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  1. HunterMeg

    Shark Tooth Identification Help

    Hi, I recently bought this tooth from a friend, but I am uncertain which species it belongs to. The root is very thin with great white characteristics, but the lack of serrations on the blade is more like a mako. My best guess is that it is a Giant White Shark (Charcharodon plicatitis). It measure 2.75 inches. The last 2 photos show the tooth in comparison to a Great White tooth on the right side and a Mako Shark tooth on the left side of the tooth in question. What do you believe it is? Thank you for helping me out.
  2. The Vertebrate Paleontology department of the Florida Museum of Natural History (FLMNH) has a way that you can contribute to science AND... you get to keep your specimens! https://education.ufl.edu/news/2022/02/23/uf-researchers-earn-grant-to-teach-middle-schoolers-about-shark-teeth-using-ai/ https://www.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/earth-systems/shark-ai/ For the last couple of years Bruce MacFadden at the FLMNH and Thompson Earth Systems Institute (TESI) has headed a group developing lesson plans for STEM teachers in Florida. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming a hot topic and one that students are eager to learn about. Combining that with fossil shark teeth (another favorite topic) resulted in a program to use Google's neural network AI to recognize fossil shark teeth. The initial lesson plan only used a limited number of images of the Otodus megalodon and Hemipristis serra. Since then the number of images of specimens have have increased and additional taxa have been added. Presently, Bull Shark (Carcharhinus leucas), Great White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias), Tiger Shark (Galeocerdo cuvier), and the Mako/ancestral White Shark (Isurus/Carcharhinus hastalis) have joined the initial taxa. The team working to provide the imagery to train the AI has been busy raiding the collections of the FLMNH and the Calvert Marine Museum (CMM) to find good quality specimens to photograph. They've built up an impressive collection of imagery but some species are in more limited supply than others. There is still a need for some additional GW teeth (and to a lesser extent some hastalis teeth). The good news is that the team only needs good quality imagery of reasonably complete teeth and not the actual specimens. Teeth should be of decent quality as they will be used to train the AI. It seems that the roots of GW teeth tend not to be very dense and they often do not preserve well. A substantial portion of the GW teeth in the collection are missing significant portions of the root making them less desirable for training data. If you have some nice quality GW (and hastalis) teeth and you would be willing to take some well lit and focused images of them, they would be a great help for this project. At present only a single photo of the lingual (curved side) is needed--a planar view of the tooth resting on the more flattened labial side. It is important to see the complete tooth (so no hand holding of the teeth). A nice plain background will be helpful as the images will be post-processed to select the tooth and delete the background. The images may be submitted as high quality JPGs but will be processed to PNG images with transparent backgrounds (see examples): Anybody with a nice collection of carcharias/hastalis teeth who would be interested in contributing images of these specimens are encouraged to drop me a PM. I can answer any additional questions you might have and will coordinate to assist in sending the images. This is a great way to contribute to science and education without having to part with any of your nice quality fossils. Cheers. -Ken
  3. I figured I hadn't posted a trip in a while, so I went out today and the creek provided! My best finds were a posterior Great white and a two inch on-the-dot hastalis, the second largest in my collection, we also got some nice sand tigers and bulls...
  4. hokietech96

    Great White NJ AC

    Hi everyone! Happy 4th!! I moved down to my condo in AC NJ. I missed low tied today. All the lifeguards know that I walk up and down for shark teeth. My lifeguard friend came up to me to go two stand down to talk help ID A tooth she found…… BOOM. Colors are amazing!!!!
  5. Mioplosus_Lover24

    Holden Beach Diversity Of Fossils

    Recently got back from a trip on Holden Beach, and just WOW. Words can't describe the uniqueness of being able to find Mosasaur teeth next to Megalodon teeth. The recent Hurricane brought in many new fossils and I had quite good luck. Here are some photos of the trip, I will post a picture showing all of my best finds shortly, but for now enjoy! First, here are some of the Squalicorax pristodontus teeth I collected. These were relatively common.
  6. ThePhysicist

    Great White Shark Tooth (Neonate)

