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  1. 75millionyearsago

    Mask for Fossil Prep - USA - Ammonite

    Pretty much the title- i have an ammonite i split recently. I started prep outside using safety a dremel 290 and wearing goggles and a paint respirator, worked for maybe an hour in total- but then i read about safety on zoicpaleotech and got terrified of getting/having given myself silicosis. Now i’m struggling to find the proper type of protection to continue- i cant find the one mask they suggested on the website, and i dont know how to pick a good one that will protect me against silica and other stuff. Any good suggestions?
  2. I have a fossil I found that needs a little prep work, I was wondering if there is anyone who offers professional prep services in the Portland Oregon area. Any help would be greatly appreciated, fossil is special to me and I don't want to ruin it with my amateur prep skills.
  3. I have dremel 3000 but I dont know if is good to prepare a short size fossil like this Ammonite
  4. Was gifted a large section of sedimentary rock containing Middle-Devonian (Mahantango Formation) fossils. One Rugose Horn Coral was already exposed a good bit. I decided it would be a good candidate for my first attempt at fossil prep beyond a basic cleaning with a brush, soap and water. I picked up a Dremel 290 and 2ct fine-point aftermarket bits from Amazon. I'll eventually purchase the bits provided by Zoic Paleotech, however these worked well for the job. I started slow, working away from the fossil to chip away the rock. I've exposed a good deal, and now am working on wearing down the area on the underside to slowly expose more of the fossil. Here is a before photo.
  5. Hi everybody, Last year I found this awesome chunk of whale bone and I am getting enough time on my hands to prepare it. I think I need to consolidate the tiny cracks before I try to clean off the sand and dust. But I'd like to consult the experts before I proceed. I used to have Paleobond but that ran out and I don't know what to get for use on this big guy. Any thoughts or comments appreciated!
  6. I thought I would let folks know about this meeting happening in Seattle in April. https://paleomethods.org/Annual-Meeting This is the annual meeting for fossil prep types from all walks of life. Anyone here who does prep work might want to look into it. At least one of us will be there teaching folks how to use carbowax in fossil prep.
  7. It’s been a few years since I’ve posted, good to be back- I’m looking for unprepped material! I’m just a hobbiest who enjoys the prep work as much or more than the collecting. I’m not an expert by any means but I’ve done a handful of large green river fish, a few mammoth tusks, an Oreodont upper skull, and a few other miscellaneous specimens. One of the most enjoyable prep projects I did was a small oreodont upper skull that was in grade A condition, but since then (years ago) I cannot seem to find anything similar. I am most interested in any unprepped white River specimens, ideally skulls, turtle shells, etc. as long as they’re in grade A or B condition- I’m not an expert at reconstruction. I’m also interested in some of the larger and more rare species from the Green River formation. A large and complete Mioplosus preferably from the 18in layer would be great, I’ve only ever done one of those before and it was sadly around 30% disarticulated. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you! nick
  8. Jurassicz1

    Whats a Good first air pen?

    So i have always prepped with hand tools. But i really like the air scribes. But theres alot to choose from. Many of my fossils are limestone and sometimes theres a super small layer of matrix on the fossil that if i try to remove will damage the fossil. I have heard about sand blasting is that any good? I would really like one that can prep fragile fossils. I have seen many where they dont even Touch the rock when prepping. I also saw a shop called zoic palaeo tech i think its called. They were selling alot of tools but dont know what to choose anyhelp? I Also see these wooden boxes people use for prep i right now prep on my desk. Should i also get those wooden boxes? And when i prep the fossils now i spray little bit of water to see more details so its easier for me to prep. But i have heard fossils get destroyed while drying fast. I Only use a ikea desk lamp and the sun does not reach in. I know that the sun can really sunburn fossils. Sorry for the long text and questions
  9. Jurassicz1

    How to preserve fossils?

