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  1. A few more finds from walk on the beach in lower Delaware. Can't identify them.
  2. Any thoughts on this? I know it's a stab in the dark, due to the small partial remnant. This is embedded in a large landscaping stone that was quarried in South Central TX, USA, almost certainly between San Antonio and Austin. So it's Cretaceous, for sure. It measures about 60 mm in length (house key for additional scale). What you see here is all that's visible, unfortunately. I appreciate the feedback!
  3. American paleontology hobbyist here, seeking wisdom from those of you outside the USA regarding amateur paleontology culture elsewhere. Call me crazy. I'm seeking your stories to use in a planned talk in a session advocating for amateur/hobbyist contributions to paleontology, at the North American Paleontological Convention in June. Which stories? Well, the ones that offer better ways that amateur/hobbyist paleontology can interface with professionals, academics, corporations, and governments. I want to hear about the ways in which differences in cultural or historical or legal framework in different countries have led to different/better relationships with amateur/hobbyist paleontology than we have in the USA. For example: How do municipalities, corporations, and universities regard their role in actively or passively facilitating access/opportunity/education for amateurs/hobbyists? How do states and universities regard hobbyist societies as knowledgeable partners in which to invest trust when it comes to approving outcrop access, amateur grants, etc.? What is the funding mechanism for efforts to keep fossil exposures fresh at designated fossil parks? Is there an amateur paleontology stewardship certification offered by the state, by the municipality, by the national society, by the local museum or university, or by individual quarries that lends meaningful weight when it comes to approving outcrop access, amateur grants, etc.? If you have some interesting answers—especially anecdotal answers—to these and related questions, I'd love to catch up with you for 20 minutes to discuss. Your responses are what will open up possibilities for fossil collectors here in the USA and elsewhere. Let's talk. To start the conversation, send me a DM. Or if you prefer to just leave your thoughts below, that's fine too. Thanks.
  4. Howdy! I've been hunting mostly plant fossils in the Pittsburgh area for about two years. This is a sampling of some of my favorite pieces. I hope you enjoy! All are Glenshaw Formation finds. 1. Neuropteris fimbriata 2. Metacoceras 3. Metacoceras 4. Asterophyllites 5. Lepidodendron obovatum 6. Neuropteris Ovata 7. Crenulopteris acadica 8. Brachiopod, Linoproductus? 9. There are over 50 little fossils on this plate, lots of Cyathocarpus arborea and I think Calamites and Psaronius "bark" 10. Cyathocarpus arborea 11. Crenulopteris acadica and stem and bark? 12. Crenulopteris acadica and Alethopteris 13. Crenulopteris acadica, Altheopteris 14. Calamites 15. Neochonetes 16. Crenulopteris acadica 17. Neuropteroid, Neuropteris Ovata? 18. Crenulopteris acadica 19. Cyathocarpus arborea and Calamites 20. Neuropteris 21. Not sure about the one on top, but the other two look like Crenulopteris acadica 22. Big Calamite 23. Crenulopteris acadica and Calamites 24. Aphlebia/Rhacophyllum? 25. Neuropteris scheuchzeri 26. Neuropteris ovata 27. Asterophyllites 28. Sphenopteroid 29. Neuropteris 30. Alethopteris 31. Asterophyllites 32. Petalodus tooth 33. Brachiopod 34. Neuropteroid frond 35. Aphlebia/Rhacophyllum? 36. Annularia 37. Lots of brachiopods 38. Neuropteris ovata 39. Horn coral, stereostylus 40. Cephalopod, pseudorthoceras
  5. The area we explored was lousy with snails and unionid bivalves. Here are some of the more complete gastropods:
  6. HynerpetonHunter

    Keyser Limestone fossil ID

    I recently started researching the Keyser Limestone Formation to try to get identify some fossils I found a few years ago. I was able to make out a few genera but there are limited resources on the Keyser/Tonoloway so I could use some assistance on this one in particular. Bryozoan is my guess. Edit: Found near Altoona, Blair County, PA - Either Pridoli-Lochkovian or strictly Lochkovian. I don't know if Machaeraria whittingtoni (a brachiopod found on the same rock) is found in a certain period of time? I found pictures of it online that were from the Lochkovian in Tennessee.
  7. I am struggling to find proper information on how to identify different brittlestar genuses, so if anyone has a good resource for that, that would be great as well! Found at place de la Crevasse near Equihen, when splitting open a fallen block of layered, clayey shale. Scale is in cm.
  8. Here is a thread to share some of your rarest partials that if whole would've been incredible specimens, but you know how it is sometimes... Yet they still amazing to own a piece of. I will start off by sharing a piece of the tail of a Probolichas Kristiae, an incredibly unique looking rare lichid trilobite from Oklahoma that would've of been incredible if whole of course yet this piece still has amazing detail and I am more that happy to own
  9. I am mesmerized by bioluminescence and these alien creatures, neon works of art by mother nature.
  10. Almost there! Over 270 pages of full color fossils from the Pennsylvanian of North Texas The long-awaited sequel to the Pennsylvanian Fossils of North Texas (2003) Available Q4 2015 in hardcopy, digital and e-reader formats.
  11. Ossicle

