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  1. Fitch

    Smilodon Femur Bone Fragment

    From the album: Fossils I've Purchased

  2. This is an authentic Apatosaurus femur fossil on display in Korea. It was discovered in the Morrison Formation and is a legendary fossil that has not been much restored and is 80% authentic! It weighs over 120kg!
  3. From the album: Neutache Shoreline

    I found this juvenile Hesperotestudo 'Giant Tortoise' humerus in Glacial deposits of E Kansas. Was pretty excited with the ID on this one! #VL32 5/3/24

    © CC BY-NC

  4. bones46

    Unknown bone

    Found a mile away from are bay in Grays Harbor County, Washington, USA.
  5. JIMMFinsman

    Definitely bone! Fossilized?

    Very hard bone--not sure it qualifies as a fossil. Been the ocean a LONG time is my guess. Found on beach in Delaware.
  6. Hello, I recently found several concentrations of large animal bones above a small creek in central Oklahoma. There are at least four different clusterings of bones, all within about 50-100 yards of the creek length, and each spot contains what appears to be bones from multiple large mammals (cow size) ranging from leg bones to ribs to vertebrae to partial skulls and jaws. None of the bones appear to be particularly recent, and some are pretty degraded (skulls that are easy to break apart, cracked teeth). This location is also along the Chisholm Trail that ran N-S through Oklahoma in the mid-late 1800s. I haven't found any tools or weapons of any kind in the area, and haven't noticed any obvious markings on bones that might indicate butchering, hunting, etc. One skull recovered so far (not included in the pics below) has been confidently ID'd as an elk based on the presence of two lacrimal ducts in the front of the eye orbits. I was wondering if anyone is able to give an ID on any of the additional bones below with some level of confidence. I hope it is okay to include all of these pics in a single post (apologies if not and I can repost individually). Here is the most intact skull I have found, it is 24 cm across at its widest point: Here are lower jaw bones recovered so far. From what I have read online, it seems like the orientation of the mandibular notch is more like a cow than a bison, but the M3 teeth seem to be on the large side for a cow (upper 30s to a little over 40mm): Here are two closeups of the M3 tooth from the single jawbone in the picture above: A femur that is ca. 12.5-13cm wide at the condylar end: Last but not least, here are some pretty weathered upper teeth: Thanks again if anyone has the time and inclination to offer insight on any of these finds. Maybe they are just cow through and through, but I thought I would check just in case.
  7. Nature


    We need help with finding more information out about this bone we found
  8. piersw

    What might this be?

    We just found this near to an ancient hill fort.
  9. svcgoat

    Pachy Femur

    Anyway to confirm that this is an adult Pachycephalosaur femur? Niobrara county Wyoming Lance formation
  10. JustinD

    Help me identify this

    Can someone identify this bone for me?
  11. Gorgosaurus sp. (libratus?) partial femur (Lambe, 1914) Tyrannosaurid theropod Family: Tyrannosauridae Subfamily: Albertosaurinae Genus: Gorgosaurus (Lambe, 1914) Labelled as being a partial femur (thigh, upper leg). Late Cretaceous (Campanian), 75.1 – 76.6 Ma Red Deer River Valley, Nr. Drumheller, Alberta, Canada. Unboxing my old collection that has been in storage for years and forgot that I had this (purchased August 1988) – labelled as being a Gorgosaurus sp.partial femur. I am assuming that the groove was for a tendon or blood vessel? It appears that fossilised / mineralised spongiform material is visible in the cross-section at one end – might this be fossilised / mineralised bone marrow or spongy (cancellous) bone? Areas of mineralised bone surface also appears to be present. Research suggests that it is likely from the Dinosaur Park Formation which is especially prolific in dinosaur remains and well exposed in the badlands which flank the Red Deer River.
  12. Max-fossils

    Nice bird bone from the Zandmotor

    Hi everyone! Last week I found this nice, rather big, bird bone on the Zandmotor (Netherlands). It is most likely late Pleistocene in Age (Weichselian) but could possibly be older (though I doubt this is any older than early Pleistocene, given the conservation). I believe it to be a femur of a rather large species of bird. My first thought was the great auk, Pinguinus impennis, but I think my bone is probably not sturdy/thick enough for such a heavy bird. I'm currently thinking it might be something like a large sea gull, but this is just guess work, and birds are definitely not my area of expertise. What do you guys think it might be? Also, if any of you has some kind of free identification guide/paper for bird bones (modern/fossil), could you please share it? I'll already tag @Auspex and @MarcoSr as I remember that you two have worked with bird bones before Thanks in advance for your help! Max
  13. MeerCat

    Fossil Bone - Femur?

