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  1. oilshale

    Nahecaris stuertzi JAEKEL, 1921

    From the album: Invertebrates

    Nahecaris stuertzi JAEKEL, 1921 Phyllocarid Early Devonian Emsian (early) Kaub Formation Bundenbach Rhineland-Palatinate Germany
  2. Andúril Flame of the West

    Adventures in the Needmore Shale

    Hello everyone, A couple of weeks ago I had the chance to visit a more distant fossil locality - an opportunity that I took to collect some Paleozoic fossils among the scenic Appalachians of eastern West Virginia. Heading out west, I planned to visit a new exposure of the Needmore Shale that I suspected had the potential to produce some nice trilobite specimens. Unfortunately, upon arriving at the locality rain was coming down in droves, effectively ending any chance of prospecting the locality. Hoping to escape the rain, I made my way farther south toward the well known Lost River road cut in the vicinity of Wardensville, West Virginia. As I had hoped I did manage to escape the rain, and I was left with a few hours to search for some Devonian fossils among the fissile green shale. I had only been to the Lost River locality once before late last year, and I had managed to secure the trilobites which had proven rather elusive in the more fossiliferous rocks of the Mahantango. The rain, which did seem to have swept through the area shortly before I arrived, had turned the fine rock dust that coated the talus piles into slippery mud. Above the treacherous talus piles, a large vertical exposure of the Needmore Shale held trilobites and a variety of other shallow marine fauna that had once inhabited a Devonian reef. Here are the finds from both trips I have taken to the Lost River locality: A few small brachiopods from the locality. Unlike other Paleozoic localities I have had the opportunity to visit, brachiopods do not seem to be extremely common at the road cut. I only came across them occasionally, with most being so small they were hard to identify without the aid of a magnifiying glass. A spiral gastropod preserved in iron oxide that contrasts quite nicely with the dark green matrix. On the most recent trip I found the two above specimens exposed on the surface of the shale. They seem like they could be the central lobe of trilobite pygidiums with the other two sections having weathered away. Any insight into what these might be would be greatly appreciated . Rugose coral The specimen above is intriguing. The roundish shape seems to suggest a fossil, though it could very well have a geological origin. I apologize for the poor photographs of the above specimen, but it was incredibly difficult to get the camera to focus on it properly. When I came across this fossil whilst splitting shale, I was quite confident that I had come across a trilobite due to the black calcitic appearance and the 'ribbing' that seemed to define the fossil. Yet after extracting and cleaning the fossil, it does not resemble a trilobite and is very faint even after the shale dust was removed. Any suggestions as to what it might be would be very welcome . Some assorted Dipleura ribs. Some trilobite ribs, likely either belonging to Dipleura or Eldredgeops rana. Eldredgeops rana pygidium preserved in a light yellow color. Enrolled Eldredgeops rana consisting of the body with a partial cephalon (first two images) and the pygidium on the reverse side (last image). The trilobite is flattened, which may be a result of the tectonic forces acting on the rock during the uplift of the Appalachian mountains. Another Eldredgeops rana specimen with considerable relief from the surrounding matrix. This specimen was found in association with a few others, though if it possessed a cephalon it was lost among the chips of shale. A prone Eldredgeops rana molt found on the first outing to the road cut. Positive and negative of an Eldredgeops rana molt. Thanks for taking a look!
  3. oilshale

    Taxocrinus stuertzii FOLLMANN, 1887

    From the album: Invertebrates

    Taxocrinus stuertzii FOLLMANN, 1887 Early Devonian Emsian (early) Eschenbach Bundenbach Hunsrück Rhineland-Palatinate Germany
  4. oilshale

    Rhadinocrinus sp.

    From the album: Invertebrates

    Rhadinocrinus sp. Early Devonian Emsian (early) Kaub Formation Bundenbach Germany
  5. oilshale

    Encrinaster roemeri Schoendorf, 1910

    From the album: Invertebrates

    Encrinaster roemeri Schoendorf, 1910 Early Devonian Emsian Kaub Formation Bundenbach Rhineland Palatinate Germany
  6. oilshale

    Bundenbachia beneckei STUERTZ, 1886

    From the album: Invertebrates

    Bundenbachia beneckei STUERTZ, 1886 Early Devonian Early Emsian Bundenbach Rhineland-Palatinate Germany
  7. Tidgy's Dad

