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  1. Krauklis

    Crinoid fragments

    From the album: Novgorod Oblast

    Buregskaya or Rdeyskaya Formation of the Ilmen Klint in Novgorod Oblast, Russia. Frasnian (Devonian).
  2. mighty micraster


    From the album: Cretaceous echinoids.

  3. Next week is NAPC and a formal introduction to this topic, so I thought I would give the fossil forum a heads up and tell you the story. This story started a few years back with the discovery of a cyclocystoid in the St. Louis area and the subsequent publication on that specimen and other specimens from the midwest. (note: I had nothing to do with that discovery or publication.) Kolata, D.R., Frank, T., Kaplan, A., and Guensburg, T.E., 2023, New specimens of Cyclocystoides scammaphoris (Echinodermata) from the Upper Ordovician rocks of the American midcontinent with implications for cyclocystoid functional morphology: Journal of Paleontology, v. 97, no. 3, p. 639–651 . As is typical these publications go through a review process and one of the reviewers asked why they did not include this specimen in their publication. http://www.crinus.info/echinoderm/data/cyclo3.htm This specimen is from my web page. Sometime in late 2022 I got a call from T. Guensburg regarding that specimen and whether I would be willing to have IT studied and possibly published. We set up a meeting at the Field Museum with D. Kolata and T. Guensburg and me. They were stunned at the number of specimens I brought with me from the Brechin quarries. The total number of individuals was probably around 75. Dennis (lead author) just couldn’t get over the number and quality of individuals. I left all the specimens with Dennis who took them back to the University of Illinois. And thus began a project to describe the cyclocystoids from the Brechin area but in addition they were going to define the morphology of a cyclocystoid. Dennis was convinced that with the quality of these specimens that a definitive description of the morphology could be accomplished. Four different genera were described from the Brechin area. Three are established genera and one new. The new genus was the one that was the most exciting. Unfortunately, all the specimens of the new genus were showing only one side. Dennis wanted to take one of the specimens apart. I had a hard time with this decision but eventually I did give him permission to take one of them apart and show the other side. This specimen would become the holotype. While this is going on, I am in the process of moving the fossil collection of my friend Stan Hyne to my home. Stan is a hoarder of fossils and has a very extensive collection of unprepared fossils including specimens from the Brechin area. During this process, I discovered a specimen of the new cyclocystoid in his junk. It was so bad that is all probability I would not have picked it up. But Stan picked up everything. Turns out to be a good thing. I sent the specimen to Dennis who asked for permission to cut the specimen up to see the cross section. So much new information came from this piece of junk. You just don’t know what will become important. Thank you, Stan. And thus, I take pleasure in introducing you to Brechincycloides stanhynei. This publication has been submitted to the Journal of Paleontology but will not be part of the regular publication because of its length. It will be published as one of the Journal’s Memoir series. As submitted, the manuscript is over 80 pages. Much too long for its regular series. During this process, Dennis invited Richard Mooi to join the authors. Dr. Mooi is an expert on living echinoderms. He has made significant contributions to the publication. The title of the manuscript: Cyclocystoids (Echinodermata) from the Upper Ordovician (early Katian) Brechin Lagerstätte of Ontario, Canada: implications for cyclocystoid skeletal homologies, anatomy, functional morphology, life mode, and systematics. Dennis R. Kolata, Rich Mooi, Thomas E. Guensburg, and Joseph M. Koniecki There is a poster session at the 2024 North American Paleontological Convention to introduce this project. The manuscript is currently in the review process, and we don’t expect the publication till late 2024 or even 2025. All the specimens have been donated to the University of Michigan, Museum of Paleontology and will not be coming home. Examples of all the genera can be found on my webpage: http://www.crinus.info/echinoderm.html or directly with these links. http://www.crinus.info/echinoderm/data/cyclo.htm http://www.crinus.info/echinoderm/data/cyclo2.htm http://www.crinus.info/echinoderm/data/cyclo5.htm http://www.crinus.info/echinoderm/data/cyclo7.htm http://www.crinus.info/echinoderm/data/cyclo4.htm http://www.crinus.info/echinoderm/data/cyclo3.htm Dennis considers this publication to be the pinnacle of his career and I am so grateful to be a part of this project.
  4. Opabinia Blues

