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Found 15 results

  1. creepyspiderlady

    Type of Dino ID possible from vertebrae?

    My dog and I were out rock hunting in Utah, right outside the dinosaur national monument park boundaries and she started digging furiously at a rock that I had tripped over. I looked back and I couldn’t believe what was sticking up out of the ground. It was a Dino bone vertebrae! I was in complete shock! I helped my dog clear the earth around it and found more and more pieces. Whole pieces. I knew I was supposed to do something but my mind went completely blank. I took the pieces that we had found to a paleontologist that lived on the same block as me. He told me that ‘they aren’t interested in small specimens’, and ‘if you find like a leg bone, that’s another story’. So I kept the pieces that we already had taken. I recently contacted a lady that works in the utah blm network and she contacted like 5 or 6 other people, all of them emailed me and I told them my story. One guy seemed really interested because he had taken a bunch of students out to the site 4 years earlier and hadn’t found anything. I mean, literally, this bone jumped out at me! I tripped over it! Anyways, I read about a man from Moab that basically had the same story happen to him and he was charged with theft and sentenced to prison for taking Dino bone. The guy I was emailing (I am pretty sure his name is Steve) asked me to come show him where I found this dinosaur. I don’t want to go to prison. But I really think this dinosaur needs and deserves to be ‘found’ so nothing else will happen to it.
  2. Buteo

    Unknown fossil bone

    Unfortunately , I cannot add much info on where this was found. To be honest I plan on using it as a handle for a steak knife. Unless it is something of value or rarity. Any comments welcome. It would be great to know if this is a dino bone or what species. It is fairly heavy and hollow inside.
  3. PrehistoricWonders

    Large Dino bone

    Hi, I bought this bone unprepared a few weeks ago and was wondering if anyone had any idea of what type of bone it is and what it came from?(it was identified as a T-Rex gastralia by the seller)
  4. PrehistoricWonders

    Dinosaur bone

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone could tell me what this is? It is 1 3/4 inches by 1 inch, and most likely from the hell creek formation.
  5. CrownJewel

    Fossil Bone or Wood

    Went on a hunt yesterday along the San Jacinto River. Found some of the coolest pieces so far but I’m puzzled about one piece in particular. Is this just a piece of agatized wood or possibly bone?
  6. Tdepasture

    What bone is this?

    I’m not ashamed to admit I'm new to this stuff. I can only assume this is a fossil because it doesn't look like a normal rock. I was recently in missouri, looking for rocks. I found this in a puddle in the road, near a rock shelf. Can anyone here tell what it is.
  7. huangeric

    skin impression on the dino bone?

    The dino bone was purchased in Wyoming. Is it the skin impression on the bone surface? Thanks!
  8. Michaelroof

    What is this?

    I have what appears to be fossils all over the property i bought last year. We are located in North Texas, the area is very sandy with layers of rock. Ammonites are everywhere here. Large ones that measure 3-4 feet across. I will post some of the images I have. I will provide more details in the days to come, along with measurements as requested by some of the more experienced folks. Any idea what this is? It's about 14-18 inches long. As stated, more precise details to come.
  9. kachinacountry

    dinosaur bone

    dino bone or petrified wood? found in wester arizona. best wishes
  10. western arizona in origin, looks cool but its probably just a rock? thanks for your time. appreciated, roy
  11. kachinacountry

    rock with teeth? any help is appreciated

    western NM dino teeth? definitely looks like a jaw, you guys are the coolest. thanks in advance
  12. kachinacountry

    weird bone looking thing a ma bob

    weird looking bone/rock, im always hunting and this one is different from most of my finds, looks like a large tothish or bone about 12" long. any help by the forum is much appreciated, you guys are the coolest
  13. The BLM stopped by our museum today with a little surprise! I figured some people may be interested to see what exactly happens when the police and the state come to confiscate your fossils! Say you have just been reported for collecting fossils on BLM land without a permit. The BLM comes to your house and basically runs an audit on you. They want documentation and paperwork for every fossil you have. If you don't have a reasonable explanation for them, they start questioning everything! Once the BLM makes their decision you are given a court date and a judge decides what should happen next. The fossils, if it is decided they were illegally collected, become property of the state and are sent to a repository. Along with the fossils we received: photos of each piece of bone with a court number A piece of paper telling us what was there a box of bone (weighing about 14 pounds!) I did not photograph the photographs as I don't have the skills or ability to edit the logos and court numbers out. The first photo is our letter we received (if this shows too much can you please edit it further @Fossildude19) This photo is the bones that we were given. You can see some have been sliced and marked up, obviously this person was going to slab and cab these pieces most likely to sell. While these may just be chunkosaurus the most important thing to remember is that they were collected illegally. Regardless of what they are the individual did not have permits or permission to collect them. I was told by the officer that this was a multiple offense case. Each piece of bone brings a separate charge as well as a larger charge on a whole. We didn't discuss much beyond broad terms, but the investigation was closed and the state decided that we could use these bones for educational purposes! The good news for us, we get some cool chunkosaurus to show off! The down side is that people don't follow the rules and it puts legal collecting at risk for all of us!
  14. Well y'all I do believe I found some Dino bone. Sorry it's dirty still but im afraid to handle it much do to the fact I found it near water. It's quit heavy. 50lbs or better. No porous structure visible. Dark black mostly. Well you see the pics. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Great day today considering I found this as well as a nice arrowhead. Well I am getting an error message saying "there is a problem processing the uploaded file -200" anybody have suggestions for a fix? Im dieing to find answers here.
  15. AJ Plai

    Dino Bone Or Fossilized Wood?

    Specimen A: Specimen B: These are from one of those specimens from Fossil Starter Kit that started my collecting hobby as a kid, and I think its time I would like to pass these among several other specimens in the starter kit plus a few additional ones on to new beginning collector in my local community. In order to do that, I am putting together my own fossil starter set so I am going to need to ID each individual specimens in my set but unfortunately I have lost the ID cards for all of my specimens many years ago. The other specimens in the starter set I can somewhat ID them generally but these 2 particular specimens are, if I remember correctly - one may be a dino bone and another one might be a fossilized wood. But I could be mistaken and both could be dino bones. I am not 100% sure. My take is that Specimen A is a dino bone and Specimen B is a fossilized wood but would like to have 3rd party with more expertise than me help to double check if I am right or not, hehe. Thx guys!
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