    Jurassic Oxford Clay find ID

    I will do these over a few posts. The site is Jurassic Oxford Clay, Peterborough Member, c.163 ma at Yaxley in Cambridgeshire. Any help would be greatly appreciated! The scale is in mm. The first I thought was Genicularia Vertebralis, but it looks a bit different from the others I've found, and has three distinct lines at the bottom of an unusually straight column.
  12. diginupbones

    Fossilized seashells?

    I have little to no experience with invertebrates so I was hoping to get a little info from the experts here. I recently rescued these and some other items from going into the dumpster. The only information I have on them is that they were from a collection of an avid fossil hunter who lived in the South Dakota Nebraska area and passed away many years ago. I have quite a few more of these shells with a couple of them being encased in some hard matrix that I will post later in another thread. There was also a big chunk of hash plate with them.
  13. Uncle Siphuncle

    Ode to the Corsicana Formation

    The Corsicana Formation is a Maastrichtian sequence about 68 MYA that outcrops in a 350 mile long band paralleling the Balcones Fault from north to south Texas. It has contemporary exposures from the East Coast to Mexico, and I've been fortunate to collect some of these exposures in Mississippi to complement my Texas experience. Once upon a time I had 8 or 10 producing Corsicana sites in Texas; now I have nothing worth a hoot, so I'm feeling a bit nostalgic. But I did seize the opportunity during the golden years to amass quite a stockpile of material to prep...only to realize that I had more than I needed for my personal collection. I tend to have a retention bias for the flashiest fossils; however, not all fossils have to be beautiful ot have scientific significance. A fossil need not be without blemish to retain diagnostic features and other data. Coupled with the realization that I only have time to prep the stuff I plan to retain, I have been making some pretty significant donations over the last year or so. It is also worth noting that donating unprepared material may retain micro details and matrix associations that I've potentially been (unwittingly) blowing through with my scribe. The AMNH was eager to receive a bunch of ammonite and nautiloid specimens. Wright State accepted about 100 crabs (MMNS serving as repository), and I have about 50 more ready to hand off. I've donated huge numbers of various inverts to USF, probably over 1000 specimens, with another big box ready to go. There could be some undescribed species in the latter. I've made some other donations here and there over the years including Emory, Smithsonian, researchers in Europe, etc. Let's have a peek at some pics of things I hung onto in no particular order, just as they are stored on my phone.
  14. Hi, I am in search of Plate 8 from the following paper. Yes, the paper is published online at Biodiversity Heritage Library, but both Plate 8 and its accompanying "Explanation" (i.e., captions) page are unfortunately missing from the online edition. Please post a scan if you have easy access to Plate 8 from this paper, thanks. Driscoll, E. G. 1965. Dimyarian Pelecypods of the Mississippian Marshall Sandstone of Michigan. Palaeontographica Americana, No. 35.
  15. I’m posting some invertebrates that I collected in the 1970s from the Miocene of Maryland and Virginia. If I had continued to collect invertebrates from the Miocene of Maryland and Virginia I would have many thousands of specimens. However, after I found my first few shark teeth, my interests shifted to vertebrate fossils. You can see in the below picture lots of coral like Astrhelia palmata , barnacles (Balanus concavus), Murex Snail shells (like the Maryland State Fossil Ecphora gardnerae gardnerae), Turret Snail shells (Turritella plebeian), Bittersweet Clam shells (Glycymeris parilis), Moon Snail shells (Polynices duplicatus and Lunatia heros), Scallop shells ( like Chesapecten nefrens), Quahog shells (Mercenaria sp.), Pearl Oyster shells (Isognomon maxillata), an Ark Clam shell (Dallarca idonea), and a Geoduck shell (Panopea americana). I used the below Calvert Marine Museum PDF (which used Clark, W.B., et al., 1904, Miocene Plates, Maryland Geological Survey, Baltimore, MD) for the identifications. I pretty much have all of the species from the CMM PDF. I have sand dollar pieces and a good many crab claws stored elsewhere. The only thing that I don’t ever remember finding is a Heart Urchin (Echinocardium sp.). Marco Sr.
  16. Robski


