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  1. Bringing Fossils to Life

    Fossil Hunting in VA

    Hi! I am vacationing near Harrisonburg, Virginia, and would like to plan a fossil hunt. However, I have not been able to find any localities that are not on private property, or that are open to collecting. I am interested in anything Paleozoic. Is there anyone who would be willing to share a fossil site in the region, and if so, could you please PM me? Thank you in advance.
  2. RCFossils

    Peace River Fossil Hunt

    I am going to be in Florida for the next few weeks. I was wondering if any Forum members might want to meet up to do some collecting. I have collected the Peace a few times but do not have that much experience with river collecting. Feel free to reach out to me if interested. I should have access to a few kayaks.
  3. Hi all, I'm looking for what members would consider an accessible resource on adhesives and consolidants, their preparation and their use in the field and the lab. We primarily collect Paleozoic invertebrate fossils, but also some vertebrate fragments here and there. I'd be curious what people's go-to resources are... particular book titles, webpages, journal articles, etc. I'm looking ultimately to be able to reliably figure out what is needed to ensure our finds are stabilized in the field. We are finding more and more vertebrate fragments and I want to be certain they're kept in good order.
  4. Satellite imagery could improve fossil-hunting at remote sites New Research Finds Satellite Imagery Could Improve Fossil-Hunting at Remote Sites University of Oregon, News-Wise The open access paper is: Ghezzo, E., Massironi, M. and Davis, E.B., 2023. Multispectral satellite imaging improves detection of large individual fossils. Geological Magazine, 160(3), pp.535-544. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/geological-magazine/article/multispectral-satellite-imaging-improves-detection-of-large-individual-fossils/DF01356EE667D096C238E09AF7840C10 Yours, Paul H.
  5. This is the Mazon Monday post from the ESCONI website this morning. There were numerous Fossil Forum users.... @bigred97 @flipper559 @RMAA. I know there were others there. Please add yourselves. ---------------------------------------------------------- The Fall 2023 Braceville Field Trip is in the books... is is that on the web? It was a enjoyable, but somewhat wet, weekend. We had rain at the very end of the day on Saturday and most of Sunday. The mud was not too bad. The dry conditions this late summer probably left the shale in a state where it could soak up a good bit of the water. We had visitors from out of state both days. Alan Keith was very generous and passed out fossils from Texas and Oklahoma. The fossil dump was as good as ever. We had quite a few buckets on both days. Unfortunately, not as many people stuck around until 11:30 on Sunday, as we had a steady rain for most of the morning. Material was supplied by Ralph Jewell, @Nimravis Andrew Young, Rich Holm, Alan Keith, and others. Thank you for your contributions! Good morning! Here is a little introductory video on the walk in on Sunday morning. It rained quite a bit Saturday night, so the shale was sticky in places. Here is a Mazon Monday post about the history of the Braceville spoil pile. It was called worm hill by the old timers. Fossil Dump on Saturday Good luck horseshoe found by Chris Berg @bigred97. Huntin' for fossils! Smiles from the pile! Mud! Poison ivy! Steam from the hill when the sun came out on Sunday afternoon Open fossils found! Say goodbye to another successful field trip!
  6. This year marks one decade of collecting, beginning with the punter weekend warrior scrabbling about and now a more seasoned, squinty-eyed veteran tying it up with professionals and plotting life around expeditions. My house is now a kind of de facto museum where just about every surface is fossils (much to my wife’s chagrin). The learning has been exponential, the experiences sublime and irreplaceable, and the focus has shifted from something casual to a complete devotion and dedication whereby I teach my eight months of the year to get it out of the way to afford the luxury of indulging this passion. I work to live, and I feel a bit like the lucky kid who ran away to join the circus. There is nothing quite like the opening of the season and feeling the heft of the hammer in one’s hand, playing that rock lottery in the hopes of finding something spectacular. Even when those hopes are dashed by a poor outing, I’d take a bad day in the field over a good day at work every time. For so many here, a decade collecting is a blip. It wouldn’t even register geologically in deep time. The fossil world is filled with lessons for our humility as we continue to read chapters from a rocky book where so many pages are incomplete or missing. What we do is one part forensic detective work, research, speculation, and sweat. In this last decade, I have gained so much knowledge and skill — in research, collecting, and preparation — but what is my most cherished aspect of collecting has been the lifelong friends I have collected along the way, people who have become close, best friends. The adventures of shivering in a two-man tent, dealing with vehicle issues on the road, breaking new ground on a new site, sharing our spoils, the long drive discussions, miles of blacktop burned, and of course the beer shared. They say it is much harder to make close friends as we get older, but this passion defies such a credo. Almost like soldiers, we have shed blood in the field, and opened our lives to one another. I would simply not recognize my 36 year old self. Surely, it was a personal tragedy that saw me rummaging through my childhood to resurrect the passions I had let go idle and die. I needed an anchor or a crutch to give life some semblance of meaning, to reorient the future. I never anticipated just how much I would transition from hobby to a way of life. There is no patch of ground I pass over without immediately reflecting on the geology beneath my feet. There is no mention of where people travel without me thinking