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  1. As in the title I started off my guess with this being Auriculatus. After doing a double take and researching potential IDs with what appears to be serrated cusps, but looking more at it why would it have striations if it is one and the weird serrated cusps and lack of serrations on the rest of the tooth? Another guess a friend of mine brought up was a type of sand tiger shark tooth cause of the striations and the nutrient groove. Any thoughts, help, input on the ID for this tooth are very much appreciated in advanced. Can and will take more photos later when I return to the homestead with any more physical info required to narrow down the shark.
  2. MidwestRockHound

    Keweenaw Finds

    I found these specimens in the Keweenaw peninsula earlier this year. Any thoughts on what these could be, on my Reddit forum, someone didn't think that the two rocks in the one picture or fossils. They don't look like potosky stones, but the little hexagonal and shimmer in the light. Especially when wet.
  3. Montiel Roscoe

    Identification posting for the uninitiated

    I found this fossil on a beach (Pacific ocean inlet) on the boarder between British Columbia and Washington State. Length is 6.5cm or 2.5 inch and width is 4cm or 1.75inch. It is smooth and hard as a rock, it can't chip or scratch anything off it. My understanding is that saltwater erodes bone, which is why I thought 'fossil'? But it looks nothing like a rock, it looks like a bone. But is not heavy like it was mineralized but it is not light like a bone. It is seems to be a socket bone, from the crest down is smooth and very round. At the bottom of the round well is a blueish cylinder, it looks like bone marrow. My internet research came up with Calcaneus but I have no clue really.
  4. Could anyone help me identify this fossil? Found on the beach near Whitby uk. Weighs a little over 2kg. Photographed wet and dry with a bell pepper for scale. (apologies at the lack of accurate measurements, the kiddos have stolen my ruler, tape measure and for some reason the spirit level... I can only hope they're putting up a shelf or something.) This is my first time on this forum so apologies for any faux pas or janky formatting.
  5. I found these 2 fossils yesterday on Edisto Island walking north where the Townsend River spills into the Atlantic. I picked them up on the Surfline as the tide was going out. I’m thinking one might be from a sort of cetacea but I am not sure. Any help or identification would be greatly appreciated!
  6. I found multiple pieces of this rock which each vary in size but the shape and structure is the same. There is banding and in the middle of each is a cellular structure looking material. Is this some sort of plant? I am in Mississippian strata Indiana USA
  7. Do y’all have any advice y’all could give me to extract a fossilized vertebrae bone that is under 6mm without damaging? like tools, extraction techniques, preservation of it, and identification of it. context: So, I am new at this and I don’t really know what to get or do to extract it. The fossil is small like very small around as small as fire ants, like maybe on the bigger side of fire ants. I don’t have any close up and clear photos of it right now, but the measurements is accurate, and I will add a quick sketch of what it roughly looks like.
  8. svcgoat

    Dinosaur Footprint ID

    I have had these tentatively id'ed on the forum before. The seller lists them all as Grallator from the Connecticut River Valley. However the largest print is the one I am questioning I have had various people id it as Eubrontes or Prosauropod etc. Is there any way to get a definite id?
  9. Jack.P

    Australia, Unknown Fossil

    Hello fellow fossil people, The images are of an unknown specimen collected from a well known fossil site just south of the city Melbourne in Victoria, Australia. I'm finding it difficult to even get a genus let alone species on this. I'm thinking its perhaps some kind of crab species given what appears to be four leg sockets on each side. Another thought regarding ID is a lamp shell, Brachiopoda perhaps in the family Terebratulidae? The ruler scale in the photos is in millimeters. Thanks in advance for spending time looking at this and would be happy to answer any questions or provide more photos if needed. Kind regards, Jack
  10. Jllich

    Very new to fossil hunting

    Hey. I have started rock hunting and have found quite a lot that may or may not be fossils. I have found a large number of fossilized shell, but those are the only ones I’m 100% sure are actually fossils. If anyone could help me out on what characteristics to look for or any other advice it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you 😊 I have included pics of a few I’ve found. #1 #2 #3
  11. Fossilcollector88

    Supposedly Spinosaur bones from Morocco

    Kem kem bones, supposedly Spinosaur Hello all, i recently got two bones that come from Morrocco, kem kem formation, suposedly belonging to a Spinosaur. They seem quite peculiar and could actually come from anything. Attached are some photo’s, does anyone have an idea what it could be?
  12. Hi, I've been offered this bone and would love an ID on it if anyone has any ideas. It was acquired from a show and is labeled to be from Badlands in SD. Any ideas on what it could be from would be appreciated. 10" long x 4" high x 3" wide approx
  13. CaryJo

