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  1. In 2021, my partner and I were vacationing near Buarcos, in Portugal. One of the objectives of choosing this place was to observe some known dinosaur footprints in one of the region's beaches. Because of the tides it was impossible to observe them. But on the last day of vacation on my way to pour the trash into the containers, I found a dinosaur footprint near the road. It was excavated in a terrain where a house was in construction. Friends who live in this area know a geologist to whom I sent some photos. When we realised it could be interesting, I sent the location that was visited by a palaeontologist. It was confirmed that it was in fact a Dinosaur footprint, and although the region had several known footprints, there was no record in this particular zone. - Here is a link to a journal from the Portuguese press - And here a detailed study published in 2024 in the Historical Biology journal Finally, a few photos taken the day I found it:
  2. For many years, I have unsuccessfully tried to find a dinosaur fossil on the east coast. I have looked through road cuts, construction sites, I’ve tried getting private permission, I’ve done a lot of looking over the years, going to areas I know have Triassic rock. All I’ve managed to come away with is a few Triassic shells, and a piece of a footprint. Not good enough. For many years, the Triassic dinosaur footprints have always been one step ahead of me. Until now. As I was driving through northern Virginia, I knew I was driving right over the Culpeper basin. So when I saw yet again another pile of red Triassic rock, I rolled my eyes thinking I’d yet again find nothing here, and stopped. I was so very wrong to think that. Because within 15 minutes of me being there, I found a Grallator dinosaur trackway while splitting rock! I was astounded. The fossil I’ve been looking for years for, staring me right in the face. I couldn’t believe it at first, I actually looked closer at the specimen, trying to reason with myself. I was seeing things, that trackway is another geologic feature, etc. but there was no denying what this was. The dinosaur track in question: There is no denying it, that is definitely a track from a Grallator. I never really thought that this moment would come, but I prepared myself nonetheless. I’ve looked over every Triassic basin, studied the different formations, learned about the geology, looked at pictures online of what footprints look like, I did everything to prepare myself for this moment. And I have to say, the Triassic of Northern Virginia did not disappoint! A more zoomed out photo of the dinosaur track from Northern Virginia. The positive side of the track. Unfortunately, the bottom of this piece broke off and cascaded into a pile of rock shards, never to be found again (and trust me, I tried). Well, I think it’s going to be difficult to top this one. I looked for hours after the initial find, but I didn’t seem to find anything else of value. I know there’s probably more there, and I will be returning before those rocks get moved somewhere else. Overall I’m very happy with how yesterday went!
  3. This is a very unusual impression that has taken the shape of what looks to be a bi-pedal footprint. Obviously this flies in the face of known information about when bi-peds inhabited the area (mid-southern Vancouver Island), however its form, depth and measurements are almost perfect. Any ideas, info or opinions?
  4. austinh

    footprint ID

    I was on a hike in the Cloverly Formation of eastern Wyoming and saw a footprint that has perplexed me. I snapped a photo of it, which may or may not be helpful, but I am no longer in the vicinity of the print so it is all I have to go on. The print looks like a cast in the photo, but it was actually true print. The Cloverly formation is dated to 115-108 million years old, through my research I have found a short list of dinos that walked the area, based on this information the only two that seem to work are Deinonychus antirrhopus, a raptor (which should only show two toes in the print, there are two clear toes and claws on the left and middle toe, the third is muddled but maybe not enough to be raptor) or Microvenator celer, an early oviraptor with very limited information on it. Didn't have a measuring device at the time, should have included an object for scale, but didn't, I do remember my hand fit nicely in the print, so I am guessing it was about 50cm long x 35 cm wide give or take a few cm. I realize it can be very hard to nail down a footprint, but any insights would be greatly appreciated. Always interested in learning about the world around me, past and present. Thanks
  5. Hi these what look to be possible prints Were found on our property in east tennessee on a rock that is in our backyard. I am just wondering if this could possibly be any type of fossil footprint? And if it is possible what could it possibly be? Any opinions or insights as to what this could possibly be would be much appreciated and I thank you all in advance.. Oh and I need to add that I am also posting pictures of a cassette we made that shows detail a lot better than what the pictures could because it's so hard to see it in the rock. It is about 14 inches long and about 6 and a 1/2 inches wide at the longest and widest parts. If you look closely you can see definition of what looks to be claws and the actual print cast that we took doesn't have the middle toe. Because the middle toe wasn't connected with the actual print. It was like it was stuck in, but separate like it was lifted or something, if that makes any sense.. So there's a third toe in the middle, that isn't being shown on the cast. But you can see it on the pictures.. And one last thing to note that may be of importance, There is another print that's tiny, but it's exactly like the big one that's right with the big print.. So we didn't know if maybe this was possibly a mother and child print. If so, the little guy got one print in as well. Thanks again for any opinions or insight.As to what these could possibly be and have a wonderful day!
  6. Hello, ive seen many of those british "dinosaur footprints" from Sussex and wondered if they're real casts that formed naturally or just funny shaped stones that someone interpreted a Dino-footprint in. In case you dont know what im talking about : The bottom one was identfied as ankylosaurid, all others werent identfied. If someone knows if theyre real or not, or if there are some scientific papers about them that you can link in the replies, Thanks !
  7. svcgoat

    Dinosaur Footprint ID

    I have had these tentatively id'ed on the forum before. The seller lists them all as Grallator from the Connecticut River Valley. However the largest print is the one I am questioning I have had various people id it as Eubrontes or Prosauropod etc. Is there any way to get a definite id?
  8. SharonW

    Ornithopod print?

