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  1. Rita__

    Need help identifying!

    Hi friends, Would love some help ID’ing some finds from the past week (on west and east coast of FL). For #1, it initially gave me crab vibes but then I took a closer look, and it looked very different from the usual crab parts/claws I find. It’s much more durable. Could it be some sort of tooth? Just a guess. For #2, I thought maybe ivory? For #3, I initially thought stingray mouth/dental plate but it’s very different from the many other ray mouth plates I have found. Unless it’s maybe just a different fragment type? For #4 - my first thought was mammalian tooth fragment? For #5 and #6 - I thought maybe shark tooth fragments? I think I can see some evidence of enamel and root on both, but not sure. I’m stumped on #7 For #8, I know “A” and “B” are gar scales but is “C” also a gar scale? Would be my first time finding one that looks like this. For #9 - I found a handful of these in Manasota Key. They aren’t all identical to each other but do have some resemblance as you can see in the photo. Curious what they might be? and for #10 - I’m also stumped. I see a bit of an elevated ridge down the middle, which is what made me curious As always - thank you in advance
  2. Hi there! I was wondering if anybody could help. My daughter and I found this fossil in the water at Miramar Beach Florida. It looks to be a shell however I was wondering what type of sediment this fossil was created from. I found it to be super neat because I would never imagine that one could find a fossil rock in the water at the beach. Given there’s constant movement of the ocean I didn’t know this was even possible. Thanks I’m advance! I’ve uploaded photos.
  3. Rita__

    What are these?

    Just got back from Manasota Key, FL. Found a ton of teeth and fossils. It was awesome. Don’t want to put too much in one post but curious if any of these finds stand out ? Thank you in advance as always. #1 is almost identical on both sides and symmetrical #2 gives me tooth vibes… human tooth? 😳 hopefully not. #3 could be shell fragment but not sure ??? ??? ??? Are #7,8,9 Tilly bones?
  4. I went out yesterday to find some teeth, and instead I found that the water level was about two feet higher than normal and the current was ripping. But I was determined, and I'm glad I was, because in my nearly 4 years of hunting this creek this was the most productive. Very early on we found a root of a large hastalis, I thought that was weird, as normally the roots are all that's missing, but give it 30 minutes, and up comes the blade, which would fit perfectly, except that both have clay matrix on the broken area that has to be cleaned off, but that means they have been broken since way before we got there. This is already better than what we usually get, we soon get a small meg corner frag (we don't find the rest unfortunately). The real magic happens when we return to the spot after going farther downstream (we came back as a bottleneck in the creek was making the currents twice as bad) and almost immediately find (what I believe to be) a tapir tooth! I have a separate id thread on that with more pictures. And then right before we are about to leave, we get a dolphin tooth! It was an overall great hunt, hope you enjoyed.
  5. SawTooth

    Tapir tooth?

    I found this in a middleburg creek (Cypress Head formation) which I have never found any terrestrial mammal teeth before. It immediately struck me as tapir, any thoughts?2.8 x 2.6 x 1.8 cm max measurements
  6. jonswFlorida

    Predator Toe Bone? ID

    Hey, I found this Toe Bone in Central Florida. My friend said it is a predator toe bone. Would Anyone be able to identify what species it is please?
  7. Rita__

    What kind of tooth is this?

    Can anyone identify what this tooth belongs to? Found on NE coast of Florida on the beach. Measures approximately 1 inch in length.
  8. flouderfossils

    A walk in the park

    When I get an itch to discover something but just can't go dig the peace( because of water level or time) I like to walk my local parks and if you look close enough you might just find something. This was just from a quick 20 min walk before the mosquito almost pick me up and flew away with me! Pretty common fossils and most of the time there damaged. But a great way to pass the time while the water levels are still up in all the rivers!
  9. Shellseeker

    Hunting Charlie Creek

    Peace River water depth has stopped fossil hunting. I am having withdrawal symptoms. When a friend offered a trip up tributary Charlie Creek , I jumped at the chance. At 7 am , we left the Gardner boat ramp heading upstream and quickly entered Charlie Creek. We saw lots of large gators trying to escape the turbulence of Peace River currents. The further we went up Charlie Creek, the speed and churn of the water dropped. It was still DEEP and wide. As we got closed to the Route 17 Bridge, I noted a distinct aroma in the air with buzzards circling. I always overestimate the size of Alligators... but this one had to be around 10 feet long... We kept going passing under the Rt 17 Bridge moving upstream. There were lots of new properties and campsites on the Banks that were not these 4-5 years ago and lots of Posted signs. Used to be no one bothered posting their land. The water underneath us was slowing down but still wide and deep. After 90 minutes of moving upstream, we were close to a place named Razzor Ranch on the maps, but realized that we had used most of the 1st tank of gas and it would likely take 1/2 the 2nd tank to reach our destination.. meaning , even though we would have the current helping, we likely would run out of gas before reaching the Gardner boat ramp... That possibility sharpened our minds, and we turned around.... IMG_8576.MOV Going downstream with the current behind in a flat bottomed boat is always exciting, but we escaped with minimal damage , This is a photo of the Rt 17 Bridge heading south. Note the relative calm and width of the creek. Not a bad way to spend the morning, lots of birds, some fish, lots of cows, a big bull (property on right is Peace River Ranch, unposted, allows overnight camping) and a lot of gators... Talking to a good friend about hunting Charlie Creek and what we found the last decade.
  10. flouderfossils

    Unknown fossil

    Hello I'm new to the forum but have been reading a lot and decided to join. I found this little fossil walking a park that is covered in material from phosphate mines. Not sure what it is but it's very small and could use some help identifying. Thanks for the help!
  11. Sevillanas

    Fossils I got from online.

