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  1. Hey everyone, Lately I found some pieces that appear to have a scale pattern. As I usually dwell coastlines for pleistocene fossils, this is out of my comfort zone. Somehow I hope the pieces I got out of the rock are not fish because I may have destroyed the fish then it's an old quarry and the matrix is very hard. Middle Devonian, Eifelizn-Givetian Ardennen regio of Belgium. I tried my best to take clear pictures with the digital microscope at work. Plant material? Fish? Bryozoan? Coral?
  2. Krauklis

    Schuguria ornata

    From the album: Plants (miscellaneous)

    Kursk Oblast. Givetian (Devonian). Bought from a private collection.
  3. Fossil is from Western New York. This round fossil only had the white-colored oval on the edge exposed when I found it. Using a dremel, I was able to expose a lot of it. At first the pieces chipped right off, but the further I got into the matrix, the stickier and harder it got. I gave up on it at the point seen in the pictures because I wanted to have an idea of what shape the rest of it is before I continue. The circular fossil is about the size of a quarter, maybe 20mm to 25mm across. My guesses of identification range from the inner-cast of a gastropod shell to a goniatite. As you can see, it is smooth. The last two images are of the other side of the rock with what appears to be two cross sections of unknown fossils. I had hoped the were nautiloids but I could not get anywhere with removing the matrix around it and so I do not know. I am very new to fossil preparation which is why the work probably looks shoddy.
  4. Misha

    Protoleptostrophia perplana

    From the album: Misha's Middle Devonian Fossils

    Protoleptostrophia perplana Internal view of I believe the brachial valve Givetian, Middle Devonian Moscow Fm. Hamilton Group Deep Springs Road Quarry NY
  5. Misha

    Pleurodictyum americanum

    From the album: Misha's Middle Devonian Fossils

    Pleurodictyum americanum Tabulate coral Givetian Moscow Fm. Hamilton Group DSR
  6. Misha

    Tabulate coral

    From the album: Misha's Middle Devonian Fossils

    Aulocystis jacksoni? Givetian Moscow Fm. Hamilton Group DSR
  7. Misha


    From the album: Misha's Middle Devonian Fossils

    Grammysioidea sp. Givetian Moscow Fm. Hamilton Group DSR
  8. Misha

    Phestia brevirostra

    From the album: Misha's Middle Devonian Fossils

    Phestia brevirostra Tiny bivalve Givetian Moscow Fm. Hamilton Group. DSR
  9. Misha

    Large Hyolith

    From the album: Misha's Middle Devonian Fossils

    Largest Hyolith specimen I have found so far Hallotheca aclis? I don't see any longitudinal striae on the specimen so I don't think it is Hyolithes striatus Givetian Moscow Fm. Hamilton Group. DSR
  10. Misha

    Large inarticulate brachiopod

    From the album: Misha's Middle Devonian Fossils

    Found while surface collecting, this piece has a preservation often seen in lingulids brachiopods but is larger than any other specimens I have seen from here. Givetian Moscow Fm. Hamilton Group. DSR
  11. Misha

    Elita fimbriata

    From the album: Misha's Middle Devonian Fossils

    Elita fimbriata Specimen isn't in great shape, but I kept it as this is the only one I've found so far Givetian Moscow Fm. Hamilton Group. DSR
  12. Misha

    Strophodonta crassa

    From the album: Misha's Middle Devonian Fossils

    Strophodonta crassa brachiopods + 1 Atrypids in the top center. Covered with epibionts like microconchids, hederellids, coral. Givetian Potter Farm Fm. Alpena MI Gifted to my be @connorp
  13. Fossildude19

    Goniaphora hamiltonensis, DSR.

    From the album: Fossildude's Middle Devonian Fossils

    Goniaphora hamiltonensis from the Windom Shale Member of the Moscow Formation, Hamilton Group, Middle Devonian (Givetian) Deep Springs Road Quarry, Lebanon, NY.