    Adam's Early / Lower Devonian

    The Devonian period is known as "The Age of Fish", but could also be known as "The Age of Brachiopods." In the Early / Lower Devonian, brachiopods reached the height of their diversity towards its end in the Emsian. We see the ancestral groups occurring, lingulids, craniids, orthids, protorthids, pentamerids, rhynchonellids and strophomenids, as well as the later successful groups we have seen before such as atrypids, athyrids and orthotetids, plus the rise of spiriferids, spiriferinids and productids and the beginning of the terebratulids. By the end of the Devonian , several of these groups are extinct or severely reduced in importance and brachiopods never quite recover. Also, the Devonian is the last time we see trilobites with such variation, large sizes and numbers and orthocerids too are much more uncommon after the rise of the goniatites. The massive tabulate coral reefs also disappear after the Devonian. Fascinating period and I hope to share some of its wonders with you. Equally, a lot of this is rather new to me, so I would be very grateful for any assistance, corrections or further information on my specimens. Thank you. The Early Devonian epoch is split into three stages, so let's start with the first of those, the Lochkovian, that began about 419 mya and finished roughly 411 mya. I have been sent a nice selection of brachiopods from the Kalkberg Formation, Helderberg Group by the Mighty @Misha, mostly. But the kind gentleperson also sent me this fascinating little bryozoan hash : It is dominated by fenestellids, which is usually the case in the Devonian, but other orders sill occur. These ones, I think, are Fenestella, but there are so many species in the formation that I wont take a guess as to species : Not sure what this one is ;
  8. Misha

    Wudinolepis weni

    Wudinolepis weni, tiny Microbrachiid placoderms from the early Devonian Jiucheng Fm. In Yunnan China. Specimens measure just over 1 cm in length, 2 are present on this piece, one exposed dorsally and the other ventrally. Preparation done by Paul Freitag
  9. Tidgy's Dad

    Trilobite ID

    Hello, all. I obtained this gorgeous little trilobite in one of my best-ever haggling deals in Agadir a few years back. The names keep changing, so first of all, am I right in thinking this is now the genus Belenopyge? Or is it Acanthopyge (Belenopyge)? And is the species bassei or estevei? Hypostome? Thanks for taking a look and extra thanks for any constructive or friendly comments. Scott @piranha , Kane @Kane?
  10. From the album: Lower Devonian fossils

    Wudinolepis weni Tiny Microbrachiid antiarch placoderms Late Emsian Lower Devonian Jiucheng Formation Wuding, Yunnan, China. Two specimens are present on the plate, one exposed ventrally (left) one dorsally (right) Prepared by Paul Freitag of Freitag Fossils
  11. From the album: Invertebrates

    Regulaecystis pleurocystoides DEHM, 1932 Early Devonian Emsian Kaub Formation Bundenbach Germany Length 8cm /3"
  12. Taxonomy from PaleobioDB.org. Description of the genus by Südkamp 2017, p. 116: "Follicrinus is one of the largest crinoids in the Hunsrück Slate. The arms can be over 20 cm in length. The dicyclic conical cup was relatively small and as wide as high. The long, slender, uniserial arms divide three to four times isotomously and bear no armlets. The first branching occurs above the fourth or fifth primibranch. The stem is round.” References: Schmidt, W. E. (1934). Die Crinoideen des Rheinischen Devons. Teil I: Die Crinoideen des Hunsrückschiefer. Abhandlungen der Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt, N. F., 163, 1-149. Südkamp, W. (2017): Life in the Devonian. Identification book Hunsrück Slate fossils. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil. München 2017. ISBN978-3-89937-221-2.
  13. Fruzze

    What is this?

    I found this one together with some bivalves. Its an area where you can find fossils from the emsian era. Any ideas on what it is? Found it in Thanville, Belgium. Already a little known place for searching fossils from the devonian epoch.
  14. Misha

