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  1. Here’s a tease of one of my upcoming prep projects. It’s not next in queue but it’s coming soon. I spent some time doing exploratory prep on it for the last couple of days. Anyone know what it is? I’ll give you 2 hints. It’s from the Green River Formation and it’s not a fish.
  2. I got back this weekend from my annual trip up to Kemmerer to collect fish in the Green River Formation. It was a great trip and I got to help with a guided tour as my wife and her friends flew in for a few days. I found a bunch of fish as expected but didn’t bring home as many as typical. I just don’t have time to prep them. We were in a new quarry this year that has the upper split fish layer exposed. This was cool as the fish split clean like in the Sandwich Beds but are much better preserved. We even found a bit of the Phareodus Layer that produced a nice Phareodus. It’s going to need some work as it split through the head but I got all the pieces. If course, I had to fly my Norwegian flag… Phareodus layer split. Needs a glue up and heavy prep on the skull. There’s also a Knightia with it. Upper Split Fish Knightia. You can’t beat this preservation. Sandwich Bed palm frond. Not to be forgotten are the amazing nighttime views. The is a 10 minute exposure at 18mm with my camera piggyback mounted to the telescope. I’ll have more pics coming as I unpack. I collected a nice Noto that’s going to need a lot of work as it’s in 4 pieces.
  3. Fitch

    Fish Fossil

    From the album: Miscellaneous Fossils

  4. Well, I’m finally getting to dig into my truckload of fossils from my Wyoming trip with @RJB so it’s my turn to open up a prep thread. I spent a couple hours today poking around to find the perfect fish to start with. The 18” layer never disappoints. This good sized Diplomystus has 2 Knightia on top of it. I’m going to try to save both but I’m concerned that the right hand one is covering most of the Diplo’s skull. If that’s the case, the little guy will have to go! This is after about 90 minutes of scribe work.
  5. Nathalie.D

    Fish identification

    I bought this fish, the seller lost the label but believe it comes from the Green River, is this possible?
  6. Pagurus

    Green River Fish Prep

    For the past month or so I've been working on an exciting (for me) multiplate of Green River fish. I've enjoyed working on it a little at a time in the quiet of my kitchen with just some x-acto knives and an occasional needle. I have magnification and illumination but just whatever I could find at a local craft store. It works for me but I do crave an air abrasion set-up now and then. If I ever finish this multiplate I have a few other fish to play with too, and I'll probably post them here eventually. For the most part this plate is a pleasure to work on, not too hard or soft and the layers peeling off reasonably cleanly without being too sticky. The fish is somewhat fragile though, and extremely thin in places, especially the tails, at least so far. It bothers me when I lose bits of the tail, or they just aren't there, but I'm still happy with the progress so far and it's almost a good substitute for getting out in the field again. Almost. I enjoy seeing my own progress, slow as it is, and I've shown it to local friends and family who nod their heads and humor me, but here on the forum I'm pleased to share it with some people who appreciate the good old days fifty million years ago. Of course I still have a bit of prep to do on this pair of Knightia, and I think there's more tail to uncover despite the missing pieces, but this is where I'm at for now. Thanks for looking.
  7. Pagurus

    Fish paintings

    I'm working on some new fossil fish paintings and thought I'd share them here. I'm trying to work my way through the Green River formation fish first, though I'm sure I won't paint them all. I've only done two so far, but I'll add more as I paint them. The quality will vary, I'm sure. Here's my take on a Priscacara. and of course a Knightia: I've started on a diplomystus, and will post that soon. Thanks for looking. Oh, for those interested, I'm using gouache paints, similar to watercolor but more opaque.
  8. Pixpaleosky

    Repair green river slab

    I broke a large green river slab with fishes. Fortunately there are no small pieces. Which glue do you suggest to make it one piece again ?
  9. Can someone help me identify this fossil please? It wasn't dads and I know he said something about the Green River Formation I'm just not sure what kind of fish there are on it.
  10. oilshale

