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  1. Anyone else from the forum planning to attend in Ann Arbor this year? I am from the area and this will be my first time going, I'm attending both field trips and then will be in Chicago for the concluding field trip. If anyone wants some restaurant recommendations or things to do, let me know! Unfortunately not a lot of good collecting outside of the field trips, Michigan has a ton of fossils but they're largely restricted to pretty remote areas or the lakes. https://sites.lsa.umich.edu/napc2024/daily-schedule/ Ryan
  2. Hello all- Time to announce the 27th annual Tate Field Conference! Happening here in Casper, Wyoming on June 2-4. I would love to see some Forum members show up. Here is the info.... (We are going fully live, no online presentations or attendees). We hope you'll join us for the 27th Annual Tate Conference, "The Triassic: Gateway to the Mesozoic," June 2nd - 4th at the Tate Geological Museum. The conference features a day of speakers (Saturday June 3) and two days of field trips (June 2 and 4). Saturday evening includes a dinner and guest keynote speaker, Hans Sues of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History. He will be speaking on new and exciting finds from the Triassic of Germany. We also have great field trips planned: Friday June 2… 33-Mile Road This trip will take us to the Triassic deposits on 33-Mile Road northwest of Casper in the area of the Red Wall. A site was found here in on July 7 1977, which led to the discovery of the type specimen of Heptasuchus. Crews from the University of Wisconsin (and others) have been exploring this area more recently. Aaron Kufner of UW Madison will lead the portion of this trip to a site the UW teams found and have been collecting nearby. We may do some surface collecting at the Heptasuchus site (officially called the Clarke Locality) as well. This trip is on BLM land, and done with permission of the BLM. Personal collecting of vertebrate fossils is not allowed on BLM land, so all fossils (including fragments) collected will be collected for the University of Wisconsin collections. This is also a sage grouse lekking and nesting area. If we run into sage grouse nests, we are to keep our distance and report the nest. Sunday June 4… Little Red Creek This trip will be an exploration of the Alcova Limestone. The Alcova Limestone was possibly deposited in a lagoonal situation and has produced one taxon of fossil vertebrate, the sauropterygian, Corosaurus alcovensis. Remains of this animal are only found in Natrona County, southwest of Casper (so far). We will be exploring a new area that presumably has not been explored for Corosaurus bones, or at least not since the 1980’s. The bones occur in resistant limestone best found on talus slopes, so this trip will incur some more difficult walking on steep slopes. This trip is on BLM land, and done with permission of the BLM. Personal collecting of vertebrate fossils is not allowed on BLM land, so all fossils (including fragments) collected will be collected for the Tate Museum collections under permit number PA10-WY -191. You can learn more about the talks and register online (or download a registration form) here https://www.caspercollege.edu/tate.../events/conference/
  3. Hey all! I'm Tobie, 29/m from Scotland and based in Lisbon since 2020. I work online as a freelance writer. I recently got into paleontology and have been exploring the Sintra coast collecting mostly late Cretaceous gastropods, ammonites, petrified wood and semi-precious stones, as well as various other organic bits and bobs (I make terrariums and decorative driftwood hangers). I really want to check out the Lourinhã formation for Jurassic fossils, as well as Arrábida, costa de Caparica, and eventually Algarve and the North (Serra da Estrela, maybe aire dos candeeiros). Anyone based in Lisbon or Portugal? Hit me up, would love to do a combined trip with one or two members. I have tools I can share, namely an Estwing geologist's hammer, a crack hammer, a smaller 1kg hammer and tons of good chisels. Bonus points if you have a bicycle suitable for off-road - great for reaching difficult locations and I tend to do trips with train + bike. Também falo o português, mais tipicamente os portugueses falam inglês melhor que eu falo português. Also, any tips for good spots or interesting research related to Portugal - hit me up
  4. icefalcon

    Chicago newbie

    Hello all, I live in Chicago and know absolutely nothing about fossils, but I have always been interested and would like to learn more. I'd like to find trilobites locally, as well as anything else in the Midwest. Also, does anyone have any reading recommendations that are general and not technical? Thank you.
  5. It was during my spring break 2 weeks ago that I first heard about the PAG. (Paleontology Association of Georgia) It was only started January last year, and have a few dozen members now. I'm definitely going to try and join in by the next meeting, May 5th. Any other Georgians interested? https://paleoassocga.weebly.com/
  6. The Amateur Paleontologist

    My good news, part 2...

    Hey everyone, It's Christian here. I'm participating in a Dinosaur Provincial Park excavation! It shall be in 2 weeks. The team shall consist of University of Alberta students, various volunteers, Eva Koppelhus and THE Philip J. Currie! I'm very excited for this excavation, as it is my first (which is also taking place in the "Capital of Dinosaur Paleontology" ). Best wishes, Christian
  7. Hi everyone! This summer I will go for a week-long expedition to the chalk coastline of Møns Klint, in Denmark. I've already gathered some reference material (including Skrivekridtets fossiler, a Danish book on chalk fossils; Fossils of the Chalk; and several other books and articles). What I hope most to find during this field trip include the following: -Decapod crustacean remains -Echinoderms (regular echinoids, asteroids and crinoids especially) -Ammonites; especially baculitids and Acanthoscaphites tridens -Belemnites -Fish remains (osteichtyans and condrichtyans) And of course... -Mosasaur remains! I still need advice on chalk fossil preparation (note: the chalk at M. K. is very, very soft). Also, how do we remove fossiliferous chalk blocks from an outcrop? Finally, for those who know better the place; where would be the best locations at M. K. to find the fossils listed above? Thanks for any help, Christian
  8. It appears my Sunday fossil hunting this week has become a mini-field trip. If anyone who lives near Cincinnati, Ohio (USA) wants to join us - the more the merrier! The site is an hour east of Cincinnati Oho and is nicknamed "Ponderosa Ranch". See the latest Dry Dredgers field trip to this locality at http://www.drydredgers.org/fieldtrips/trip201405p1.htm. If you would like to join us (so far I have an RSVP from Fossil Claw and jgcox) please "PM" me or email me at billheim@cinci.rr.com and I'll hook you up. We will be surface collecting a road cut that exposes the basal Corryville Formation (Late Ordovician Cincinnatian Series) and the whole Bellevue formation looking for trilobites, edrioasteroids and oversized brachiopods. Bill
  9. Gibson

    New To Site

    Hi all . . . . I have been recently looking throughout the web for a site to join and believe i have found it. I am not completely new to this field (very limited experience) and i have also worked opal mines and prospected with my father as a youngster for saphires and gold etc.which will help slightly i guess.I am interested in anything thats in the ground and love the hunt and the pleasure of finding something thats been the objective. I have been perusing the forums and topics and have found some very good reading to be had. I was interested in maybe going to the Mulbring quarry as i live on the central coast and after reading about the nice finds to be had out that way , i would love to check it out , funnily enough i turned off at sandy creek rd today as we went out to the boarding house dam for lunch and a walk , . . . beautiful area. Any way i just wanted to say hi to everyone and look forward to further good reading etc. Also if anyone can assist or point me in the right direction in the process of gaining access to the disused quarry . . . that would be great.As i understand it is on private property . . . and hopefully we can go for a day out and to have a search around and maybe get something to add to the other bits and pieces we cherish. Anyway . . ciao for now. Regards Gibson
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