    From the album: Sharks

    Carcharodon carcharias (Neonate) Pisco Formation, Departamento de Arequipa, Sitio Sacaco, Peru Right Upper Lateral A small tooth from a young-of-the-year great white (~ 1.5 m / 5 ft total length). Teeth of these very young individuals are narrower than adult teeth, and possess lateral "cusplets" - features that aid in their piscivorous (fish-dominated) diet.
  7. Georgemckenzie

    Shark tooth and rooted tooth from Morocco

    Hiya everyone I bought a lot a while back, going through it I found a rooted tooth that wasn’t mentioned, my best guess is due to the shape it’s a whale tooth, also there was a shark tooth unlike any other in my collection, any help with ids would be great thanks.
  8. Danielb

    Great white purchase

    Hello I recently purchased these two teeth that were in a bin of South Carolina shark teeth. The seller believed they were tiger shark but I immediately knew that was incorrect. I was just wondering if could get your opinions. They are from South Carolina and I believe that are Miocene in age. Thanks -Daniel 1 inch 0.70 inch
  9. Cowrie

    Shark teeth Queensland

    We’ve had a little more luck here in Qld Australia, our collection is growing. we think a few great white and Mako? What do you think? so excited to find these.
  10. Sonickmonx

    2.2" Great White

    From the album: Sonickmonx's South Carolina Finds

    My only nice great white, and at 2.2" it is quite large for the species.
  11. SharkToothSteve

    Shark tooth identification

    Found embedded in mud beside roots of a tree on a nature trail above chandler river SC. This was after things had dried out after a tropical storm. Tooth has been repaired as (it was found to be broken when extracted from the mud). Because of the telltale mark between root and blade leads me to believe it to be either megalodon, angustiden or chubitensis. But the very flat root shape, very triangular shape, thin blade lead me to also suspect large great white.
  12. SawTooth

    September 24, 2023

    Yesterday evening we went out to a spot we haven't visited in a while, it started out extremely slow, until we hit on one spot that held a possible whale tooth (link to ID thread at bottom) and from there we started pulling out a lot more teeth, here's what we found, enjoy! nice hastalis, probably 1 1/2 inches great white with some great colors fish jaw Whale tooth?
  13. After hurricane Ian hit last year, I made a trip report from a location that doesn't offer many perfect teeth: I have been back there probably 12+ times since then, but have never come close to that many finds...until now. This is one pass of the creek, but split into two trips due to getting rained out halfway through the first day. Also, I only surface hunt, leaving lots for all of the sifters to find. My first nurse shark tooth! At 5 mm, I'm lucky to have found it surface hunting: Broken arrowhead, but I rarely find these: Broken C. catticus. Such a shame since they are uncommon here: I think these are all odontocete teeth (maybe not the first one): Worn horse tooth and a frag: Verts and hypural bones, etc. One is 3 or 4 verts fused together! Ray mouthplate bits: Other miscellaneous: Better picture of the sawfish rostral tooth(?): Otodus and suspected Otodus frags: And did you see it in the mix? I finally got a complete angy here, although it is missing the serration on the tip. Still, this is as good as they come at this location: Other "larger" teeth (sand tigers, hastalis, great whites, Isurus): Close-up of one of the great whites, since I don't find many anywhere in Summerville, and the ones I do find are usually missing the root: Lots of smalls: I don't keep many bones, but here are a few odd pieces, a worn cetacean vert, turtle, and a couple shells: No 4+ inch angy this trip, but some things I've never found and some that are in good condition for this spot. My husband did tell me before I left to not even bother coming home if I didn't find a cowshark tooth. But, who are we kidding...we all know who is in charge. Thanks for reading!
  14. Fin Lover

    C. carcharias 8.16.23

    From the album: Fin Lover's South Carolina Finds

    It's not perfect but it's rare to find one with this much root in Summerville.
  15. SawTooth

    The luck continues...

