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  1. When hunting road cuts and the like, how can one tell which formation a certain rock or fossil came from? I know that there is different stratigraphy and certain formations yield specific fossils and contain specific rock types, but in my experience so far, there is a lot of overlap. When hunting a road cut that exposes several formations, is there a sure fire way to be able to tell what formation a rock came from? I'm asking because the road cuts I have looked at so far are fairly jumbled, and rocks obviously fall down and erode over time, so they are not always where the formation is suppose to be. If anyone could help me out, that would be awesome. I know it isn't as easy as looking at a rock and 'just knowing', but I am willing to learn and eager to hear back from more experienced people than me. Thank you!
  2. tanglefoot

    Sea Beetle or shell formation

    another thing I found in SW Florida. Pretty sure you all have seen something like it. Im thinking a trilobite imprint or something like that. or just a shell formation over time.
  3. Atoothsatooth42

    HOT and dry day on the Potomac

    WOW has it been hot in the DMV. No real weather patterns have been through the area in what feels like forever, things are dry, dusty, and uncomfortably hot. So what do I do? Look for fossils! I came to the beach with the understanding that I may not find much, considering there has likely been next to no movement in the material along the beaches besides the tides. But to say that I am pleasantly surprised is an understatement! It was a great day, despite the hot sun beating down on me. I spent a little more than 3 hours out searching, some highs and some lows, at certain times I’d hit a stretch of beach and find literally nothing, and other times there was a nice collection of fossilized items for me to grab. They came in groups. I found the nice little busted Otodus fairly early peeking out at me, some nice sand tigers mixed in, baked a light color from sitting out in the sun for so long. Among the numerous ray plates and tiny teeth, I managed to find 3 Otodus (I think? The tiny ones are either Otodus or Cretolamna, they are hard to tell apart sometimes), 2 Croc teeth (I guess 1.5 again 🙄), and my second, and largest complete sting ray mouth plate! I wish I had taken an insitu shot of it, but I was in shock seeing it poking out of the dry desert like sand, I had to grab it! All in all, a pretty darn successful day considering the poor weather patterns over the last 2-3 weeks, and the sun burn! Looking forward to the next one!
  4. I found these unusual symmetrical grooves in the side of a mountain in the Cowichan Valley several years ago. I realize this is not a fossil, but to date has been challenging to try and identify how these may originated, but am hoping for a direction for further research. Any suggestions please?
  5. Kobewobey

    Three fossils

    I don’t know what these fossils are could anyone help me know what they are?
  6. Atoothsatooth42

    A Return to the Aquia Formation!

    Back to what I know well! Kind of an up and down day. More people at the spot than I’d want, but beggars can’t be choosers 🤷🏻‍♂️. It was a beautiful day for fossil hunting. Great gravel bars today, but not much fossil action and next to no sea glass in comparison. This area hasn’t seen much influential weather over the last few weeks, so I couldn’t be expecting much. Its been pretty dry lately. I cant help but get my hopes up though! A couple nice sand tigers, quite a few ray plates and such. Felt like a somewhat meh day, after the highlight being a pretty cool wrasse fish mouth plate. That is, until I found these croc teeth in about a 20 minute span towards the end of the trip! Awesome! Well… more like 1.5 croc teeth, but you get the picture! These croc teeth and the wrasse fish mouth plate are truly some quality finds on a bit of a roller coaster of a day. Looking forward to some more warm and sunny hunts like this one in the future.
  7. Trilobite_Hunter

    What horse species is this tooth?

    I found this tooth in the bone valley formation in Florida. Any ideas on the species? I think 3 toed horse due to the size? thanks!
  8. According to someone I know. Bought this claw as an unrestored handclaw of a dromaeosaur from the Morrison formation. Near Casper. Just under 3" long. He bought without any hesitation and I am very skeptical of it. What are you guys thoughts? Again. I am definitely not buying it, just wondering.
  9. Hello everyone! I'm heading to St. Louis to observe the Solar Eclipse this week, which is likely to be clouded out. I'm trying to salvage the trip by looking for Trilobite fossils as I have read they can be plentiful in this area. Can anyone share tips on what to look for as far as formations? I think my best bet is to look for rock cuts on the highways in the area. Any help and even general locations to search are much appreciated. Thank you!
  10. ale96

    What is this

    I round these two specimen in the Sand near a tuff mountain
  11. Anthony D

    ID please

  12. Liska

    What is this?

    Hello! Can someone tell me what is this, please? Is it walrus ivory and what about the mineral formation inside?
  13. Michael Marinelli