about the viability of fossils in the area they traveled to. Wherever my feet or wheels travel, my eyes are locked on every stone, every speck of dirt. They say to a biologist, everything is biology; to a chemist, everything is chemistry. For us, everything is geology and paleontology. In just a decade, I managed to accomplish so much, to build a collection that is not too bad, to erect a foundation of knowledge, to make new and lasting friends. As I transition into being an old man, that is what truly endures, a bit like a personal fossil record. Just last evening, I was texting with a field comrade while on a train ride back from an out of town dig about some of our shared friends who are getting on with age, who are fallen from the peak of their health and abilities. In this case, we were speaking about a mutual friend who may be lucky to see the next five years. That person said, “no one will come to my funeral. I’ll be forgotten.” Heck, no. We will be there in numbers to celebrate the man’s life. He will not be forgotten. I have but to look at pieces in my collection to see what he has prepared for me, pieces I collected with him in the field, pieces that speak a silent paean to his legacy. Unlike so many other collecting-focused pursuits like coins, stamps, sultry pictures of armadillos, this is a pursuit that unites and binds us — both to each other and to the results of all that work in the field and at the prep bench. And in terms of collecting, it is said in psychoanalysis that our urge to collect is driven by a need to recollect the lost pieces of ourselves. Maybe that is true. Maybe we are as fragmented and incomplete as the strata and fossil record we so doggedly read. But perhaps we also recollect ourselves in that other way, which is to — in essence — collect those comrades with whom we share our lives and grant them, and our passion, additional meaning. But enough of my navel-gazing, mushy reflection. For those who are just entering into this, welcome. This passion has the possibility of changing one’s life in unanticipated ways. With hammer in hand, the open horizon of time, and dear friends by my side, what can we not accomplish together? There is always another outcrop for us to investigate. There is always more to find and delight in each other's successes, and commiserate about our failures. I am fortunate for my finds, but I am blessed by my field friends. In these work-free days, I am regularly dirty, sweaty, and tired, and I would not trade that for all the gold in the world. Obligatory @PFOOLEY selfie as his poor northern equivalent
  7. Does anyone know of the best public areas to collect ammonites in the U.S.? Ie., places like Lake Texoma where they allow you to collect ammonites on public land. I don’t really want to vacation in Texas this year and am looking for alternative places to collect at. Essentially looking for public locations anywhere except Texas. Thank you all in advance!
  8. A recent article by US law student, Bridget Roddy, published in a Texas A and M law journal proposes model laws severely controlling fossil collecting on private land in the US. Be on the lookout for states trying to implement these or similar laws. Aside, a good way to read articles is to read the abstract/introduction and summary/conclusion first, then look at the rest. On page 505, she says, “This model law would (1) vest all paleontological resources on state-owned land to the state; (2) allow the state the opportunity to take possession of fossils found on private land within the rights of the landowner, namely just compensation as described in the Takings Clause of the Constitution; (3) apply monetary penalties to any destruction of private land in search of fossils or the destruction or defacement of the fossils themselves; and (4) require state approval for any excavations on private land through permits requiring individuals to be qualified to conduct a search and provide extensive context for their finds so that their research can be reproduced.” Regarding point (1) of model law: states already control the fossils on their state-owned land. Some allow casual collecting of fossils, others don’t. Regarding point (2): the “Takings Clause of the Constitution” is also referred to as eminent domain. The government can take private property under certain conditions and must compensate the owner. In addition, Roddy proposes that fossil sales to private individuals could be heavily taxed. On pages 497-498, she proposes that states including New York State impose additional taxes on fossils sold including those sold at the large auction houses. New York State can have taxes up to 100 percent of the value of the item. The tax could be waived if a museum bought a fossil. The net result could be to drive down the price of fossils and to make it cheaper for a museum to buy them. She proposes on pages 504-505 that laws in states such as Alabama and New Mexico that protect antiquities and archeological resources on private land could also be used to protect fossils if the term paleontological resources were added to their laws. Be wary of governments adding paleontological resources or the like to their existing antiquities laws in order to control fossils on private lands. Please be civil with your comments, no libelous remarks since we are discussing an article written by a law student. Roddy, Bridget. 2022. Can You Dig It? Yes, You Can! But at What Cost?: A Proposal for the Protection of Domestic Fossils on Private Land, 8 Tex. A&M J. Prop. L. 473. Available at: https://doi.org/10.37419/JPL.V8.I4.3 https://scholarship.law.tamu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1200&context=journal-of-property-law
  9. Hi Folks, I hope some people here could answer this question. But are there any good fossil areas that are in Virginia Beach? I heard Virginia is an excellent area for fossil collecting via shark teeth, bivalves etc. I am aware of Westmoreland state park, but that is further north closer to Richmond and DC. I heard also of rice’s fossil pit but that closed in 1989 and is no longer available to the public due to it being filled with water. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I am an avid collector of fossils and always looking for places to explore. Thanks!
