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  1. Hello everyone! I was hoping for opinions on this fossil I found in Monmouth County New Jersey. Doing a search, I saw that it was similar to some Hadrosaur jaw sections but is very thin. What does everyone think? -Frank
  2. Hi all! Im not in America and I think the annual Tucson show is coming up soon. For those who are not able to travel and would still like to maybe have the opportunity to purchase something from there, would like to ask if there is a way for those international potential buyers to do so? As I know they most likely have a lot of variety that some of us just cant get ahold of lol. I know that other communities where an individual may want to get e.g.: a sneaker thats about to 'drop', but since they can't be there in person, they are able to still get a hold of it via a 'personal shopper'? Was just curious if there is such service similar to that available for events like this? Thanks heaps!
  3. Hi all, I have some ideas (apart from the usual non-diagnostic dismissal) already but I'm coming back to this after many years because I never could settle on a position. Hell Creek formation, obviously dinosaur, not too far from one Tyrannosaur site from a recent excavation. Might be in MOR collections, don't know, but it was marked for pickup (we were scouting on a day off from the main site). Eroding out of the same slope as an several Edmontosaurus elements I found including a 75% complete scapula from a rather large adult. Any thoughts? My hand (25 cm / 10" span outstretched, so you're looking at something about the size of a smallish melon) for scale as well as the pick. This was pre-smart phone so focus isn't what it could be now. Sadly the associated elements found together (background) did not turn out when I developed the film months later. Note the V-shaped process (broken).
  4. Hi everyone. just wanted to ask on here regarding the popular auction/ selling site. Im currently looking for more dino material to add to my small collection. However, after browsing through "reliable/ famous" online fossil websites/ retailers, it seems that those websites either: only supply common fossils or, when they do have rarer pieces, they are priced very high and are sold very quickly. So I tried the popular auction site. Looking at the profiles of the sellers on that auction site, most of those sellers dig their own fossils and sell those fossils themselves without a "middle man" seller. The only thing im concerned about is whether those sellers on the auction site are legit (though I doubt they aren't). As most of those sellers Im looking at dont have items for sale as often, as opposed to other popular websites as they are more established. Where more established websites wouldnt necessarily be one to sell you a fake or take your cash and run. I also think that the dino material im currently looking at on their page is too niche of a product for scammers to take advantage of (except in the case for if the product were a trex tooth. and I also doubt that the sellers are fake as they have been on the auction site [many years] and have all positive feedback. i think they would have been reported if they were a fake). Would just like to ask if you guys have had any experience at purchasing with diggers at that popular auction site to have more access to rarer pieces? Thanks for the help!
  5. #1 I've seen teeth that look like this one before in @Ridgehiker trip reports to the dinosaur park formation, but he did not describe what they are. This one appears to be rooted, found in Dinosaur Park Formation #2, #3 I believe both of these are fish scales. Possibly Gar, but I'm not certain. Found in Dinosaur Park Formation #4 This one is a mystery to me. Not sure if its a tooth or something else. One side looks like a chewing surface. Found in Dinosaur Park Formation #5 Guessing this is some kind of fish vert. Found in the Scollard, only fish material I have from there. #6 Some kind of dinosaur tooth, looks similar to pachycephalosaur. Found in the Scollard. #7 Pretty sure this is a Troodon tooth. Found in Scollard.
  6. Bernardito

    Dinosaur bone ID?

    I was recently been given what I assume to be a piece of dinosaur bone. I am not entirely certain. I have attached some photographs that I hope will suffice to help identify what this bone might be. Thanks!
  7. Matt_

    Is it a real tooth?

    Hi!, Recently I've bought a Spinosaurus tooth, but my family keeps saying that it is fake. The tooth came in the display, so I couldn't get it open, but I can still see it with great details. Can someone confirm that it is a real tooth and not another fake? The website that I bought it from said the following: Spinosaurus tooth 1.3 inches, form Morocco no restoration. Here are some photos. Thanks, Matt
  8. These are some of the smaller intact teeth I've found in the area that I dont have an ID on. The last one is large enough that is should be rex, but its extremely skinny so I thought I would post and see what people think. Tooth #1 Tooth #2 Tooth #3-8 Tooth #9
  9. All 3 claws were found in the Scollard formation (Second one is possibly horseshoe canyon, but more likely scollard).
  10. Muuleey

    Need help please....

