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  1. Squeemish

    Is this just a geode?

    This was found along the Rock River in North West Illinois. Any info about it's composition would be appreciated.
  2. Kathy711

    Fossil or rock?

    I recently learned that some of my geodes are actually fossils. I've been looking at a lot of pictures and this appears to be a crinoid to me but it is large. The ruler is blurry but it's 12 inches. Any help in understanding the difference between a geode rock and a geodized fossil would be fabulous.
  3. RocksAndFossilsHunter

    Botryoidal chalcedony horned coral

    Some nice finds in indiana this year
  4. I have looked everywhere for this thing and I can find some things that look slightly similar but everything is too far degraded it looks like to be sure.. you can see spikes preserved in the stone medium but that hasn't helped me much
  5. I'm pretty new to fossil collecting and would love some ID and preparation help on this nautilus. I was doing minor cleaning and discovered the center is a geode. Would it be worth it to try and cut this fossil in half?
  6. kylecosby

    Possible crystallized fossil

    Found in Central Texas, is that an imprint of a sea horse? Strikingly odd and those look like eggs in side there
  7. kylecosby

    Indian artifact?

    This looks like it may have been used by humans possibly Indians since it was found in Central TX where many Aztec, Comanche, and other tribal cultures originated long ago, or it could be a geode that lost its center? Who knows please do tell. The hole inside is probably about 2 inches deep
  8. kylecosby

    Very heavy tooth shaped rock

    This is very possibly a meteorite and was found in Central Texas in a small town named bangs. It's about 3 inches wide and 5 inches long and l, believe it or not, weighs about 5 lbs. Possible lunar meteorite
  9. kylecosby

    Possible prehistoric egg?

    Im not sure what it is but it sure is fascinating...found in a very small town called bangs located in Central TX. The boot is size 7 in women's and is added as a way to measure the specimen
  10. kylecosby


  11. I stumbled across this amazing place, but I have no idea what I am looking at. Just looking for a little knowledge because I can't afford to attend a college, as I am too busy collecting rocks!
  12. Bootsuki

    Fossil Geode

    Found at a junk store in Graves County, Kentucky. Unfortunately the owner didn't remember what estate sale he found it at. I bought it as a simple geode but after cleaning it up I think it may be a geodized crinoid calyx. Its extremely heavy, sorry, no bananas for scale. Thoughts?
  13. clamshellgeode

    Clamshell Geode, with dogtooth calcite

    I have this, what I call a clamshell Geode, dogtooth calcite ? Please help me identify this piece! I can't find another one with both halves. Can you find one with both halves with a geode inside?
  14. Hello everyone! I'm typically a Cretaceous collector but spent the last month in Long Beach Island (LBI) New Jersey so I figured while I'm there, I would do some serious collecting. These fossils are glacier deposited Paleozoic specimens. Overall, I probably spent around 30 hours collecting. My biggest surprise was the trilobite imprint (picture 1) however, I was also pleasantly surprised by the number of crystalized/geode specimens. Here my my favorites from the trip.
  15. Check this out its unbelievable fish trapped in amethyst geode outer shell formed of insects
  16. Betsy5758

    Crinoid Calyx geodes

    I’ve had great success in finding multiple Crinoid calyx in a stream in St Louis county, Missouri. The quartz drusy in the geodes are beautiful. Never cut a Crinoid open - many of them already have a “viewing hole” to see the amazing sparkle inside!
  17. Help needed. Are these 'just' (agate) geodes or could these be fossils? My guess is that these may be crystallised fossil shells. Hope someone can shine a light on these.
  18. Andre Pterosaur

    Éthiopien fossils in opal

    How strange is that some volcanic geode opal containing plant stem and some géode are completely different. i show you a chocolate opal geode it was find in 1994 at YTA Ridge , since the area is extinct . i was so lucky when I splited the geode it didn’t blows on me as it was full of opal . as you can see it shows a snake skin , and different figures. and you see some volcanic gas tubes replaced by translucent crystal Opal.
  19. bay


    Going through a family member's old stuff and found this along with a few other dinosaur bones. They grew up in San Juan county Utah, so this was likely uncovered from that region, but I can't say with absolute certainty. I don't know if this is a fossil or just a geode. I myself have almost no experience in this area. Any help appreciated. Thank you!
  20. Tales From the Shale

    Graf Iowa Geode

    A sizeable mineral coming from the ever famous Graf roadcut that exposes the Elgin of the Maquoketa. Im thinking calcite, but im gonna be honest I haven't a clue.
  21. I found this rock while fossil hunting in Beaver County, Pennsylvania. The surface rocks there are Conemaugh Group. I don't know much about rocks and have no idea what this is. Please help ID. Thanks.
  22. The below open access papers are interesting. Gázquez, F., Monteserín, A., Obert, C., Münker, C., Fernández-Cortés, Á. and Calaforra, J.M., 2022. The Absolute Age and Origin of the Giant Gypsum Geode of Pulpí (Almería, SE Spain). Geosciences, 12(4), no.144, pp. 11, open access Canals i Sabaté, À., Van-Driessche, A.E.S., Palero, F. and Garcia-Ruiz, J.M., 2019. The origin of large gypsum crystals in the Geode of Pulpí (Almería, Spain). Geology, 2019, vol. 47, num. 12, p. 1161-1165. open access Yours, Paul H.
  23. I have a small 4” tile saw, but and looking for something bigger. Given the blade can be changed for rocks, is there enough of a functional difference to justify buying a dedicated rock saw versus a tile saw? Is lack of power for bigger rocks a consideration at all on the tile saws? thanks
  24. connorp

    Indiana geode to ID

    I collected this geode while exploring Mississippian exposures in Monroe County, Indiana. I was curious if anything could be said about the minerals present? I am not a mineral guy, and haven't got a clue. Thanks.
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