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Found 8 results

  1. oilshale

    Parasemionotus labordei Priem, 1924

    From the album: Vertebrates

    Parasemionotus labordei Priem, 1924 Early Triassic Dienerian Ambilobe Madagascar
  2. From the album: Vertebrates

    Teffichthys madagascariensis (Piveteau, 1934) Early Triassic Dienerian Sakamena Formation Ambilobe Madagascar
  3. oilshale

    Pteronisculus macropterus White, 1933

    Taxonomy from Romano et al., 2019. In his 1933 paper, White described two new Pteroniscoids from Madagascar: Pteronisculus cicatrosus , which is rather common, and the somewhat rarer Pteronisculus macropterus. Diagnosis from White 1933, p. 126: "Pteronisculus with elongate-fusiform body; maximum depth rather less than length of head with opercular apparatus, and equal to one—quarter total length to base of caudal fin. Length of pectoral fin exceeding distance between tip of snout and hinder margin of maxilla. Origin of dorsal fin above fortieth scale—row from pectoral girdle approximately. Scales in more than seventy vertical rows to base of caudal fin, and ornamented with oblique rugæ only." Sketch from White 1933, p. 126: References: White, E. I. (1933): New Triassic palaeoniscids from Madagascar. Ann. a. Mag. Nat. Hist.(10) 11: 118-128; London C. Romano, A. López-Arbarello, D. Ware, J. F. Jenks, and W. Brinkmann (2019). Marine Early Triassic Actinopterygii from the Candelaria Hills (Esmeralda County, Nevada, USA). Journal of Paleontology 93:971-1000
  4. Taxonomy from Garassino & Teruzzi 1995. Diagnosis from Garassino & Teruzzi 1995, p. 92: "Subrectangular carapace; long rostrum, lacking both suprarostral and subrostral teeth; marked dorsal hump at the base of the rostrum; spine in the posterior third of the dorsal midline of the carapace; deep hepatic groove and weak branchiocardiac groove; gastro-orbital, hepatic and branchiocardiac spines present; pereiopods I-III chelate; strongly elongate pereiopod III; tergite VI rectangular; triangular telson with a pointed distal extremity." Line drawing from Garassino & Teruzzi 1995, p. 94: References: Van Straelen V. (1933) Antrimpos madagascariensis Crustace decapode du Permotrias de Madagascar. Bull. Mus. Roy. hist. Nat. Belgique, Bruxelles, IX(1). Garassino A. & Teruzzi G., (1995) Studies on Permo-Trias of Madagascar, 3. The decapod crustaceans of the Ambilobe region (NW Madagascar). Atti. Soc. it. Sci. nat. Museo civ. Stor. nat. Milano, Milano, 134 (1): 85-113.
  5. oilshale

    Ecrinesomus dixoni Woodward, 1910

    From the album: Vertebrates

    Ecrinesomus dixoni Woodward, 1910 Early Triassic Dienerian Iraro Madagascar Length 16cm
  6. oilshale

    Icarealcyon malagasium Beltan, 1984

    From the album: Vertebrates

    Icarealcyon malagasium Beltan, 1984 Early Triassic Dienerian Sakamena Formation Ambilobe Madagascar Due to its enormous pectoral fins, Icarealcyon malagasium was described by Beltan as a "poisson volant" - a "flying fish" - in the family Semonotidae (not related to what is now known as "flying fish" - these are Exocoetidae in the order Beloniformes). You would expect flying fish to be fast swimmers - the rather thickset appearance of Icarealcyon more likely hints to slow swimmers with relatively high maneuverability (comparable to Albertonia from British Columbia).
  7. From the album: Vertebrates

    Saurichthys madagascariensis Piveteau, 1945 Early Trassic Dienerian Ambilobe Madagascar Length 40cm / 16"
  8. oilshale

    Icarealcyon malagasium Beltan, 1984

    Taxonomy from Fossilworks.org. Due to its enormous pectoral fins, Icarealcyon malagasium was described by Beltan as a "poisson volant" - a "flying fish" - in the family Semionotidae (not related to what is now known as "flying fish" - these are Exocoetidae in the order Beloniformes). You would expect flying fish to be fast swimmers - the rather thickset appearance of Icarealcyon more likely hints to slow swimmers with relatively high maneuverability (comparable to Albertonia from British Columbia). Icarealcyon was described by Beltan on the basis of poor material - in all three specimens only the body without head was preserved. Icarealcyon is probably closely related to Albertonia, or possibly even a synonym. Line drawing from Beltan 1984, p. 78: References: L. Beltan. 1984. A propos d'un poisson volant biplan d l'Eotrias du NW de Madagascar: Icarealcyon malagasium Beltan. Annales de la Société Géologique du Nord 103:75-82
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