    My Paleozoic Display Shelf

    I’ve finally put the last touches on the Paleozoic Shelf for my at-home fossil display, and I’m very happy with how it turned out. It includes fossils from every period of the Paleozoic Era, except the Permian (which has its own shelf). It’s not every Paleozoic fossil I own, but it’s a curated collection of some of the ones best suited for display. They fossils are roughly organized such that they get younger as you go left to right! The large artwork on the background is a print of a piece done by Rob Sula, depicting a Devonian scene. Plus a better view of the Cambrian Explosion case: I love curating my little museum, and I hope you all could get some enjoyment and inspiration out of this post!
  5. It's been a long time since posting a trip report, but it has been a fairly active year despite the monkish silence as I try to be fairly circumspect about locations and where I am going. Last weekend was Thanksgiving up here, but I passed on turkey to spend some time solo far from home. Some very nice finds for two days from the Bobcaygeon Fm of Ontario. Time to share. First up, some field shots from the phone. First blood was a doozy. Within half an hour after sunrise, a cluster of Ceraurus globulabatis and Gabricerarurus dentatus. Not the nicest material, but I kept all the bits. There may in fact be more buried in this plate. It got a bit rainy, but I was undeterred. The rains eventually stopped and I kept at it for another 9 hours. Here we have a scrappy Calyptaulax callicephalus. Seriously exfoliated, and a bit too delicate on a flake to extract complete. It would not be the worst heartbreaker of this trip. Getting warmer to maybe finding a Ceraurinus marginatus. This is a wide pygidial array of spines of roughly 2 inches wide. The three individuals on the left are Raymondites, with a scrappy Flexicalymene senaria on top, and that same Calyptaulax photo-bombing this image. (continued)
  6. Hello, I've been wanting to showcase my ongoing collection publicly in some way, and with what I've amassed so far I've decided now would be a good time to finally start. As the title suggests, this collection is dominated by echinoderms and primarily crinoids. These are without doubt my favorite group of fossils, as in my opinion not only are they aesthetically beautiful due to their elegant composition of regularly interlocking calcareous plates, but the highly modular nature of their body plans seems to have permitted an extraordinary variety in form, which is a marvel to behold. With each entry I'll try to add an interesting description or at least factoid about the specimen, species or locality; hopefully this will be a great opportunity for me to do more in-depth research on my fossils well enough that I can explain coherently. That being said, I'm absolutely an amateur and have been collecting for just around 2 years at this point, so I would love any input and corrections from those more experienced. I love any opportunity to talk fossils, and even better if I learn something I didn't know previously. My goal is to make entries semi-regularly. The inspiration for this thread is definitely @rew 's incredible "My trilobite of the week" thread; I recommend you check that out too!
  7. Howdy! Last week, @KompsFossilsNMinerals and I were invited by Dan Cooper to go collect the Walcott-Rust Quarry this week, so today we both got up bright and early to make the trek out to the central Mohawk Valley for the day. After fueling up on some pancakes from Denny’s, we made the last leg of the trip to the site, which is far from easy to find or get back to! It wasn’t long before Chris and I had both found a nice crinoid calyx, and the day just kept getting better! I mainly surface collected in the piles of weathering rock around the quarry, while Chris and the rest of the guys worked to get down to and peel up some more chunks of the Ceraurus layer. I had heard that the site was pretty difficult at times, so my hopes of finding anything weren’t too high, but not one of us left home empty handed! Collecting at this site has been a dream of Chris and I’s, so this was such an amazing opportunity for us!!
  8. TheCreekendWarrior

