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  1. I started picking away stone to reveal this fish from Green River split fish plate, turned out alright
  2. I guess this is my first prep. It's nothing spectacular, but it's what I would consider my first official go at it. I specifically picked up this fossil in the field in order to try my hand at prep work. It's a single ventral/pedicle valve of the brachiopod Hebertella sp. I figured it would be something good to start with as it is small, a shape I am familiar with, and a fairly common find in the Upper Ordivician exposure that I have been hunting. So if I messed it up I wouldn't be too broken up about it. The matrix is brittle and flakes away easily. Before Photos: I had previously purchased a cheap engraver, but it was cheap for a reason, and it broke as I was trying it out, so I resorted to hand tools. I had a variety of dental picks and a heavy duty scratch awl that I used to prep this little guy. The scratch awl was used to remove the bulk of the matrix, but I switched over to dental picks as I got in close to the fossil. I also used a lighted magnifying lamp to help with the up close work. Some progression pictures as I worked to remove the matrix: This is the point at which I ran out of time and had to stop. It's not completely finished, but the bulk of the matrix has been removed. Overall, I think it went fairly well. Using the hand tools had a sense of familiarity to me as I used to hand carve wood a lot, and still do on occasion. I know this wasn't the grandest prep ever, but it did give me a feel for how prepping is done. I enjoyed it. It was relaxing and a bit therapeutic. I think the next logical step would be using air abrasion to clean up the plications. I have a cheap air abrasion tool that I can use, but I don't have a collection box so I would need to do it outdoors with a mask and plenty of ventilation. I'm curious if there is another option to air abrasion. I thought about using a rotary tool and various brushes, but I figured the brushes would polish away the valve. I wonder what they used "back in the day"? Anyway... Comments, suggestions, constructive criticism is welcome!
  3. Hey guys! I headed out in Venice, Florida this weekend for the first time ever and went scuba diving for shark teeth. This was my first real trip looking for shark teeth and it was an amazing time. I went for a 3 dive trip but due to weather we only got two of the three dives for the day unfortunately. Although it was cut kinda short I had an amazing trip. I found 7 full Megalodon teeth and 14 frags of Megalodon teeth. My biggest being exactly 4" which I am still ecstatic for finding. I found a handful of other miscellaneous shark teeth and honestly I could of found hundreds and hundreds but I was really focused on finding the megs so I started passing them up as it was kinda hard to pick them up with the gloves I had on. Also pictured I have 3 pieces of Dugong bone and two pieces of whale bone. These bones where everywhere and I just didn't feel like collecting a hundred pounds of Dugong and whale bone. Also with the bones are a few assorted shells that I picked up while I was finding the teeth. If you have any cool facts about what I found of any identification for the miscellaneous shark teeth and the shells I found that would be amazing! I know the Sand Tiger teeth and the normal Tiger Shark teeth but I'm not sure what any of the other ones are. I think top right is a broken Hemi but I'm not positive. Let me know if you have any questions as I would be happy to answer! Parker
  4. Hi everyone! My family and I are staying in Boca for a week and half in a month and while I'm in Florida I was hoping to hunt the Peace River. It will be my first time at that site and I was hoping to see if anyone has any tips about hunting there and avoiding hazards environmental and large/scaly. P.S. Yes I am aware it is a three hour drive, I live in Houston, that's near the minimum I have to drive to find anything. I am fine with that.
  5. Thecosmilia Trichitoma

    First Fossil Prep

    I got two unprepared GRF fossil fish, a Knightia and a Priscacara as presents for my birthday, in a kit that also contained a small handheld needle-like tool. I would like to get some advice from the experienced members of this forum on how to proceed. For tools, I have a sewing needle, x-acto knife (with parental permission,) and the tool that came with the kit. I have a slides microscope that can focus well enough for a prep in order to have some magnification. I have Lance Grande's book on the GRF for anatomy, and have read all of the prep threads I could find on this forum. I have decided to start on the most exposed part of the backbone, and move up from there, saving the delicate fins for last. I have already tried out the tools on a few coprolites and vertebra on the rock. What advice do you have for this prep to be as successful as possible? @RJB @Ptychodus04 ? Thanks!
  6. traindispatcher

    N/E FL beach finds

    Hey all, just moved here to (N/E Flordia) from Indiana and walking the beach we found these. First post here. Just wondering if you could identify any of these. I had a problem uploading these photos to this site, When I read the rules about links it said no to websites but ok from "You may post pictures only, from a commercial website" I hope this is allowed, If not please let me know. Thank you all... I'm sure I'll enjoy it here. -C No.1 https://ibb.co/tzj0r9S No.1 https://ibb.co/vdgpGwz No.2 https://ibb.co/J3Db6ZR No.2 https://ibb.co/FWPGhxF No.3 https://ibb.co/LzXwFgX No.3 https://ibb.co/nsyjb5p No.4 https://ibb.co/WVGK3nw No.4 https://ibb.co/37Pxgx7 No.5 https://ibb.co/mTzm3ww No.5 https://ibb.co/9gcyr7X No.6 https://ibb.co/jVVwm33 No.6 https://ibb.co/D1YNxYD
  7. Hi all! So I am a new member here, but I've been a lurker for about 3 months or so, trying to take in as much information as I can! My sister and I are looking to go on a fossil hunting trip in northwestern VA/WV and I was wondering what we'd need? We're at hunting outside of Lost River Park in WV(known as The Needmore Formation, Roadside quarry is the part we're looking into going). I've heard it's a pretty popular area, and that most people leave with at least something. Anyway, I figure for that area, I'd be bringing a stone hammer, chisel, screwdriver, and maybe a brush for basic tools. Is there anything else you'd recommend us to bring? Also, I've seen a lot of general tips for fossil hunting, but is there any tips/advice you'd be willing to offer us as first time fossil hunters? I've always been into geology and dinosaurs, but this is the first time I've ever done anything like this, so we're super excited! Any secret spots you'd be willing to share would be awesome too Thanks! Amber
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