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Found 14 results

  1. Joy_Fossils

    Dinosaur park formation find

    Hi everyone! We found this piece in the dinosaur park formation of Alberta. We think it is the top of a vertebrae, since there seems to be a neural canal preserved. The rest of the vertebrae is gone though, so we are having trouble identifying whose vertebrae it is. Maybe crocodile? Maybe dinosaur? Any input will be super helpful!
  2. Joy_Fossils

    Many Dinosaur Park formation fossils

    Hi everyone! We recently went on our first trip to the Dinosaur Park formation in Alberta. These are some of the fossils we found and need help identifying. There are 6 fossils we need help identifying, so instead of making 6 different posts I thought I would just make one long one! Here is the first fossil: We think it’s part of a turtle, but it is different from the other pieces we found that day. One side of the fossil has a lot of bumps and the other has a small ridge. Any ideas?
  3. Joy_Fossils

    Small Jaw with teeth, from Alberta

    Hi everyone! We had a successful first trip out to the Alberta badlands this year. We usually go to the Horseshoe Canyon formation, so this trip was our first time in the Dinosaur Park formation! The best find of the day is this tiny jaw my son found. It still has one tooth in it and the roots are still visible! We have a few ideas on what it could be, but we are not sure. Any ideas on what it could be from? Sorry if the picture quality is bad, the fossil is quite small. I will try and get better pictures of it and upload them as well.
  4. Joy_Fossils

    Bone from the Dinosaur Park Formation

    Hi everyone! This is another find from our trip that we need help identifying. It was found in the Dinosaur Park fm, in Alberta Canada. It is a pretty well preserved bone (at least better than what we usually find in the Horseshoe canyon fm), and has almost and hourglass sort of shape. It is thin, and there is an even thinner protrusion on one side of the bone, and it has foramen right under it. I’m not sure if this is from a turtle, champsosaur, or Dinosaur, all I know is that it is bone! Any ideas on what it is?
  5. musicnfossils

    Weird Dinosaur Bone

    I may have posted this one before so apologies I can’t remember, I’m just so curious about it. I thought maybe a strange vert but now I’m not sure. maybe just an unidentifiable chunkosaur. Dinosaur park fm
  6. musicnfossils

    Possible claw?

    Hey all, I found something similar to a claw today and I’m wondering if there’s a possibility. Maybe a foot claw if it is but I don’t know what it could be. There’s quite a bit of ironstone on it so it’s hard to say. Dinosaur park formation.
  7. musicnfossils

    Another Strange Bone

    Wondering if this is identifiable. Dinosaur park fm.
  8. musicnfossils

    Strange Dino Bone

    Struggling to figure out what this might be. Apologies for hands in the photo again but this thing definitely won’t stand by itself. Might just be an unidentifiable chunkosaurus but the weird texture at the top made me curious if it’s skull material of some kind
  9. musicnfossils


    Hey y’all, need some help again, got at least one claw here but not sure about the second one. The smaller one is some sort of theropod claw but not sure from what, and the top one I’m not entirely sure is a claw at all but figured I’d get it checked out. Both are dinosaur park fm. Any help is appreciated.
  10. musicnfossils

    Chunkasaur or something else?

    Could be nothing identifiable, just took this cause it had a texture I’ve never seen before and it might be something cool that I simply haven’t seen yet. dinosaur park fm
  11. musicnfossils

    Who’s Tooth?

    Nodosaur maybe? Haven’t found one like this yet, it’s pretty flat. Dinosaur park fm. Any more pics needed, let me know.
  12. musicnfossils

    Some New Finds in December

    Was lucky enough to go for a couple hikes just before 2020 ended and I figured I’d show off a few bones I found along the way. This area is now much more covered in snow than it was the day the photo was taken...that was probably the final fossil hunting day until spring at least. Got a hadrosaur claw as well as some more bones from the hand, another partial tyrannosaurid toe bone (that brings me to 4 now) and a couple more ornithomimid toe bones as well. Didn’t get skunked at least!
  13. musicnfossils

    Is There Any Way To Tell...

    ...what type of vertebrae these are? Dinosaur park fm. Both found near the same spot but are shaped quite a bit differently. Sorry I don’t have the tools to properly clean them, all I can really do is remove soft sandstone. I’ll separate them by two different posts. The first one has more of an hourglass shape whereas the second one is sort of hexagonal. #1
  14. musicnfossils

    Anyone know what this might be?

    Never seen anything like this. Has a really strange texture & shape. Found on private land in the dinosaur park fm.
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