    Periarchus Lyelli Prep Help

    Any tips on preserving this specimen I found over the weekend? I'm happy with the aboral side but I'd like to uniformly remove a majority of the sediment below, which is loose enough to scratch off with a fingernail. However, avoiding damage to the fossil is obviously of utmost concern... is there something I can safely apply to the fossil surface to prevent stress cracking?
  9. In 1995 (long ago...) a friend of mine and me digged at a highway-constructionsite in nw-germany. It was the Highway Nr. 2 between Gelsenkirchen and Gladbeck in famous Ruhrgebiet-Area. The construction site opens at a lenght of 3 km sandy sediments from middle Santonian, Zone of Uintacrinus socialis. We really found a lot..., beach sediments with everything from plants over echinoderms up to vertebrate fossils (some lang-living ones...), and stored it. Till now. Some weeks ago I started to clean, glue, sort..., to write a paper about it. Hope to finish in 2025, lot of work... I go to show piece by piece fossils from this site, might be one a day, might be one a week. depends. Start is a nice Cretalamna appendiculata, approx. 2 cm long, root is a little bit damaged.
  10. Hello everyone! I have been picking through microfossils from the Whiskey Bridge locality on the Brazos River in Texas. I used the hydrogen peroxide technique to separate the fossils from the glauconite matrix, and I have spent hours at the microscope, picking through the material to find the really tiny stuff. Here are a few batches that I've separated... My reason for posting this in the identification section, however, is that I have been running across a large number of echinoderm fragments and spines... The largest of the fragments are approximately 8 millimeters across, while the longest of the spines are 6-8 millimeters. Does anyone have any information on echinoids from this locality? I'm sure others have run across these before. Any information is much appreciated! Daniel
  11. Mariah77

    Possible fossil found

    Hi everyone, My son found yesterday on a beach this rock and it looks like a fossil of something. Could you please have a look and let me know what you think? Is this a fossil? Many thanks Mariah
  12. There is a plate of 30 or so of the ascocystites being offered for a rather princely sum. Stated as collected near Kaid Errami, Morocco. Here is the entire plate and a close up. It looks un-fossil-like to me. Seems unlikely, but could they be real?
  13. Scottnokes2015

    ID help please

    Hello group thank you for your help yesterday with my trilobite. I'm still working on my database and found these two items. I know a precise ID is not easy across here but could you give me some though ideas about possible era and the mammal Jaw animal and if possible what crinoid the Calyx is Thank you
  14. Largest find of Jurassic starfish and relatives ever discovered in the UK excavated by Natural History Museum British Natural History Museum Part-time adventurers’: amateur fossil hunters get record haul in Cotswolds More than 1,000 scientifically significant specimens taken from former quarry after discovery. Miranda Bryant, The Guardian, July 20, 2021 Yours, Paul H.
  15. kgbudge