  10. A final rule has been published for managing paleontological resources on Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, Fish and Wildlife Service and Bureau of Reclamation lands. Casual collecting of fossils is generally allowed on BLM lands and not allowed on National Park Service and Fish and Wildlife Service lands. Bureau of Reclamation allows casual collecting of fossils only in specifically set aside areas. https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2022/08/02/2022-16405/paleontological-resources-preservation Start with reading about “casual collecting”, but read the whole thing: “§ 49.810 What is casual collecting? (a) Casual collecting means the collecting without a permit of a reasonable amount of common invertebrate or plant paleontological resources for non-commercial personal use, either by surface collection or the use of non-powered hand tools, resulting in only negligible disturbance to the Earth's surface or paleontological or other resources. (1) Common non-vertebrate paleontological resources means common invertebrate or plant paleontological resources. (2) Reasonable amount means a maximum of 25 pounds of common non-vertebrate paleontological resources per day per person. Where the common non-vertebrate paleontological resources are embedded in rock, the collector, using non-motorized hand tools, may remove a slab or cobble of rock that exceeds 25 pounds in order to preserve the integrity of the embedded specimen. (3) Negligible disturbance means little or no change to the surface of the land and minimal or no effect to natural and other resources. (4) Non-commercial personal use means a use other than for purchase, sale, financial gain, or research. (5) Non-powered hand tools means tools that do not use or are not operated by a motor, engine, or other mechanized power source, and that can be hand-carried by one person. § 49.805 Where is casual collecting allowed? (a) Casual collecting of common invertebrate or plant paleontological resources is allowed on lands administered by BLM, except on BLM-administered land that is closed to casual collecting in accordance with this part, other statutes, executive orders, regulations, proclamations, or land use plans. (b) Casual collecting of common invertebrate or plant paleontological resources is allowed on lands administered by Reclamation only in locations where the bureau has established a special use area for casual collecting using processes defined in 43 CFR part 423, Public Conduct on Bureau of Reclamation Facilities, Lands, and Waterbodies. Casual collecting is prohibited on Reclamation project land that is administered by NPS or FWS.” Here is a government press release: https://www.doi.gov/pressreleases/interior-department-releases-coordinated-approach-better-protect-fossils-federal-lands Keep a copy of the rules when collecting on Federal lands such as BLM, US Forest Service and Bureau of Reclamation lands. Always contact the local agency offices to find specific information and restrictions for fossil collecting on their land. Here are the rules previously published for US Forest Service (USFS) lands: https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-36/chapter-II/part-291#291.5 I noticed a few differences between collecting on BLM versus USFS lands. The BLM allows tools such as picks and shovels with long handles while the USFS only allows tools with short handles. “Non-powered hand tools mean small tools that do not use or are not operated by a motor, engine, or other power source. These tools are limited to small tools that can be easily carried by hand such as geologic hammers, trowels, or sieves, but not large tools such as full-sized shovels or pick axes.” USFS rules from: Title 36, Chapter II, Part 291, § 291.5. The BLM allows collecting more than the maximum of 25 pounds of fossils in a day if a slab is larger than 25 pounds to “protect the integrity of the embedded specimen.” The USFS limits fossils to 25 pounds a day with no exceptions. In other words, you don’t have to field prep BLM fossils found in a large slab to reduce the weight to 25 pounds thus reducing possibly damage to the fossils. “Reasonable amount means a maximum per calendar year of one-hundred pounds by weight, not to exceed twenty-five pounds per day.” USFS rules from: Title 36, Chapter II, Part 291, § 291.5. Another comment: fossil collecting on Bureau of Reclamation lands such as Lake Texoma may be restricted unless specifically designation areas are created. Again: read the rules and keep a copy with you while collecting fossils. Always contact the local office for further information.
  11. Hi! While I've also been fossil collecting, I am also volunteering for a local theatre company right now. This month, we will hopefully be leading a free acting program for youth in our community. Among my roles is writer/co-writer for the script that the youth will be performing. Ideas for what the script will be about have been scarce, but I do have one idea. I am thinking of making a vignette play (essentially an anthology of related scenes) about the lives of fossil hunters and palaeontologists. The scenes would be transcribed from various historical accounts and stories published in literature, but I would like to have some modern day scenes as well! If you are comfortable with it, I would really love to hear some of your craziest or most interesting stories from your lives of fossil hunting and collecting! Maybe it was a thrilling brush with danger while in the field, maybe it was an interaction between you and a cooky character, maybe it was a moment that cemented your love for fossils early in your life. I'll take anything! Regale me with your tales in the replies section or by sending them directly to me! Details, names, etc. may be changed or omitted, but I'd like to keep them as accurate as possible. Please also indicate if you would potentially be alright if your story made it into the production somehow. Thank you!
  12. Oxytropidoceras