    © 2022 T. Jones

  14. Misha

    Spiny productid brachiopod

    From the album: Misha's Middle Devonian Fossils

    Spinulicosta spinulicosta Givetian Arkona shale Ontario, Canada
  15. Last weekend we went on a field trip with the geology club of Ghent to a quarry in Southern Belgium that we hadn't visited before. The deposits in the quarry were mostly Givetian and Eifelian, but only the Givetian layers were exposed. The rock was a massive limestone, whit from time to time some fossil remains from reef builders. but most of it was impossible to extract. So at the end of the day we had nothing to show for. The only notable finds were calcite cristals, but we gave those away since we don't collect minerals. You can't score every time , Still a fun field trip though, and an impressive sight to see almost vertical sedimentary layers.
  16. Hi everyone! Last saturday we went on a fossil hunting trip with the BVP to Hotton in the Belgian Ardennes. https://www.paleontica.org/locations/fossil/667 There were 2 different locations planned for the day, the first was the "Carrière de Marenne" quarry in Hotton were we spent most of the day. It was my first time at this location, so I didn't have very high expectations but we were very pleasantly surprised by the quality and quantity of the finds which made for a very productive and succesfull trip! Unfortunately like so often I forgot to make pictures inside the quarry... So it will mainly be a report of the finds rather than the excavation. The age of the layers date back to the Givetian stage of the middle Devonian which lasted from 388 million years ago to 383 million years ago. There were 3 spots inside the quarry were we searched for fossils. We started on the east side of the quarry where we found some weathered corals, a bivalve and some bryozoans. One of our friends was very lucky when they found a fragment of Placoderm bone.. the 2nd spot we searched was still on the east side of the Quarry but this time near the big rock outcrop which devides the quarry in two pieces. Here we all hit gold as this was a large area where it was full with weathered fossils in great condition ready to be picked up! No need for hammers here, just grabbing which was laying on the ground as it was littered with corals en brachiopods. We almost collected a bucket full from this area alone. The 3rd spot was the west side of the quarry which was divided in multiple levels. I mainly searched in a large rock pile with some others as it seems these were the remains of an ancient coral bank. We found many large corals here like Hexagonaria and Favosites as well as some nice mineral specimens to much delight of my girlfriend. Someone did do the find of the day here when he found 2 extremely large Stringocephalus brachiopods. I also went with Tom, our group leader to prospect the rest of the quarry but beside some corals I didn't find much more things of interest. At the end of the trip we were given some nice mineral specimens by Tom who found some on the lowest level of the quarry which we didn't visit ourselves. Here the only photo I made inside the quarry, were my girlfriend was building a rock fortress. (Everyone was on a one hour break due to the early summer heat) And here are our finds from inside the quarry: A large Hexagonaria sp. coral which we managed the haul home, one of the perks when you bring a wheelbarrow to a quarry! Another nice Hexagonaria sp. coral And our 3rd large piece of Hexagonaria sp. coral One of the Favosites sp. corals we brought home. Another Favosites coral An our chuncky Favosites coral A weathered Hexagonaria coral. A bivalve we found early at the beginning of the search.
  17. Bringing Fossils to Life

    Striacoceras attack reconstruction

    Here is a reconstruction of the orthocerid Striacoceras typum, eating one of the last surviving Eldredgeops rana trilobites. Two Botryocrinus crinoids wave in the current, and a colony of Pleurodictyum feeds on planctonic organisms.
  18. Bringing Fossils to Life

    A reconstruction of the Mahantango Formation

    I just finished a reconstruction of the Mahantango ecosystem, based off of fossils I have found at corresponding sites. This certainly does not cover all species in this formation, but many of the most prominent (Sorry no Dipleura, haven't done that one yet). I recently learned about Striacoceras and re-identified many of my orthocerids as this obscure genus. Striacoceras is the brown orthocone in the background. I included two crinoid genera, (left to right) Ancyrocrinus and Botryocrinus. an Eldredgeops searches for prey. There are several Mucrospirifer brachiopods, some Orthonota bivalves, a couple ammonoids (Tornoceras and Agoniatites), and some Pleurodictyum coral. In the distance, a shoal of Bactrites drifts. This is one of my first entire ecosystems.
  19. Fischcrazy

    Devonian (Givetian) Ammonoid ID Help

    I collected these last weekend from the Millboro Shale (Devonian: Givetian) in Highland County, Virginia, USA. I cant seem to identify these and not familiar with Ammonoid taxobases, not sure where to start. I did go through House, M.R., 1962, Observations on the Ammonoid Succession of the North American Devonian. House does cover the Millboro Shale but only lists occurrences of Sobolewia virginiana, Tornoceras uniangulare, Maenioceras sp. I dont have access to the Treatise part K so any help IDing these would be amazing!
  20. From the album: Misha's Middle Devonian Fossils

    Tornoceras arkonense, Bactrites arkonensis Givetian Arkona Shale Formation, Hungry Hollow, Ontario, Canada. I do not remember if these were from a trade, contest or gift but these wonderful little fossils were kindly sent to me by @Monica
  21. From the album: Misha's Middle Devonian Fossils

    Eldredgeops rana, Microcyclus thedfordensis Givetian Arkona Shale Formation, Hungry Hollow, Ontario, Canada. I do not remember if these were from a trade, conttest or gift but they were kindly sent to me by @Monica
  22. Max10

    ID German Trilobite

    Hi everybody! This time i kindly ask your help to identify a little gift a friend of mine give to me last weekend. I really know nothing about german trilobites...i have no idea! Here are the info: Origin: Eifel, Germany Age: Devonian (probably Middle...Eifelian? Givetian?) Lenght: 8.5 cm / 3.35 inches Cephalon Width (max): 4.8 cm / 1.9 inches I'm thankful to everyone who wants to participate at the topic Have a wonderful weekend!
  23. Nautiloid

