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  1. cjre84

    Dino Bone Fragments?

    Hey, New to the forum so hope this post is OK. Was hoping to get some expert advice on a couple of pieces of what I'm hoping are bone fragments. Both found in ComptonBay, Isle of Wight in the UK. They are very small so I've no included anything for scale, I appreciate ID of species etc would be impossible given the size, but wondering if these are actually bone fragments? I'm very new to fossil hunting and looking to fulfil a childhood dream! Thanks in advance
  2. Found this along the Hudson River near Albany, NY. I split the rock to see what was inside and it. An ID on any of the fossils would be appreciated!
  3. Honeymayoon

    Possible Vertebra in Upstate NY

    Found this on the shore of the Hudson River near Albany, NY. Hoping this is a fossil protruding out and not just a rock! Thanks🙂 IMG_1056.MOV
  4. These are very common at an exposure of what I believe to be the Monterey formation (Miocene) in Santa Barbara county, California. They look quite different from most pectinid fossils I've seen in southern CA. Any ideas on ID, or references I should take a look at for this area? Thanks!
  5. Hi all, a family member found this 30 years ago near Anza Borrego in southern CA. Looks a lot like juvenile tortoises I've seen in the area. I'm aware that fossil testudines are known from the area, but 1) is this one?, and 2), is a family, genus or species level identification possible from this partial specimen? Thanks. (The ruler is in inches. The specimen itself is about 9cm x 7cm.)
  6. 1A-1B 2A-2C 3A-3C 4A-4B 5A-5B 6A-6B Poop? 7A-7B 8A-8C - Is this a artifact? (I hope artifact questions are ok) Looks like there is some etchings on it, is it modern? It's heavy unlike #10 9A-9E - Found separately but i thought they looked similar, looks like nothing at first but if you look closely it looks like something is going on inside or JAR? 10A-10D - Another possible artifact? It's super light weight and smooth on one side and possible etchings? What material is this?
  7. Honeymayoon

    Fossilized wood?

    Found near New Lebanon, NY. Hoping someone can ID. Thanks!
  8. Hi everyone, I recently purchased a collection from a retired fossil collector. Including in this collection was a box with Brachiopods from the Eifel region. Unfortunately it is harder than expected to ID them all. So here are the photo's of the 3rd batch of brachiopods in this collection, I think these might all be atrypids but I am not sure. 1) All the same species to my eye, I call them cheese grater brachiopods, could these be Spinatrypa curvirostra? 2) Spinatrypa occidentalis? 3) Spinatrypa occidentalis? 4) Spinatrypa occidentalis? 5) Spinatrypa occidentalis? 6) Spinatrypa occidentalis? 7) Spinatrypa occidentalis?
  9. Hi everyone, I recently purchased a collection from a retired fossil collector. Including in this collection was a box with Brachiopods from the Eifel region. Unfortunately it is harder than expected to ID them all. Here are the previous 3 posts with brachiopods from the same collection: So here are the photo's of the 4th batch of brachiopods: I believe most (if not all) of these are Rhynchonellid brachiopods 1) Uncinulus sp. or Septalaria sp.? 2) Oligoptycherhynchus sp? or Uncinulus sp? 3) Uncinulus sp. or Septalaria sp.? 4) Rhynchonellid but further no clue. 5) Septalaria? 6) No clue... 7) Camarotoechia sp.?
  10. Hi everyone, I recently purchased a collection from a retired fossil collector. Including in this collection was a box with Brachiopods from the Eifel region. Unfortunately it is harder than expected to ID them all. So here is the a batch of photo's of Brachiopods which are the most represented species from the collection. Group 1) I believe all these to be Xystostrophia umbracula
  11. Hi everyone, I recently purchased a collection from a retired fossil collector. Including in this collection was a box with Brachiopods from the Eifel region. Unfortunately it is harder than expected to ID them all. So here is the first batch of photo's of Brachiopods which I all believe to be Spiriferid. 1) A couple of small Spiriferid brachiopiods which seem to be from the same species: After some google searching and comparisons my best bet is "Hysterolites hystericus" 2) A larger well preserved Spiriferid Looks like a Cyrtospirifer sp. to me 3) Another larger and well preserved Brachiopod: Pretty sure this is a "Spinocyrtia ostiolata" 4) A larger Brachiopod Another Cyrtospirifer? 5) A larger Brachiopod (same species as nr 4) Another Cyrtospirifer?
  12. rat7

    Hornsea Beach Finds

    hi all!! i've just come back from poking through hornsea beach (england uk) and i have a small bag of finds. i'm quite new to identifying fossils so any help would be so very much appreciated!! thank you in advance for your time and expertise. hornsea beach's cliffs are made up of boulder clay and are said to be good for erratics. 1. ammonite? 2. interesting imprint at the bottom, maybe crinoid impressions?? 3. not sure 4. not sure 5. some kind of plant? 6. unusual imprint at the top there 7. curious as to whether this one is just a quartz deposit or something else? there are two on the front and one long one on the back. 8. a brachiopod? this one is a little iridescent when turned in the light, the picture doesn't capture this very well! thank you again
  13. jack roundtop

    ID assistance

    Found in McCreary County, Kentucky in the Hollyhill Quadrangle. Brown and black colored areas have texture of hide/fur.
  14. Cortinarius

    Fossilised wood?