    I hate to be a newbie who joins a forum just to get help identifying a mysterious item, but since that's what I'm doing - I promise to attempt to be a valued member in the future! I found this 8.4" item yesterday on a Pacific NW beach. It is very heavy, gray rock - like slate. I know next to nothing about fossil bones, but it just doesn't look like a 'natural' rock to me. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
  14. Jurassic J

    I need help with identification

    Unfortunately the only information on the fossil is that it is from North America. I was thinking it is a distal femur or proximal tibia but really have no clue. Is it possible to ID the type of dinosaur with just the end of a long bone? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
  15. Stackerlee

    Buffalo or "pre-old" cow?

    Wondering if the experts wouldn't mind weighing in on an ID for these. They were found half-submerged in a spring creek near an old cow pasture and they seem to be in at least the beginning stages of mineralization. They don't quite pass the burn test though I've heard that's not necessarily definitive, and they're quite rock-like - the pieces I used for the test make a nice clink when dropped on cement. My question is mostly whether or not, in these conditions, the process of mineralization could occur in 100 years or less (which is about the length of time the land had been used as pasture), making them "pre-old" as I've read is possible in other threads. As per the sticky thread, the creek in question is in the driftless area of Minnesota. Also I can provide measurements if that would help, but I'm under the impression that cow and buffalo femurs are too similar for that to make much difference. Thanks!
  16. charlie3425

    Plesiosaur propodial Cap Blanc-Nez

    Today I bought this little gem at the 'Nautilus' fossil fair in Ghent (Belgium). It was sold to me as (and probably will be) a humerus/femur of a juvenile Plesiosaur found at Cap Blanc-Nez. Is this id correct? Is anything more specific to be told about it? Lenght is about 10cm, it's 2.5cm wide. Thanx for any words!
  17. Found femur in Trinity river Texas yesterday. femur not fossilized but very heavy and hard. id help. Bison or other extinct megafauna? vertebrae found in same place. One of this bigger I have found. Bison or other megafauna? Any recommendations would be much appreciated.
  18. andy_mnemonic

    Megalonyx femur prep advice

    Hi folks, I recently found this Pleistocene mammal bone in an alluvial deposit midway up a cliff. Part had broken off when I found it, but I was able to collect all the pieces of what appears to be a Megalonyx femur. My stumbling block now is that I have zero prep experience and this is obviously a pretty good find so I don't want to mess it up... I had been reading up on the posts here about prepping and was waffling between paleobond or butvar to consolidate it and then paleobond to repair the breaks. I am also leaning towards having someone with more experience/a professional do the prep work but don't know what that would cost me and the logistics of it (it is located in Santa Barbara County, CA). Does anyone have some suggestions or advice on the best course of action at this point? Thanks!
  19. Bison bison. Wisconsin glaciation. Southern Minnesota, Brown County. Science Museum of Minnesota. Found in a riverbed in September of 2020 on a joint citizen scientist and Science Museum outing. I found this femur by noticing the femoral head sticking out of the river bottom. External Post:
  20. I picked it up and began cleaning it because it looked odd. The first picture is after several soakings in vinegar and scrubbing with a tooth brush, but I got a bit impatient and began using sand paper to gently rub the coating away. It is starting to show a dark brownish color which shows up much better when the specimen is wet, which is why in the other pictures it is wet. It looks like it could be a bone, but then again, I know nature can craft some pretty amazing things as well. Originally this was about 6 inches (15.24 cm) long, but in keeping with the fact that I do not know what I am doing, I dropped it and broke of the end. Now it is just a little over 13 cm. I included a picture of the cross-section to see of that may help. It was found along a lake fed by tributaries of the trinity river in Denton County, Texas. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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