    Coladilla Fm. Brachiopods

    From the album: Lower Devonian fossils

    Brachiopods Left: Rhynchonellida and Spiriferida Center: Athyrida Right: Terebtatulida and Atrypa reticularis Emsian Coladilla Fm. Cantabrian mountains Spain
  15. Taxonomy from Fossilworks.org. Description of the genus by Südkamp 2017, p. 116: "The small cup is conical. The long slender arms are unbranched or may have a single isotomous division high above the cup. So, there are 7 - 10 arms present. Between the long, stout alternating ramules there are two brachials. The anal sac is large and elongate and consists of several vertical rows of small hexagonal plates." There are two species known: R. ramosissimus and R. lobatus. The difference is respectively in their round and similar, and pentagonal alternate, stems. The cup of R. lobatus is more tapered. Common in the Rosengarten quarry. Elsewhere very rare or absent. Identified by oilshale. References: Schmidt, W. E. (1934). Die Crinoideen des Rheinischen Devons. Teil I: Die Crinoideen des Hunsrückschiefer. Abhandlungen der Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt, N. F., 163, 1-149. Südkamp, W. (2017): Life in the Devonian. Identification book Hunsrück Slate fossils. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil. München 2017. ISBN978-3-89937-221-2.
  16. All, I have got a strange looking osteostracan fish from Stjordalen Fm, Spitzbergen. It is Emsian. It is not identified but generally belongs to the elongated type of osteostarcan fish from that locality. As you can see it shows that a part of the exterior headshield layer is missing showing probably a viscelar/internal structures. Maybe it is an effect of predation or just a mechanical damage during formation of the fossil. Nevertheless, it is interesting. Pictures are not of the best quality but some internal structures seem to be visible. It is a strange looking one. Any comments or suggestions are very welcomed. Thanks, Tomasz
  17. Originally described under the name Urasterella verruculosa Lehmann 1957. Taxonomy from Fossilworks.org. Description from Südkamp 2017, p. 130: " The five, ribbon-like, flattened long arms join at the mouth frame; there is no interbrachial disc. The mouth frame is built as a ring of robust plates. The plates of the dorsal surface (radials, a primary circlet, and the large madreporite) are difficult to determine with certainty. Pedicellariae are irregularly arranged on the dorsal surface and as an organized fringe by the spacing of the adambulacrals. The pedicellariae are rounded triangular in outline. The ambulacrals are flat plates with a T-shaped ridge. Their arrangement across the arm midline is neither strictly paired nor alternate." Identified by oilshale using Südkamp 2017. References: Lehmann. W. M. (1957) Die Asterozoen in den Dachschiefern des rheinischen Unterdevons. Abhandlungen des Hessischen Landesamtes für Bodenforschung 21:1-160. Hotchkiss, Frederick & Glass, A.. (2010) Bdellacoma in the Hunsrück Slate (Lower Devonian): Reidentification of Urasterella verruculosa (Asteroidea, Bdellacomidae). Echinoderms: Durham - Proceedings of the 12th International Echinoderm Conference. 15-21. 10.1201/9780203869543-c3. Südkamp, W. (2017) Life in the Devonian. Identification book Hunsrück Slate fossils. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil. München 2017. ISBN978-3-89937-221-2.
  18. Hello everyone, I recently received a lot of 3 brachiopods from Spain. Here they are with their original labels that they were listed with and that I received them with: The issue is that when I began to do a bit more research on these species, specifically Hexarhytis the paper that comes up shows and describes a completely different brachiopod. Looking up the other Athyrid the results I got were much closer but still not exactly like the brachiopod I have, but since I got more results for this search I could now do a bit of looking into the closely related taxa which I was sure would help me find a match. Currently, after that bit of reading I think that the larger brachiopod may be Plicathyris collensis while the smaller one looks more like Anathryis ferronensis to me. Does anyone know if these IDs would be accurate? Are there any papers I could read to better familiarize myself with these species? I wasn't able to find much online but this is the best I could come up with so far. Additionally, does anyone know how I could identify the species of orthid that is on the left? Researching the other two made me suspicious about the ID for this brachiopod too, it seems that the formation is accurate for this species but there are other orthids present there and I am not sure how to distinguish between them. I will attach more pictures of all of them below. The one I believe is actually Plicarthys: What I believe is Anathyris: Orthid labelled as Rhipidomella cervantesi: Thank you!
