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  1. The past two weeks I've been able to go out collecting a couple of times- two different locations, both Lower Devonian. Where I live the bedrock is all metamorphic. Nice scenery, wooded hills, lakes and wetlands, but metamorphic rock, so I have to drive over an hour to get to the nearest sedimentary exposures that are fossil bearing. My favorite locality that's within an hour and a half is Glenerie, which is located between Kingston and Saugerties just west of the Hudson River. It represents the type locality for the Glenerie Limestone. New York's Lower Devonian is divided into two groups: the Helderberg and the Tristates. The Tristates is the younger of the two and that's where the Glenerie Limestone is placed. I first visited the Glenerie site when I was a teenager. When I resumed fossil collecting 12 years ago, it was one of the first sites I revisited and quickly became a favorite (I lived much closer to it then.) For a while, I was there almost every week and this site was the first one I built up a collection from. As I became acquainted with other fossil sites, I visited Glenerie less often, but in recent years, inspired in part by my fossil hunting comrades, I've been going more. The Glenerie site is very rich in brachiopods which probably make up over 95% of the marine fauna. The vast majority of those are single valve. which display amazing detail in ornamentation, muscle scars, etc. Gastropods, tentaculites, bryozoans, and trilobites make up most of the rest of the fauna. Corals have been found by some of my friends on very rare occasions. I have found a single small nautiloid there as well as a partial crinoid calyx. I saw another this time, but unfortunately, was unable to extract it. The fossils are usually preserved in silica which resists the weathering that dssolves the limestone. Some of the limestone is densely packed with fossil shells. However, the rock is so hard that extracting the fossils which are actually softer than the matrix, is impossible. There are areas of the outcrop, near the top and in crevices where shells weather out complete and can often be obtained intact surface collecting. It was a good day for finding gastropods. I was able to collect a half dozen, including this one, a Platystoma ventricosa- actually two shells side by side, two and a quarter inch across.
  2. Here are photos after cleaning up some smaller finds from Rickard Hill. If you recognize the species of any of these guys, please let me know. Unfortunately most of the specimens were found as shown, meaning few of them are completely intact. Most if not all are from the Kalkberg Formation. Becraft lies just above and Coeymans just below, so I cannot conclude that some of these fossils came from those formations. They are all exposed at the collection site. If anyone can tell the difference based on looks, let me know. 1. 2. I love how the columnals are arranged in a row here. 3. I know that the spheres near the top row are Hindia sphaeroidalis and the top row, second from left is Favosites helderbergiae. The large Brachiopod on the bottom row, left of center, is Leptaena rhomboidalis. 4. 5. 6. What are we looking at here? The black dots are lichen; am referring to the fossil. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. .
  3. During my visit to the Rickard Hill Road site I lucked out and found this trilobite in a slab. I think it is enrolled but I’m too scared to prepare it because I will probably destroy it by accident and I only found one trilobite. Anyone know the species?
  4. Bennett-s

    Kalkberg Formation fossils

    I found these on a trip last weekend to the Kalkberg Formation in New York. I grabbed a whole bunch of fossils and have not IDd them all yet, but these two stuck out as mysteries. To describe the first unknown fossil, it is similar in shape to half of a sphere. The photos include a scale. I thought it might be some fossil that is encrusted with a bryozoan. This next fossil is fairly smooth.
  5. Irinotecan

    Is this a crinoid holdfast?

    Disclaimer: Just an amateur fossil hunter. Whatever facts I think I know about fossils come from research done for coaching Div B Science Olympiad. Found in Schoarie County, NY, The matrix is from a shale layer between the limestones from the Kalkberg or Becraft formations. Found on the ground at the foot of a small cliff, so I don't know where it fell from. I am posting dry and wet pictures. Is this a crinoid holdfast? Thanks Jorge
  6. Tidgy's Dad

    Adam's Early / Lower Devonian

    The Devonian period is known as "The Age of Fish", but could also be known as "The Age of Brachiopods." In the Early / Lower Devonian, brachiopods reached the height of their diversity towards its end in the Emsian. We see the ancestral groups occurring, lingulids, craniids, orthids, protorthids, pentamerids, rhynchonellids and strophomenids, as well as the later successful groups we have seen before such as atrypids, athyrids and orthotetids, plus the rise of spiriferids, spiriferinids and productids and the beginning of the terebratulids. By the end of the Devonian , several of these groups are extinct or severely reduced in importance and brachiopods never quite recover. Also, the Devonian is the last time we see trilobites with such variation, large sizes and numbers and orthocerids too are much more uncommon after the rise of the goniatites. The massive tabulate coral reefs also disappear after the Devonian. Fascinating period and I hope to share some of its wonders with you. Equally, a lot of this is rather new to me, so I would be very grateful for any assistance, corrections or further information on my specimens. Thank you. The Early Devonian epoch is split into three stages, so let's start with the first of those, the Lochkovian, that began about 419 mya and finished roughly 411 mya. I have been sent a nice selection of brachiopods from the Kalkberg Formation, Helderberg Group by the Mighty @Misha, mostly. But the kind gentleperson also sent me this fascinating little bryozoan hash : It is dominated by fenestellids, which is usually the case in the Devonian, but other orders sill occur. These ones, I think, are Fenestella, but there are so many species in the formation that I wont take a guess as to species : Not sure what this one is ;
  7. Tidgy's Dad


