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  1. Hi everyone, Found this gryphaea a while ago and have been pondering about what could have left these marks on this fossil, anybody want to take a crack at what it could be? I had at first assumed that they were modern marks left by a tool of a fellow fossil collector but as can be seen in the first picture the shell 'bends' into the marks, which can only have happend while the shell was still growing. Thoughts? Some general info: - Location found: Vaches Noires - Age: ~150 million years old - Fotos:
  2. Marco90

    Gryphaea arcuata

    From the album: My collection in progress

    Gryphaea arcuata Lamarck 1801 Location: Baudrecourt, Moselle, Grand Est, France Age: 199 - 190 Mya (Sinemurian, Early Jurassic) Measurements: 6,7 cm (diameter) Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mollusca Subphylum: Conchifera Class: Bivalvia Subclass: Pteriomorpha Order: Ostreida Family: Gryphaeidae
  3. I've recently found a very large gryphaea compared to others in my collecting (12 by 9 cm) and was curious as to what the age would be of the animal when it died. Is there any way to estimate this? I have both the shell and it's trapdoor. I've uploaded a foto of the side of the trapdoor.
  4. Hi everyone! Last week we went on a weekend trip with our fossil club the BVP to go on a fossil hunt to the jurassic clay cliffs "Falaises de Vaches Noires" between Houlgate & Villers-Sur-Mer in Normandy, France. https://www.paleontica.org/locations/fossil/68 The famous cliffs of Vaches Noires date back to the Jurassic period, and span both the Callovian & Oxfordian stages (166 - 157 mya) and the Cretaceous period spanning the Cenomanian (100 - 94 mya). Back in the jurassic this area was a rich marine environment and fossils that can be found here are many species of bivalves (like Gryphaea, Lopha & Myophorella), ammonites, gastropods, belemnites, brachiopods, crinoïds, sponges and other invertebrates. The cliffs are also known for marine reptile material and even dinosaur material, though these finds are rather rare but you'll see some nice pieces in the museum pics later. We arrived Thursday afternoon (november 3th) and stayed to Sunday (november 6th). We were very happy to join this trip organized by our club since it is probably the last year that fossil searching is allowed in this amazing location. We were with around 27 people I believe and met each morning at the entrance of the beach at Houlgate. We searched the cliffs for 2 days and went to the local museum "paleospace" on sunday. The weather was amazing for the 2 days of searching, it was even sunny the first day! The first few hours we mainly searched among the rocks on the beach which were littered with large Gryphaea fossils and other bivalves like Lopha gregarea. After our lunch break we moved on to search more near the clay to find smaller fossils. On our second day we again searched the clay, went through some interesting places in the sand which were littered with oysters, gastropods and had some ammonite and crinoïd fossils and we ended the day at the cenomanian rocks in search for some fossil urchins. The Cenomanian rocks on the beach A piece a chalcedony A partial ammonite Me very happy with my first complete ammonite, which I found next to me while having lunch One of the mystery fossils which nobody could really determine (we brought it home along another we found) The tubes seem to be pyritised. I believe it to be some kind of Echinoderm and someone suggested it might be a Crinoïd with a parasite on it. But eventually our top finding (and the best of the entire trip) was spotted by my girlfriend Elise and is this gorgeous fish (probably Lepidotes sp.)
  5. Marco90

    Gryphaea dilatata

    From the album: My collection in progress

    Gryphaea dilatata Sowerby, 1818 Location: Villers-sur-Mer, Normandy, France Age: 163-157 Mya (Oxfordian, Upper Jurassic) Measurements: 7x7x7 cm Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mollusca Subphylum: Conchifera Class: Bivalvia Subclass: Pteriomorpha Order: Ostreida Family: Gryphaeidae
  6. hadrosauridae

