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  1. Real od fake mosasaur skull? Thanks. Skull from mineral show.
  2. Hi everyone, My name is Tony. I'm from Northern Illinois. I've been collecting fossils for about 25 years. I've been watching for a long time and decided it was time to sign up. I would like some of your opinions on a cool claw I acquired from a reputable but not very knowledgeable dealer. I bought it as a Dromaeosaur. I think the primary thing that bothers me is the weight. It's 3" long (straight line) and only weighs 28 grams. Here are a few pics. I can't wait for every ones' opinion. Tony
  3. Day Two ; Locality Two (or Seven if you include Day One) Prepping and Retail, Erfoud, Morocco. 20th February 2019 Erfoud town itself is famous for its beautiful fossils, its skilled fossil preppers and also for its wide variety of fakes, composites, good and bad repair jobs and utter frankenfossils. A large percentage of fossils from Morocco that are available in shops and on the internet the world over originate from here or pass through the place. Fossils are sent here for prepping from all over the south and then sent from here everywhere in the country and abroad. There are many little shops, prepping centres with huge attached shops and 'museums which are really pretty much just shops as well. Top Tip :The prices here are about ten times the price of the prices in the little shacks on the edge of town or elsewhere in Morocco, but haggling can reduce the cost significantly. Many places have 'fixed' prices, but they're actually always negotiable. This time, we went to the one my friend Anouar, who is a tour guide, takes his tourists and I was asked politely not to accuse the owners and chap who'd show us around and do the chat, of having fakes or wrong info, so i had to bite my lip. We asked if it was okay to take photos and they said yes, which I was surprised about, but I guess it was because Anouar was going to use photos for his own purposes and this would involve advertising the shop. Top Tip : You will see a lot of fixed prices in Moroccan Dirham in the pieces and shelves. Divide by ten to have a price in US dollars. Because we were with Anouar, we were told everything is 50% of the marked price, but I suspect they often do this anyway, "Special Berber prices, today only". I've heard that before. And you can still haggle to get something way under that 50% and you just know they'll still be making a good profit. I didn't buy anything. Little local stores are more my line anyway - I rarely shop in supermarkets. Here is the entrance where you can see huge plates ready for prepping and polishing, some have been cut into pieces and they glued back together it seems to me, I know this happens with the crinoid beds, so i guess it's true of the orthocerid and goniatite stuff too. Some just look cobbled together because of the circular saw marks when cutting out upper layers.With these, polishing will remove the grid lines. These sheets are from the local area and contain the goniatites and orthoconic nautiloids we were walking on earlier, but from a better quality, less eroded and distorted source. Famennian, Upper Devonian, I think. This photo shows one of the trenches they dig to reach the best quality material, similar to the ones i was walking along earlier this day : Below, somebody walking on the slabs and some maps of the the world at different times in it's past, showing continental drift. : Notice these are not the famous black orthocerid marbles that come from elsewhere. The picture of Spinosaurus is a bit misleading, as you all know, it's not found in these marbles or in the Erfoud area. In fact there is very little Kem Kem material available here these days, though there was in the past. I suspect the Kem Kem area probably has it's own facillities nowadays.
  4. Over a year ago, I blindly purchased a large impressive-looking tooth from a seller who didn't even know its ID simply because it was cheap. On arrival it broke, and after consulting the forum and facebook groups, the general consensus was that it was fake. Even museum curators I respected told me that it was a crocodile tooth joined to a fake root by someone who tried to emulate a mammal one. Having been (apparently)scammed and feeling snarge lousy, I was >| |< this close to throwing the fake root into the bin. But one other collector who bought from the same seller was vehement we had something real, so I decided to keep this tooth a little longer. (Post continues below)
  5. Hey guys, I bought some things from a rock and fossil store recently. This bone was said to be a plesiosaur vertebrae but I’m having trouble figuring out if it’s a fake! I noticed some bone pores and matrix and it is heavy. If it is fake, I’m suspecting a cast?
  6. I purchased this from Indonesia, I have seen a lot available and was not real expensive. It is stuck in matrix that is very solid, the crab is exposed and polished. Hard to tell if it is real or some kind of cast mold in a concrete mixture for matrix. Wanted to see if anyone knew for sure or not. Is there some possible tests on the matrix to see if it is glued or concrete mixture?
  7. Hi friends, Can you tell me, these are real or fake eggs fossil? I want to improve my knowledge I saw them on online. Thank you very much! NUMBER 1: 8" x 4.5" x 3.25" Approx. 7 lbs NUMBER 2: Aproximately : 20cm x 9cm x 8cm This is heavy approximately 1.55KG NUMBER 3: Aproximately : 13cm x 11cm x 8cm This is heavy approx 1.2kg NUMBER 4: Aproximately : 15cm x 15cm x 13cm This is heavy approx 3kg Thank you very much!!!
  8. Hey there! I am relatively new to fossil collecting and hope to go on to do some hunting etc, but anyways! I am considering purchasing this keichousaurus hui attached and wondered if it is a real or a fake? As I know you need to be extremely careful when buying one of these due to the hight amount of fakes being produced. Thanks!
