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  1. palochris68

    Paleochris68's collection

    Hello ! I present you my very small collection. I started it last summer, so I do not have many pieces yet, but I prefer pretty pieces. I do not have the chance to search on the field, so I buy my fossils. We have: Keichousaurus Hui, I really like his broken tail Russian trilobite, Asaphus punctatus (I have not been able to label it yet). Restoration verified with violet lamp, less than 10% Spinosaurus tooth, correct quality, only glued but with pieces of the same tooth Last Acquisition: caudal vertebra spinosaurus I am going to buy other teeth of theropauds (carcharodontosaurs) in the next few months and I am mainly interested in dinosaurs fossils. See you soon !
  2. Hello, I visited my hometown Carnegie Museum of Natural History in the Oakland neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania last week and wanted to share some pictures. Hope you enjoy!
  3. zkazyak

    Hello from Michigan.

    Hey everyone, I'm Zack long time lurker here. Big Dinosaur enthusiast, and just getting started in fossil collecting. Looking forward to learning more about fossils from everyone on this forum.
  4. Hello all, I'm a bit newer to the fossil market and I'm looking to grow my collection. Just curious as to everyones favorite place to buy fossils, or auctions. Thanks in advance! I look forward to learning from everyone!!
  5. Joe Jordan

    Unidentified Dinosaur tooth.