  19. Taxonomy from Fossilworks.org. Description from Südkamp 2017, p. 139: " Furcaster is a very abundant ophiuroid with opposing fused ambulacrals. These vertebrae are elongate and wing-like. The five narrow arms are high and taper to whip-like extremities. Each ambulacral pair has a pronounced median dorsal oval cleft. The ambulacral plates are essentially flat and plastron-like orally (plastron is the lower shell of a turtle). The round small disc is granulated. The mouth frame is petaloid and the mouth-angle plates are sub-triangular in outline. The ambulacral groove is open. The laterals are blocky to barette-shaped. They bear a tuft of vertical needle-like spines, and leaf-like groove spines." Lehmann (1957) listed three species: Furcaster palaeozoicus, F. decheni and F. zitteli. F. palaeozoicus is smaler and less robust than F. decheni. The disc incorporates about three arm segments. Identified by oilshale. References: Stürtz, B. (1886) Beitrag zur Kenntnis paläozoische Seesterne. Palaeontographica 32:75-98. Lehmann, W.M. (1957) Die Asterozoen in den Dachschifern des rheinischen Unterdevons. Abhandlungen des Hessischen Landeshamtes für Bodenforchung 21:1-160. Südkamp, W. (2017): Life in the Devonian. Identification book Hunsrück Slate fossils. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil. München 2017. ISBN978-3-89937-221-2.
  20. Originally described under the name Urasterella verruculosa Lehmann 1957. Unfortunately, the slate was sawed and formatted before the starfish was discovered. A saw kerf goes right through it. Taxonomy from Fossilworks.org. Description from Südkamp 2017, p. 130: " The five, ribbon-like, flattened long arms join at the mouth frame; there is no interbrachial disc. The mouth frame is built as a ring of robust plates. The plates of the dorsal surface (radials,, a primary circlet and the large madreporite) are difficult to determine with certainity. Pedicellariae are irregularly arranged on the dorsal surface and as an organized fringe by the spacing of the adambulacrals. The pedicellariae are rounded triangular in outline. The ambulacrals are flat plates with a T-shaped ridge. Their arrangement across the arm midline is neither strictly paired nor alternate." Identified by oilshale using Südkamp 2017. References: Lehmann. W. M. (1957) Die Asterozoen in den Dachschiefern des rheinischen Unterdevons. Abhandlungen des Hessischen Landesamtes für Bodenforschung 21:1-160. Hotchkiss, Frederick & Glass, A.. (2010) Bdellacoma in the Hunsrück Slate (Lower Devonian): Reidentification of Urasterella verruculosa (Asteroidea, Bdellacomidae). Echinoderms: Durham - Proceedings of the 12th International Echinoderm Conference. 15-21. 10.1201/9780203869543-c3. Südkamp, W. (2017) Life in the Devonian. Identification book Hunsrück Slate fossils. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil. München 2017. ISBN978-3-89937-221-2.
  21. Taxonomy from Fossilworks.com. Description from Südkamp 2017, p 140:" Eospondylus is related to Furcaster, especially for its ambulacrals fused into vertebrae, their form, their deep median dorsal cleft and the open groove. The circular disc incorporates only two arm vertebrae and bears small scale-like plates. The five long arms are about as high as wide. They can bend extremely, up to 180° involving seven segments. The laterals have a vertical spine ridge bearing a row of long spines of unequal length. The laterals on the oral surface are more conspicuous, somewhat pear shaped and bear minute groove spines." Identified by oilshale using Südkamp 2017. References: Stürtz, B. (1886) Beitrag zur Kenntnis paläozoische Seesterne. Palaeontographica 32:75-98. Gregory. J. W. (1897) On the classification of the Palaeozoic echinoderms of the group Ophiuroidea. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1896:1028-1044. Lehmann, W.M. (1957) Die Asterozoen in den Dachschiefern des rheinischen Unterdevons. Abhandlungen des Hessischen Landesamtes für Bodenforschung 21:1-160. Südkamp, W. (2017) Life in the Devonian. Identification book Hunsrück Slate fossils. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München.
  22. oilshale