    Osha Canyon Formation

    Visiting the Osha Canyon Formation in the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico. Upper part of the formation. The massive sandstone is the Sandia Formation. Underneath is the Pennsylvanian Osha Canyon Formation. FInds: Crinoid stem segments, a rugose coral, a couple of echinoderm plates, and a worm burrow cast. Whole bed of brachiopods: Composita brachiopods? I was shown this site by a semi-professional geologist who calls it The Nursery because there are huge numbers of unusually small brachiopods. Spirifers? some are silicified
  16. Today was supposed to be a day of grinding away at my piles of homework that have been accumulating over the course of last week (hey, I was on vacation what can I say)...and I was almost successful, save until 3 pm rolled around. Getting a little stir crazy, and in desperate need of the fossil hunting fix that I missed out on over the course of my week long vacation + the week of snow we had prior, I set out to take a "small walk" to an area of a creek I hadn't scouted before. My intention was just to do a little bit of reconnaissance - I saw on a geologic map that this particular portion of the creek may expose some of the productive Eagle Ford formation, implying that I *might* have a chance of finding an ever locally elusive Cretaceous shark tooth. A 10 minute drive found me at the park which serves as an access point. It was clear that nobody frequents the area once down at the creek. The creek was virgin, at least here. Furthermore, the ram horn oysters which made their appearance along the gravel banks suggested that I was in the correct exposure. 20-30 minutes in, I find my first Echinoid...ever! It was fairly weathered by the creek, and a little small, but I'm not a man to complain - this is celebration worthy by my terms. Here is that first find, rinsed off. The burst of energy moved me forward through the thicket. At this point, I was on an "island", where the creek had wrapped itself around a little piece of land that had become quite overgrown. Within another 20 minutes, I made my next discovery - another (highly weathered) echinoid with a blobby, uneven pattern on it not too different from a sand dollar. It's difficult to make out details with a camera, but I tried nonetheless. The top arm is the only easily visible portion of the pattern. An hour or so passes, and evening is descending. My final find came in dim lighting, shining proudly out of it's bank where it was half buried. Oddly enough, the best preserved portion is the portion that was sticking out of the ground. Break dancing moves rapidly followed. And so, my evening came to a close. Another highlight was where my heart outright exploded out of my chest glancing at what I thought to be a marine reptile tooth. A second or so of looking, though, deemed that it's probably just a small, slightly weathered rudist - a cool find none the less! Finish that off with a uniquely red ram horn oyster (remnants of original color? Or just fossilized in an interesting mineral environment?) and my day came to a satisfying close. Now to get back to my calculus homework that I've been so diligently procrastinating :''D
  17. So I had a few hours off the other day and decided to hit a favorite spot in the Glen Rose Formation. The Glen Rose is Lower Cretaceous (Albian) and can be very fossiliferous. For those familiar with this formation the particular layer I was hunting is near the top of the Lower Member in what is known as the "Salenia texana" zone. As the name implies it is abundant with the echinoid Leptosalenia texana. But it also produces another handful of echinoids, some common and some rare. I was hunting(hoping) for the rare ones... Now let me tell you it has been a long hard summer and this week was the topper with my wiener dog Bacon getting snake bit in the back yard and things at work being extra hectic and, well just life in general in this time of plague... So I was DUE BIG TIME for a good hunt. Within the first five minutes I knew it was going to be good. We recently had some good rain and there were no footprints in sight. And it was bright and clear and perfect "urchin" light. Some of you know just what I mean by that. Sharp clear sunlight at the right angle makes those tubercules pop, even when half buried in the marl. My first good find was a fossil I had been looking for for a while and one that I got skunked on at the last PSA field trip. Jamie Lynn and a few other club members found them and I was teasing them about it. It was a comatulid crinoid cup. Not an echinoid, but another weird echinoderm. Comatulids are stemless crinoids, aka feather stars. From there I started finding those Leptosalenias of which I only brought home the best ones. Lots of other good specimens of bivalves, gastropods, serpulids, etc started filling the bag and then I looked up and there it was, bucket list, holy grail of the GR, a CIDARID! Now I have several "pieces" from there but this one was obviously complete. It was still tucked into the marly layer and hadn't been fully washed out and broken up yet. As I removed it I found it was a bit squooshed, but otherwise intact. The species is Paracidaris? texanus (Whitney & Kellum). Smith & Rader(2009) placed it tentatively in Paracidaris, but it is probably a good ID. Spines and loose plates are common but articulated specimens are few and far between. That was it, I could have gone home right then and there, but I kept going. I was rewarded with a medium sized Tetragramma (semi rare) that will need lots of cleaning and a few more Leptosalenias. Eventually my alarm went off and it was time to head home. A great afternoon in Central Texas.
  18. Hello dear fellows, Any ideas about this one from Fezouata Shale? It has 2,8 x 2,0 cm. A Brachiopod, a Hyolith, a Chrondrophore, a Clam??? Thanks in advance.
  19. Hey guys. I am a new member and currently an 18-year-old freshman college student. I am currently going through basics but as a kid, I loved dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures. I recently have thought about changing my major from biology to paleontology. I am a fossil collector and hope to collect hundreds of examples of prehistoric life. As I said I'm a fossil collector but a novice at it. I know relatively what a given organism is but I want to know, if possible, the species. If they are completely unidentifiable, no worries. I might add that all of these fossils did not have locations of where they were found except the starfish which was found in Morocco. I'm making a log of all my fossils and want to know the genus of each individual one. I have linked a google drive folder with all the images of the ones I would like identified if possible. Feel free to message me with any questions or just to get to know me. I'm open to making friends with fellow lovers of life. Thanks. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1m0QB8pmy-snZYujwb6Fy06flKsRxQK3E
  20. Hello. I have still been going through boxes of mostly cave mineral from a large estate sale purchase, mostly consisting of cave minerals. The tags that remain are not attached to the pieces and usually scattered among many boxes. This amazing plate I found recently and believe I finally found the label. I just need justification. I haven't found any other plates like this one. It's stunning in person!
  21. Thebes