    Texoma Duckcreek fm hunt

    Yesterday, my son and I finally made a day-trip to Lake Texoma for some fossil hunting. We've been wanting to make this trip for while, but it can be difficult between both our jobs and weather, and lake levels. I planned for this trip by searching the google maps for good looking locations with a nearby shore access. Unfortunately, one spot turned into a private drive, and the other was closed off by the Corps of Engineers for some unknown reason. We didnt want to hit the same spot that everyone else goes to so we began just driving and looking. The first place we stopped was a gravel bar in creek. When I drove over the bridge and saw the bar, I immediately made a u-turn. I'm sure that this has been searched, but it didnt disappoint. There were a lot of Gryphaea in the marl walls as well as gravel. We found a couple large segments of ammonites and eventually found a small, complete ammonite, about 2 inches in diameter. Then we drove around the lake roads until we found a likely looking shoreline, which fortunately was only a short walk to the exposure. Hunting started slow, and we could see a couple piles of rejects left by other hunters. But we stayed optimistic and kept searching in depth, and then the finds started to show up. There were huge Gryphaea everywhere, many were 1-1/2" long. I eventually got tired of picking them up. There were huge oysters, but they were mostly broken. I did find a smaller one, about 4 inches across. Then there were many partial ammonites and finally several complete ones. Our favorite finds were the echinoids! I found the first one, and then my son found 3 more, all close together. Some of the ammonites are still imbedded in matrix, and I'm hopeful they will prep out cleanly. One of the small partials I have started trying to prep is having problems. Some of it come out clean, but some spot dont seem to have any separation plane between matrix and fossil (which is a steinkern anyway).
  7. RobFallen

    Gryphaea Fossil

    From the album: Robs Fossil Collection

    Gryphaea, one of the genera known as devil's toenails fossil I found in a field in Lincolnshire England in 2016, approx. 7cm long
  8. Hi all, Another bunch of items me and my sister found at Walton-on-the-Naze. I think we know what a couple are but does anyone have any idea about the others? Thanks Gemma
  9. Pleuromya


  10. emmag15

    Exogyra vs Gryphaea

    I'm studying fossils and I'm having a difficult time understanding the visual(and structural) differences between Exogyra and Gryphaea. Any insights would be very much appreciated!
  11. Shell preservation
  12. Ludwigia

    Gryphaea dilatata (Sowerby 1818)

    Shell preservation
  13. Ludwigia

    Gryphaea calceola (Quenstedt 1878)

    Shell preservation.
  14. Ludwigia

    Gryphaea arcuata (Lamarck 1801)

    Shell preservation.
  15. belemniten

    Quick hunt in Frick

    I want to show you some impressions of a very quick hunt in Frick near Basel. There exist a small quarry beside the "real" quarry, where you can saerch fossils. The fossils comes from the "Arietenkalk" (Jurassic). The most common fossil is the oyster Gryphaea, but you can also find ammonites or nautiloids. Like i said before i didnt had much time so i didnt find much Some pictures of the "quarry": In the background you can see the "real" quarry. From this quarry comes the material on the small one ... A block with many Gryphaea: I only found and salvage some bivalves .... But i saw some great fossils ! I was very angry that i couldn salvage this huge (30 cm) nautilus ... the stone was too hard
  16. Greetings from NC! New to the forum & thought I'd share some photos of fossils I collected from the North Antrim coast, Northern Ireland, last month. Hope you enjoy! Barbara Belemnites- White Park Bay; Ammonite- White Park Bay; Gryphaea (devils toenails!)- White Park Bay & Larne; Belemnites in situ- White Park Bay
  17. Tony G.

    Texigryphaea graysonana

    Collected near Lake Texoma in Grayson County, Texas.
  18. JohnBrewer


    From the album: Ammonites

    An Arietites Bucklandi with gryphaea infestation
  19. JohnBrewer

    My collection of oysters

    gryphaea Wait for it..... Eating an arietites bucklandi
  20. i live near Balingen so i collect there sometimes I want to show you some fossils from there Start with gryphaea
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