  9. Hi everyone, I’ve read a few posts by others about their dubious Keichosaurus fossils, so I understand the gist of the situation when it comes to these pieces, but still wanted more than one opinion on a Keichosaurus I may obtain. I don’t necessarily mind having a piece that is enhanced a bit, but what I do not want is a completely bogus fossil. If anyone can tell me how much authenticity they believe this fossil to have based on photos alone, I’d love any feedback. It’s being offered to me for trade by another collector in exchange for my 4.2 inch Carcharodontosaurus tooth. I got my tooth for a very fair price, and so my concern is letting go of this tooth and not being able to replace it for a similar reasonable price. It’s not a perfect Carch but it is a nice one. Bad trade? Good trade?
  10. Our favorite auction site has a seller currently trying to sell a rare andsuppisedly real Utahraptor claw! And found in Arizona at that! As of this beware posting of mine, this claw is at around $425 after 13 current bids! It’s a fake!! It is a cast claw imbedded in a cast matrix Block! BEWARE! You can see numerous air bubble imperfections in the “matrix” block and there are obvious air bubble holes/imperfections of the articulating surface of the claw. The claw itself is a direct replica cast from, or actually is, of a cast replica hand claw that is seen often online of a Velociraptor hand claw. I have reported the seller to the auction site. I would suggest you all take a look and also report it as fraudulent. Look at the attached pics:
  11. Can across this one recently on our favorite auction site, a torvosaurus tooth from colorado. Though with no intention of buying especially at the high price tag it is at I have my suspicions, the seller claims it its 100% no repairs or restoration. Looking at the pictures I highly doubt it as it looks extremely repaired to me and some of it especially in the picture zooming into the tip reminds me of the little air holes found in fake cast trilobite. Idk how much is repaired or even if the whole specimen is fake, I'd be interested to hear what you guys think. Definitely a gigantic red flag to me.
  12. So after poking around these forums, I am pretty positive that I have been duped, but please let me know what you think. Are the teeth even real? Thank you so much to anyone who can help me out here.
  13. Well, I sure feel like a nitwit! Remember this topic I made, about how it's wise not to throw away your supposedly-fake fossil, because even the experts can get it wrong? > http://www.thefossilforum.com/index.php?/topic/57593-this-is-why-you-shouldnt-discard-your-fossils-even-if-they-are-supposedly-fake/ Guess what? You guys were right all along - It IS a fake, or at least, the root is. So for 2 years I've been trying to ID the tooth. It looks like the crown of a croc, yet has a full root. I asked the seller, but he was adamant it was a real tooth. I checked with several other experts, and a taxidermist. After handling it, all confirmed my tooth and root was real. Hence, despite Thomas Kapitany, Nate Curtis and you guys telling me otherwise, I was convinced mine was real. Still, I just couldn't lock it down to a species. Was it tiger? Croc? Pinniped? Whale? Then a group of big cat fans messaged me, asking for info on my tooth, e.g. weight, length... They did a lot of calculations, cross-section fitting of my tooth into tiger jaws etc, and came to the conclusion mine was the fabled lost canine of the Ngandong Tiger. As a collector, I was more than happy to accept that ID. For months, I was happily ignorant. But I couldn't ignore my nagging suspicions this tooth isn't what it appears to be. I went online to search, and what do you know? I found 6 other Java teeth like mine, all ID-ed as tiger. I have 2 teeth, and my friend has 3, that means all 11 of these teeth that are known online are fully-rooted. Let that sink in a moment. Fully-rooted teeth are rare in the fossil record, and now 11 out of 11 have that? Not likely at all. I tried looking for instances with partial roots, or broken ones but there were none. Here's an album compilation of the 11 teeth > http://imgur.com/a/hhWcC As it turns out, the Javanese really like tiger. I found 4 Indonesian seller marketing croc teeth as tiger ones. Thomas Kapitany also revealed to me they've been faking fossils for decades. I broke my smaller tooth apart, this is what I saw > http://imgur.com/a/4F8iJ Let me say first the Javanese are darn good at faking this. I thought I knew plenty about Moroccan and Chinese fake fossils, but this one just threw me off utterly. I will relabel my smaller tooth crown as a croc, and the big one will stay as it is - a reminder to myself to be neutral when it comes to ID-ing a fossil; I was so biased towards tiger that I failed to see all the red flags. Too often, the problem many of us is that a collector refuses to acknowledge when he has a misidentified fossils (e.g. a concretion instead of an egg, rugosa coral instead of teeth). I happened to be one of them. Sometimes, the experts really do know better
  14. Dinosaur claws are probably one of the most expensive dinosaur fossils you can find since it's much rarer than teeth, and no doubt, many if not all dinosaur collectors would probably like to have at least one in their collections. Dinosaur claws also seem to have many fakes and replicas floating around due to its impressiveness and rarity. Its probably easy enough to distinguish the resin or plastic replica from real ones with simple observation, handling to get a feel of a specimen's weight and hardness or test like hot needle to see if it melts or not. Plus, so far I haven't seen any dealers, reputable or not, have tried to sell replica as real, perhaps because its very easy to tell the resin/plastic replica from the natural rock/bone fossils. Though, I have also heard that there are ways to fake these from carving a fake claw from matrix or even using animal bones like camel to make one. Has anyone had experience with these particular kind of fakes (non-resin replicas)? If so, how would they differ from the real ones and how would you test if they are genuine or not? Thx
  15. Hi, I bought this fossil but I have doubts if it's real. How can I prove it's fake or not? Here are some photos:
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