    Hello! I hesitate to post after my last terrible misidentification of fossilised wood, but your kind help made me study harder, learn more, look harder - thank you! So I’m back with another request - I think I might have actually found wood this time? These are all from the Kimmeridgian Helmsdale Boulder Beds or nearby Portgower Boulder Beds, Scotland, UK. Dark photos are wet, mostly they go quite pale when dried out. In this case, I know wood is a known find in these areas, and I’ve found a scant few photos from seasoned collectors / geologists of finds from these locations said to be fossil wood that looks similar. But I’ve turned into the biggest pessimist and there was only a small amount of info to go on. If anyone would be kind enough to just confirm either way, I’d be so grateful (thank you!).
  15. Found this little fossil on the James River shoreline near Surry, Virginia (US). Wondered whether it might be an incomplete dolphin ear bone, but not entirely confident in that ID! It's just about an inch long.
  16. Cortinarius

    Fossilised Wood? - ID Request

    Hello! I wonder if anyone would be kind enough to give me an opinion about this… It struck me as looking like fossilised driftwood? I’ll be totally honest, just because it looked so much like a modern piece of driftwood at the ends. The striations seemed weird for rock normal banding, layering. Also, there seems to be faded bands running at right angles to the striations on a couple of faces - which again seemed a wood-like feature? I’m very happy to be wrong though! I was lucky, the tide was just going out when I spotted it still wet - it’s fairly unremarkable dry. It’s from the coast in Fife, Scotland. The rocks in this spot are sandstone / mudstone / siltstone, from fluvial, palustrine and shallow-marine environment, from the Carboniferous. Thanks so much for your time and thoughts!
  17. A few months back I recieved a bucket full of material from the (now closed) Tielt Formation, Egem, Belgium (Eocene, Ypresian, 53 mya) The material should be rich in shark teeth (I am waiting for the spring weather to go through it all) but there were some very nice Gastropods and Bivalves in the mix as well. Unfortunately Bivalves and Gastropods are far from my speciality, especially Cenozoïc ones... So I was hoping someone here might have some more experience with these critters here to might ID them. 1: Some Bivalves 2) A block with some bivalves, a gastropod and a Rotularia below. 3: A nice Gastropod 4: A gastropod 5: Another Gastropod
  18. Well, possibly. My mom suggested it might be a coccyx of some kind, but I think the surviving eye socket is extremely suggestive. Forgot to mention my usual, found it on a Suffolk beach in England, washed up by the North Sea. Let me know if you'd like a different view. Also, is the part between the eyes what they call a fenestra? Thank you in advance for any suggestions or information!
  19. Hi everyone, I currently have a friend in Morocco who recently found two teeth which he believes are the front dentary teeth of Carinodens which by itself are extremely rare but this tooth position especially. After doing some research I agree with my friend in Morocco about the ID to which he came to. But due to their rarity they are pretty pricey and because of that I wanted to have a second opinion just to be sure. Thank you all in advance! @jnoun11 @pachy-pleuro-whatnot-odon Care to chime in?
  20. X-fish

    Fish Fin?

    I found this specimen in the smoky hill chalk in Lane Co. KS. From what I can tell, it appears to be a fragment of a fish fin (though I definitely could be wrong). Does anyone have any ideas? thanks in advance
  21. ziggycardon