    Little one from my creek

    I cleaned this up, it’s 3/4” long by 1/4” wide. Not sure what it is?
  14. Diameter 4.5cm at widest Bought from street vendor in china who said its a “meatball” stone or 肉丸石(direct translation) i believe it is considered a cave pearl coated with aragonite? Other possibilities include lithothamnium fossil algae. Could anyone confirm ID?
  15. I bought a dinosaur claw from Niger. Locality is always a problem, but I am hoping to get an general label on this claw. So far I got two suggestions from my own network: it looks like a Sauropod claw or Iguanodontian. Most sauropod claws in my collection are 'flatter' (vertical) and more oval. This claw more round and flat (horizontal). The claw is 12 cm (long) and 5 cm (high). Hope to get some more insights on this nice claw. Thanks!
  16. theArborist

    Petrified Wood slab

    I have a 4" x 6" x 0.6" slab, collected in Arizona or New Mexico by my grandfather in the 1960s. It was cut and polished, now a pen holder. I can clearly see the cellular structure. Is it possible to determine the type of plant/tree this was? I can do this for living trees, but I'm lost with trees from millions of years ago. Also, there are some microscopic features that appear to be roots that were growing through the wood before silicification. Any thoughts or comments on these? See bottom left of 4th photo. Finally, are there are resources I can use to answer these questions? Researchers, experts, etc whom I might contact? Thanks for your help.
  17. I recently acquired a tooth fossil from UK. The locality of the tooth labeled by the seller is Oxford Clay, but I suspect it might come from Faringdon Sponge Gravels due to its preservation. The tooth seems to have carinae, which rarely occurs on plesiosaur and pliosaur teeth. Can anyone help me identify this tooth? Would it possibly be a candidate for Dakosaur?
  18. Jonahimthewhale

    Please help me Identify

    Guys can you please help me to know what is that?
  19. Nepenthes

    i need help with fossil id

    I do not know what exactly it is. Found on the beach, Kos island, Greece. About 15 centimeters. At the first glance it seemed to me like a kind of hoof, but since it was found on a beach, i started thinking that it might be a part or a cross-section of some coral. Any ideas?
  20. Spino95

    Spinosaurus Sail Bone?

    Hi, i have an opportunity to buy these items which are marked as spinosaurus neural spine bones - do you guys agree? I think its quite hard to ID but could be actually a good specimen.. Found @ Taouz Morocco Thanks in advance! 🙂
  21. My brother and I found this rock that we believe is a fossil, we found it in the Virgin River near Hurricane, Utah. Does anybody know what it is?
  22. Hi everyone, I recently found a marine reptile tooth fossil that was discovered in Stary Oskol, Russia. The tooth is currently labeled as “Pliosaur” by the seller. Considering the prevalent geological age of the Stary Oskol region as Cretaceous, it indicates that the tooth could be from a Cretaceous plesiosaur or pliosaur. However, the absence of enamel striation raises doubts about its identity, as most Cretaceous pliosaur teeth typically exhibit fine striations across the circumference. Any thoughts on this?
  23. Shaun-DFW Fossils

    Woodbine/eagle ford border ID needed

    I found this in a creek in Tarrant county along the woodbine/eagleford border. Lots of sandstone present in the area, and some concretions. Thanks in advance for the ID assistance!
  24. Bora Barutcu

    Looking for ID

    Hello,this fossil is from Miyosen Era ,Mersin Mut in Turkey,anyone know I'd?
  25. Shaun-DFW Fossils

    Oysters/clams Duck Creek/Fort Worth?

    I don’t find these too often, and rarely can they be extracted in a way that looks good (in my limited experience), but these two were found as shown already separated on all sides. The bigger one is REALLY big compared to those I usually find. I placed a smaller one found in the same spot right next to it for comparison. I tried to use Lance Halls northtexasfossils site to find something similar and there’s a Pennsylvanian specimen that sort of looks similar, but many of his pics aren’t loading properly so I don’t know if I overlooked a likely candidate. Any ideas? This is Tarrant county TX, a spot where I can find exposure of kiamichi clay and Fort Worth formation as well as duck creek.
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