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  1. austinh

    Hell Creek Dino Part

    I got this bone fragment off the forum auction- btw there is another auction going on right now! its a great way to explore fossils from formations outside your area! Go check it out, it supports this forum! Back to my question- the fossil is from the hell creek formation and was listed on the auction as a possible vertebrae, it wasn't fully prepped when I got it and I have spent some time cleaning it up. My questions are: 1.) is it possible to determine what part of the skeleton it is from? Vertebrae or not? I am not seeing the vertebrae connection in it, but dino bones are so much larger than anything I am used to. If it is a partial vertebrae is it possible to point out what part of the vertebrae it is from? 2.) is it possible to determine what dinosaur it came from? Group of dinosaurs if not a specific species Curious to learn and any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Hi. Apart from a great haul finding the usual suspects I also found the following. My best guess is some sort of coral. I found it near crinoids, but that does not mean much as the water action could have mixed it all together. I found it in Folkestone close to the disused sewage chamber. Thank you.
  3. Hi I have found numerous pieces of fossilised material which I am sure belongs to ammonites somehow, I am just unable to figure out how it fits it. Does anyone know how this can be related? It is cylindrical, with dlight ridges and with 5 little protrusions. It is roughly 1.5 x 2 cm in size. Thank you.
  4. Hi, I'm a new member to this forum and new to fossils. I'm trying to learn to distinguish the numerous fakes from real fossils and while searching the web, luckily I found your forum which has many open topics about it. I apologize if my English is not perfect, but I am Italian and I will try to explain myself as best as possible. Given my obsession with dinosaurs, I recovered this Carcharodontosaur tooth. Being quite large, 3.54in., and having bought it at an auction from a private collector at a fairly low price, I was wondering if in your opinion it could be a fake or restored. I already tried with acetone to see if any surface color came off, but it remained intact without loss of color. Weighs 80g (0.176lb). The description reported the usual origin from Morocco, Hamada KemKem area. Could you help me understand if it's natural or not please? Unfortunately I discovered your forum after the purchase, I will not make the same mistake for future purchases. Thanks so much to anyone who can help me
  5. austinh

    footprint ID

    I was on a hike in the Cloverly Formation of eastern Wyoming and saw a footprint that has perplexed me. I snapped a photo of it, which may or may not be helpful, but I am no longer in the vicinity of the print so it is all I have to go on. The print looks like a cast in the photo, but it was actually true print. The Cloverly formation is dated to 115-108 million years old, through my research I have found a short list of dinos that walked the area, based on this information the only two that seem to work are Deinonychus antirrhopus, a raptor (which should only show two toes in the print, there are two clear toes and claws on the left and middle toe, the third is muddled but maybe not enough to be raptor) or Microvenator celer, an early oviraptor with very limited information on it. Didn't have a measuring device at the time, should have included an object for scale, but didn't, I do remember my hand fit nicely in the print, so I am guessing it was about 50cm long x 35 cm wide give or take a few cm. I realize it can be very hard to nail down a footprint, but any insights would be greatly appreciated. Always interested in learning about the world around me, past and present. Thanks
  6. Size is 10x6cm, from San Juan basin about 30 miles south of Farmington New Mexico. Found laying in desert on top of dry mud.
  7. Hi all! The weather out here on the East Coast of the U.S. has finally started to warm up (sorta…) and for my husband and I (+ the occasional friends) that means a day trip out to Big Brook Preserve for a day of sifting and picnicking. The most major change we noticed was the new erosion. We had a stormy winter out here, with a lot of rainfall, winds, and flooding. There’s newly exposed strata throughout the brook, but about 5 minutes into the main trailhead there’s been a massive mudslide along the far bank. Several trees have fallen across the brook and those that were able to keep their grip on the bank have exposed roots. The bank will resettle and stabilize back up soon enough, but in the meantime please exercise caution when exploring/hunting in this area, especially during storms or high winds. Of course, with these changes comes newly exposed fossils along the creek bed ripe for the sifting! Here’s a collection of what my group and I found out on our first trip of the season. An overview We didn’t find as many teeth as we expected to with all the new collapsed strata and no particularly large ones - but we did find some with a beautiful pale coloring, including the stunning white one in the center there! I was able to find some of my first trace fossils! Two lovely pebbles, with possibly some sort of belemnite/shellfish/burrow imprints on the left side there, and some amazing shell imprints on the one on the right (both include imprints on both sides of the stones). And speaking of shells - we have some lovely marine fossils! The 4 scallops(?) in the foreground are fully closed, with both top and bottom shells intact - a first for us at Big Brook! And these guys range from tiny to itty-bitty. In the newly exposed strata within the major mudslide area there seemed to be a layer close to shoreline containing a MASSIVE amount of shells, and I’m assuming these baby scallops came from that layer. My hunch says it’s a layer from a period of local/mass extinction, but if anyone knows more about what that layer could be please let me know! Top image includes the finds that I think could be either fossilized wood or bone….then again they could just be your everyday rock! I’ll be posting in the Fossil ID topic soon with clearer images, so any help would be appreciated! Bottom image includes our first two vertebrae! The one on the right is about the size of a dime and so the one on the left is absolutely minuscule! I’m just amazed we were able to spot it in our sifters. And these…are our unknowns. Coral? Concretions? Fossilized bone? Or maybe just a rock? (But I am crossing my fingers for pure Gold on that one at that top…) And finally, here’s a bonus image of some of the beautiful stones we picked up along the way!
  8. Chalkdude

    Marine reptile paddle bones???

