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  1. JessicaCharleston

    Shark Tooth Serrations

    I'm assuming this is just a run of the mill hemipristis serra? The serrations on this one are wild (...to me, a novice)! Found in Charleston, SC 21 x 10 x 5 mm
  2. Hello again! Went on my first planned fossil hunting trip with a local club, this was to Stratford Cliffs. And I got to say, I will be back again for sure. What an incredible opportunity this was, on a day that could not have been any better for fossil hunting. This was a refreshing pause to all of my Paleocene trips lately, as much as I love finding Otodus Obliquus teeth. This trip was out of my comfort zone, but a welcomed one! It starts out with everyone meeting at a local point in the park, signing waivers, and then we are unleashed upon the beach! There were large Tiger and Bull shark teeth everywhere I looked it seemed! Always fun to pick up one every few feet, however after a bit I was beginning to feel left out in terms of the truly large tooth department, a bit of a bummer in the moment. An hour went by until I noticed the “hump” of a tooth barely showing above the sand, I flicked it with my finger and out pops this incredible 1.5 inch lower hemi! Truly phenomenal find and I felt I was finally on the board for what I was expecting. 5 hours out in the sun, each seemingly better than the last, as I collected teeth, finding 3 out of 4 of the hastalis along about 10-15 feet of beach, was surreal at times. To top off a tiresome, but fulfilling trip, I found the dolphin and sperm whale tooth on my walk back! A crazy variety of fossils were found, I didn’t expect to stay as long as I did, but I barely was able to scrape myself off the beach! This trip was TOTALLY worth the money and then some. I would highly recommend looking up some trips with local clubs in your area. While results may vary due to weather or tides, the experience in itself, going to a new beach or site, meeting new interesting people, and the possibility of finding something amazing is worth it!
  3. Went out after a big rain to an old favorite spot The creek was full of sand. First two stops, first two to three hours only yielded 20 or so teeth. Went to a spot I thought I had cleaned out a month or so ago and was pleasantly surprised to get into a bunch of teeth (mostly small, many broken). Worked hard screening for almost another hour. FOUR cow shark teeth, however three broken; the best one was "classical" serrations on the first point, not sure about the broken ones (two COULD have serrations separate from the first major points? But not definitive.) Don't find many hemis ("snaggletooth") this one was nice, about an inch long. Three tiger shark teeth, the biggest one not real big, but in great shape. A few small makos. An angel shark tooth and five drum teeth. The "usual" sand tiger spikes and gray shark triangles. An interesting one (middle of the second scan) has a big root and a small blade. I thought a weird lemon shark tooth, but the root is too big and the blade seems short and squat but intact. Any ideas?
  4. Bjohn170

    Birthday Fossil Hunt

    I decided to call out of work for my birthday and hit the beach to do some hunting. I kayaked out about 2hrs before low tide and had the beach all to myself the whole day. Found three dolphin teeth right after I landed my kayak, good sign for the day. Found some big hemis and a pretty chub on the walk, then when I got to my kayak I noticed the big shark vert partially buried right next to it! Definitely a better way to spend my birthday than working!
  5. Kayaked out early this morning and had the beach all to myself. The water was a little rough when I got there but by the time low tide had come around the bay flattened out and the water cleared up. I found some Hemis with some real nice size, and got really lucky with 3 cow shark teeth. Then the usual spread of teeth and a nice little retroflexus. Great day out on the bay!
  6. fossilhunter21

    Hemipristis serra, Specimen #1

    From the album: Fossilhunter21's collection

    Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Chondrichthyes Superorder: Selachimorpha Order: Carcharhiniformes Family: Hemigaleidae Genus: Hemipristis Species: Hemiprsistis serra Location: Aurora, NC Fossil Musuem
  7. fossilhunter21

    Hemipristis serra, Specimen #1

    From the album: Fossilhunter21's collection

    Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Chondrichthyes Superorder: Selachimorpha Order: Carcharhiniformes Family: Hemigaleidae Genus: Hemipristis Species: Hemiprsistis serra Location: Aurora, NC Fossil Musuem
  8. fossilhunter21

    Hemipristis serra, Specimen #1

    From the album: Fossilhunter21's collection

    Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Chondrichthyes Superorder: Selachimorpha Order: Carcharhiniformes Family: Hemigaleidae Genus: Hemipristis Species: Hemiprsistis serra Location: Aurora, NC Fossil Musuem
  9. fossilhunter21

    Hemipristis serra, Specimen #1

    From the album: Fossilhunter21's collection

    Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Chondrichthyes Superorder: Selachimorpha Order: Carcharhiniformes Family: Hemigaleidae Genus: Hemipristis Species: Hemiprsistis serra Location: Aurora, NC Fossil Musuem
  10. fossilhunter21

    Hemipristis serra, Specimen #1

    From the album: Fossilhunter21's collection

    Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Chondrichthyes Superorder: Selachimorpha Order: Carcharhiniformes Family: Hemigaleidae Genus: Hemipristis Species: Hemiprsistis serra Location: Aurora, NC Fossil Musuem
  11. While not as big as my 2.03 inch one I found in 2019 it did come from the same site. So maybe there is another 2 incher there. This one measures 1.65 inches long along the slant and 1.43 inches wide.
  12. Made my first fossil hunting trip to South Carolina, went to some areas around Summerville, thought I’d share pics of some of the fossils I collected! The best finds were some echovenator-like teeth, Angies, great whites, some intact sections of dugong ribs, and several associated pieces of a sea turtle shell. Felt like Indiana Jones exploring all the creeks trying to find productive spots haha. Fun trip, hope to return in the future!
  13. RescueMJ

