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  1. Joe94

    Possible fossil near Moab

    I found this which looks like a fossil to me just south east of Moab UT. I debated with my friend about if it was a fossil or not so I thought I would post it here and see what everybody thinks.
  2. I found this online for sale and I haven't seen anything like this. Does anyone know what type of dinosaur this is or if it is even real. It makes me suspicious what with all of the posts I've seen about fakes. It measures about 9 inches. The seller does say that the rock has been repaired.
  3. Meatasaurus93

    Baryonyx Tooth?

    I picked this tooth up recently and wanted to get the forum's input on the ID. It was Identified as Baryonyx. The tooth measures exactly 1cm in length and is from Wealden, Sussex. I have attached pictures below. Thank you
  4. holdinghistory

    Glue removal on dino bones

    A few weeks ago I picked up a few Edmontosaurus ribs and two fibia. Was working on getting a bunch of trilobites prepped, but finally getting around to starting on them. They all look like they have been covered in elmer's glue, guessing as a field consolident. I have some acetone I was thinking of using to remove the glue, and then I had planned on using some Paraloid B-72 to reconsolidate the bones. I am concerned about whether the bones will all fall apart if I do an acetone soak, especially if some of the smaller pieces will soak up the liquid and disintegrate. Not sure the safest way to do it, so I am starting with one of the more solid looking ones. Any suggestions? So far I have just been scribing off the matrix and some glue chunks with an Aro until I get close to the bone.
  5. davidtart


    Hi Fossil Forum - I found this object which I think is a bone near the State Line campground in the Vermillion Cliffs area of Arizona/Utah. It measures approximately 3" in radius. Is it a bone?
  6. I saw those fossils online,i wonder are the real onces or is it a replica...
  7. If I had to choose one, which should it be? Or perhaps something else entirely?
  8. Paleoworld-101

    My Kem Kem Tooth Collection

    I just acquired some new specimens in my Moroccan Kem Kem dinosaur and reptile tooth collection. Thought i'd show you guys the lot. They are all from the Kem Kem/Tegana Formation near Taouz, Morocco. As you can see i love collecting dinosaur and reptile teeth from this area! The larger ones are incredibly rare and virtually non-existant at the formation nowadays. I'm quite proud of them! What do you guys think? P.S- that "Ankylosaur" tooth was infact looked at by Robert Bakker. He thinks it is from an Ankylosaur, which is ultra rare because no Ankylosaurs are known from the formation yet!
  9. Tidgy's Dad


    http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20171103-what-would-dinosaurs-have-tasted-like The question we've all been dying to know the answer to.
  10. Fossilhunter101001

    EGG Fossil Identification

    I found this opposite my house and thought it looked like a fossilised egg? Helps appreciated thanks
  11. paleoman1234

    Coprolite or stalagmite?

    I need help identifying this item. Not sure exactly what it is. A man from Texas told me it was the finest Coprolite he had seen in 30 years. I would like to have some more opinions.
  12. Paleorocks

    Straight Outta Mesozoic

    As a graphic design artist I sometimes like to create some paleo-art and pop-art mash-ups. Please feel free to comment.
  13. Tidgy's Dad


    BBC article about a dinosaur from China showing a patterned face and striped tail http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-41763478
  14. Max-fossils