    Found in Louisiana. Doesn't look like a rock to me but I can be wrong. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
  11. Dear all, as an early Christmas present I got myself this tooth. It was sold as a Dromaeosaurus from the Judith River Formation in Montana. I tried my best to take close-up pictures of the denticles… They are clearly visible on one side but seem to be very worn (they are only faintly partially visible) on the other side… Can you agree on the ID of Dromaeosaurus albertensis? Thanks in advance and have a great Holidays!
  12. Gemdaddy1331

    Jefferson county,mo

    Found this during my latest exploration. I'm beyond novice any help greatly appreciated. Measure is 100mmx100mm the actual bone is 90mmx90mm
  13. Hi everyone, Recently acquired some vertebrae from Hell Creek, I think the first one (1.4 x 1.1 x 1 inches) is a small Edmontosaurus caudal and the second (1,375 x 1 x .8 inches) is a Thescelosaurus Caudal. I'm still learning though so I wanted to confirm the id. Any feedback is appreciated as always!
  14. Here’s a vertebra fragment I found in Cretaceous Black Creek group sediments of North Carolina. It’s not turtle, and it doesn’t look like any crocodile vertebra I’ve ever seen. That would leave mosasaur, plesiosaur, or dinosaur. Personally I think it’s mosasaur, but I could be wrong and it may not even possible to ID further. Any thoughts?
  15. TreasureHunter02

    Large Dinosaur Leg Bone?!

    Just purchased a couple petrified/fossil jaw bones and one very ominous (leg?) bone from an older lady who inherited these from her grandfather when he died. She also had a gigantic leg bone taller than her but sadly would not part ways with it. Trying to identify what animals these belonged to and what sort of bone the large one is. Comparing the smallest jaw bone to a modern day cow femur, they both are the same weight. All are very heavy and the “leg” bone is extremely heavy for its size. Measuring is in inches
  16. Hi! I'm looking for my first T-Rex tooth for my collection. I know all T-Rex teeth are pricey and I found this piece on website with acceptable price. So I need to make sure this is real T-Rex tooth. Seller said it is from the Hell Creek Formation, Garfield County in Montana, U.S.A. Thank you!
  17. MSCreekWalker

    Possible dinosaur skin?

    Hey there. So my husband has some land and we have a natural spring creek and we go just about every weekend. I'm always finding fossilized coral and quartz. Arrowheads, etc. Well, yesterday I stumbled across something that looks to me almost like skin. Hopefully, someone here can help me out .
  18. RCFossils

    Help With Hell Creek Theropod Bone

    I’ve been going through some material that I collected this Summer in the Hell Creek of Southeastern Montana. I have this little theropod bone (measures approximately 14 centimeters). It is missing one end and has a little damage to the other. The bone is covered in a layer of siderite. I know that it is not much to go off of but am hoping someone might have an idea what it is. I can provide additional pictures if needed.
  19. Hi guys, I was considering purchasing the attached vertebra as a Christmas gift, however, I'm aware that identifying partial material down to the genus level can be tricky. I would really appreciate any opinions as to the identity of this vert, it's labelled as Baryonyx sp. indent and measures 8.9x10x10 cm collected from the Wessex Formation, Isle of Wight, England. From my own reading around on the forum and online (see attached figure from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/285762094_A_new_specimen_of_the_theropod_dinosaur_Baryonyx_from_the_early_Cretaceous_of_Portugal_and_taxonomic_validity_of_Suchosaurus) I thought that this could be the ventral portion of a caudal vertebrae, but I'm definitely no expert so please correct me if I'm wrong!
  20. Hi everyone! I've got one more tiny hell creek tooth that I need help on. I didn't even think there was any mystery to it until I took a really close look at it. I acquired it as part of a set of Paronychodon teeth which are pretty distinctive looking and at first glance I though that's what this was since it's a small theropod tooth with the prominent lines going up the side (I forget what they're called) and with really nice serrations and wait..... Paronychodon doesn't have serrations. At least I don't think it does. I looked around to see if there have been any documented serrated Paronychodon teeth and the only place I found that said it had serrations also claimed that Paronychodon is three feet long and ninety feet tall so I don't think I can rely on that site. My money is on Acheroraptor at the moment but I'm terrible at identifying Dromaeosaur material so I'd like a second opinion. Tooth is 1 cm long straight line measurement.
  21. I’m possibly looking at purchasing this pair of Moroccan vertebrae. They’re real as far as I can tell from the pics. They’re labeled as “dinosaur”, but that’s as much information as the seller has. Are these even dinosaur? Can anyone provide any other information? Thanks.
  22. Karson

    Is this a fossil?

    I found this along with many more similar and I would love to know what it is
  23. I'd like to share with you a dinosaur footprint I recovered off the beach on Saturday. It comes from the Saltwick Formation, Whitby I know that dinosaur footprints are much harder to prove without absolute doubt since they are trace fossils unlike bone or ammonites ect. But I think this is a really good example as the three toes can be clearly seen. Not much of a heel so probably didnt put it's foot fully flat on the sand, which I've heard happened often (correct me if i'm wrong)
  24. Can someone help me identify the species of the owner of this tooth? Thank you so much Information about it location:Lance creek, Wyoming Aged: Jurassic Size:0.35×0.36inch
  25. Hi everyone! I could really use a second opinion on this one. I'm thinking Dromaeosaur Acheroraptor at first but after looking at more pics I'm not sure if it might be Ricardoestesia or possibly even a juvenile Dakotaraptor. It's Hell Creek, about .35 inches. Serrations don't veer off to one side near the base so I really don't think it's a baby Nano. If pictures from another angle are needed to make an id let me know. Any feedback is greatly appreciated as always!
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