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Found 18 results

  1. This is a pristine Glyptodon reticulatus carapace fossil discovered in the tandil area of Buenos Aires, Argentina! I'm happy because it's my first time owning a Glyptodon shell of this size 😄
  2. Shellseeker

    Peace River, 4/26/2024

    Out hunting today. Friend Dave, last hunt of the Season, a snowbird heading North. I was not finding much and he was, so he invited me to come dig in the hole he created. I started finding interesting fossils and , kept on thinking I am about to find a really good , rare fossil. I found some shark teeth and even a Meg. I found some pieces of Mammal teeth and a piece of fossilized wood.... A pretty little Glyptodon osteoderm A couple of Bullas, One Dolphin, maybe Stenella... The other... Whale.. Interesting .. Do whale Bullas come this small. Finally, I stopped looking for that "special" fossil.. I was hunting my favorite river, with a friend, it was warm and the sun was shining.... An unusual thing happened. Fred Mazza charters Peace River Fossil Hunting. As we were hunting a large group passed by. One women did a double take as she paddle a canoe past us and said to me " I know your face." As she passed she asked "Are you on some blog"? Answer: I am Shellseeker on TFF. Response I knew it was you!!! I think she recognized my Avatar... Black Wetsuit and baseball cap... Enjoy.
  3. I'm thinking about buying this, but I'm curious if it's a restored fossil or a natural fossil. Is it a good fossil?
  4. dongmin

    Doedicurus fossil?

    This fossil is said to be the tail of Doedicurus. I wonder if this is correct. It is said to have holes where six harpoons can be born. Is this a Doedicurus tail fossil? It is said that it was discovered in Buenos Aires.
  5. Meganeura

    Glyptodon Astragalus

    Identified by Richard Hulbert as a Glyptodon Astragalus. One of two, to his knowledge, that were found as of the time of collection of this specimen. Notable features include a shape comparable to the astragalus of the Giant Armadillo - Holmesina, with overall larger features to account for the greater size in G. floridanum. Reference: Simpson, George Gaylord. (1929). Pleistocene mammalian fauna of the Seminole Field, Pinellas County, Florida. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 56: 561-599.
  6. Found these 3 spike osteoderms today, and I was wondering if anyone knew if they are Glyptodont or Holmesina - and how to tell the difference! @Harry Pristis @Shellseeker Thanks in advance!
  7. Mahnmut


    From the album: Skeleton models

    Pleistocene South America Glyptodon by Geoworld except for 3dprinted feet, Macrauchenia sculpted by me.

    © Jan Frost

  8. Shellseeker

    Peace River, March 5th

    A couple of curious finds from yesterday: First: A small osteoderm (33 x 25 mm) from a Glyptodon. The edges look like they have JUST been broken but looks are deceiving. The bottom edge is almost like a knife blade. I am curious on whether others have found/seem similar shape/size/edge and determined the placement of the osterderm on the edge of the shell. Second: What appears to be an Ungual, or toebone. There seems to be muscle/pressure marks similar to other unguals in the the 1st two photos and curious indentations (red lines) on the 3rd photo. All suggestions appreciated. Jack
  9. Zenmaster6

    Glyptodon jaw section?

    Found in creek in Texas. I pulled mastodon tusks and molars out of the same creek. Could it be mammoth fragment or tapir jaw fragment? Also please note fossils here do not turn black like Florida, but stay white with blue inclusions.
  10. So, I found a few chunks of osteoderms in an area that floods quite often. I wasn't even sure what they were at first, only that I *thought* they might be. But they were completely covered in mud and I was super-careful picking them up and getting them home. One separated from the large chunk. But now I have no idea what to do! I did leave them outside in the rain a few days; they were mostly uncovered when I found them anyway and have been sitting in sloppy mud for an eternity, so I figured it wouldn't hurt. So there was a lot of mud that came off but they're far from clean. I'm not sure what to do next. I have a slight idea of the general area of the body these came from but the chunk is not lying flat and I don't know how to clean them to even see what I'm really working with. Are they going to all separate if I mess with them too much? My boyfriend said he'll get me whatever PaleoBond products I want (he's overwhelmingly supportive of my obsessive fossil hobby) so is that what I should be looking at? I've never felt "in over my head" with fossils before but I'm really at a loss with this. Any assistance, opinions, thoughts, speculations, or anything else would be appreciated.
  11. Reebs

    Bony armor plate???

    Hello again, Fossil in question is 4” x 3“ (101.6 mm x 76.2 mm) and thin like a pancake...is this a type of glyptodon scute or an edge piece of a glyptodon shell!!?? It has the shape kinda resembling one on the underside but the top surface doesn’t look like the typical “flowered-shape” ones we find here in this area!? This area being Manatee county, Fl. Thank you kindly! Marie
  12. cavemanfl

    Memorable hunt FL

    I had a pretty decent hunt recently. The highlight was bending over to pick up a section of mammoth tooth and as I was spotting the arrowhead less than 12" away.
  13. Shellseeker

    Peace River bone and a Vert

    Fossil hunting is almost perfect now that the Peace River is open, and I am trying to squeeze as many days and locations as possible. Travel north today but will be back at it early next week. Quantity was light yesterday but did get some nice finds (Glyptodon osteoderm, blueish Meg) and some interesting bones. Maybe someone will recognize this one.. The upper left bone is odd. 1st is that it is hollow which implies bird but it is large to be bird. I wonder what @Auspex thinks. 2nd is that it is tapering from what appears to be a joint and finally I do not recognize it as a common bone from the river. More Photos: And then a modern (?) vert : What type of reptile, fish, mammal has a vert that looks like this... As always, I appreciate all comments, suggestions, identifications.... Jack
  14. Between work and home life 2018 wasn't much of a year to get out hunting for me. Outside of two short trips down to the Ramanessin I didn't really get out this year. Hoping to change that in 2019. To start I am working on a family vacation to Florida around March. The last time I was down there at that time of year I was able to do a day of creek hunting around Wauchula that netted a ton of small shark teeth including multiple mini megs as well as a slew of ice age mammal items. My favorite was a small glyptodon scute which was one of my personal bucket list items . I am looking for suggestions on areas I can start researching that would be in range of a day trip based out of the Orlando area. Call it a 2 hour radius of Orlando so I have time to hunt. Not looking for anyone's special hunting grounds, just general suggestions. Haven't looked to see who might still be offering guided trips these days as its been a few years since my last visit, but I am willing to entertain that option. I still have the books I gathered for my last trip so I will start with a refresher from those, but any advice would be appreciated
  15. dinodigger


    Hey gang, took a step away from the periman for a day to explore some Seymour formation ice age. Fun Stuff. Love glyptodons.
  16. rwhitty2012

    A Few Florida Finds

    I wanted to share a few of my finds from this year, but cannot create an album yet. These are from several different trips out to the Peace River. The lighting was not ideal, but I tried to get the photos to where you can see the finer details. If you have more info on the specific species these may belong to, please let me know. Fish Scales Fish Mouth Plates Turtle Spur Glyptodon Scutes A few teeth front and back - The one on the left may be a fish tooth, the others may be incisors but of what animal I am not sure. They all have a polished, glossy feel to them.
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