    4 Moroccan teeth

    Hi all, At the local market yesterday I bought these 4 teeth (in total for a very low price). All 4 are said to come from Morocco, but the seller didn't say the exact location. But I suppose that they are either from Kem Kem or Khouribga. Anyways I would just like your opinion on them (what species, 100% original or slightly reconstructed, anything I could do to "improve" them, etc). Thanks in advance! Best regards, Max Tooth #1: sold as a spinosaur tooth (so I suppose it's from Kem Kem).
  15. Well it has been a very long time since I have started a post on here (been too busy collecting) but I wanted to share my thoughts on establishing 'provenance' before a fossil purchase. What is provenance? Simply put establishing the provenance of a fossil is all about establishing its origin and includes things like: Where was it found (location)? Who found it? When was it found etc. This is also strongly linked to the value of the fossil for example two identical specimens one with solid provenance the other with nothing can be the difference between a fossil that is priceless and one that is worthless. In this same way a museum could potentially view a fossil given to them with no history as nothing more than a rock, as it has lost all scientific value. Good dealers do a great job collecting as much provenance as they can in order to get top dollar for their specimens, this might include only purchasing directly from the digger, providing in-situ photos of the fossil when it was discovered and/or prepared as well as very detailed location and collection data. Astute collectors also will understand that the better the provenance a fossil has the more valued and prized it will be. People sometimes underestimate just how easy it is to fake a fossil and we can get caught up trying to avoid undisclosed enhancements, repairs and restoration that we don't stop and ask all the right questions. Below is a simple table that I use (until today kept in my head) to help grade fossils in my collection as to how authentic they are and how strong their provenance is. It is important to note that the majority of my collecting is centred around dinosaur teeth and as such establishing correct id's is much harder than on some other groups of fossils. The horizontal line looks at who discovered the fossil and how many degrees of separation are there between you and that person, as well as looking into how trustworthy the seller is (have they been caught out in the past, have they sold other misrepresented pieces). This line looks at the people and relationships element and delves into the integrity, reputation and personal brand of the individual. The vertical line looks at the more practical aspects of the fossil itself and although I have used very brief descriptions this part is about how much homework have you the buyer done? Have you compared the specimen to others sold? Have you dug up journals or PDF's on that formation and the creatures that live in it? What diagnostic features will prove or disprove the id? Once a red flag is found its important to ask the question and seek clarification. Finally the colours... The colours simply represent the level of risk involved in making a purchase. Starting with BLUE as the least risky building all the way up to RED which in my opinion should be avoided at all cost. These colours are nothing more than a guide and there are multiple other considerations that could affect the level of provenance and all need to be considered. At the end of the day a perfect 5 inch theropod tooth that has no provenance and doesn't match could still be a great acquisition if the price is cheap enough. The "scores" in the boxes are just me playing around with formulas and overcomplicating things. Hopefully this has been a useful read and gives you all some deeper perspective on the subject, happy to hear peoples thoughts and comments if there are any :-)
  16. Valett Burrous

    Fossil or not?

    Found in an old railyard. I don’t know much about fossils, I just pick up cool rocks.
  17. I was browsing through our favorite auction site when I found this for sale. Seller provided no other information about the fossil. The seller is from the US and has a good feedback percentage. Is it real, I have heard stories of psittacosaurus fossils just being sculpted bone mash...
  18. Nimravis

    Large limb bone portion ID

    About 20 years ago I bought this bone for $20 at a garage sale in the suburbs of Chicago. The woman did not know where her father had found it. Around that same time I showed it to Paleontologist Paul Sereno who was talking at a nearby library and he stated he believes it to be reptile. Just looking to see what other members think. @Troodon
  19. PaleoRon

    Oddball Moroccan dinosaur tooth

    A Spinosaur and a Carcharodontosaur walk into a bar . . . . . . I don’t have large numbers of dinosaur teeth, and most of the teeth I have are from Morocco. I have a couple from Montana and two or three I found in North Carolina, but my dino knowledge is limited. I haven’t bought any Moroccan dinosaur teeth for several years. I was pretty satisfied with the specimens I already had. This year at the Tucson show I found one interesting enough to buy. I think it is a Spinosaur tooth but the shape is not what I am used to seeing. Even though I don’t own a lot of dinosaur teeth I have seen many thousands over the years and Spino teeth don’t seem to have a lot of variation in shape. This one is flattened but not crushed to any degree. This tooth has an atypical shape. It looks sort of like a cross between a Spinosaur and a Carcharodontosaur. I am not in any way suggesting it is from a hybrid animal, just describing the shape of the tooth. It is possible that it is just a pathological tooth, or maybe it is a type that I have not seen before. I have included pics of two “regular” Spino teeth from my collection. Any input would be appreciated.
  20. Hey everyone. I purchased this fossil recently and wanted to get your opinions on it. It is from the Hell Creek formation of Montana. The seller says that is either a surangular or angular bone from a theropod jaw. After looking at pictures it does look very similar to the angular bone of a Nanotyrannus, looks about the right size too. What do you dinosaur experts think? Thanks! -Mike
  21. Hi This Psittacosaurus is offered for sale (from a collection in Germany, not China). The seller says that the bones have been found disarticulated and have then been assembled onto an artifical matrix. I was wondering if you could give me an opinion about the bones? Unfortunately I do not have better, high-resolution pictures. To me the skeleton looks pretty good. However, some bones of the feet and the tail are probably taken fromfrom another animal (darker color)? Also, there is probably significant reconstruction on the head?
  22. Jlb

    Need help!!!