    I found this tooth recently at Pett Level in Hastings. I've found loads of teeth including some rare ones.. but nothing like this ..at first I thought maybe ankylosaur or something similar... What's your thoughts ? I've added pictures next to an ankylosaur tooth
  6. The Triassic-Jurassic Extinction Event of 201 Million Years ago is less talked about at times than the Mass Extinction events at the end of the Permian and the end of the Cretaceous, but was still an incredibly significant extinction event in Earth’s geologic history. P. Olsen et al. Arctic ice and the ecological rise of the dinosaurs. Science Advances. Published online July 1, 2022. doi:10.1126/sciadv.abo6342. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abo6342 Caused by volcanic eruptions that would eventually break apart Pangea and form the Atlantic Ocean, about 23-43% of marine genera (including 96% of coral genera at the time) was wiped out alongside between 17-73% of plant genera at the time. On land, archosaur diversity was decimated. Phytosaurs, Aetosaurs, and many others primitive archosaur groups were wiped out. But one major group of archosaurs that survived were the dinosaurs (Dinosauria). Emerging first in the middle Triassic, dinosaur diversity was hit hard by the event. But the group was overall able to survive thanks to adaptations such as a mostly warm-blooded metabolism and (for theropod dinosaurs) feathers for warmth. Some of the first true mammals including Morganucodon also survived the event, but they would take more of a backseat until the end of the Mesozoic era. For the Dinosaurs, the survivors of the event would go on to diversify, increase in size, and dominate Earth’s terrestrial ecosystems for the next 135 Million Years as they become one of the most successful animal groups in Earth’s history. Here’s a list of all currently known Dinosaur genera and families that survived the Triassic-Jurassic Extinction Event. If I forget any examples, please let me know and I'll add the examples to the list promptly. Dinosauria Saurischa Theropoda (Theropod Dinosaurs) Coelophysidae Coelophysis (Late Triassic-Early Jurassic, 215-199.3 Million Years ago) https://paleobiodb.org/classic/basicTaxonInfo?taxon_no=38520 https://paleobiodb.org/classic/basicCollectionSearch?collection_no=47198 https://elischolar.library.yale.edu/peabody_museum_natural_history_postilla/169/ https://www.mdpi.com/1424-2818/14/11/973 https://www.cell.com/current-biology/pdf/S0960-9822(16)31124-1.pdf Lophostropheus (Late Triassic-Early Jurassic, 205.6-196.5 Million Years ago) https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1671/0272-4634(2007)27[73%3ATCLAGN]2.0.CO%3B2 https://www.theropoddatabase.com/Coelophysoidea.htm https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4720452/ Liliensternus (Late Triassic-Early Jurassic, 288-201.3 Million Years ago) https://paleobiodb.org/classic/basicTaxonInfo?taxon_no=55542 https://archive.org/details/predatorydinosau00paul/page/266/mode/2up https://www.cell.com/current-biology/pdf/S0960-9822(16)31124-1.pdf ?Megapnosaurus (Late Triassic-Early Jurassic, 237.0-199.3 Million Years ago) https://paleobiodb.org/classic/basicTaxonInfo?taxon_no=101006 M. A. Raath. 1972. First record of dinosaur footprints from Rhodesia. Arnoldia. 5(37):1-5. https://paleobiodb.org/classic/displayCollResults?taxon_no=101006&max_interval=Triassic&country=Zimbabwe&is_real_user=1&basic=yes&type=view&match_subgenera=1 https://libres.uncg.edu/ir/asu/f/Heckert_A_2003_24_Coelophysids.pdf https://dinodata.de/bibliothek/pdf_p/2021/rsos.210915.pdf Dracoraptor (Late Triassic-Early Jurassic, 201.4-199.3 Million Years ago) https://paleobiodb.org/classic/basicTaxonInfo?taxon_no=335179 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4720452/ Dilophosauridae https://morphobank.org/index.php/Projects/ProjectOverview/project_id/4332 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02724634.2021.1897604 (next sources for this part I recommend further analysis for their hypothesis of the genus Dilophosaurus itself (not just Dilophosauridae) emerging in the late Rhaetian stage of the Triassic in what is now Southern France) https://paleobiodb.org/classic/basicTaxonInfo?taxon_no=231458 https://paleobiodb.org/classic/basicCollectionSearch?collection_no=38886&is_real_user=1 https://paleobiodb.org/classic/basicCollectionSearch?collection_no=126607&is_real_user=1 https://paleobiodb.org/classic/basicCollectionSearch?collection_no=206455&is_real_user=1 https://paleobiodb.org/classic/checkTaxonInfo?taxon_no=231458&is_real_user=1 https://libres.uncg.edu/ir/asu/f/Heckert_A_2005_29_Arizonas.pdf Eubrontes (Brazil species, Late Triassic-Early Jurassic, 228-201.3 Million Years ago) https://paleobiodb.org/classic/displayCollResults?taxon_no=66094&max_interval=Triassic&country=Brazil&is_real_user=1&basic=yes&type=view&match_subgenera=1 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/235218239_Footprints_of_large_theropod_dinosaurs_and_implications_on_the_age_of_Triassic_biotas_from_Southern_Brazil Sauropodomorpha (Sauropod dinosaurs and their ancient sauropodomorph relatives) Massospondylidae https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-01120-w Massospondylus (Late Triassic-Early Jurassic, 200-183 Million Years ago) https://paleobiodb.org/classic/basicTaxonInfo?taxon_no=38642&is_real_user=1 https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/geological-magazine/article/abs/sedimentology-and-palaeontology-of-the-upper-karoo-group-in-the-midzambezi-basin-zimbabwe-new-localities-and-their-implications-for-interbasinal-correlation/BF94CA760FCD32F6708001EF18B5299E https://bioone.org/journals/journal-of-vertebrate-paleontology/volume-29/issue-4/039.029.0401/A-New-Basal-Sauropodomorph-Dinosaur-from-the-Upper-Elliot-Formation/10.1671/039.029.0401.short Melanorosauridae Melanorosaurus (Late Triassic-Early Jurassic, 216.5-201 Million Years ago) https://paleobiodb.org/classic/basicTaxonInfo?taxon_no=38648 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/281466716_The_first_complete_skull_of_the_Triassic_dinosaur_Melanorosaurus_Haughton_Sauropodomorpha_Anchisauria https://wiredspace.wits.ac.za/server/api/core/bitstreams/5d876b0c-8599-4ee4-8b75-d4078290f8c2/content Lessemsauridae https://wiredspace.wits.ac.za/items/95d33ada-766c-4446-a71b-33fd37fadad4 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-01120-w Plateosauridae Plateosaurus (Late Triassic-Early Jurassic, 208.5-199.3 Million Years ago) https://paleobiodb.org/classic/basicTaxonInfo?taxon_no=38644 https://paleobiodb.org/classic/basicCollectionSearch?collection_no=191140 https://www.cell.com/current-biology/pdf/S0960-9822(16)31124-1.pdf What do you guys think? Hope you all like it.
  7. Groundworks

    A novice at work

    I have many different types of fossils. I am so new to fossils so I am requesting help identifying a few of these finds. All of these were found in El Paso County, Colorado.
  8. there is a new paper (a very short one, only a drawing with explanation) about a controverse theory: did dinos really exist? Famous Prof. Ferrington explained his theory at the annual meeting on the society of vertebrate nonsens last week I am allowed to post a pic of this event! Delicious!!! e.g. the blue marked one, thats me! First lane, first info!!
  9. Hello! I came into a ton of fossils well documented from the 70s 80s and 90s. I haven't gotten through half of the boxes. It's pretty incredible!
  10. Necropedia