    Prehistoric Fossil Collectors

    The Deep Human Story of Collecting Fossils Sara Toth Stub, Sapiens Magazine, May 24, 2022 Yorus, Paul H.
  13. The fossil bryozoa colony I found on April 6th turned out to be a pocket of individual colonies. I've posted about this find in the past month. Happy Collecting. Atactotoechus fruticosus Fossil Bryozoa Colony Moscow Formation, Middle Devonian (380 million years) New York State It's very difficult to find complete/near complete colonies of Devonian bryozoans that also look great in a display case. These Atactotoechus fruticosus bryozoan colonies are from a newly (4/2022) discovered pocket of around two dozen individual colonies. This Bryozoa colony was found on April 6th. 2022 in the Devonian shales of New York. Many hours of reassembling were needed to put these colonies back together after they were excavated from the shale outcrop.
  14. 2022 Fossil Collecting Season Our season started out great with a warm 63 degree day here in New York State. We often don't dig on our first collecting trip of the season Its more of a surface collecting trip just to scout out the area and see what winter has exposed for us. I had my geology hammer of course but no mini sledge, chisels, or pry bars. One of my favorite things to find in early spring are colonies of Bryozoa (Atactotoechus frutiosus). You have to collect every little piece of the colony and reassemble them back it home. This will take anywhere from an hour to many hours over days and in this case over a week so far. You never know how they will look until you start matching up the pieces and hope that you got them all. I picked up around 255 pieces from a colony that I found on this day and thought I got most if not all of the colony. It was a slow start reassembling it then I found my rhythm. It started to become clear after a week of working on it that I was missing a bunch of pieces. Yesterday 4/24/2022 we went back to the site, dug in the shale were we found the colony, and found a bunch of the missing pieces. This time I did have the proper tools to complete the job We also found a large and well preserved Orthospirifer marcyi with attached Pleurodictyum coral and other Devonian brachs, trilobites, corals, a graptolite (modern Sea Fan for comparison in the pic), and of course Bryozoa colonies. The pics of the Bryozoa colony are - pieces from the first day, after a week of puzzling them back together, and yesterdays recovery of the rest of the colony (white tray). Happy Collecting
  15. Good morning, and welcome to another Fossil Friday! Its been a while, but I have a new video up, this one is aimed at the beginners. Offering up some advice on where and how to begin finding their own fossil collecting sites. Now, I would like some feedback on this from anyone already familiar with finding their sites. I am already planning a re-make because I can't believe I forgot to include using geologic maps in my tips! If I forgot that, I'm sure there are some other great tips that would make a great inclusion when I redo this in the future.
  16. Somerset fossil hunters 'need to be better informed' BBC News, July 27, 2021 United Kingdom Fossil Network Yours, Paul H.
  17. Hi, everyone. I’m brand new here, so, pleased to meet all of you! I’m wondering if any of you know of locations in the US where you can dig for dinosaur fossils (body and/or trace) on a one-day-at-a-time basis and keep some of the material found. Thanks in advance.
  18. Last week me and some friends went to a couple of localities in Virginia! It was a nice change from collecting in the heat. Came back with boxes of Ordovician-age fossils on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday then went to good 'ol Purse for shark teeth the rest of the week and weekend. Came back with quite a few well-preserved brachiopods, graptolites, and a few fragments of trilobites. So many ray plates and a few shark teeth from Purse. I'm backlogged for weeks! Too tired to bother writing properly.
  19. Hello, everyone! I will be in North Carolina on a family trip for the next week, but I’d like to do some fossil hunting as well while I’m out here. I’m in the New Bern area specifically. Does anyone know of any good fossil sites in the area where one can collect? Thanks!
  20. The State of California released its guideline recommendations for in person learning to resume. It is pretty clear that it will be quite awhile before we will be able to return to doing Fossils on Wheels education programs. Likely the entire school year. Inviting outside people in to classrooms will not be high on the priority list. It is just a reality. It does suck but it is out of our control really so for the time being Fossils on Wheels will continue our holding pattern. I am working on some ways to distribute some free fossils and curriculum. We may do some videos as well but we know we will be limited in what we can do educationally speaking. I thought about maybe just putting a total pause to the collecting part for the time being but I find it so enjoyable. It can be a great stress break. I will look at the next six months as a chance to just be a collector. There really is not a reason to look at the collection and say "we need a piece right now" to fill a certain display or help craft educational programs. The vast majority of my collecting has been based around doing exactly that. I have done my bets to put a lot of thought into what we get and how we present it. That guides the collecting. We can take a different approach. I can just find a few fossils here and there that I want or that Carter wants simply because we like them. Carter likes Trilobites so now now is a fun time to start exploring that not as an educator but just because they are really cool. For our programs, we have some awesome Sauropod material. From an educational standpoint, we do not need a Diplodocus tooth or any Sauropod teeth really.. It jumped to #1 on my list. I had other plans and things ahead of it but that was based on the idea of possibly getting a fall restart. I would really like more Sauropod teeth because they are really cool so why not pursue a couple. If nothing else, it will get my mind off the fact that is a bummer that we will be on pause for a long time. Since we have had so many people who have contributed to these education programs, I thought I should let people know where we are at. We will figure out a way to keep getting the fossil message out there. I just am not 100% sure how yet but I am working on it ! Stay safe friends
  21. PrehistoricWonders