    Agatized Coral from Tampa Bay

    Found this coral head today where I’ve found other agatized coral in the Tampa Bay area in FL. To me it looks suspicious, it has a slightly blue color around its edges and has some botryoidal formations on the outside. It’s not super lightweight though, so I don’t think it’s hollow (or completely hollow). Does this look like it’s worth cutting? Is it likely to have any voids or botryoidal formations inside based on other agatized corals you guys have seen? recorded-478291984396.mp4
  14. Found this for sale somewhere, they are advertising it as a gar scale, but I don't think it is, although I could definitely be wrong. My first thought was maybe a scute of a crocodile, but I think that is also not it. Any ideas/ Thank you so much everyone in advance!
  15. Hello all, Curious to see if you folks could assist me in the identification of this item. I came across this at an auction. Initially I thought it was a cast metal - non-ferrous (perhaps bronze) - depiction of a Peach, Lemon, etc., and was perhaps used as an altar fruit. But the material just does not quite fit the bill - unless the piece is made of quite ancient metal. Upon diving into research, I came across a "fossilized flint coconut" which had strong similarities, (however this piece has only one pore or 'eye') which then led me to learning about flint sponges, which also had strong similarities. Any thoughts or further resources would be greatly appreciated, Kindly, J
  16. Heading to South Carolina, Summerville area for 3 days next week to search for shark teeth and fossils with my 19 year old son. August 2nd - 4th. Anyone interested in meeting up, let me know. I have been there once before years ago, and have been trying to best prepare as it seems the results haven't been so great (reading posts online). Last time we went we had lots of rain and water levels were prohibitive. I read the rules of no tools, which I presume means no sifting. Does anyone know if the rules are only for Summerville itself or surrounding areas too? I know no one wants to give up any spots, but if there are any tips/considerations, please let me know. Thank you
  17. 3RZUL13

    What and how?

    Before I get stoned to death for posting this here (lame pun intended)…let me just say that I honestly have no clue what I’m looking at here but I am not suggesting, nor am I of the mind—that it’s a fossil, but it was just so strange lookin’ that I couldn’t help my curiosity, so here I am asking for opinions on what caused this to form and what it’s composed of most likely (if anything other than limestone, that is…. (-__-). location- far nw San Antonio, tx , just outside the foothills of the hillcountry (helotes, tx) Again, I do want to apologize if this belongs in a strictly geological forum somewhere, I’d have probably posted it there instead, had I been aware of one existing which was similar to this platform but exclusively for weird ugly rock identification help (lol). Thanks in advance.
  18. Minskiyd

    Need help to ID please

    Hello, I don’t know origin of this item but I got it in USA Colorado. Can someone please help thank you !!
  19. Hi there, new to this site. Everyday me and my baby go for a morning stroll in the gulf of the etobicoke creek and I marvel at the shale sediment layers on the west cliff in between Eglington & Burhamthorpe. Being a curious scientist I tried googling it but came up short. The only thing I could written about it's formation was on this site and I've been Googling a lot of Latin words, seeing as how I'm new to the fossil world. Can anybody help answer this question? I'm amazed that the creek isn't a protected site if the shale is indeed over 460 million years old and has fossils!! Mind blown! I can't wait to take my baby fossil hunting when she's older!! Anything to instill the love of the great outdoors! Any tips on that would be greatly appreciated as well! Many thanks
  20. Fossil_Adult

    Maryland Triassic Trace Fossils

    Yesterday I set out to a site that exposed the Gettysburg formation up in Maryland in hopes of finding some Triassic footprints. What I came back with was mostly some trace fossils and burrows, but some of these looked suspiciously like tracks, so I wanted to post them on ID and see if someone with a little more experience could help me out. I’ll also probably send some emails out in hopes of getting someone who’s more experienced with the Triassic formations around PA and Maryland. Anyways here are the potential trackways I really hope to get some light shed on these and learn more about this era around Maryland because I’ve been doing a lot of research on these. Some really cool burrows: I collected the Triassic burrows in case my potential footprints turned out to be duds so that I wouldn’t come back completely empty handed. These are really cool I’ve come to believe that the small holes are where bugs or Beatles must have lived inside them. Someone with a little more expertise could chime in though. Now here’s the potential trackways. As always, these are some of my favorite fossils to collect so I REALLY want them to be trackways. But if they turn out not to be, then I will keep searching. I’ve got more leads further away in Pennsylvania but it’d just be nice to find them in Maryland where they’re so few and far between to find up there. These look fairly suspicious so I’ll see what y’all think of these. This one looks like a small theropod print, the way the traces are done. potential trackway circled. This one is also suspicious. There’s no discernible trackway to spot here, as this could just be geologic and be an inclusion in the rock, however, it could very well also be a trackway. Whether these are dinosaur trackways, or just fossil blobs that are getting me excited, I can’t help but be in awe at this site. Anytime I go to any potential trackway site, I just imagine all the small dinosaurs, early mammals, and large amphibians dominating this once river plain, leaving behind their footprints in the mud to be found. Were they running towards some unsuspecting prey item? Were they running away from something? Or just having a leisurely stroll during this time period? I don’t know what fascinates me so much about trackways but I always feel they have a story to tell about them.
  21. Crusty_Crab

    Eocene Green River Formation Unknown

    This is from the Eocene Parachute Creek Member of the Green River Formation in Utah. Any suggestions or anyone know if anything similar has been found?
  22. This was found in the Pliocene marine Pico Formation of Southern California. I'm leaning towards a marine mammal but I'm not even sure if this is bone or part of an echinoid test.
  23. stricklandhighland

    Can somebody identify please

  24. Nanotyrannus35

    Possible Partial Triceratops Horn?

    I'd gotten some more lance fm matrix and had found this. It had at first looked like a rib fragment but it has this weird texture on the bottom and the sides. Just wondering what you guys think. Thanks for any help. It's from the Lance Fm of Weston Co. Wyoming.
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