    Hello everyone. My name is John and I recently graduated with departmental honors in Paleontology from the university of Oregon. I regularly collect from the Astoria formation of the Oregon coast and produce replicas of specimens collected there. I'm currently trying to get into graduate programs. I have a few research ideas relating to paleoecology of dinosaurs and the functional morphology of various features seen in dinosaurs and extinct mammals. My main interest is dinosaurs, however my research currently undergoing peer review relates to how ecology, diet, and body mass drive reproductive strategies in extant carnivorous mammals. I currently make fossil replicas using an eco friendly plant based mold making compound that has a low melting point. This material can be melted down in the microwave and poured to produce molds. The benefit to this is that as molds degrade or get damaged they can be broken down and the material reused. I believe I'm the first to use this method of fossil replication. I've attached a section from the left dentary of an Albertosaurus that I replicated using this mold making material.
  11. Necropedia

    Hadrosaur foot bone?

    Hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone can confirm or deny my ID on this fossil. My father in law found this in Montana when he was 16 along with associated bones. Some of the bones have dissolution features on the surface, but this phalanx is in decent shape. I identified it as a hadrosaur assuming Cretaceous age, but don't have much information on where it came from. The proximal end of the bone shows a clear darkened band where cartilage was once present, but rotted off. The notch on the proximal end of the bone makes me question my original identification. The bone is good sized and the proximal end shows a bumpy texture which indicates the epiphyseal plate may have detached, though it's hard to say for sure given the clear dissolution features on the surface of some of the other bones .I've also included a photo of the end of what I'm thinking is a limb bone if that helps.
  12. New here, love fossils. My collection in attached images. Coral and others I can not identify. Beautiful pieces.
  13. Arc61

    Hi from Mass!

    Hi fellow fossil lovers! Newbie here, happy to be a member of this forum. Looking forward to sharing and learning. Always had a deep love for fossils since I found my first one at 10 years old. Also interested in paleontology, geology and history. Cheers, Arc
  14. There is a very interesting paper about the tracks of footprints of birds, pterosaurs, dinosaurs found just below the K/Pg boundary in the Las Encinas Formation, State of Coahuila, Mexico. Although the PDF is in Spanish, a more or less usable translation can be obtained using document option of Goggle Translate. The open access paper is: Serrano-Brañas, C., Espinosa-Chávez, B., Flores-Ventura, J., Barrera-Guevara, D., Torres-Rodríguez, E., Cadena-González, D., and Vega, F.J., 2024. Huellas de aves, pterosaurios, dinosaurios y el límite K/Pg en Coahuila, México (Footprints of birds, pterosaurs, dinosaurs and the K/Pg limit in Coahuila, Mexico). Revista-Maya-Geociencias, Febrero 2024. pp. 96-105. LInks to PDFs of Febrero 2024 and other issues of Revista Maya Geociencia A related paper is: Serrano-Brañas, C.I., Espinosa-Chávez, B., Ventura, J.F., Barrera-Guevara, D., Torres-Rodríguez, E. and Vega, F.J., 2022. New insights on the avian trace fossil record from NE Mexico: evidences on the diversity of latest Maastrichtian web-footed bird tracks. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 113, p.103686. Yours, Paul H.
  15. BirdsAreDinosaurs

    Kem Kem dinosaur collection

    Hi all! The past year, in the little spare time I had as a father of a 1-year old, I made illustrations of Moroccan dinosaurs on my iPad. I have shared some of these on this forum before, but I made some changes (hopefully improvements) to most of these, and some of them I have not shared before. The animals are all based on the designs of the Kem Kem dinosaur poster I made last year. Here is the complete set: Spinosaurus aegyptiacus Deltadromeus agilis Carcharodontosaurus saharicus Rebbachisaurus garasbae Rugops primus Some dromaeosaurids Some sauropods
  16. GlitzyDino

    Hello from Tennessee!

    Hello, everyone! I am a 34 year old married female that loves everything about rocks, fossils, and gemstones! My husband and I have an extensive collection of all varieties of just anything we thought looked neat or different. My husband recently started working on a house his mom bought and under it is a root cellar with a rock "wall" that I've been allowed to dig in .. y'all, I can't wait to show my finds off. I am certain (although I'm definitely also not sure 😃) that we have stumbled upon something amazing! Hint* dinos and gold/silver!
  17. csilvers88

    Christmas present perhaps?