    This was found in North Dakota. ALL sides are covered in this pattern. HELP!
  23. The Trip That Nearly Didn't Start (Lengthy image-intensive trip report follows) Tammy and I had planned a fossil hunting trip to Wyoming for the third week of September to redeem our day of digging (splitting rock) at the Green River Formation quarry that @sseth had earlier so generously offered up as a prize on an auction to benefit TFF. We had our airfares, a rental car reserved, and a series of hotels booked across the state ready for a monumental fossil hunting trip. The one small problem was the not so small storm named Hurricane Irma that tore through the northern Caribbean and had its sights set on the Florida and being wider than the peninsula, no Floridian was going to miss the effects of this storm. Earlier in the week the forecast had the centerline of the cone of probability for the track of the storm hitting Miami and traveling up the eastern coast where Boca Raton sat squarely in the cross-hairs. I guess that if you are going to be in the path of some major destruction it is better to be the target early in the week rather that toward the end when the storm is at our doorstep. Thankfully (for us, but not so for those in the Lower Keys and Southwest Florida), the storm's turn to the north was delayed and though we were now on the stronger NE quadrant of the storm, the eye was significantly far away to the west that we escaped the strongest of winds. The storm unleashed squadrons of tornadoes and micro-bursts which had us ducking into our safe room for cover. During the storm unidirectional winds first blew from the east and then from the south as the storm passed us to the west but the tornadic winds were something else as the trees started whipping around in all directions quite violently. Luckily for us, the house survived with no structural damage. The newer more sturdy pool cage that replaced the original one that Wilma had crumpled and stuffed into the pool back in 2005 (shockingly) did not even lose a single screen panel. The damage on our property was limited to toppled trees and broken limbs and branches. We lost power even before the eye wall had made first landfall in the Florida Keys. As soon as it was safe to go outside, we started the portable generator and ran extension cords throughout the house to keep refrigerator, freezer and a box fan and a few lights powered. We've cooked on our outdoor grill and Coleman camp stove in previous power outages caused by the rash of hurricanes in 2004/05 and so we were well prepared and never at risk of starvation (we actually ate rather well). While Wilma had run over the house in late October, 2005 when the temperatures had cooled somewhat from the hot muggy Florida summer, we were not so lucky this time. Outdoor temps in the low 90's were soon matched by the 88 degrees inside which made sleeping difficult (even with a fan). We spent the days cutting up the downed foliage and stacking it into many piles along the street in back of the house as well as a towering mount in the cul-de-sac in front (which is still growing in size to this day and is due to be cleared by FEMA sometime in the next 2-3 weeks). Taking frequent breaks inside to lay down on the floor in front of the fan to avoid all-out heat exhaustion, both Tammy and I worked to clear the property as much as we could and monitor the progress of power restoration in our county. Over 70% of homes and businesses were left in the dark after Irma but Florida Power & Light had learned a few things after performing poorly in the 2004/05 hurricane seasons. They had staged a bunch of replacement parts and crews fresh from working in Houston were in the state working to get the grid back online. We couldn't leave on our trip unless we got power back and we watched the percentage of customers without power slowly but steadily decrease until one evening our power flickered and within a few minutes was restored for good. I had been waiting till the last possible minute to cancel my plans and try to get refunds for the reservations we'd made for this trip. I was tired of a week of hot sweaty yard work clearing debris and I was ready for some cooler Wyoming temps.

    Phalanx from what?

    Hello, I found this fossilized bone while walking down by the river in Missouri. In doing some research it looks like it could be a metatarsal bone. It seems hard to identify what animal the bone could be from. I took several photos but due to size restrictions I am going to post one and then see if I can post the others to my original reply. Do you know what the bone could be from or how old it may be? It is the first fossilized bone I have found so I appreciate any help. Thank You!
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