    Living tube of a polychaete worm

    This ichnofossil consists of an accumulation of tentaculites, probably of the genus Styliolina. Dr. M. Poschmann (General Directory of Cultural Heritage Rhineland-Palatinate in Koblenz) mentioned in a personal communication that accumulations of tentaculites / styliolites from the Hunsrück Slate are known, also in the State Collection in Mainz such pieces are found. Tentaculite accumulations can occur in quite different forms, among them those which are probably to be interpreted as coprolites due to their shape and rather irregular arrangement. Cylindrical assemblages of tentaculites / styliolines with orientation of the shells transverse to the long axis (as in this case) are also known and have been interpreted as agglutinated housing tubes of polychaetes worms. At the University of Bonn a diploma thesis on this topic has been done in 2010 - unfortunately no results have been published until today. Identified by Dr. M. Poschmann.
  23. Cheiropteraster giganteus reached diameters up to 50 cm / 20”. Taxonomy from BioLib.cz. From Südcamp 2017, p. 132: “Cheiropteraster is a very large ophiuroid with no disc, but a granulated skin reaching the tips of the five arms. The mouth is extremely large and V-shaped reaching up to the fifth ambulacral pairs. The elongated ambulacrals stand out as a topographic high and form alternating half-cylinders. Orally, they are boot-shaped. The laterals are T-shaped and bear long spines along the edge.” Identified by oilshale using Südcamp 2017. References: Stürtz, B. (1890) Neuer Beitrag zur Kenntnis paläozoischer Seesterne. Palaeontographica 36:203-247. Spencer, W. K. (1934) A monograph of the British Palaeozoic Asterozoa. Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society 1933(9):437-494. Lehmann W.M. (1957) Die Asterozoen in den Dachschiefern des rheinischen Unterdevons., Abhandlungen des Hessischen Landesamtes für Bodenforschung 21, 1-160. Spencer, W. K. and Wright, C.W. (1966) Asterozoans. Moore R.C. ed, Treatise on invertebrate paleontology, Echinodermata, University of Kansas Press and the Geological Society of America 3(1):U4-U107 Südkamp, W. (2017) Life in the Devonian. Identification book Hunsrück Slate fossils. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil. München 2017. ISBN978-3-89937-221-2.
  24. This rare Palaeosolaster lies somewhat unfortunate on its side and is not completely preserved. A conularia is partially hidden by the arms. Taxonomy from Fossilworks.org. Synonyms: Echinasterias Stürtz 1899, Echinodiscaster Stürtz 1899, Echinodiscites Stürtz 1899, Echinodiscus Stürtz 1899, Echinostella Stürtz 1899. From Südcamp 2017, p. 124: “Palaeosolaster is similar to Palasterina, but can be distinguished easily by its 25-29 arms and large mouth. The mouth-angle plates are narrow and show high relief. The madreporite lies on the oral surface. The groove is wide. The opposite broad flat ambulacrals have L-shaped ridges. The narrow adambulacrals, which are similar to the side-shields of ophiuroids, bound the oral margin of the arms and bear short spines. The interbrachial areas and the dorsal surface are filled with scattered plates, each bearing a spine.” Identified by oilshale using Südcamp 2017. References: Stürtz. E, (1899) Ein weiter Beitrag zur Kenntnis paläozoischer Asteroiden. Verhandlungen des Naturhistorischen Vereins der preussischen Rheinlande und Westfalens 56:176-240. Spencer, W. K. (1925) A monograph of the British Palaeozoic Asterozoa. Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society, London 1922(6):237-324. Lehmann, W. M. (1957) Die Asterozoen in den Dachschiefern des rheinischen Unterdevons. Abhandlungen des Hessischen Landesamtes für Bodenforschung 21:1-160. Südkamp, W. (2017) Life in the Devonian. Identification book Hunsrück Slate fossils. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil. München 2017. ISBN978-3-89937-221-2.
  25. Eriniceaster tenuispinosus Lehmann 1957 is a homotypic synonym of Erinaceaster tenuispinosus Lehmann 1957 Taxonomy from GBIF.org From Südcamp 2017, p. 127: "The disc and arms on the dorsal surface are covered with a distended, granular, spine bearing skin. The spines are elongate and needle-like. The high domed body has been transformed into a fringe around the five lancet-shaped arms by later flattening. The mouth frame is large and stellate and the mouth-angle plates are triangular. The small madreporite has an oral position. The ambulacrals are either opposite or alternating and smooth L-shaped. Together with the sickle-shaped laterals they have the outline of a low W. They bear a row of nodules each bearing an elongate slender spine. The ambulacral groove is wide." Identified by oilshale using Südcamp 2017. References: Lehmann, W. M. (1957) Die Asterozoen in den Dachschiefern des rheinischen Unterdevons. Abhandlungen des Hessischen Landesamtes für Bodenforschung, 21, 160 p. Südkamp, W. (2017) Life in the Devonian. Identification book Hunsrück Slate fossils. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil. München 2017. ISBN978-3-89937-221-2.
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