    Notogoneus osculus Cope, 1885

    Very young fish (27mm) in which the scales have not yet ossified. Juvenile specimens of Diplomystus dentatus can easily be mistaken for juvenile specimens of Notogoneus osculus. But juvenile Notagoneus can be easily recognized by the larger skull and the position of the anal fin, which is set far back. For comparison a specimen of a juvenile Diplomystus dentatus preserved on the same slab: Taxonomy from Fossilworks.org. Revised generic diagnosis from Grande and Grande 2008, p. 10. "†Notogoneus differs from all other genera in the family Gonorynchidae by the following characters: (1) the subopercle bears a series of deep clefts along its posterior margin; (2) the first and second hypurals are not fused to each other; (3) the parhypural is not fused to the vertebral column; (4) the first and second hypurals are not fused to the vertebral column; and (5) scales in adults are nearly the length of a centrum. Also, the frontal is a paired element in †Notogoneus (vs. median in Gonorynchus)." Line drawing from Grande & Grande 2008, p. 4: References: Cope, E. D. (1885) Eocene paddle-fish and Gonorhynchidae. American Naturalist, 19:1090–1091. Woodward, A. S. (1901) Catalogue of Fossil Fishes in the British Museum (Natural History), Part IV 1-63. Hay, O. P. (1902) Bibliography and Catalogue of the Fossil Vertebrata of North America. Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey 179:1-868. Grande, L. and Grande, T. (2008) Redescription of the type species for the genus Notogeneus (Teleostei: Gonorynchidae) based on new, well-preserved material. The Paleontological Society Memoir 70:1-31 [M. Uhen/M. Uhen]
  11. I'd love to know what people think this might be. Thanks in advance- K
  12. bockryan

    Plant Fragment

    From the album: Fossil Collection: DC Area and Beyond

    Plant Fragment Bonanza, UT Green River Formation Eocene
  13. I was pleased to be the winning bidder on this unprepped Knightia in a rolling auction by @Meganeura this past August. Thank you, Daniel. it was quite generous of you to offer it, along with all your other fine items. I was in no hurry to complete the prep and greatly enjoyed spending an hour with it now and then, or even a quarter- hour as it sat patiently on my kitchen table. While I envy our members with air-abrasion setups, I do appreciate the quiet convenience of pecking away at the Green River matrix whenever the spirit moves me. I began work on the skull soon after I opened the auction package from Daniel and soon found a lovely coprolite has been sitting on the fish's head for the past fifty million years or so. I'm afraid I found it rather amusing, and while the poor animal might find my attitude besmirching to its honor and an added insult to its injury, I decided to leave the attachment right where I found it. Not surprisingly, I found more fossil fish dung as I progresssed, and I've left them as found as well. I did uncover a small mass of fish bones near the top of the rectangular block, sliced by the trimming saw and mostly unrecognizable by me. I'm tempted to keep digging away at the block to see what else might be hiding there, but I'll probably just leave it as it is and move on to another awaiting project. It's not one of my best prep jobs but I'm satisfied with it and appreciate it as a snapshot of a moment in time.
  14. This came into my email inbox just now. This bird looks very familiar to many of us.... https://cowboystatedaily.com/2023/11/06/rare-first-of-its-kind-wyoming-fossil-bird-donated-to-chicago-museum/?utm_source=Klaviyo&utm_medium=campaign&_kx=FNPCgSCz7FplU90B8_ouKgYat5AOYRhTA2s_dLpzjqBx2CdT-fhicfAJbOddWJMi.UXPtrV
  15. oilshale

    Hypsiprisca hypsacantha (Cope, 1866)