    Florida fossil ID

    Hello I need help to I’d this, my first thought was mammoth or mastodon?
  22. I will be travelling to Germany for business but while there I will also go collecting in the Holzmaden quarries, I was wondering whether anyone has any experience flying from Germany (Stuttgart) to the UK (Manchester) with self collected fossils in their carry-on bag? Does anyone know if they will confiscate these or just ignore them? Thanks in advance!
  23. Im heading to Brisbane Australia for the annual Society of Vertebrate Paleontology meeting in October with several Rowan University Professors/Paleontologists and I am trying to research the rules for collecting fossils in Australia. I know we will each need to obtain a fossicking licence but we would greatly appreciate any knowledge on the rules for fossil collecting while we are in Cairns and Brisbane. Thanks in advance
  24. Scottnokes2015

    Mazon Creek trip

    Hi everyone. I live in Perryville ,Mo and want to make a trip to the mazon Creek, Illinois. I have no experience or knowledge were to go and how to collect there. Can anyone point me to the exact location I need and are the Creek beds dry now or still running.? Is it just for private collectors. I saw there is a permit needed, but that's fine. Please can anyone give me any pointers on how to plan the trip or a PDF book to guide us. It's like 6 hrs drive, so we don't want to go wrong place and not find anything. What do we look for and how are they opened? Thank you everyone for any help you can give us
  25. This collecting trip was more of a scouting expedition than an actual dig. After the snow and ice have melted, its fun to get out and see whats newly exposed/uncovered. Today we found the usual cast of characters like horn corals, tabulate corals, brachiopods, gastropods, pelecypods, and trilobites. I was mad at myself for not having faith in a trilobite fossil that I found on this trip. It was barely visible in the rock I found it in and I thought it would be incomplete just on how it looked. I started to remove the matrix (hard limey shale) with a hammer and small chisel. The bug popped out of the rock complete and fell on the floor. The trilobite landed on its glabella and some of its shell broke off. I think I found all the pieces but I should have been more careful. After all these years of collecting I should know better. I promised myself to make up for it and that I would find a killer bug this season with some new sites that I have lined up Thanks and Happy Collecting mikeymig
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