    Fenestrate bryozoan prep

    Hello all! I found this pretty cool bryozoan back in July and I decided to give it a prep. Its really easy matrix to work with so its good practice for someone like me who’s only done a handful of preps. Like my past preparations, this will all be done manually using mainly safety pins. Fenestella sp. ? Middle Devonian Hamilton Group Moscow Formation Windom Shale DSR, Lebanon, NY Enjoy!
  24. Hi everyone! Today I went on another fossil hunting trip with the fossil club the BVP. https://www.paleontica.org/sites/fossil_site.php?plaats=3&language=en We visited the "La Couvinoise" quarry in Couvin, Belgium. The rocks in this quarry are part of the Hanonet Formation which lies at the boundry of the Eifelian & Givetian. But the layers we searched in today where all Givetian in age (387,7 - 382,7 mya), I mainly searched in the Crinoïd & Brachiopod layer. Although I have to admit that we probably visited the quarry at a bad moment, as the yield was quite poor in the quarry this time according to members who've been there before. Which was quite obvious as I think we only found our first fossil rich rocks after 50 minutes of searching and even then the first hour of finds where few and poor in quality. But after a while of searching I found some good and rich blocks and managed to get some decent Crinoïd stems, Brachiopods and some rugose coral pieces. But the best 3 finds we did during the last 30 minutes of being in the quarry. The 1st one was the only Trilobite I found during the hunt! Trilos are very rare from this quarry and I believe only 1 other member found one before me on this trip. I found a pygidium which is still partially enbedded in rock. At first I wasn't sure whether I was a trilo or a brachiopod but after having a couple of other members checking it out, they all believed it to be trilobite. The excursion leader time was quite amazed by the find as this trilo came from the Crinoïd layer, which is a layer where he believed no trilobite had ever been found. The trilobites are usually found in another part and layer a bit further in the quarry. So yeah I am very pleased with that find! The 2nd best find, was one I didn't find myself but recieved from our Excursion leader Tom, which was a piece of very nice Stromatoporoidea which I wasn't lucky enough to find. The 3rd best find an perhaps my favorite was something that Tom told me to check out. He had discovered the remains of a cave that collapsed during some excavations in the quarry. You could clearly see the remains of dripping stones on the walls and luckily for us, some pieces of those dripping stones where also laying on the ground. So I managed to take a nice piece of them home with me They are encrusted with a layer of dried mud but I am sure they will look gorgeous once they are cleaned! The rings are already clearly visable in some areas. Here are some pictures from inside the quarry. This was the way to the newly excavated plateau which unfortunatly was a complete was of time as not a single fossil could be found in those rocks. After that we went to the other lower parts of the quarry where I mainly worked in a single piece of wall in the Crinoïd layer. I was lucky enough to find a few good fallen blocks and some good places in the wall with some decent Crinoïds and Brachiopods. One of the nice Crinoïds stems I found in the layer. And here is the piece of wall that has some of the dripping stones in it.
  25. Hi everyone! Yesterday my girlfriend & I went on a fossil hunting trip to an abandoned quarry in Resteigne in Belgium. https://www.paleontica.org/sites/fossil_site.php?plaats=10&language=en I am currently at home for some time due to mental health issues. I am currently dealing with despression and severe anxiety attacks all related to COVID-19, I am in a risk group and work in an essential store and the stress and way that people threat you finally became too much and I simply snapped. I finally decided to go see a doctor and a psychologist to help out of it all. Since besides going to work I hadn't left the house for the past 6 months and I really needed to get out to help me get rid of the stress and fear, so both the psychologist and doctor encouraged my to go on some fossilhunts as I needed to come out of the house and do some outdoor activities to help with my healing process. So yesterday I went on my first hunt to help me recover! The quarry we visited was an abandoned quarry in Resteigne and the rocks found there are Devonian in age. Most of the fossils found here are from the Eifelian (393.3 - 387.7 mya) and are part of the Jemelle formation. We arrived quite early at the quarry and spent almost 5 and a half hours searching for fossils here. Since we went on a normal week day, we were lucky enough the have the quarry all to our self! Since it was our first time in the quarry we didn't really find anything too spectacular, but I am very happy with the things we found and most important of all, we had a great and fun day! The surrounding environment was stunning and the weather was prefect, sunny but not too hot and not too cold! Ruguse coral in the rocks Only 15 minutes after we arrived we already found our first trilobite! Unfortunatly it was enbedded in a big boulder of very though rock at an impossible angle to remove. We did try to remove it, but when we noticed it would be near impossible and removing it would probably destroy the trilo we eventually decided to leave it. There where multiple other fossils in the same boulder, among them these nice Brachiopods
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