    I would be very grateful for any help regarding ids of these tiny oddments found in a matrix piece from the Early Devonian Helderberg Group, Kalkberg Formation of the Rickard Hill Road cut, Schoharie, New York state. The piece contains four really nice brachiopods, the horn coral Enterolasma strictum and a lot of tiny crinoid ossicles. Perhaps, in strict alphabetical order, @Darktooth @Fossildude19 @Jeffrey P@Misha or @Nautiloid might be able to throw some light on them? Thank you. This first one seems to be encrusting along the growth lines of large, flat specimen of Discomyorths oblata. Could it be a cornulitid of some sort? About 2.5mm long. This first picture seems to show it as pointy, but if you look, the wider end is actually sort of horseshoe shaped ans seems to have an opening infilled with sediment. It seems to show growth lines. The second specimen I thoght might be a tentaculitid, but now I'm leaning towards a gastropod? Note the very fine striations. About 3mm. What about these, please? Some are clearly stemmed echinoderm ossicles, but is that a tiny lingulid. Are there ostracods? These are all only a millimetre or two across. These last two may be burrows? A white one: And a darker one: Finally, tis nice to know they had McDonalds in New York back in the Early Devonian. Thanks to everyone for looking and for any assistance.
  8. From the album: Lower Devonian

    Machaeraria formosa (Pentamerid brachiopods, both valves) Lower Devonian Kalkberg Formation Helderberg Group Leesville, NY.
  9. From the album: Lower Devonian

    Costistrophonella sp. (Strophomenid brachiopods) Lower Devonian Kalkberg Formation Helderberg Group Interstate 88 road cut Schoharie, N.Y.
  10. Nautiloid

    Scutellum pompilius pygidium

    From the album: Nautiloid’s Trilobite Collection

    Kosovopeltis pompilius Lower Devonian Helderberg Group Kalkberg Formation Schoharie, NY

    © Owen Yonkin 2021

  11. From the album: Lower Devonian

    Eatonia medialis Rhynchonellid Brachiopods (matrix 5 inches across) Lower Devonian Kalkberg Formation Helderberg Group Schoharie, N.Y.
  12. Jeffrey P

    Platycerid Gastropods

    From the album: Lower Devonian

    Platycerid Gastropods (3/4 inch wide) Lower Devonian Kalkberg Formation Helderberg Group Schoharie, N.Y.
  13. Jeffrey P

    Macropleura (Spiriferid) Brachiopod

    From the album: Lower Devonian

    Macropleura macropleura Spiriferid Brachiopod (3 inches wide) Lower Devonian Kalkberg Formation Helderberg Group Schoharie, N.Y.
  14. Jeffrey P

    Cryptonella (Terebratulid) Brachiopod

    From the album: Lower Devonian

    Cryptonella exima Terebratulid Brachiopod (less then 3/4 inch tall) Lower Devonian Kalkberg Formation Helderberg Group Schoharie, N.Y.
  15. From the album: Lower Devonian

    Megakozlowskiella perlamellosa Spiriferid Brachiopod (1 1/2 inches wide) Lower Devonian Kalkberg Formation Helderberg Group Schoharie, N.Y.
  16. Jeffrey P

    Partial Pachiphacops (molt)

    From the album: Lower Devonian

    Paciphacops logani Phacopid Trilobite (molt) Thorax and pygidium (almost 1 1/4 inch tall) Lower Devonian Kalkberg Formation Helderberg Group Schoharie, N.Y.
  17. From the album: Lower Devonian

    Meristella sp. (Spiriferid brachiopods) Lower Devonian Kalkberg Formation Helderberg Group Interstate 88 road cut Schoharie, N.Y.
  18. Sunday was the warmest and most pleasant day so far this spring. I decided on a solo venture up north to Schoharie County, N.Y. My destination was two road cut sites which expose the Lower Devonian Kalkberg Formation, part of the Helderberg group. The primary attractions here are the abundance and diversity of fossils, and very good preservation. The first road cut site is immense and I spent about three hours surface collecting. Most of my finds were brachiopods, some very nice specimens of Leptanena rhomboidalis, Discomyorthis oblata, Meristella, sp., Costistroponella sp., and a variety of Rhynchonellids. Also found a gastropods internal mold, an Enterolasma strictum, a rogose coral, and a 8 by 7 inch Favosites helderbergiae, a tabulate coral colony.
  19. From the album: Lower Devonian

    Kettneraspis tuberculata Odontopleurid Trilobite Lower Devonian Kalkberg Formation Helderberg Group Schoharie Co., New York Prepared by Ptychodus04 ID Help- Piranha
  20. I found this brachiopod today in Schoharie, New York. Its from the Lower Devonian Kalkberg formation and it’s by far the best brachiopod I’ve ever found. It’s super detailed and it’s absolutely perfect (except for some matrix that still needs to get cleaned off). I’m unsure of the species so any help would be great.
  21. Today I was able to get out to the outcrop along Rickard Hill in Schoharie, New York. I didn’t find a ton of interesting things because I was looking in a more crystalline layer of the Kalkberg formation that had less abundant fossils. I found a handful of nice orthid, spiriferid, and atrypid brachiopods and one fenestellid bryozoan. Next time I go I’m going to try and get into a different, more fossiliferous layer because the crystalline rock is hard to break and when it does it breaks randomly, often damaging the fossils.
  22. From the album: Lower Devonian Helderberg Group in Eastern NY

    A Paciphacops logani cephalon from the Kalkberg formation.
  23. From the album: Lower Devonian Helderberg Group in Eastern NY

    Another Kettneraspis free cheek. This one is complete with the long spine still attached.
  24. From the album: Lower Devonian Helderberg Group in Eastern NY

    Another Synphoroides pleuroptyx pygidium from the Kalkberg formation.
  25. From the album: Lower Devonian Helderberg Group in Eastern NY

    A partial free cheek of the trilobite Kettneraspis tuberculata
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