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  1. Fix

    Teeth In North Eastern NC

    Hi! Found this last month. It was about 10 feet off the bank of the lower Chowan river in North Eastern North Carolina, US. The area it was found is a bald cypress Grove, where the cypress knees often catch mostly fossilized Northern Star coral from I believe the Pilocene epoch. (I'm no expert). Asides from the coral and the occasional shards of fossilized mollusk. I have yet to find anything else, until now. I simply reached my hand between the sand in the river while searching for coral, and this pleasant surprise came up. Any ideas? If needed I can take more pictures. Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi everyone. I am Back again with questions about Mosasaur jaws, only this time, same store, different products. You don’t need to get back too soon as I don’t have anywhere near enough to buy them, but depending on its legitimacy I will save for it.
  3. cstockton

    Please help identify

    These were a surface find in SW Kansas. Doing an image search, most of the teeth suggest young mosasaur, but the last photo with the 2 shark-like teeth kinda throws a wrench in that line of thought. Any help would be appreciated.
  4. NBRiley

    Jaw Bone ID

    Hi y'all, I know this isn't terribly old, but I found this jaw bone while poking around in a creek south of Dallas that runs into the Trinity River. I had actually been trying to find old bottles (unsuccessfully), but stumbled across this sitting in the gravel bed. I couldn't believe my eyes! I was thinking it was gator, but I was hoping that someone might be able to help confirm or disprove my suspicion. The bone is about 8 inches/ 20 cm long. Let me know if more info is needed and thanks in advance!
  5. Hi all, Thanks for stopping by! Last week I was on my yearly North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina beach trip. This year was great for fossils, we found well over 100 specimens. Because we found so much variety, I have a large number of fossils I'd love to have confirmation or help IDing. Some I have an idea on and others I have no clue. Any information on my finds would be greatly appreciated. #1 Jaw and teeth, but to what? #2 - Fish Vert or tooth? #3 Are either of these Coprolites? The first example has fossil sand stars or similar within. Both are just over an inch long. #4 Fish tooth or crab claw tip? #5 Skull plate? #6 Part of fish or rodent skull? About 1/2 Inch long. #7 Sea Robin skull fragment? #8 Sea robin or other fish? #9 Similar to the above? #10 Burrfish or similar mouth plate? #11 Is this a small hastalis tooth? #12 Is this part of Requiem group? #13 Dusky shark or something else? #14 Fish tooth? #15 Similar to #5. Skull plate? #16 Shells? Sea urchin spines? Fish Spines? I knew what these were at one point but have forgotten. #17 Turtle shell fragment or random bone? #18 Fish crusher tooth? #19 Fish crusher tooth? #20 No clue? #21 Tooth or shell fragment?
  6. I found these bones (and tooth) in very close proximity today, in a creek where I have hardly ever found dolphin fossils, leading me to believe they are associated. Any idea what species this is? Found in the Cypress Head formation, Middleburg, Fl. @Shellseeker?
  7. Fitch

    Oreodont Partial Jaw

    From the album: Fossils I've Purchased

  8. Need Species ID on this deer / roe jaw, obtained from glacial deposits in East Java, Indonesia via local miners.
  9. From the album: Neutache Shoreline

    Nice right mandible, missing a few molars and the incisor. A view of the chewing surfaces: Glacial deposits, E Kansas 6/26/24 #VL47

    © CC BY-NC

  10. C2fossils

    fossil finds Id please

    We went to a gravel bar in east Kansas yesterday and found some fossils that I can’t seem to identify. Thank y’all for your help! maybe tortoise or armadillo toe core? unknown tooth? small metatarsal/metacarpal? thank you!
  11. Hello, I saw this moroccan Mosasaur (P. curii) jaw for sale today, looked at the pictures, and then wondered as I saw the backside of it. It appears like, if there are bitemarks. But are these really ones ? Thanks for any answers !
  12. fifbrindacier

    Serravallian jaw and tooth.

    Hi, i found that piece of jaw in a Serravallian marine environnent in Mios, department Gironde, France, looking for shark teeth and that's obviously not one. The item is 5.5 cm at its longest part.
  13. Walked a sandbar today and found this fossilized tooth with part of jaw. Found on Kaw ( Kansas River ) sandbank Eastern Kansas. Jaw part is completely vitreous ( non absorbent/ non porous ) and tooth has begun to agatize. Not sure on I.D. … possibly Camelid?
  14. dakotakaiser

    Bison in pa?

    Hello everyone! I am looking for help with a possible id on these bones I have found recently in the Pittsburgh area of Pa. They were all found in a creek bed with a lot of exposed rock after the amount of rain we got in the spring. All bones were found in a 20 foot square radius. Thank you for any help! I did a hot pin test, and it did not burn through at all..
  15. Lorney

    Jaw Piece

    Found this jaw piece with teeth in it. Found in southern Alberta from the Dinosaur Park formation. Looking at the end view you can see the teeth that were coming in next. Looking for an ID on the dinosaur this came from. I think hadrosaur but not fully confident in my ID.
  16. I found this small jaw on the kaw river and I can't seem to find an id on it. Thank you for your help beforehand!

    Fish? Jaw?

    I found this the other day in a Middle Cenomanian shell hash layer. It is about 30 mm long. It seems to be absent sharp teeth and instead has some type of crushing dentition. But, I'm not sure that it's even a jaw. It could be a fragmented fish fin or split spine. Does anyone have a good idea?
  18. Joy_Fossils

    Small Jaw with teeth, from Alberta

    Hi everyone! We had a successful first trip out to the Alberta badlands this year. We usually go to the Horseshoe Canyon formation, so this trip was our first time in the Dinosaur Park formation! The best find of the day is this tiny jaw my son found. It still has one tooth in it and the roots are still visible! We have a few ideas on what it could be, but we are not sure. Any ideas on what it could be from? Sorry if the picture quality is bad, the fossil is quite small. I will try and get better pictures of it and upload them as well.
  19. fossil35

    fossil jaw?

    I was trying to clean fossils with matrix around them that was from Aurora, North Carolina mix. A lot have been very dark black and hard to tell much after cleaning but one I thought maybe a small jaw piece. #1 #2 #3 #4
  20. p0edwards

    Shark Jaw ID

    I’m not sure if this is considered a fossil or modern(I’m leaning towards modern) but I recently acquired this jaw and was wondering for a possible species ID, the original owner had no information. It’s roughly 8 inches long and 3 inches open
  21. Brevicollis

    Argentinian jaw or rock ?

    Hello, I saw this "Argentinian jaw" for sale today and wondered If its really a jaw or an interesting rock formation. Its exact finding location isnt stated, but its apparently from Argentina. Has anyone an Idea ?
  22. pkedinofossils

    Plesiosaur polycotylid?

    hi all, i came across this jaw was thinking some sort of polycotylid? it’s 50cm long which is huge just for the lower jaw. found in arkabou, morocco.
  23. C2fossils

    Ocodelius Virginianus (Deer) Mandible

    From the album: Vertebrates

    White tail deer mandible found on kaw river
  24. Hello everyone! Ive been offered this "jaw section" from what the seller said is a spinosaurus. Is this true? Or is it a spinosaurus tooth composited in random piece of bone? This jaw section was found in the kem-kem formation.
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