    Ok yall. So there I was minding my own business looking for arrowheads and something catches my eye. Initially I thought it was a pestle until I got ahold of it. Then I thought maybe that's a big egg for breakfast. So while looking around for pottery and such a noticed something else strange . After I washed it off I could tell it was a skull with tissue surrounding it almost entirely and a sharp claw. I checked around for a bit then left . I'm headed home for the holidays and the skull of the dinosaur is riding shotgun! I've started calling him Jac, like Jack without the k. What do I do now and who do I contact? I'm the only one who knows where it is so that's a plus. On one side of the head you can see teeth. And I have no idea what that horn looking thing is. I found way further down .
  18. I've heard many times that the Ankylosaurus tail club is capable of breaking bones, and it certainly looks capable of doing so. However, is there any estimate in numbers that represents the force this weapon could exert?
  19. have got some secret information, better, seen it at FB They are back!!! (4) Facebook
  20. Here by I want you to share my fossil dinosaur collection and keep updating it! So lets start off by showing my recently aquired Spinosaurus indet. tooth from the KemKem Basin, Taouz Morocco. It measures 4'51 inches. Really like the colors and detailed preservation. With serrations still visible.
  21. Dinosaurs Might Be The Reason We're Not Living to 200 Years Old David Nield, ScienceAlert, December 1, 2023 The open access essay is: de Magalhães, J.P., 2023. The longevity bottleneck hypothesis: Could dinosaurs have shaped ageing in present‐day mammals?. BioEssays, p.2300098. Yours, Paul H.
  22. Jeffrey P

    Western Adventure Part 6

    One week fossil collecting trip out west, my sixth time in the past six years. Flew into Denver. Rented a car and headed down to Castle Rock where I spent the night at a motel. Next day drove up to Florissant Fossil Quarry. It was Wednesday and they're normally closed during the week in September, but I made special arrangements for a few hours visit. Compared to my two previous visits there, didn't do as well. The other times, I was there for the whole day, this time was just for three hours, and they had had a considerable amount of rain recently and so the shale was more crumbly and more difficult to split. Here are some of my finds. Plants:
  23. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/dinosaurs-in-space-would-be-easier-to-spot-than-aliens/ar-AA1jReL3?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=LCTS&cvid=57d31db185444165867e2948671eb20d&ei=33 Oxygen bounty for Earth-like exoplanets: spectra of Earth through the Phanerozoic | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters | Oxford Academic (oup.com)
  24. There is an isolated exposure of the Morrison formation nearby the area I have visited to hunt fossils the last few weeks. The shape is an elongated oval and measures 1.15 km wide X 3.75km long. This image is a small section of it. My question is this: Would it be worth exploring, scouting, hiking this area for invertebrate fossils? It is on BLM public land but keep in mind that vertebrate fossils are strictly off limits for collecting. The only reason I would even consider visiting it would be to hunt for invertebrate or plant fossils. The majority of the area surrounding this "island" of Morrison formation is Cretaceous period with the Juana Lopez Member of the Mancos Shale where I'm finding 4 species of ammonites. In my mind the old adage : when on a fox hunt, don't stop to chase rabbits...seems to apply to my question and for that reason I have yet to visit the Morrison formation spot. This case the fox is Ammonites and the Rabbits are dino bones, teeth, etc. It could be anxiety causing at worst and finding some nice invertebrate fossils at best. The anxiety being walking right past exposed bones, carnivore teeth, etc... which I wouldn't touch nor even photograph. The temptation to share would be another facet of the anxiety. Like - "Wow! I found Allosaurus teeth this weekend at ________ down in the Utah desert!" Wiki says this about the Morrison fm fossil content : Along the rivers, there were fish, frogs, salamanders, lizards, crocodiles, turtles, pterosaurs, crayfish, clams, and mammaliforms. The dinosaurs were most likely riparian, as well. Hundreds of dinosaur fossils have been discovered, such as Allosaurus, Ceratosaurus, Torvosaurus, Saurophaganax, Camptosaurus, Ornitholestes and several stegosaur species. A satellite view of a section of this Morrison fm "island"... The Junipers are probably 10 to 15 feet tall and a similar diameter.
  25. Tj1977

    Dinosaur leg bone

    Found in the badlands of Alberta. I put it in my hand to show you the size. If anyone has any idea it would be greatly appreciated.
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