    Atypical Snaggletooth Shark Tooth

    Unusual Shark tooth. Inland, Venice, FL. Pleistocene material is common. Heavy serrations both sides. Bulbous protrusion. Shaped like a lower tooth but serrations on both sides. Tooth is 31mm long and 20mm wide. Is this an odd shaped Hemi upper or from a different species. -Regards, Michael
  14. PrehistoricWonders

    STH fire zone hemi’s

    Hey, I was wondering if it’s possible to find fire zone hemi’s in STH, or not? TIA
  15. hokietech96

    1st trip to Flag Pond

    Had a blast at Flag Ponds yesterday. Weather was great. Met up with @Searcher78 and had fun as always. Enjoy the pics. Hemis
  16. Went out to the Peace River yesterday. The water flow and depth were down to very workable levels. Weather was very nice after several days of below normal temps. I still needed the wetsuit due to the water temp, but it was a really great day to be on the river. After an easy paddle up river I found my targeted spot was at a level similar to where it was in October. I was able to easily pull the kayak up onto a sandy bank and step out with no effort. A check of the bank for about 25 yards in either direction failed to yield up any finds. With that I began working my way along the river to the spot I had in mind for the day. Things started off slow with only various small shark teeth and chips of mammoth found through the morning. Feeling a bit disappointed I headed out more into the middle of the river, luckily easy to get to with the river level down. I was back at a spot where I found a Gomphotherium partial tooth in early October. Within only a few minutes and a couple of shovels full of gravel I was rewarded with another partial Gomp tooth! As I worked the area for the rest of the afternoon I came up with a horse molar, a partial vert, turtle scutes, a nice tiger shark tooth and many more small shark teeth. It turned out to be a great day. Photos below: Best of the day: New Gomph tooth: Gomp tooth from October alongside the new one (first find on top):

    Peace River Visit

    With the Christmas holiday fast approaching I decided on a trip to the Peace River yesterday to squeeze in one last visit before the holiday prep takes over all free time. The morning temperature was in the 50's and fog was present when I got in the car and headed out. The above photo was taken on CR 64 heading east between Bradenton and Wachula at 8:30am. Seeing this heavy fog al the way to Wachula had me a bit worried about what I would find on the river! I brought along my wetsuit due to the morning air temperature, but the forecast called for a high temp of 86 for the day. Getting to the river I was relieved to find the sun shining and no signs of any fog! The water flow was moderate and the depth had dropped to a very manageable level. As I got the kayak in the water seemed cold but not bad enough to don the wetsuit, especially with the expected rise in temperature for the day. Got up the river, beached the kayak and got out take my usual shoreline hunt prior to digging and sifting. Within a few minutes I found a 2" partial meg tooth sitting in about two inches of water on top of the limestone riverbank. Nice way to start the day! Spent the morning sifting and not having a lot of luck, one nice 1" hemi, a few small shark teeth, turtle shell and mammoth fragments found. The water was cold and about mid-day I got out to warm up. While standing in the sun on the riverbank near the kayak I looked down in the water and saw what looked like the top of a tooth root. Pulled it out and had a nice 1" Tiger shark tooth! I'm lucky I hadn't stepped on it getting out of the kayak earlier! Continued sifting through the afternoon as the temp rose and the day became very comfortable. Found another spot that was giving up small teeth where I will return on my next visit. Not a lot of variety found but still a good day on the river!
  18. hokietech96

    Hemi confirmation ID

    Hi. I believe this is hemi. My confidence on identifying is not the greatest. Getting there. Learning more every day. Any feedback is much appreciated. Thanks Mark
  19. paxhunter

    Calvert Cliffs 2018

    So i dont post all the time anymore but as we approach the end of the year i always like to organize my finds and do a calendar. Well here are my finds for 2018 not a bad year and a found my benedini which is the rarest of the rare for Calvert. If anybody is interested in a calendar let me know i'm all done except for December still trying to find a couple more good finds! Hope everybody had a great 2018 and here is to an awesome 2019!!!!
  20. Rowboater

    rapp creek hunting

    Went out to find a new spot. After a few unproductive but relaxing hours (not as humid, not many mosquitoes, lots of frogs), I found a spot that yielded a bunch of small teeth, including a cowshark and three angelshark teeth. Also found pieces of at least three tiger shark teeth (rare in my old spots) Found a piece of frog(?) jaw with three flattened teeth (small but bigger than most I've found). I thought I had found another Mako ventral tooth, but it has serrations, heavy at the bottom and fine in the middle edges of the blade. People here IDed it as a hemi ventral tooth. Picked up about 20 "drum teeth" but half lacked the distinctive glossy top and hollow bottoms (and a few black shell bits discarded with the small black round rocks). Hopefully the "vein" won't die out like the last spot!
  21. sixgill pete

    Hemipristis serra

    This is by far the largest Hemipristis I have ever collected. 2.03 inches long and at 1.81 inches wide, it is wider than the next longest one in my collection.
  22. Jocassee Tiger

    Low country river trip

    We took a trip to the river and came back with a bunch of teeth. Unfortunately we didn't find anything big and intact but the ones we did find had some nice colors. Am I correct that the teeth up top are makos and not sand tigers? Also, check out the size of what could have been with this angustiden, if only I could find one like that whole
  23. JustinFL

    Megs and more

    We went to a new spot and It paid off! My girlfriend found some great megs. The pics should fill in the rest.
  24. JustinFL

    One Perfect Mako Later

    I was pointed to a land site from a guy at the beach and found some great stuff in about an hour. Thanks for sharing your spot! The meg was a heartbreaker! The whole lot
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