launched my kayak anyway and headed for the cliffs. I figured there would not be as much beach to collect on but I was not expecting water 2ft deep right up to the cliffs! Whenever I'd find a little spit of sand that I could actually walk on I would pull up my kayak and do some searching. I found a few small teeth this way. Later in the day as the tide started receding and I worked my way further down the cliffs I found a substantial beach that I could actually do some collecting on. I found lots of the usual teeth - tons of carcharinus, a lot of tigers/contortus, and some others. I peeked under a log and found the very rim of a cetacean vertebra buried in the sand, I uncovered it and it turned out to be a hefty specimen, about 4" wide by 2" thick. A little while later I found what was, at the time, the trip maker. It was the tiniest little megalodon tooth I've seen, about the size of a fingernail. Tiny but still, a meg is meg! Toward the end of the day I was working my way back to the kayak when I found a new trip maker. This little cow shark (upper?) tooth was the first complete one I have found and I was happy with it. I didn't want it to end up broken from jostling around with the other teeth in my pocket, so I quickly walked back to the kayak to put it away for safe keeping. As I was quickly walking back from the kayak to return to the spot I found it, I found another cow shark tooth freshly deposited in the surf by a wave. This one was much larger and also in perfect shape and I was so excited to find it. This one is definitely the best find of the day What started out looking like an impossible day turned out to be pretty good. I found 170+ teeth, some with very cool colors (like that cream colored tiger), and a few very nice teeth that I'm happy to add to my collection. Here are a few closeups of some of the nicer teeth, and the whole lot.
  23. Recent trips. Weather has been warm, so the water is still warm. Hitting my usual spots, doing well on cowshark teeth (happy! thought the 4th was a broken one but the two pieces don't match up) and finally found a decent, nice (almost 2") mako (been a while). Bunch of non-descript gray shark teeth, skate teeth; fewer angel shark and drum teeth than usual. Peculiar tiger shark(?) tooth; not flat like usual, big almost L-shaped root with a bump/boss at middle (not as pronounced as those bumps/bosses om big sand tiger teeth.
  24. TheCreekendWarrior

    The Creekend Warrior Collection

    Been at it for about a year now and I try to hit the creeks at least twice/month if I can help it. The "loose" pics are either newer finds that haven't made their way into the display yet, or finds that have their own display. Most of these were rescued from the Gainesville area. Some are from the Peace River & Joshua Creek, as well as Manasota, Caspersen, Venice & Fort Clinch beaches. I was also lucky enough to discover a previously unknown spot VERY close to home, while scouting one day! Dr. Hulbert (w/ UF) confirmed it is a new spot, but was reluctant to check it out as none of my initial finds were extinct species... I have since found horse teeth at that location and can't wait for water levels to go back down!!! Hoping to add a few new species to my collection on my upcoming trip to GMR & one of the Summerville creeks (not sure which one yet but would love to find my first Angi & GW)... the GW in my pics was actually found by my Grandfather in Panama in the 70s! Thanks for looking : )
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