    Yesterday I posted the topic where I announced that my father found our first cow shark tooth, well today I couldn't resist temptation, so we went back to the exact spot and sure enough, there it was.along with a decent sized complete great white tooth, one of the signature finds of this creek. I cannot believe my luck, two days, two cow shark teeth.
  16. SerratedTeeth

    Huge Great White

    It’s been a long time since I’ve posted here! But these teeth definitely deserve to be seen! These are from a trip about a year or two ago. We were diving a river in Eastern North Carolina when I came across this Great White Monster! Along with some smaller whites and makos. I have a GoPro video of finding it, and in the murky water my brother passes right over it with his flashlight. Lucky me! It’s by far the largest GW I have, and have ever seen in person. Needless to say I was ecstatic about this entire trip. Maybe one day I’ll have another trip that turns out this productive!
  17. Allosaurus

    Baja shark teeth and ?

    I received a handful of shark teeth from an older local gentleman's collection who told me they were from Baja near the Sea of Cortes between Santa Barbara and Lorentz. I assume they are great white teeth, but I'm hoping for a better geological context if possible (age and formation/group ideally, even if just suspected). I've done some research, but haven't turned up much. I saw a reference to the El Cien Fm, but am hoping for some input from others who have far greater knowledge than I do. Along with the teeth came a small chunk of bone that also came from around the same area. Input on what it is or might have come from would also be appreciated. The largest tooth is 2 and 6/16ths in and the smallest is 2 1/16th in. The bone is 3 3/16ths in long and 1 2/16ths in wide.
  18. Raptor285

    Great White Approximate Age

    I would like to know the approximate age of the fossilized Great White teeth pictured in my hand that I have found over the course of the last 9 months at Holden Beach North Carolina. (since August of 2022) These were found in addition to many other fossilized teeth that I have captured in additional pictures found below. Thank You
  19. Hello everybody So this is a question not directly regarding fossils, but I feel this is nevertheless the right place. Is there any information on how big the teeth of modern great white sharks can get? For Megalodon there is a great amount of information regarding the size of the teeth. But for modern great whites I only find information about the size of the whole shark. I would like to make a small display with my 5.64 inch Meg tooth and a modern great white. I was able to get a 2.4 in modern white shark tooth. But I dont know if this is big or average. Thanks for your help
  20. I recently added a few new big teeth to my collection which prompted me to take some pics of the largest teeth I have from 3 species - Carcharodon hastalis, Carcharodon carcharias and Otodus megalodon. One of the recent acquisitions is the 2.7" C. hastalis. It's not in great condition but it's not every day you come across a specimen this size so I had to buy it! While the 2.7" C. hastalis and 2.6" C. carcharodon teeth are approaching maximum size for each species.... the O. megalodon teeth make them look small. A little perspective on just how large that shark got!
  21. I want these to stay pristine as possible. I’ve seen modern teeth age badly. I don’t want this. Please help! special teeth
  22. Parker Brown

    Venice Diving Trip 4/16

    Hey guys! I had a phenomenal day diving for teeth last weekend in Venice. I found around 1,500 teeth and some other awesome stuff. Here is a pile of broken/not "high" quality small teeth that i found Here is the pile of teeth that are full and/or super high quality. Here are the tigers that I found. I don't usually find a lot of tiger shark teeth so it was nice finding this many and of this size! Here are all of the Makos that I found. The one in the middle is my biggest Mako at 2.3" and I also found some super pretty smaller ones! Here are all of the Megs that I found. I found my biggest Meg at 4.75" and I couldn't be happier!!! The smaller Megs have a lot of super nice colors and I am super happy that I found them. And the find of the day would be my FIRST GREAT WHITE!! I have been looking for my first GW for over a year now and I finally found it. I think you would have been able to hear me on the surface because of how much I was freaking out when I found it. What I do not have pictured is I found my largest alligator tooth measuring in just under 1" and I also found my first Gar scale (I think thats what it is). I found four pathological teeth. Two of them were bull shark teeth that had double tips. The double tips were very small and I couldn't get a good picture of them. One was a bull shark tooth that had waves in the blade. The last one was a lemon shark that has a twisted blade. If their are any specific teeth you want better pictures of or you have any questions just let me know! This was definitely a trip for the books and I cant wait to get out there again.
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