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Found 6 results

  1. Ruger9a

    Thalassina Lobster Prep

    Good morning. I just wanted to share one of the projects I've been working on. It's a Thalassina lobster from Darwin in the Northern Territories of Australia and it from the Holocene-Pleistocene. Photos include the before and current stage of the prep. Hope you enjoy.
  2. Notidanodon

    thalassina anomala

    Hi guys, just an interesting question, i have been trying to properly label my collection with formation names and proper stratiagraphical data buut i culdnt find any for what is a relatively common fossil, the australian thalassina anomala here is what i have so far , others can use this but i was wondering whether anyone could add any info to it Thalassina anomala (Herbst, 1804) Holocene 0.007 mya Gunn Point, Darwin Northern Territory Australia
  3. Mornings all it is Charles Robert Darwin birthday today , (12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882). The first few photographs I took are on the private collection of the NHML They are objects he collected in this studies and traveled with him on the beagle . I also got to hold his expired pet octopus . Probably one of my best days ever. Statue of Charles Darwin in the Natural History Museum, London. The statue was created by Sir Joseph Boehm and was unveiled on 9 June 1885. Photograph of Charles Darwin by Maull and Polyblank for the Literary and Scientific Portrait Club Sometime today raise your cup of tea and wish the great man a happy birthday dear Chuck
  4. Hello folks, I wanted to share some photos of one of the mangrove lobsters (Thalassina) I finished prepping. It's from Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia from the Holocene-Pleistocene error. The matrix on this lobster was the hardest I've ever worked with.
  5. Fossils key to fulfilling Darwin's 160-year-old prediction December 12, 2018, University of Salford https://phys.org/news/2018-12-fossils-key-fulfilling-darwin-year-old.html The paper is: Beck R.M.D., and Baillie C. 2018. Improvements in the fossil record may largely resolve current conflicts between morphological and molecular estimates of mammal phylogeny. Proc. R. Soc. B. 285: 20181632. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/07/20/373191 https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2018/07/20/373191.full.pdf https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/full/10.1098/rspb.2018.1632 Yours, Paul H.
  6. Evidence suggests life on Earth started after meteorites splashed into warm little ponds, PhysOrg, October 2, 2017 https://phys.org/news/2017-10-evidence-life-earth-meteorites-splashed.html How did Life Start? Meteorites crashing into Darwin's Little Warm Ponds May Have been Trigger, by Megham Bartels, Newsweek. http://www.newsweek.com/2017/10/27/how-did-life-start-meteorites-crashing-darwins-warm-little-ponds-was-possible-675655.html The paper is: Pearce, B.K., Pudritz, R.E., Semenov, D.A. and Henning, T.K., 2017. Origin of the RNA world: The fate of nucleobases in warm little ponds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 114 no. 43, pp. 11327-11332 http://www.pnas.org/content/114/43/11327 https://arxiv.org/pdf/1710.00434.pdf Yours, Paul H.
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