    These two samples were found in Gove county Kansas in the Smoky Hill Chalk formation (part of the Niobrara formation). I was wondering what type of marine reptiles they were from??? These are two separately found samples so they do not go together. They are both a little over 3 cm long.
  9. After great input from the community, the tooth is likely a Plesiosaur and not Mosasaur. Thank you everyone! For my birthday last weekend, my girlfriend and I returned for our second trip to Big Brook in New Jersey. I couldn't have asked for a better day. We came into the day joking about finding a Mosasaur tooth for my birthday... well.. the luck of the Irish was on my side. Braving the still frigid water and sub 40 degree temps, I was rewarded with my first ever Mosasaur tooth. I would also like confirmation that it is Mosa and not crocodile. Unfortunately it is not whole, but it is rather large, and I couldn't be happier. In total we found around 111 teeth and some other non teeth related fossils. Most were shards, broken, or unremarkable but below are the complete and nicer finds of the day. Thanks for looking and any comments! Shoutout to the Philly Fossil Collector on instagram for helping me with ID and advice! I don't remember your username on here though! Partial Mosasaur tooth: Any information known on my specific find, I would absolutely love. Overall complete and nice finds of the day (Me). Partial Mosasaur tooth Shark teeth: Crow, Goblin, Mackerel. Any others? Shark Vert? Enchodus teeth (2) Pycnodont Fish Crusher Tooth Chunk of obsidian/phosphate? Ill have to follow up with some pictures but when in the water it had streaks of gold like pyrite. Shark Vert? My girlfriend found this one, would love confirmation on what type of vert. Check out the coloring on this beautiful tooth. This is the smallest whole tooth I've ever found, anyone know the ID? 18206F19-E91F-40B7-BCD2-82154A49D0D5.mp4
  10. OverCaffeinated

    Unknown marine fossil-NJ USA

    I am new to fossil collecting and I have a bit of a mystery on my hands, any help would be appreciated. I found this fossil in NJ (USA) in an area well known for late Cretaceous marine fossils (shark teeth etc). I have been told that it is a claw from a ghost shrimp, but I’m struggling to verify that-honestly to my naive eye it looks like a starfish arm. This is an image from my microscope, it is approximately 1 cm in length. thanks!
  11. Hyaena

    Ural finds

    Hello dear forum participants. I present to your attention a tooth that has caused some discussion among us. The main version is that this is a rounded Physogaleus tooth, but in appearance it seems that its roots are not broken. Curious to know your opinion. The tooth was shown to specialists, and there is literature on our regional sharks. It appears to be Physogaleus but would like more clarity. Age: Upper Eocene, Middle Urals Thanks for your attention Question - if there are new questions and findings, is it possible to continue posting in this topic or is it better to create a new one based on our findings, if, of course, the reader is interested? Best regards, Anton.
  12. TheGoblinKing

    Can Anyone ID This?

    Hey hey everybody, I found this odd stone in the same location that I've found petrified wood and a couple fossilized shells. It doesn't look like bone to me, maybe its a different plant species than the one im use to? If someone could get an ID on this that would be greatly appreciated! For all I know, it's just an odd stone.
  13. uller6


    I found what I think are some mosasaur parts in Maryland. The site I was looking is an ~80 MYO marine site in the severn formation in Prince George's county just outside of DC. Here are a few pictures of the best pieces - a big tooth, nice neural spine, and a smaller vert. Am I correct thinking this is mosasaur? If so, potentially either a Prognathodon or a Hoffmanni? These are not in the best state of preservation, but typical for this location.
  14. vietnamfossil

    Is this a fossil seed?

