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  1. Hello everyone, I recently got to visit the Glenerie Limestone for the second time to collect some fossils, I have identified the majority of my finds from the day except for one strange fossil I still do not understand. This appears to be a small brachiopod shell, it has a semicircular shape, and what appears to be a hinge-line on one side of it, the underside is pretty flat, but on the top, there is some other strange organism attached, it appears similar to the calyx of a coral, but these are quite rare at the site, I have no idea what this could be, maybe it isn't even a brachiopod that the structure is attached to. I will add some photos of the object below, I'm currently not at home but when I do get the chance I'll also try to take some from the ventral and lateral views as well as any additional photos that may be helpful. Thank you for looking, Misha
  2. Hi all, It has been a while and I haven't been particularly active on the forum lately as I've been quite busy, recently though I had some time available and due to fairly nice weather decided I'd go check out a new fossil site in eastern NY, which is probably the closest Paleozoic site to me. I was initially made aware of this site by @Fossildude19 who gifted me some fossils from here this summer and the unusual preservation as well as interesting fauna made me very interested. Big thank you to Tim for those wonderful pieces as well as informing me about the location. The location is a road cut exposing the Glenerie Limestone which contains silicified fossils of a variety of brachiopods, gastropods, tentaculitids and some other fauna. I got to explore up and down this roadcut for a couple of hours and came away with some pretty nice finds, at least for my first time being there. Here are some photos from the site itself: Many of the layers here are completely filled with fossils of brachiopods, spiriferid being particularly abundant. The last photo was one of the best fossils I saw there, a huge brachiopod, I believe Costispirifer sp. The photo doesn't really show scale but it was probably about 8 cm in width, and it was in very good condition. Unfortunately since it was still in the roadcut it had to be left behind, maybe one day it will weather out for someone to collect it. And now onto the pictures of my actual finds
  3. Hi everyone, an interesting fossil was found near Montague NY, most likely Glenerie Formation. Can this be the tail section of a Trilobite? Can anyone help with species ID if possible? Thanks to all that can help
  4. Bguild


    From the album: Eastern NY Fossil Hunts

    Tentaculites Devonian Found in 2018 from Glenerie, NY
  5. From the album: Eastern NY Fossil Hunts

    Platystoma ventricosa Leptocoelia flabellites Devonian Found in 2018 from Glenerie, NY
  6. Bguild

    Acrospirifer arrectus

    From the album: Eastern NY Fossil Hunts

    Acrospirifer arrectus Devonian Found in 2018 from Glenerie, NY
  7. Bguild

    Discomyorthis oblata

    From the album: Eastern NY Fossil Hunts

    Discomyorthis oblata Devonian Found in 2018 from Glenerie, NY
  8. Bguild

    Chonetes hudsonica

    From the album: Eastern NY Fossil Hunts

    Chonetes hudsonica Devonian Found in 2018 from Glenerie, NY
  9. Bguild

    Leptocoelia flabellites

    From the album: Eastern NY Fossil Hunts

    Leptocoelia flabellites Devonian Found in 2018 from Glenerie, NY
  10. Bguild

    Platystoma ventricosa

    From the album: Eastern NY Fossil Hunts

    Platystoma ventricosa Devonian Found in 2018 from Glenerie, NY
  11. From the album: Eastern NY Fossil Hunts

    Acrospirifer arrectus Chonetes hudsonica Platystoma ventricosa Devonian Found in 2019 from Glenerie, NY.
  12. Bguild

    Acrospirifer arrectus

    From the album: Eastern NY Fossil Hunts

    Acrospirifer arrectus Devonian Found in 2018 from Glenerie, NY.
  13. This past weekend I stopped by Glenerie, NY to look for some Devonian braciopods and gastropods. This was a very cool location as many of the shells, preserved in silica, weather out of the rock complete and ripe for the taking. Thanks @Jeffrey P for suggesting the location! I plan to spend much of this summer exploring the fossil localities of NY and this spot was certainly a great introduction. Here are some of my finds. Brachiopods
  14. From the album: Lower Devonian

    Rhipidomella oblata (braciopods preserved in silica) Lower Devonnian Glenerie Limestone Tristates Group Route 9W road cut Glenerie, NY
  15. Jeffrey P

    Rhipidomella Brachiopods

    From the album: Lower Devonian

    Rhipidomella oblata (brachiopods preserved in silica) Lower Devonian Glenerie Limestone Tristates Group Route 9W road cut Glenerie, NY
  16. Jeffrey P

    Meristella (both valves close up)

    From the album: Lower Devonian

    Meristella laevis (brachiopod preserved in silica) Lower Devonian Glenerie Limestone Tristates Group Route 9W road cut Glenerie, NY
  17. Jeffrey P

    Meristella brachiopods

    From the album: Lower Devonian

    Meristella laevis (brachiopods preserved in silica) Lower Devonian Glenerie Limestone Tristates Group Route 9W road cut Glenerie, NY
  18. Jeffrey P

    Cyrtina brachiopods

    From the album: Lower Devonian

    Cyrtina varia (brachiopods preserved in silica) Lower Devonian Glenerie Limestone Tristates Group Route 9W road cut Glenerie, NY
  19. Jeffrey P

    Leptaena brachiopods

    From the album: Lower Devonian

    Leptaena rhombonatis (brachiopods preserved in silica) Lower Devonian Glenerie Limestone Tristates Group Route 9W road cut Glenerie, NY
  20. Jeffrey P

    Acrospirifer (brachiopod-close up)

    From the album: Lower Devonian

    Acrospirifer arreutus [brachiopod (closeup) preserved in silica] Lower Devonian Glenerie Limestone Helderberg Group Glenerie, NY
  21. Jeffrey P

    Acrospirifer brachiopod

    From the album: Lower Devonian

    Acrospirifer arreutus (brachiopod preserved in silica) Lower Devonian Glenerie Limestone Tristates Group Route 9W road cut Glenerie, NY These are the most common fossil brachiopods at this site.
  22. Jeffrey P

    Coelospira brachiopods

    From the album: Lower Devonian

    Coelospira concave (brachiopods preserved in silica) Lower Devonian Glenerie Limestone Tristates Group Route 9W road cut Glenerie, NY
  23. Jeffrey P

    Camarotoechia brachiopod

    From the album: Lower Devonian

    Camarotoechia dryope (brachiopod preserved in silica) Lower Devonian Glenerie Limestone Tristates Group Route 9W road cut Glenerie, NY Both valves of this remarkable specimen open and close. After 400 million years, still works!
  24. Jeffrey P

    Leptocoelia brachiopod

    From the album: Lower Devonian

    Leptocoelia flabellites (brachiopod preserved in silica) Lower Devonian Generie Limestone Tristates Group Route 9W road cut Glenerie, NY
  25. Jeffrey P

    Unidentified nautiloid

    From the album: Lower Devonian

    Unidentified nautiloid (preserved in silica) Lower Devonian Glenerie Limestone Tristates Group Route 9W road cut Glenerie, NY Only cephalopod fossil I've ever found at this site.
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