    ID requested: Kem Kem tooth

    Hi everyone, I am currently eyeing this Theropod tooth from the Kem Kem beds in Morocco which is listed as a Deltadromeus tooth. Now I know that no teeth can be attributed to Deltadromeus as no cranial material has been found yet and I know that most teeth sold as Deltadromeus are in fact Abelisaurid teeth but this tooth seems way to curved to be Abelisaurid which could my eye instantly. So I was think if this might be a Dromaeosaurid tooth which while rare (and not yet officially described from Kem Kem) are somethings found and sold as Deltadromeus. Or might this be a small anterior tooth of a Carcharodontosaurid, I would appreciate your thoughts and imput on this tooth before I commit to buy. These are currently the only pictures I have, I am not sure if they suffice to give a proper ID whether these are Dromaeosaurid or Carcharodontosaurid, so I also asked the seller for some photos of the base of the tooth and if possible some close ups of the serrations. Thank you in advance, Ziggy Cardon
  22. Hi everyone, today I arrived a small batch of shark teeth which came from the Egem Clay, Tielt Formation, Egem, Belgium that date back to the Ypresian, Eocene (53 mya). I attempted to ID them but as usual I would like to see what your imput is on my ID's. Tooth 1: Striatolamia macrota or maybe even Cretalamna sp. Tooth 2: Brachycarcharias lerichei? Tooth 3: Striatolamia macrota Tooth 4: Striatolamia macrota Tooth 5: Hypotodus verticalis or Striatolamia macrota Tooth 6: Odontaspis winkleri
  23. ziggycardon

    A box with Kem Kem stuff

    I just recieved a box with a random assortment of Kem Kem fossils and I was wondering if some of you might help out with some of the ID's 1) A fish scute, Adrianaichthys (Lepidotes) pankowskii would be my guess. 2) Another Adrianaichthys (Lepidotes) pankowskii scale? 3) A small bone, turtle perhaps? 4) Crocodile osteoderm 5) Crocodile osteoderm 6) I often see similar fossil sold as Kem Kem coprolites 7) base of an Onchopristis numides rostrum tooth 8) A large fish vert, could it be Chondrichthyan like Onchopristis or probably just bony fish? 9) A fish vert? 10) Spinosaurid tooth
  24. Hi everyone, yesterday I recieved a lot of shark teeth, 20 of which came from the Egem Clay, Tielt Formation, Egem, Belgium that date back to the Ypresian, Eocene. The teeth are very small sized so I tried a macro lens to take pictures (I apologize for the not always clear images), and I believe most belong to Physogaleus secundus. But I wanted to share my thoughts on the ID's of the teeth and see what your imput would be as I am not an expect on Eocene shark teeth. Tooth 1: Physogaleus secundus Tooth 2: Physogaleus secundus Tooth 3: Physogaleus secundus Tooth 4 Physogaleus secundus Tooth 5: Physogaleus secundus Tooth 6: Physogaleus secundus or Galeocerdo? Tooth 7: Physogaleus secundus Tooth 8: Physogaleus secundus Tooth 9: Physogaleus secundus Tooth 10: Physogaleus secundus Tooth 11: Abdounia minutissima or Scyliorhinus sp.? Tooth 12: Physogaleus secundus Tooth 13: Physogaleus secundus Tooth 14: Physogaleus secundus Tooth 15: Physogaleus secundus Tooth 16: Physogaleus secundus Tooth 17: Physogaleus secundus? Not sure, looks a little different in morphology then the rest. Tooth 18: Physogaleus secundus Thank you in advance!
  25. Hi everyone! Little over a week ago I recieved some new bags of microfossil matrix and this time there was a bag with material from the Lee Creek Mine, Yorktown Formation, Aurora, North Carolina, USA (Miocene, 14,5 mya) This material is quite rich in shark teeth as I found little over 90 shark teeth in it. I have photographed a couple of them already and posted them in my microfossil topic. But since I doubt I will get many help with the identification of the teeth there I am going to repost the first batch of teeth here (I apologize for the repost admins) and upload the rest of my finds from that material in this topic from now on. I have tried to ID some of the teeth with the help of the website Elasmo & the paper "Geology and Paleontology of the Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina, III by Clayton E. Ray and David J. Bohaska", but I feel like my eyes aren't enough trained yet to distinguish enough to make proper ID's on all of the finds, so I not all ID's will be a 100 % correct I am affraid. Here are some of the first teeth I photographed. I would be gratefull if some of you could help my ID some of the teeth of verify /correct some of the ID's I have come up with. If the photo's aren't clear of good enough, just let me know and I'll try to make some more/better ones. Thank you in advance! The first tooth which is by far also the favorite in the bunch: Tooth 1: a Sphyrna zygaena tooth? Tooth 2: a chunk of Galeocerdo sp. tooth Tooth 3: another Galeocerdo sp. tooth Tooth 4: This one is a tooth which I have a hard time identifying as I feel it has a lot of features that return in different teeth. Physogaleus? Sphyrna? Loxodon? Tooth 5: another I haven't managed to ID yet. Tooth 6: Carcharhinus sp. Tooth 7: could this be Negaprion sp.? Tooth 8: Tooth 9: Scyliorhinus sp.? Tooth 10: Megachasma sp.? Tooth 11: Megachasma sp.?
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