    So how do u preserve fossils like shale/limestone and teeth? I heard something about paraloid? Where do i buy it? And i have washed some fossils with tap water when i started fossil hunting. And some say they can get discolored with sunlight How do i know that? I got a old trilo that now have alot of dots of matrix they were not dried in sunlight but the rooms light was turned on i used normal hand soap.
  10. I have alot of fossils with super thin matrix on them. How do i prep it manually? The rocks are limestone.
  11. Found this shell in crete chania. Should i prep it? Its In a rock of slab with other not so good fossils if so i will prep with dental picks and then after i maybe split the rock Open? Or should i just prep away some matrix and leave it be?
  12. Hello everyone,I've recently acquired this piece of unprepped oreodont jaw section and want to do some prep work on it However I've realized that the jaw looks quite fragmented and is afraid that it might break apart into thousands of fragments. I had only prepped a knightia before and I am kinda confused what I should do now.
  13. From the album: Priscacara

    This specimen is from the Green River formation in Wyoming. Found split in two, unfortunately. These images show a before and after prep job using a Vaniman mobile Problast sandblaster. The specimen is a Priscacara from the Eocene period.
  14. From the album: Priscacara

    This specimen is from the Green River formation in Wyoming. Found split in two, unfortunately. These images show a before and after prep job using a Vaniman mobile Problast sandblaster. The specimen is a Priscacara from the Eocene period.
  15. From the album: Priscacara

    This specimen is from the Green River formation in Wyoming. Found split in two, unfortunately. These images show a before and after prep job using a Vaniman mobile Problast sandblaster. The specimen is a Priscacara from the Eocene period.
  16. From the album: Priscacara

    This specimen is from the Green River formation in Wyoming. Found split in two, unfortunately. These images show a before and after prep job using a Vaniman mobile Problast sandblaster. The specimen is a Priscacara from the Eocene period.
  17. From the album: Priscacara

    This specimen is from the Green River formation in Wyoming. Found split in two, unfortunately. These images show a before and after prep job using a Vaniman mobile Problast sandblaster. The specimen is a Priscacara from the Eocene period.
  18. From the album: Priscacara

    This specimen is from the Green River formation in Wyoming. Found split in two, unfortunately. These images show a before and after prep job using a Vaniman mobile Problast sandblaster. The specimen is a Priscacara from the Eocene period.
  19. From the album: Priscacara

    This specimen is from the Green River formation in Wyoming. Found split in two, unfortunately. These images show a before and after prep job using a Vaniman mobile Problast sandblaster. The specimen is a Priscacara from the Eocene period.
  20. From the album: Priscacara

    This specimen is from the Green River formation in Wyoming. Found split in two, unfortunately. These images show a before and after prep job using a Vaniman mobile Problast sandblaster. The specimen is a Priscacara from the Eocene period.
  21. From the album: Priscacara

    This specimen is from the Green River formation in Wyoming. Found split in two, unfortunately. These images show a before and after prep job using a Vaniman mobile Problast sandblaster. The specimen is a Priscacara from the Eocene period.
  22. From the album: Priscacara

    This specimen is from the Green River formation in Wyoming. Found split in two, unfortunately. These images show a before and after prep job using a Vaniman mobile Problast sandblaster. The specimen is a Priscacara from the Eocene period.
  23. From the album: Priscacara

    This specimen is from the Green River formation in Wyoming. Found split in two, unfortunately. These images show a before and after prep job using a Vaniman mobile Problast sandblaster. The specimen is a Priscacara from the Eocene period.
  24. From the album: Priscacara

    This specimen is from the Green River formation in Wyoming. Found split in two, unfortunately. These images show a before and after prep job using a Vaniman mobile Problast sandblaster. The specimen is a Priscacara from the Eocene period.
  25. From the album: Priscacara

    This specimen is from the Green River formation in Wyoming. Found split in two, unfortunately. These images show a before and after prep job using a Vaniman mobile Problast sandblaster. The specimen is a Priscacara from the Eocene period.
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