    Encope tamiamiensis

    The sample image here was collected directly from a Drag Line operator's windrow in a lime rock mine in Southern FL just outside of Naples around the Sable Palm area of the Big Cypress swamp of the Everglades in 1997. The specimen has been completely removed from the limestone petrol (lime rock low density ls) matrix. What is interesting is the general shape of the specimen and how this 5 million year old specimen differs from the present day specimen at the same general location. I am guessing the seas of which the archaic specimens existed in were more challenging to exist in general as the specimen appears more elongate than present day specimen possibly for navigational purpose in higher energy seas than say today. Consequently the respiratory flower on top seems to be larger than today's comparable specimen as a direct consequence in the different morphology.
  22. Hey everyone - It's Christian. For the past few months, I was inactive on TFF as I had a lot of schoolwork.. But now, I've got a lot more time on my hands - which means that I can get back to all things fossil related This of course includes making preparations for my 3rd Møns Klint Fossil Excavation (MKFE - the fieldwork aspect of my Møns Klint Fossil Research Program). I'll be going for 2 weeks, in mid-August - I'm really excited! As I said in a post from a few months ago, the collection policy of this MKFE is essentially the same as last time's (cephalopod, crustacean, echinoderm and vertebrate material). This time, though, there'll be a bigger focus on articulated and/or associated material - eroded sea urchin spines and belemnite fragments are getting too numerous... On the first days of the field trip, I'll have to do quite a bit of prospecting for new sites to work at, because there's a chance that the landslide spoil heap from last year has most likely been washed away by the waves. I'm already having some ideas of particular projects for this field trip, which include a comprehensive collection of washout microfossils - to determine relative abundances of various faunal groups. Another project is the in-depth analysis of fossil material from different layers of chalk - which I hope will yield some zone fossils. Of course, I'm still hoping to find a lil' mosasaur tooth I'll also use this field trip as an opportunity to donate to the GeoCenter Møns Klint some of the fossils I found during the 2nd MKFE. I'll keep you guys posted! Stay tuned I'm so excited to getting back there! -Christian
  23. Hi, here is a bunch of tiny beauties from Texas (Lake Bridgeport). If somebody can help ID the gastropods at 1:40 and a crinoid at 4:20, it would be much appreciated.
  24. https://www.livescience.com/64832-ancient-starfish-relative-mystery-solved.html
  25. Hey everyone, I'm back from my second Møns Klint Fossil Excavation - it was absolutely fantastic! For the majority of 2 weeks, I was down at the chalk cliffs of Møn; and recovered quite a sizable quantity of (mostly echinoderm) good-quality fossil material. All of it is still safely stowed away in ice cream boxes and kitchen paper "field jackets", but I can not wait to getting down to preparing all those fossils. Unfortunately, I did not manage to rediscover the "Echinoderm Quarry", but I did on the other hand have the chance to work on some new, very fossiliferous sites. Along with extensive fieldwork, I also got the privilege of analysing the MK Thoracosaurine jaw fossil, and meeting the Director and the Fossil Guide of the GeoCenter Møns Klint. I'll give detailed and illustrated accounts of all that happened* during this successful field session in the next few days... Stay tuned *Except, of course, for my studies of the MK Thoracosaurine - that'll have to wait until after the paper has been published (IF it does end up being published)
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