    Hi everyone! I just found this pieces after the newest trip in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. The information I got that the sediment there is from late Jurassic to early Creataceous, and most the fossil they found are fern. So anyone have an idea that my pieces could be (Seed/wood/fern/..)? I’m very appreciated. thank you
  15. A trip report from a busy week that started with combing through some drilling cores of the Rochester Shale that were being dumped from an old project. No major finds, which was what I expected. I did happen to find a nice Dalmanities pygidium and a few brachiopods that look neat. This weekend I was down in NJ visiting family and took a stop to Big Brook on Saturday. Thank you to a kind member of this forum for giving me hunting advice. Saturday was very rainy, but the rainwater washing the sand off the gravel bar was helpful in my search. I am not familiar with a lot of these fossils, I have tried my best to use online resources to ID what I have. Finally, this week I am in the southern tier near Olean and working near a stream that is on private property. The stream is loaded with brachiopod fossils, hoping to grab a nice piece that hasn't been weathered and stained. A lot of pictures below, ID help is greatly appreciated. 1. Rochester Shale cores drying, revealing some weaker fractures. Finds from Big Brook: I tried to organize these from left to right for ID help 2. Vert and turtle shell piece? 3. I tried to put everything small I did not know in this picture. First tooth in row 2 and the last tooth in row 4 are ones that I am especially having trouble with. Each item here has some feature that is telling me that it is more than just a rock, but I could be wrong. 4. Best teeth that I found, very happy with these. 5. Hoping row one is coprolite. Row two could be other bone pieces? 6. Ray teeth, sawfish and other unknowns 7. Bones? 8. Bone looking r ock? 9. Crab claw and a few other unknowns. No serrations or teeth-like features on these unknowns. 10. Concretions? Southern Tier Field Pic 11. According to maps I am in the Late Devonian, Conneaut Group. Someone told me small sea stars can be found in this similar looking southern tier fossilized strata. Not going to hold my breath.
  16. Hello, I found this small shark tooth near Austin. The geology of the area corresponds to the Ozan formation (early Campanian) ~78 million years. It looks like a Serratolamna serrata tooth, but I haven’t heard of Serratolamna from the Ozan formation. Or could this be a Cretalamna appendiculata instead?
  17. SomethingIsFishy

    Niobrara chalk ten best

    The niobrara chalk is the best, But what are the ten best creatures from it.
  18. Moses Oberlander

    Fossil tooth ID

    Hi. I can’t figure out what tooth this is…
  19. JakubArmatys

    Cretaceous Shark Tooth?

    Anybody can identify this Tooth? Found in cretaceous, turonian sandy-limestone in Poland (Tyniec, Cracow). I think it's a Shark Tooth, or other fish but I don't know which exactly.
  20. So I went to a new site nearby me where I heard there were shark teeth and while I didn't find any shark teeth I found flint(?) fossils, that, unlike my previous flint(?) fossils, which I believe were deposited by glaciers, I think these ones are native to where I found them, which is an old mine overburden pile (the rock above the ore they're mining for), my evidence for this was the presence of many iron rich rocks that was in the same pile, pictured I have what I believe is botryoidal hematite, which hematite is what they mine here. Also the fossils in these new specimens are different to my glacial ones, which mostly have crinoid stems and brachiopods, here I've got spiral shells and other clams. Also they're much bigger and in much better shape. The Coleraine formation (cretaceous) runs just south of where I live according to a bedrock map, and another nearby mine tapped into it years ago (Hill Annex) and is fossil ferric, the bed rock map shows it doesn't quite reach the mine I live next to, but I'm doubting the map is perfectly accurate since the mine I live next to has dug up sharks teeth, fish vertebra, and saw fish saw teeth. (MN Discovery Center has some on display). Anyway, any help identifying these and what possible time period? I really hope they're native fossils and not glacial.
  21. Alex S.

    Hell Creek fossil ID

    Hey everybody I've been deep diving into this forum for the past couple weeks while restoring this fossil. I found it in the Hell Creek Formation by the Powder River in Montana, on my brother's ranch. It was in the side wall of a run off creek bed. There were no other obvious fossils around it, but the wall was crumbling, so it could have washed downstream. The circumference of the main shaft is 20cm while the circumference of the head is 38cm and the length of the fossil is 40cm. I am not very familiar with dinosaurs, but it looks to me like it could possibly be the humerus or the femur of something. Any help would be much appreciated, thank you!
  22. Hey Everyone, Im new here and have a project for my high school science research class in high school. I have been analyzing microfossils from the Hell Creek Formation in Southern Montana and have been determining what species my specimens are from through published papers. There are some specimens however that I have not been able to determine, and have attached below. If you wouldn't mind helping me out, it would be greatly appreciated! Ps my apologies for no scale! The first two pictures are the same, looks like a pygostyle almost. Is 1mm long by 500 microns. The third photo I have no clue what it could be and is 1.5 mm by 800 microns. The fourth I think is dermal from a gar or a multituberculate part is 1.2 mm by 900 microns. Fifth I have no clue and is 2mm by 1mm. Final and most exciting is the lower jaw, the diameter of the pencil lead is 700 microns. about 3mm long and 1.2 mm wide. I believe it is mammal or amphibian but am not sure. Thanks
  23. Paleorunner

    Help with this ammonite.

    I found a few days ago this fragment of ammonite, (Cretaceous). I was wondering if any of you might recognize her.
  24. Paleorunner

    Concretion? Brachiopod?

    Hello, I recently found this, (Cretaceous). I think it is a small concretion of a very curious shape, but because of its shape, it also makes me think of an internal brachiopod mold. What do you think ? @Tidgy's Dad
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