    Florida, Miocene.
  12. Rita__

    Please help identify 🙏🏼

    Back again with some more finds… curious if any of these stand out? I’m especially interested in #1, #3, and #6. #1, #2, #4, and #5 seem to all have a somewhat similar surface pattern. But I could definitely be wrong about that. Just my observation. All found on beach in northeast Florida. Thanks in advance!
  13. Rita__

    Skull plates?

    Hi everyone, Found a lot of cool fossils on the beach the last 3 days (post-storm in northeast FL). Will post a few at a time in separate posts. These were interesting. Almost certain #3 is a sea robin skull plate but not sure about the others. Anyone have any ideas? 🙏🏼
  14. Veronica_star

    Help ID feline tooth

    Hello! This is new for me and I am looking for help identifying a fossil I found at the beach. I believe it is a tooth from a feline, but I am not sure. It was found in Nassau County, Florida, USA. Nassau County is the most northeastern point in the state of Florida just below Georgia. Amelia Island is the beach it was found on. FAny help is appreciated! I was very excited to find this while looking for sharks teeth. Thank you!
  15. MXen

    Found this bone in my yard

    Just curious what animal this bone could be from? It’s alarmingly big so I want to know conclusively. I found it in my chicken coop. Not sure if they dug it up or another animal brought it into the coop.
  16. Rita__

    Need help identifying

    Hi everyone! back again with more finds. Figured it’s easier to post more often with less to identify. These were interesting to me. Sorry in advance if they aren’t fossils but I’m stumped. For #3 - I thought it was a piece of a shell at first but when I picked it up, I noticed the two holes underneath. I can’t find anything online that even remotely resembles it. For #4 - I thought it was a pebble at first but I noticed a darker color difference towards the center and it slightly caves in at the bottom. I tried my best to take clear pictures to show the colors. For #5 - at first glance I thought it looked like the root of a shark tooth but it’s so funneled and symmetrical, missing the tooth so it threw me off. I have found many shark teeth that are worn down, either missing the tooth or the root but none in this condition. thank you all so much in advance!
  17. Reebs

    Worn down wolf tooth? Florida

    Hi friends, Okay one more…is this a worn down wolf tooth!? Found in manatee county, Florida. Many thanks, Marie
  18. Hello! Two more shark teeth I am looking for ID on please. Also found on Florida gulf coast. They are very thick for their size. The Larger of the two is .75” tall (19.05mm) smaller is .5” (12.7mm) tall. Thanks!
  19. Rita__

    Please help identify 🙏🏼

    Hi TFF friends. Some more finds from this past week. All found on beach in northeast FL. Would really appreciate any input! #1 really stumped me. At first I thought it was drift wood, but it’s pretty heavy and solid.
  20. Rita__


    Some more finds on the beach in St. Augustine, FL. Pretty sure #1 and #2 are horse teeth. For #3 - I initially thought horse tooth fragment also but not sure. I’m stumped on #4 and #5, if anyone can help identify 🙏🏼 thank you in advance
  21. Rita__

    Any ideas on these?

    Anyone have any idea what these might be? 🤔 found on East coast of Florida on beach. Both measure a little over half an inch in height. Thank you in advance !
  22. I posted back in May, I was doing some deep digging in my backyard in Sarasota FL and about 40” deep I found some nice fossilized shark teeth and a dugong rib fragment. Yesterday, from the dirt pile that came out of that hole, I found this. It appears to be made of bone, it has hollow pores in it like marrow. But it also seems like it was sculpted into a hand axe? It has a long curved edge to it that’s pretty sharp, definitely seems filed down. Any thoughts? Thank you!
  23. Shellseeker

    Deja Vu, all over again

    Out hunting today, Vacation in Connecticut, Dentist and MRI keep me away for 14 days !! I did make it to Yale's Peabody Museum of Natural History and have some great photos , but that is for another thread. Steve and I decided to reduce hunting time from 7-8 hours 6 years ago down to 5 hours going forward. But today was a little less than 4 hours. A thunder Storm rolled in around 12:30, and we hunted one sieve in pouring rain, but the 1st bolt of lightening ended todays hunt. Here are my finds.. The find I am trying to ID is tiny between the piles of shark teeth. A fish tooth with longitudinal striations I hope that TFF members that searched Peace River matrix @old bones or hunted Montbrook @digit might have some insights here, In November 2021, I found a fishjaw and then I found in January 2022 a tooth that seemed to fit that jaw. So that is the identification I am after.... This was a photo of a fossil jaw that Nate was selling as Atractosteus. Note longitudinal striations on the larger teeth. and @darrow provided this modern version of Alligator Gar. Another photo of the larger tooth I found back in 2021 Is today's 10 mm tooth from a Gar and is it modern or fossil? I see the striations on the larger teeth also. This is certainly an attempt to find others who recognize this tooth from the Peace River.
  24. Rita__

    Ray teeth or shells?

    Hi all 👋🏼 I keep finding these on the beach… not sure if they are just shell fragments? Sorry in advance if they are. But I thought they may resemble worn down ray mouth plates/fragments? One of them has distinct ridges that resemble ray teeth (#3 - with the red arrow pointing to it). A few others also have ridges that aren’t as clear. They all seem to have a somewhat similar overall appearance (one smooth side and one rough side) .. Thanks in advance! also adding a few closer views of #3
  25. MBurke

    Please help identify

    This was found on Siesta Key in Florida yesterday. Any ideas?
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