    I found this possible print in Northern NJ near the Delaware River in Sussex County about 10 years ago. Just looking to ID and/confirm what it may be. There are no signs of clawmarks which is why I'm thinking Ornithopod. Any info or comments are most welcome. Thanks!
  9. Last year when things weren’t so complicated with COVID, we managed to have hunt for dinosaur footprints on the Yorkshire coast. Here’s the beach looking across to Scarborough in the distance. Here are some examples of the prints we came across: Nothing fantastic but all theropods. Heres one in a block that was carry-able: I finally got around to cutting the block to size today although it was freezing outside. So here you go, Theropod Footprint, circa 5 inches long. Middle Jurassic Bathonian (168-166 million years) Scalby Formation Long Nab Member Yorkshire Coast Nr Scarborough Thanks for looking
  10. Hi guys, on a website I found this dinosaur footprint for sale. It was discovered in Germany. In your opinion is it real o fake? Thanks a lot!
  11. Howdy! I'd be very appreciative if you could tell me if these purchases are fake as well. Thanks.
  12. Hi, again please let me know if this is not a genuine Grallator footprint. It's from Languedoc Rousslion France and Lower Jurassic. Again thanks to all for the help. I won't be buying impulsively again.
  13. I found this on a Beach on the west side of Narragansett Bay. I have found numerous plant fossils less than 2 miles away from here and I think that it has some potential to be a footprint. The impression goes deeper where there would be claws and it appears to have 3 toes. I would love to hear what others have to say. It looks very similar to others that I have seen from the Rhode Island Formation (middle to late Pennsylvanian). I will provide more pictures if necessary.
  14. Hi all, I'm currently looking for a grallator track. What do you think about this one? Location is the Connecticut River Valley, Massachusetts. As the seller is a very dedicated fossil collector I'm sure that it is genuine. Best regards Max
  15. Isotelus2883

    Eubrontes Track?

    I found this in an exposure near a road in the Greenfield/Gill area just west of Turners Falls. Could it be a Eubrontes print? Turners Falls Fm. Thanks!
  16. stevenewbrunswick

    I'm lost, I need help with this one.

    It's apparent there's some coral in one corner atleast but the impression is what confuses me. There almost seems to be a discoloration following the fin like marking. I'd be very appreciative for someone's opinion It was found at the beach, on the edge of the water. Sandy Beach, Shediac, New Brunswick
  17. Lewis_

    Fossil footprint?

    Is this some sort of trace fossil/ footprint? This was in Runswick Bay Yorkshire in solid rock u wouldn’t be able to remove it kind of solid
  18. Crazyhen

    Footprints of Dinosaur?

    Are these footprints of dinosaur? It's about palm size. Found at Guizhou near the site in which Keichousaurus was found.
  19. Just received a Grallator footprint that has been enhanced with wax, which is a usual practice with these footprints. However, I'm thinking of removing the wax and bringing it back to its original state. Does anyone know how I can remove the wax, without damaging the footprint/matrix?
  20. patelinho7


    I used to hunt Paint Branch Stream in College Park MD for fossils as a child (slightly before the Ray Stanford nodosaur find) and never found much. I returned after many years today (place was really bulldozed, shame) and found a great section of formation and tons of wood impression and lignite fossils. Also found two magnificent flat, thin possible footprints. I’m attaching the best one of which I dropped and broke to my great dismay. Let me know if you need additional shots or angles. I really want some insight on if it is a track. Notice that the clean break revealed the cross section which showed folds and sunken areas that match up perfectly with the “track”. Thanks in advance, I’m new here
  21. Mrampani0225

    Is this a fossil foot?

    I found this near Logan utah, I have another “bone” fossil I found there that I would like to post also. A hater told me it was natural who looked at it in person. I just want to know. I am a proud rock hound. This seems odd to me. I found several horn coral fossils and sea life proof near by. This would have been near a lake bonneville shore at some point. The surrounding seems very sedimentary while the inside seems agatized. Following what looks to be an actual foot and not a print seems you can see the actual outline of how a toe was curled into the mud. There looks to be a total of 3 toes but doesn’t look to be all forward facing by Dino prints I’ve seen so maybe big bird or just the way it laid to rest. I need help please!
  22. Are these real I have never looked into purchasing tracks before. Seller says they are Grallator for Connecticut Valley
  23. MrsFranco

    Curious finds. Possible footprint?

    Here are a few pieces from my collection I have been wondering able about. Are any of these fossils? The one on the bottom left corner looks like it could be a footprint top me.
  24. This was found on private land in western MA in the Connecticut River valley. There is 1 clear 'footprint', a possible tail drag, and the imprint of another possible footprint behind it. Any advice, thoughts, or identifications are welcome. Thank you!
  25. Kreager

    Cretaceous Footprint

    Found in the Maryland Cretaceous Potomac Group, Other prints and bones have come from this spot. Just wanted to get an ID on a potential print.
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