    From the album: Vertebrates

    Hypsipriscaca hypsacantha (Cope, 1866) Eocene Ypresian Green River Formation Nunn's Quarry USA
  16. Hello, I'm from Austria (Europe). And this is my first time here on the forum. When I was 10 years old, in addition to the dozens of bones, I also found a cave bear canine tooth (tip with end of enamel: almost 4cm with root 6cm) in the dragons cave near Mixnitz in Styria. I never made such a great find again: that was the end of my short excavation career. In the last years I've only bought small things: trilobites, amonites and this week I stumbled upon the fish. I bought the petrified fish as a gift for a special occasion. Indicated from the dealer: fossilized fish (Pricacara liops), Green River, Wyoiming, USA, Tertiary, Eocene, approximately 42 million years. Size Fossil: 40.5 cm (I measured the body axis, not the matrix). Matrix (rock slab): 45,5 cm (length, upper longer edge) x 28,5 cm (average) At first Priscacara liops seems wrong to me because it is smaller. In't it? Priscacara serrata grows to about 37 cm tall?! And unfortunately I don't know exactly how big the Priscacara hypacanthus will get. BTW: In my opinion the body shape doesn't fit either. Question 1: Which fish is this actually? Question 2: It seems to me that the beige matrix (plate) was helped with paint. Please see the photos with the arrows. In one place, paint or a piece of rock seems to have chipped off (as long as it was just beautified), that's not so tragic for me. Question 3: Is the fish a real fossil, in your opinion? So that you can get an idea, I have put up unedited photos (except for the arrows + text). I also photographed the back of the matrix (stone slab) and also the edge; also a few detailed shots. Thank you in advance. Greetings, Rod
  17. My son (7 years old) and I are traveling to Wyoming late September to see the sights and hunt for fossils. We plan to hit up the green river formation for sure, I have looked into Fossil Safari as a possible place to try our luck. Does anyone have any suggestions as to places where we could legally collect fossils, in that area or elsewhere? My son being 7 does limit me in terms of stamina and focus, but he is motivated and equally hooked. I know people are coy with their spots and collecting bone is largely off the table, but any thing we should be sure to catch would be greatly appreciated, even museums, lunch or any such tourism thing. We have a rent car so we are mobile, plan to hit mostly Western Wyoming and then South through back to Casper. Just want to make the most of the experience. Thanks.
  18. Ptychodus04

    Green River Bonanza

    I just got home from 6 days of digging in Kemmerer, WY. We focused our time in the 18” layer and Sandwich Beds. We dug Sandwich during the day and 18 at night. the sandwich produced your typical split Knightias and Diplomystus is quantity with several fry being found. It also produced a nice Pharaeodus and a complete stingray. Below, you can readily see the stingray tail in the matrix. The 18 gave us around a dozen large Diplomystus (one possibly being an aspiration, multiple Priscicara/Cockerelites, Knightias, smaller Diplomystus, a few Mioplosus, a palm frond, and an interesting plant that may include leaves. All in, we came home with around 200 fish and the stingray! A very successful week. The scenery was beautiful also.
  19. Here are some Before & After photos of the 2nd and 3rd fish at practiced prepping, and 1 coat of butvar. I sent 7 fossils off for professional prep and haVE about 35 full fish I'm going to do some art projects with and hang in a wooden frame. I used a razor blade, Q tip, and safety pin.
  20. Superhedger

    What fish is this?

    This is one of the fish we found in Green River WY last week it looks distinctive from the others maybe Phareodus?
  21. Superhedger

    Hiodon or Phareodus

    Is this a Hiodon or perhaps a juvenile Phareodus Testis?
  22. Wrangellian

    Green River Fm fish

    I received this piece without any data. Can anyone please confirm that this is from the Green River Formation in Wyoming, and maybe add more specific location/strat detail to that if it's possible to tell? Should I assume it is from the usual place in Kemmerer... and which layer? Or could it be from a different spot entirely? The ID of the fish would be appreciated too. Sorry about the crummy indoor pic... I tried to get the color balance close to reality.
  23. Dave2244


    Seeking help on yesterday's find. My wife found this one while surface hunting on a hilltop near where we found our first fossils (Horsetail Reeds). The closest I find is calamite, but that looks to be from the carboniferous period which would be too early for the Green River area? Thanks, Dave
  24. Dave2244

    Coral fossil?

    Trying to ID these. Found around Cedar Mountain/Green River, WY. A local guy said they are rugose coral fossils. The pictures I find for rugose coral on Google don't really look like what we have. Anyway, they are usually found in groups on the surface. Many times turtle fossil fragments are in the same area. Any info would be appreciated.
  25. Dave2244

    New member

    Hi everyone. We moved to Green River WY 2 years and can't get enough rock and fossil hunting. Winter and snow is nearing an end and we were able to get out this week to explore. Found a bunch of these and hope someone can ID them.
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