    Greetings All I am a Geologist from Alberta and I have always been crazy for fossils. Most of my interests are related to fossils found in Alberta but I like to read about anything fossil related. Best Regards Rob
  17. Hello everyone, These were all found in St. Claire, PA. Mahantango Formation. Anybody know what these are? #1. Looks like octopus suckers in brown outline. Is it a coral? #2. Crinoid star stems? #3. Cylindrical molds, what are these?
  18. HotSauceCommittee

    Crockett/Stone City unknowns

    Hello all! I made my first trip to the famous Eocene Texas location a few weeks ago and have a few things that remain a mystery to me. I have perused the forum and was able to ID most of my finds from jkfoam's informative replies and many topics from other members. However, several of the gastropods below resemble species I have already identified, but they're not quite the same, so I'm unsure exactly what they are. Not all the images have a scale, but they are all micro fossils under half a centimeter in length. Thank you in advance for any help you can offer! (1) I know this is an ootolith, but I cannot differentiate between the two most common kinds. Help would be appreciated, especially as I only have two of these guys and they are the same. (2) Initially I believed this to be an ootolith as well, but after cleaning it, I really have no idea. Image is front & back. (3) Here is another that I believed to be an ootolith but now have doubts about. Image is front & back. (4) This appears very crab-esque to me, but again, I have no idea. (5) Could this be Bolis enterogramma? I can't find enough images on the web to say I am confident with my ID on this one. (6) I have this (and many others) down as Polinices sp., however I cannot tell the difference between these and Neverita sp. so the ID could be incorrect. Could someone clarify the differences for me? (7) Mystery gastropod (two views; same specimen). (8) Another similar mystery gastropod (two views; same specimen). (9) This is one that looks similar to some I've already IDed, but just different enough to make me believe it is something else. (10) I believe these two are the same species, but when they get this small (some of my smallest; only a few millimeters long), I find it difficult to tell. For all I know, these could be ice cream cones.
  19. Raptor9468

    France pyrite ammonite id

    I was given this ammonite from France as a gift,a small part is gone outside.Does anyone know what species or age this is? Sorry but I dont have the formations and age. Also a short question,if I put it in a bag would it prevent pyrite disease?
  20. HI. Folks! I'm going nutz behind my mask--and I have a trip to Miss. and Ala. scheduled.... never been to either state, and wondered if anyone can suggest areas for a legal hunt or two while I'm there? I'd appreciate any tips, particularly with specific directions. Thanks! Barby
  21. klattrocks

    New Member/Old Member

    Hi! My name is Al and I'm into fossils vertebrate, and invertebrate. Everything fossil! I have a geology BS from WCU. I originally signed up for the forum many years ago, but. I didn't post anything. I'm more experienced now in fossils and I'm involved in several projects with professors and paleontologists. I'm happy to participate in this forum.
  22. Help request! I am putting together a tool for judging rock age based on very crude, whole-rock, hand-sample observations of fossil faunas/floras -- the types of observations a child or beginner could successfully make. I view this as a complement to the very fine, species-level identifications commonly employed as index fossils for individual stages, biozones, etc. Attached is what I've got so far, but I can clearly use help with corals, mollusks, plants, vertebrates, ichnofossils, and the post-Paleozoic In the attached file, vibrant orange indicates times in earth history to commonly observe the item of interest; paler orange indicates times in earth history to less commonly observe the item of interest. White indicates very little to no practical probability of observing the item of interest. Please keep in mind that the listed indicators are things like “conspicuous horn corals,” purposefully declining to address rare encounters with groups of low preservation potential, low recognizability, etc. Got additions/amendments, especially for the groups mentioned above? Toss them in the comments below! Thank you..... https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tVm_u6v573V4NACrdebb_1OsBEAz60dS1m4pCTckgyA
  23. Hey everyone! I have a couple recent finds that I would appreciate your input on. I’m currently unsure of the formation that these fossils come from. I found this outcrop underneath a parking lot. It’s orange conglomeratic sandstones which makes me think Hookton Formation which would place it somewhere around 450,000 ybp. Scale is in inches.
  24. Hi everyone, I haven't been able to post much lately as I've been ill for a few months so haven't been getting out hunting as much as I'd like but I've had some good luck when I have been able to get out so wanted to share some finds! All are from the Carboniferous of the Midland Valley of Scotland from several formations, I haven't gotten round to photographing everything yet so I'll post some more stuff over the next few days. First some finds from the Lower Carboniferous/Mississippian marine Blackhall Limestone. Undescribed jellyfish, Fife Coast, 3cm across. Apparently a paper describing these is about to be published very soon. I'm told this ones a male, the bumps in the center being the male reproductive organs. This is by far the more common form, there is a second spotty form known from this formation which I found a specimen of a few weeks back and will post shortly.
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